Primary losses blunt Palin's 'mama grizzly' claws


Gold Member
Aug 3, 2009
WASHINGTON — It's been a summer of setbacks for Sarah Palin. Candidate "cubs" endorsed by the Mama Grizzly in Chief have been suffering a recent string of primary election losses.

The Republicans' 2008 vice presidential nominee promised a pack of "mama grizzly" candidates would rise up and defeat Democrats in this November's elections. But office-seekers she supported in Kansas, Wyoming and Washington state lost their primaries despite her high-profile endorsements. And Karen Handel lost her runoff contest for Georgia governor a day after sharing an Atlanta stage with Palin.

Primary losses blunt Palin's 'mama grizzly' claws - Politics -

And now Caribou Barbie/Mama Grizzly has backed Sharron Angle and Dr. Laura Schlessinger. WTF??
And of course, we already know what Dr. Laura thinks of Caribou Barbie...

“I’m stunned—couldn’t the Republican Party find one competent female with adult children to run for vice president with McCain? I realize his advisers probably didn’t want a 'mature' woman, as the Democrats keep harping on his age. But really, what kind of role model is a woman whose fifth child was recently born with a serious issue, Down Syndrome, and then goes back to the job of governor within days of the birth?”
WASHINGTON — It's been a summer of setbacks for Sarah Palin. Candidate "cubs" endorsed by the Mama Grizzly in Chief have been suffering a recent string of primary election losses.

The Republicans' 2008 vice presidential nominee promised a pack of "mama grizzly" candidates would rise up and defeat Democrats in this November's elections. But office-seekers she supported in Kansas, Wyoming and Washington state lost their primaries despite her high-profile endorsements. And Karen Handel lost her runoff contest for Georgia governor a day after sharing an Atlanta stage with Palin.

Primary losses blunt Palin's 'mama grizzly' claws - Politics -

And now Caribou Barbie/Mama Grizzly has backed Sharron Angle and Dr. Laura Schlessinger. WTF??

WOW, No responses.
It looks like right wingers don't wish to acknowledge the failures of the palin. LOL
1 for 5!!!!!!


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