Primary Reason Obama Could Lose In A Landslide."The Angry&Vengeance Vote"

Mar 16, 2012

If you take every home owner who has lost all of their equity thanks to Obama's economic policies,that's a huge block of votes right there! and all of them are pissed !!!
Then take the 4 to 5 million Americans who have lost their jobs since Obama took office.:omg:
God knows hown many Americans are furious over how Obama cronies have been getting away with "Chicago Thug Crimes" any of us would of been thrown in jail for.
And all of the trillions that were spent and wasted on the public sector/unions and solar panels....that's at least about 175 Million Angry Americans who can't wait to vote for President Romney !!!
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I sure hope that the occupoopers and Madison moonbats come out in force this summer.
I love watching the pro big Government Romneycare supports rag on Obama... Seeing as Romney supported Obamacare, the stimulus, TARP, NDAA and on and on and on... What will Romney do different than Obama? Talk different…
I think he'll lose because there were some half-way smart liberals that voted for him in '08 that woke up and realized how badly he lied to them. I hear it all the time at work. He's done nothing for them, he didn't pay their mortgage or put gas in their car. Gas is still so high some people can hardly afford to go to work. He's counting on the hollywood crowd to get him re-elected. He's a fool.....
Well Obama's going to lose Indiana and North Carolina and won them last time, plus every swing state is up for grabs and with that alone its a total lock for Mitt. Without massive Soros backed SEIU fraud its all Mitt's.
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While I agree that there is a significant number of Angry and Vengeaful voters I don't believe their anger stems from falling home values.

With Congress locked in a perpetual pissing contest the president has taken all the action he can to help homeowners avoid foreclosure.
The primary reason Barack Obama will lose in a landslide is Barack Obama.

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