Prime Minister of Malaysia says 9/11 attacks staged

Heikki Kurttila, D.Sc. (Tech.) (Doctor of Technology) – Safety Engineer and Accident Analyst, National Safety Technology Authority (TUKES), Finland. Specialist in the investigation of pressure vessel explosion accidents and the impacts of the shock waves caused by them. 30 years experience.
Analysis of the collapse of WTC Building 7
, 11/18/05:

"Conclusion: The observed collapse time of WTC 7 was 6.5 seconds. That is only half a second longer than it would have taken for the top of the building to fall to the ground in a vacuum, and half a second shorter than the falling time of an apple when air resistance is taken into account. ... The great speed of the collapse and the low value of the resistance factor strongly suggest controlled demolition." Säästöä joka minuutti

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"WTC Tower 1, 2 and 7 could not have collapsed by fires the way we saw without extra auxiliaries, as for example, explosives. NIST could not have explained the collapses at all and it has left the 'official' explanations to private persons who have failed, too. The last attempt was done byfrom Cambridge University (UK) but his paper can be debunked to be false."
Heikki Kurttila, D.Sc. (Tech.) (Doctor of Technology) – Safety Engineer and Accident Analyst, National Safety Technology Authority (TUKES), Finland. Specialist in the investigation of pressure vessel explosion accidents and the impacts of the shock waves caused by them. 30 years experience.
Analysis of the collapse of WTC Building 7
, 11/18/05:

"Conclusion: The observed collapse time of WTC 7 was 6.5 seconds. That is only half a second longer than it would have taken for the top of the building to fall to the ground in a vacuum, and half a second shorter than the falling time of an apple when air resistance is taken into account. ... The great speed of the collapse and the low value of the resistance factor strongly suggest controlled demolition." Säästöä joka minuutti

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"WTC Tower 1, 2 and 7 could not have collapsed by fires the way we saw without extra auxiliaries, as for example, explosives. NIST could not have explained the collapses at all and it has left the 'official' explanations to private persons who have failed, too. The last attempt was done byfrom Cambridge University (UK) but his paper can be debunked to be false."

The observed collapse time of WTC 7 was 6.5 seconds only if you start the tape after the 2 mechanical penthouses fail.

But you knew that, didn't you?
Andreas von Buelow, PhD – Former State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Defense of West Germany. Former Minister of Research and Technology. Member of Bundestag (Parliament) 1969 - 1994.
Member: Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"Scholars and professionals with various kinds of expertise---including architects, engineers, firefighters, intelligence officers, lawyers, medical professionals, military officers, philosophers, religious leaders, physical scientists, and pilots---have spoken out about radical discrepancies between the official account of the 9/11 attacks and what they, as independent researchers, have learned.

They have established beyond any reasonable doubt that the official account of 9/11 is false and that, therefore, the official “investigations” have really been cover-up operations.

Thus far, however, there has been no response from political leaders in Washington or, for that matter, in other capitals around the world. Our organization, Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth, has been formed to help bring about such a response.

We believe that the truth about 9/11 needs to be exposed now---not in 50 years as a footnote in the history books---so the policies that have been based on the Bush-Cheney administration’s interpretation of the 9/11 attacks can be changed.

We are, therefore, calling for a new, independent investigation of 9/11 that takes account of evidence that has been documented by independent researchers but thus far ignored by governments and the mainstream media."

Video 5/6/06: "The official story is so inadequate and far-fetched that there must be another one." Google Videos

Article/Interview 1/13/02: "The planning of the attacks was technically and organizationally a master achievement. To hijack four huge airplanes within a few minutes and within one hour, to drive them into their targets, with complicated flight maneuvers! This is unthinkable, without years-long support from secret apparatuses of the state and industry."

Documentary Shadowplay 2008: "This whole behavior of government after 9/11 shows me that there must be these people which brought it about. It must be very, very high up. ... I think so. It's a covert operation, a typical covert operation where you have patsies, false flag, where you prepare everything to blame different people from the people which really did the things. But they are able to influence the public opinion in order to say, 'Well, the Muslims are our real foes, which we have to fight.'" YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Member: Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice Association Statement: "Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice is a non-partisan organization consisting of independent researchers and activists engaged in uncovering the true nature of the September 11, 2001 attacks
none of these "opinions" you post are evidence...besides they are part of a false premise. and a waste of bandwidth.
[ame=]Webster Tarpley,9/11 Was An Inside Job - YouTube[/ame]
Sorry for the mispelling of Malaysia in the thread title. If a site mod could kindly fix the spelling would be greatly appreciated-thanks

Hey........looks like you, Eots, Sunnidiot and Yidnar are all gonna get to be fast friends really soon.

Got news for ya stupid, 9/11 was NOT done by the US government, it was done by Bin Laden.

so says the brainwashed Bush dupe afraid of the truth.
somone farted in here.

and it happend again.:lol: at 3:48 pm

Why don't you go and give more offerings to your Messiah?

From first page
*** GOD *** reveals how (as of today) 1,000+ 9/11 responders (NYFD, NYPD, etc) were nuked - revealed worldwide first
9/11 for dummies - The Five Basic Facts, by Matt M: 911 Remake: nuclear Demolition 2011 at Fukushima, fake planes at Easter Sunday 2014 in Jerusalem
Will Osama Bin Laden resurrect Easter Sunday 2016 at Jerusalem, crucified to a Boeing 777? In one word:
If the illuminati Grand Master thinks that the Syrian "truce" was enough to neutralize the Syrian rebels then YES.

Simulated reality to end all shows, or in other words to start the ultimate real blood:
The ultimate example is ongoing since 2011 and will end in Jerusalem.
It will still spawn "shocking" acts of simulated reality such as
- Obama Bi(nla)den presidency arrested.
- Obama, Pope Francis, evil jews of Federal Reserve, Putin: confess most sophisticated conspiracies in the History of Politics, Religion, Finance, Sports.
But any of these reasons is enough to explain why Jerusalem's fake resurrection is the real trigger to put an end to the world as the human cattle knows it
- it puts an end to fake blood
- it starts the ultimate real blood, GLOBAL GENOCIDE.

"Osama Bin Laden resurrection at Jerusalem, crucified to a missing Boeing 777"
Original script for the remake of New York 9/11 2001

The final act illustrates the same simulated reality in another city in another day: remake of airliners crashing against the WTC towers.
In other words: a main impact at the Temple Mount.
As of March 2016: The day is still Easter Sunday, the city is still Jerusalem's and it's still meant as the "show to end all shows".
But the orginal scripted year was 2012 and it included a Shanksville remake with reversed details:
- airliners of different countries,
- crashes on different days, different countries and even different types of impact: not only on solids but also on liquids (Jerusalem's Temple Mount and Indian Ocean).
In other words: the remake of the 9/11 Shanksville airliner crash was to take place at the Indian Ocean, with an indonesian not malaysian airliner, 3 months before the final crash at Jerusalem.

March 2011: God creates a remake of the 9/11 demolition of the twin towers
"Coincidentallyt" at one of the extremely rare moments where illuminati were not able to timely interrupt a "live" TV camera displaying unscripted footage.
The explosion of Fukushima's unit 3 was in fact a remake by God to show how, 10 years earlier, the illuminati had reduced the WTC towers to dust: detonating mini-hydrogen bombs in the basememt.

God first postpones and later irrevocably modifies the ultimate mockery in the illuminati anti-Bible
Shortly after God's remake of the WTC 1 and 2 demolition at Fukushima0s unit 3, in fact almost immediately after the "death of Osama Bin Laden", God forces the "show to end all shows" to be postponed.
What the Illuminati Grand Master didn't know at that time:
- that was only the first of several forced forced changes in the year (we are now in 2016!).
- one of those forced changes, January 2015, would cause the satanic "perfection" of the original script to be irrevocably lost.
More precisely the 9/11 Shanksville remake had to be aborted..

Why the "ressurection of crucified Osama" script didn't yet have to be completely aborted
In other words, why the grotesque can be pushed to two years "searching for the missing Boeing 777": almost everyone redued to beasts.
Among the only exceptions: those who God used to postpone first and later irrevocably change the satanic script

The Jerusalem script - when and what was exposed by Last Prophet
The same Prophet who first exposed the full story of 9/11, the ultimate example of mixinng real and fake blood in the same city in the same day, also exposed first each and every chapter of the remake.
Not only the original but also the modified script. Here the six major moments:
Simulated reality terminated NOW: Syria truce before Osama Bin Laden's resurrection at Jerusalem
From first page
*** GOD *** reveals how (as of today) 1,000+ 9/11 responders (NYFD, NYPD, etc) were nuked - revealed worldwide first
9/11 for dummies - The Five Basic Facts, by Matt M: 911 Remake: nuclear Demolition 2011 at Fukushima, fake planes at Easter Sunday 2014 in Jerusalem
Will Osama Bin Laden resurrect Easter Sunday 2016 at Jerusalem, crucified to a Boeing 777? In one word:
If the illuminati Grand Master thinks that the Syrian "truce" was enough to neutralize the Syrian rebels then YES.

Simulated reality to end all shows, or in other words to start the ultimate real blood:
The ultimate example is ongoing since 2011 and will end in Jerusalem.
It will still spawn "shocking" acts of simulated reality such as
- Obama Bi(nla)den presidency arrested.
- Obama, Pope Francis, evil jews of Federal Reserve, Putin: confess most sophisticated conspiracies in the History of Politics, Religion, Finance, Sports.
But any of these reasons is enough to explain why Jerusalem's fake resurrection is the real trigger to put an end to the world as the human cattle knows it
- it puts an end to fake blood
- it starts the ultimate real blood, GLOBAL GENOCIDE.

"Osama Bin Laden resurrection at Jerusalem, crucified to a missing Boeing 777"
Original script for the remake of New York 9/11 2001

The final act illustrates the same simulated reality in another city in another day: remake of airliners crashing against the WTC towers.
In other words: a main impact at the Temple Mount.
As of March 2016: The day is still Easter Sunday, the city is still Jerusalem's and it's still meant as the "show to end all shows".
But the orginal scripted year was 2012 and it included a Shanksville remake with reversed details:
- airliners of different countries,
- crashes on different days, different countries and even different types of impact: not only on solids but also on liquids (Jerusalem's Temple Mount and Indian Ocean).
In other words: the remake of the 9/11 Shanksville airliner crash was to take place at the Indian Ocean, with an indonesian not malaysian airliner, 3 months before the final crash at Jerusalem.

March 2011: God creates a remake of the 9/11 demolition of the twin towers
"Coincidentallyt" at one of the extremely rare moments where illuminati were not able to timely interrupt a "live" TV camera displaying unscripted footage.
The explosion of Fukushima's unit 3 was in fact a remake by God to show how, 10 years earlier, the illuminati had reduced the WTC towers to dust: detonating mini-hydrogen bombs in the basememt.

God first postpones and later irrevocably modifies the ultimate mockery in the illuminati anti-Bible
Shortly after God's remake of the WTC 1 and 2 demolition at Fukushima0s unit 3, in fact almost immediately after the "death of Osama Bin Laden", God forces the "show to end all shows" to be postponed.
What the Illuminati Grand Master didn't know at that time:
- that was only the first of several forced forced changes in the year (we are now in 2016!).
- one of those forced changes, January 2015, would cause the satanic "perfection" of the original script to be irrevocably lost.
More precisely the 9/11 Shanksville remake had to be aborted..

Why the "ressurection of crucified Osama" script didn't yet have to be completely aborted
In other words, why the grotesque can be pushed to two years "searching for the missing Boeing 777": almost everyone redued to beasts.
Among the only exceptions: those who God used to postpone first and later irrevocably change the satanic script

The Jerusalem script - when and what was exposed by Last Prophet
The same Prophet who first exposed the full story of 9/11, the ultimate example of mixinng real and fake blood in the same city in the same day, also exposed first each and every chapter of the remake.
Not only the original but also the modified script. Here the six major moments:
Simulated reality terminated NOW: Syria truce before Osama Bin Laden's resurrection at Jerusalem
A zombie thread on zombie Jesus day how apt!

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