Prince Harry Engaged!,Woohoo!,Anyone Excited?,Really Really Excited?, Yes?

i would imagine that in some parts of LA, there sewer systems have been overwhelmed
His intended is a beautiful, intelligent American. Not excited, but pleased. Britain lost lives because they followed US intel on Iraq, REMEMBER?
NO. They lost lives because the idiots in uniform blindly follow orders without thinking.
I could care less, and frankly IMO the only reason this is a " big story" is because the bride-to-be's mother is black.

This guy is not the heir to the throne, and here in the U.S. there is absolutely no reason for this kind of hype.
with the mom being black this is a huge story for the MSM
they dream of these kind of stories
white royalty marrying black!!!
what are big stories?? race stories
so will the first child become an english male/female who will feel 1/2 black & 1/2 cherrokkee?
The only network I see covering stupid Brit Royal stories is FOX.

You just stepped in it :)
I could care less, and frankly IMO the only reason this is a " big story" is because the bride-to-be's mother is black.

This guy is not the heir to the throne, and here in the U.S. there is absolutely no reason for this kind of hype.
i wonder how al franken reacted

He groped himself because no one else would let him near them!
i wonder who he is thinking of groping now,,every midnight to 3am
Why anybody would be excited that harry is engaged?

I'm more excited about what I'm going to have for dinner tonight.
I am more excited that I probably wont get violent diaarreaah around 1130 EST
It would be more exciting if an actual Royal was getting married. It is obvious that his father is not Charles...but the cavalry officer Diana was having the affair with before her divorce........the only thing keeping him on British Royal Welfare is the embarrassment on the Crown if they did a DNA test...
It would be more exciting if an actual Royal was getting married. It is obvious that his father is not Charles...but the cavalry officer Diana was having the affair with before her divorce........the only thing keeping him on British Royal Welfare is the embarrassment on the Crown if they did a DNA test...

Did you go the liberal school of dirt digging?

My interest in anything connected to the so-called "royals" is less than zero, if such a thing is possible.
I think when anyone can sleep 5 hours without walking up is 20 times more exciting than Harry getting married

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