"Principled Conservatives"- LOL


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
To conserve is to keep- in political speak that is status quo- however, this is a funny article.

Now Kristol is hosting an event for “principled conservatives.” As far as I can tell, his vision of principled conservatism is electing Democrats who support abortion up to and maybe even after birth. No, thanks. If that’s principled conservatism, then throw a MAGA hat on my head, knock some of my teeth out, and buy me a pickup truck and a loyal dog. If Bernie Sanders brings socialism to the White House? Well, at least it’s not Trump.

My 2017 Defense Of Bill Kristol Is The Worst Column I Ever Wrote
It would be interesting if anybody ever read his first article. Is it the same David Marcus who runs Pay-Pal?
"Bill Kristol is no longer a conservative. He’s not the right-wing Miami Dolphins tanking to get a good draft pick. He is a liberal Democrat who publishes liberal Democrats because he can’t accept that Donald Trump has racked up more conservative victories than he ever thought were possible. He’s not a traitor. In retrospect, his entire philosophy was an easier landing for conservative defeat, the only outcome he thought possible."

Eddie Haskell Kristol was never a "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) republican....He has always been a neoconservative wolf in sheep's clothing....One of the cabal of Bush sycophants that has made the term "conservative" completely meaningless.
Apparently Kristol has been considered a conservative for years (Not just when Trump was elected) -- which is in and of itself, something other conservatives should be embarrassed about....

If only these "conservatives" were calling out Kristol during the Iraq War days instead of propping him up as some conservative soothsayer...

and after Trump is out of office....you conservatives will welcome Kristol back with open arms because he is just like you.....
Apparently Kristol has been considered a conservative for years (Not just when Trump was elected) -- which is in and of itself, something other conservatives should be embarrassed about....

If only these "conservatives" were calling out Kristol during the Iraq War days instead of propping him up as some conservative soothsayer...

and after Trump is out of office....you conservatives will welcome Kristol back with open arms because he is just like you.....
He is and has been a war monger- period. Oh, he's a jew as well.

Early life and education
Kristol was born on December 23, 1952, in New York City, into a Jewish family. His father, Irving Kristol was an editor and publisher who served as the managing editor of Commentary magazine, founded the magazine The Public Interest and was described by Jonah Goldberg as the "godfather of neoconservatism".[9] His mother, Gertrude Himmelfarb, was a scholar of Victorian literature. He graduated in 1970 from Collegiate School, a preparatory school for boys in New York City.

In 1973, Kristol received an A.B. from Harvard College, graduating magna cum laude in three years. He was a student of Harvey Mansfield. Kristol received a Ph.D. in government from Harvard in 1979. During his first year of graduate school, Kristol shared a room with fellow government doctoral candidate Alan Keyes.

Bill Kristol - Wikipedia
To conserve is to keep- in political speak that is status quo- however, this is a funny article.

Now Kristol is hosting an event for “principled conservatives.” As far as I can tell, his vision of principled conservatism is electing Democrats who support abortion up to and maybe even after birth. No, thanks. If that’s principled conservatism, then throw a MAGA hat on my head, knock some of my teeth out, and buy me a pickup truck and a loyal dog. If Bernie Sanders brings socialism to the White House? Well, at least it’s not Trump.

My 2017 Defense Of Bill Kristol Is The Worst Column I Ever Wrote
Kristol is a Democrat. Yes, he hated Trump THAT MUCH.

Max Boot also went over to the dark side, though they have always been Never Trumper rinos
Apparently Kristol has been considered a conservative for years (Not just when Trump was elected) -- which is in and of itself, something other conservatives should be embarrassed about....

If only these "conservatives" were calling out Kristol during the Iraq War days instead of propping him up as some conservative soothsayer...

and after Trump is out of office....you conservatives will welcome Kristol back with open arms because he is just like you.....

What the hell are you talking about?

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