Privacy at risk: Who's watching you?


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2009
Duke City
The notion of Big Brother has been around for decades, but technology has long lagged behind the Orwellian imagination. Not any more--in the era of smartphones, face recognition, and the omnipresent Internet, the stakes are now much higher. That's what drives the new CBS drama "Person of Interest." Read on for more about the show and about the real-world connectable dots of the everyday surveillance we live with.

Loads of security related article links.

Privacy at risk: Who's watching you? (roundup) | Security - CNET News
Facebook managment has and uses facial recognition software, folks.

I imagine that they've developed a very interesting dossier on every one of us, and who is in our circle of friends, family and acquaintances.

My son was recently asked to identify some of friends images (gleaned off FB sites other than his!) to prove that he was who he said he was.

He was logging in from a computer other than his, and FB used that system for him to PROVE he was he said he was.

Now that accumulation of facial recognition data on us, folks, is tres creepy.
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And your employer can access and use that info to fire, hire or promote you. Even this post is saved in the servers database. Private companies, let alone the NSA are constantly looking over your shoulder. Paranoid? No, just be aware that what you do whether in your house (they can see through the walls now and listen through your windows), on your computer (everything is monitored by somebody), walking down the street (surveillance cameras and recording is coming too), to your purchases at the store.

Just think you buy a some nice lingerie for a friend and your boss knows about it. You overcharge your credit card your boss gets an email. That's just the surface.

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