Private industry is the optimal way to defeat the coronavirus.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Here is how we can get our economy going again. We allow private companies to employ hundreds of thousands of Americans making gloves, masks, hazmat suits, testing kits, ventilators, hydroxychloroquine, and other supplies. This itself is economic activity because it is not only putting Americans to work, except companies would also buy this material as a means of being able to re-open earlier. We could stockpile enormous quantities and have massive production in place for constant replenishment.

Then, companies can apply for a license to re-open under the following conditions. They test all employees before they re-open and at least once a week afterwards and employees will not be allowed to work if they test positive. Employees that pass the test are given a one week work permit, which they can use to leave their house only during approved work hours without being hauled off to quarantine. All employees will be decontaminated and given a hazmat suit to put on when they arrive at work, which they must replace if they use the restroom.

No gatherings that are deemed to be primarily social in nature will be allowed. This includes religious gatherings. Anyone seen hugging, kissing, shaking hands, etc. in public will be arrested and hauled off to quarantine. Anyone caught outside their house must show their work permit or provide a reasonable excuse or they will be hauled off to quarantine. Anyone caught outside without a mask and gloves would be hauled off to quarantine. Schools would be closed down for the duration and child labor laws could be temporarily suspended to help the workforce if necessary. Massive numbers of old people would be placed in elderly-specific quarantines. If we do all this, we can re-start our economy earlier.
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