Private sector recovers jobs lost since't shed 547k jobs...idiots?

Well, what do you know...Franco LIES again! :badgrin::badgrin:

AP Headline Falsely Claims 'U.S. Finally Regains The Jobs Lost in the Recession'

This afternoon, in an unbylined item headlined "US BUSINESS HIRING FINALLY TOPS RECESSION LOSSES," the Associated Press showed that it deserves the nickname "Administration's Press." The story embarrassingly described the job market's return to its previous January 2008 employment peak as a "pivotal moment." Get real. Given over six additional years of growth in the adult population, that's hardly the case.

To his credit, the AP's Christopher Rugaber, in a separate later submission, tamped down the enthusiasm, noting that "the economy is still millions of jobs short of where it should be by now." That's for sure. But whoever wrote the headline to Rugaber's story told an obvious untruth:

That simply isn't so:
The headline clearly refers to all employment in the U.S., including in government. As seen above, the nation has yet to return to its overall pre-recession seasonally adjusted employment peak in either the Household Survey or the Establishment Survey of employer payrolls.
Annalyn Kurtz at found a left-leaning economist who was quite blunt — and correct — in explaining why the job market's return to its former private-sector is hardly worth noticing:
So why doesn’t it feel like a recovery?
Given it took four years (since the employment trough of February 2010 -- Ed.) to get this point, this jobs recovery has been the slowest on record since the Labor Department started tracking the data in 1939.
The private sector data also misses an important piece of the puzzle: It does not factor in the growing population.
For that reason, Heidi Shierholz, a labor economist with the liberal-leaning Economic Policy Institute, calls the private sector jobs number little more than a “psychological milestone.”
… According to Shierholz’s calculations, the U.S. economy still needs at least 5 million jobs to get back to a healthy pre-recession labor market, when the unemployment rate was below 5.5%.
At the current rate of job growth, that could still take five years.
Until then, she’s not ready to call it a full recovery.
Neither should anyone else, including anonymous AP writers who imply that's the case by describing it as a "pivotal moment."
I should note that the actual "pre-recession" unemployment rate in November 2007, the month before the National Bureau of Economic Research incorrectly claims the recession began, was 4.7 percent. The rate in June 2008, the month before the recession as normal people define it began, was 5.4 percent.
Note that the Economic Policy Institute is a decidedly liberal outlet — which puts the person at AP who claimed a "pivotal moment" far, far to the left.

Read more: AP Headline Falsely Claims 'U.S. Finally Regains The Jobs Lost in the Recession' | NewsBusters
our LAMESTREAM MEDIA has become an ENEMY to us folks

get your news from a place you trust to present the FACTS
Well, what do you know...Franco LIES again! :badgrin::badgrin:

AP Headline Falsely Claims 'U.S. Finally Regains The Jobs Lost in the Recession'

" The headline clearly refers to all employment in the U.S., including in government.
The article clearly refers to PRIVATE SECTOR jobs. The Right sees only what it wants to see and then ignores the rest.

From the AP article:

The private sector now employs 116.1 million people, the highest total since January 2008.
That's because of population growth, hater dupe lol.

Harry, most of those jobs were teachers, police, and wasn't actually a great Pub idea, it's a debt obsession at the price of recovery- fooling the tax obsessed TP RW...

I'll take the Christian Science Monitor and the AP over CNS anytime- ANOTHER BS billionaire funded, Pub propaganda machine POS. Everyone but hater dupes ignore their horsseshytte- for angry hater dupes only. And take a chill pill, VERY FEW people are liars. Even you- it's just that you believe a pile Pubcrappe. Mega rich Pubs are the only liars I see...

in other words, you just confessed that obamas ideas can't keep up with the population growth.

grats, now we just need to get you to understand that tyranny is not a good idea

A) This year, since Pubs won'y have any phony debt ceiling crises, costing 1% in growth each time...

B)Sure, tyranny where the tyrant can't get anything passed for 4 1/2 of his 5 years ,in office. lol Idiot.

A) is a lie, and doesn't even make sense
B) Obama holds the record for percentage of bills passed.

If you actually took time to look things up, you would know that, but you're a fucking moron that thinks msn is giving you the truth
WE cannot agree on BASIC FACTS.

So how can one have a serious discussion about this topic?

We cannot even agree on the numbers that the government posts.

The basic facts are there are less people working now than there were. Have people reached working age over the last three years? Yes a few million. But in that same time Boomers have been reaching retirement age to the tune of 9 million. And that number is going to exponentially increase. From a political perspective that's a kick in the pants. Yet even with this huge windfall he keeps falling further behind. So yeah I'd say there is a problem with his ideas
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