Privilege and the American Dream


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Black Skin Privilege and the American Dream

February 15, 2013
By Jack Kerwick

From Benghazi to Obamacare and a staggering array of things in between, President Obama appears invulnerable when it comes to the potential disasters that have marked his presidency. That the vast majority of those in the media share his left-wing politics partially explains this—but only partially.

For the full story behind the Teflon nature of Obama’s administration, it is to David Horowitz and John Perazzo that we must turn. And once we do, there can no longer remain any doubt that it is the President’s share of melanin that accounts for his seeming impenetrability to the sort of scrutiny and criticism to which a white president, regardless of party affiliation, would have been subjected.


Black Skin Privilege and the American Dream
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The article is every bit as much bullcrap as is the Photoshopped Obama in the OP.

You do not legitimately oppose so-called political correctness by twisting reality into some kind of unrecognizable parody of itself......which is what were done with both the article concepts and the pic.

Regards from Rosie
This article paints the same picture that I have been saying since Barry was first elected. This man came from nowhere, has never accomplished anything in his life, his past is sketchy - at the very least, had everything in his life (literally) handed to him by "persons unknown". His mentors are avowed communists, he maintains relationships with domestic terrorists and his longtime "pastor" is a radical extremist.

But the white, liberal democrat communists in this country have found their "man" - their "Che", if you will. Obama's their repentance for their ridiculous "white guilt" that has been pounded into their mongoloid heads by their communist teachers and professors throughout their anti-American upbringing.

Don't misconstrue my meaning here. I'm glad to finally see a "semi-black" man serving in the White House, but for as effectual as Barry is, they could have done better with the wino down the block. Barry is a negro running a game on us all and the idiot liberals are having orgasms - they finally have their "negro" in the house to assuage their BS guilt.

God!! I'm glad to be a conservative black man!
The article is every bit as much bullcrap as is the Photoshopped Obama in the OP.

You do not legitimately oppose so-called political correctness by twisting reality into some kind of unrecognizable parody of itself......which is what were done with both the article concepts and the pic.

Regards from Rosie

If Ollie Stoned can do it so can ANYBODY!!!

Now you can shove off, beatch...
Part of the OP:
The phrase “black skin privilege” is a play upon “white skin privilege,” a standard leftist buzzword that has long since functioned as the explanatory key among academics for accounting for the world’s evils, “for everything that was racially wrong in America beginning with its constitutional founding.”

Horowitz and Perazzo expose this for the drivel that it is while proving that if there is any “skin” that is privileged in today’s America, it is black, not white. The authors are blunt: “In fact, for decades, at the hands of progressives white males have been the prime villains in the nation’s classrooms, and the principal targets of disapprobation and presumptive guilt in the general political culture as well.”

Black Skin Privilege and the American Dream

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