Pro-Abortion or Pro-Rape: University staffer calls Pro-lifers "C*NTS" (offers to RAPE wife/daughter)


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
NOTE: I don't agree with calling any of the prochoice advocates "Pro-Abortion"
but apparently one of the staff members is either "pro-RAPE" or was just very mean spirited
in making a sarcastic comment that seemed to demean either RAPE or the women he offered to RAPE.

Do you think his comments open the floor to discuss rape and quit treating it like a taboo subject?
or do you think his comments are sexist and harassing/offensive in demeaning women as targets of rape?

What do you think is an appropriate response to whatever he is saying here?

Pro-Abortion University Staffer Calls for Raping Pro-Life College Students
"A Purdue University staff member is being investigated after he allegedly threatened to rape pro-life women during an online debate about the campus pro-life club’s recent campaign.

The Purdue Students for Life group has been facing a heavy backlash this week after its members put up posters around campus that focused on how the abortion industry targets black women and their unborn babies for abortions. In coordination with Black History Month, the campaign posters read “Hands Up, Don’t Abort” and “Black Children are an Endangered Race” and included the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter.

On Monday, a small group of pro-abortion students and faculty held a sit-in protest during the pro-life club’s meeting and demanded an apology, LifeNews reported.

Then on Wednesday, the team at Students for Life reported the discovery of a violent threat against pro-lifers by Purdue staff member Jamie Newman. Newman reportedly called for the rape of pro-life women in an online comment on Live Action News.

According to Students for Life, Newman used his Disqus account “jamiegnewman” to post the following comment:

Oh, I’m sorry. So, let me make my intentions quite explicit: I did in fact offer to rape Tom’s wife/daughter/great grandmother. Free of charge, even. I’m generous that way.

Here’s the number for the West Lafayette Police Department: 765-775-5500. Here’s the number for the local FBI office: 765-435-5619. Drop that dime! I could strike at any minute

*giggles* (like a girl)

Newman also allegedly posted two comments on Feb. 4, according to screen shots by Students for Life:

You folks are vile, racist idiots, who richly deserve all the opprobrium that will be heaped on you as a result of this unbelievably thoughtless, stupid escapade. That you are seemingly incapable of appreciating the moral, legal, and social differ[ences]…

“And that you should have pulled this stunt at the beginning of Black History Month suggests you are are either epically cluless or profoundly malicious. So which is is – embarrassingly dumb or simply evil?

The threatening comments have since been deleted, but Students for Life has screen shots of them on its blog. Students for Life said its staffers had been monitoring social media posts since the controversy began to ensure the safety of the students. Staffers said they were paying close attention to Newman after they noticed that he also attacked the Purdue Students for Life in a comment on Facebook last week.

“This is intolerable behavior, period,” said Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America. “Purdue must terminate their relationship with Mr. Newman now. For the past week, our students have been called ‘racists,’ ‘human garbage,’ and ‘ignorant c*nts.’ They have courageously stood their ground and have met with black students who were offended by their educational display to explain their event and ask for help for future events. But now the safety of our students has been put into risk. Purdue cannot let a staff member publicly call for the rape of their students no matter how unpopular their speech.”

The university said it is investigating Newman and his alleged threats of sexual assault against pro-lifers. Local news station WLFI reports police also are investigating.

Purdue Assistant Vice President for Strategic Communications Julie Rosa told Campus Reform: “Obviously, a threat of rape is outside the bounds of any definition of protected speech. Due process requires that, before taking any action, we verify the alleged facts and give this staff member the chance to explain himself if he can. Needless to say, the statements, as alleged, are reprehensible and unacceptable in the eyes of the entire Purdue community.”

Campus Reform also attempted to contact Newman but received no response. The news site said Newman’s Facebook page had been public, but after they reached out to him for comment, his Facebook page was change to private.

Newman, however, did speak with the Lafayette Journal & Courier Thursday, claiming that his comments were taken out of context. He said the allegations that he threatened to rape anyone were “false and defamatory” and “a complete fabrication.”

Students for Life said in a statement: “In our current time, Americans know that threats made online must be taken seriously. At Students for Life, we take this Mr. Newman’s words very seriously especially in light of the current controversy at Purdue, his previous posts, and the position of authority he has on the campus.”

Newman is listed on the university website a division of dance accompanist and composer."
Where is the welfare that you're proposing for the mother to raise this baby?

You want to force people to live by your stupid belief system. lol

Dear Matthew:

Depending on charity or govt for help until people's finances become stable is
NOT a reason to force people to have abortions.
or to make snide comments offering to RAPE the wife, daughter and even great grandmother of
someone in an argument.

Here are some great nonprofit groups that help women to have their children
either to raise themselves or give for adoption to avoid being coerced into abortion:

The Nurturing Network

It looks like there are more WOMEN starting organizations to help WOMEN.

or like the man in the news story call prolife students 'c*nts' and offer to rape women
to make sarcastic comments that sound horrible taken out of whatever context they were intended in.

I have come to the conclusion both the PROLIFE and the PROCHOICE politicians
PIMP this issue, and neither is really supporting women's choices.

They just want to PIMP THE VOTE.

Your response also does nothing to help women.
At least I provided links to nonprofits that offer assistance to women in order to prevent abortion.
I am prochoice but I have donated and promoted both the Nurturing Network and Choices for Life
because they offer prolife financial, social, career and housing assistance to women that respects CHOICE.

What do you offer Matthew?
At least you do not use the nasty language of the man in the news story.
So I give you credit that you are at least civil and don't stoop to such vile name calling and projection.
NOTE: I don't agree with calling any of the prochoice advocates "Pro-Abortion"
but apparently one of the staff members is either "pro-RAPE" or was just very mean spirited
in making a sarcastic comment that seemed to demean either RAPE or the women he offered to RAPE.

Do you think his comments open the floor to discuss rape and quit treating it like a taboo subject?
or do you think his comments are sexist and harassing/offensive in demeaning women as targets of rape?

What do you think is an appropriate response to whatever he is saying here?

Pro-Abortion University Staffer Calls for Raping Pro-Life College Students
"A Purdue University staff member is being investigated after he allegedly threatened to rape pro-life women during an online debate about the campus pro-life club’s recent campaign.

The Purdue Students for Life group has been facing a heavy backlash this week after its members put up posters around campus that focused on how the abortion industry targets black women and their unborn babies for abortions. In coordination with Black History Month, the campaign posters read “Hands Up, Don’t Abort” and “Black Children are an Endangered Race” and included the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter.

On Monday, a small group of pro-abortion students and faculty held a sit-in protest during the pro-life club’s meeting and demanded an apology, LifeNews reported.

Then on Wednesday, the team at Students for Life reported the discovery of a violent threat against pro-lifers by Purdue staff member Jamie Newman. Newman reportedly called for the rape of pro-life women in an online comment on Live Action News.

According to Students for Life, Newman used his Disqus account “jamiegnewman” to post the following comment:

Oh, I’m sorry. So, let me make my intentions quite explicit: I did in fact offer to rape Tom’s wife/daughter/great grandmother. Free of charge, even. I’m generous that way.

Here’s the number for the West Lafayette Police Department: 765-775-5500. Here’s the number for the local FBI office: 765-435-5619. Drop that dime! I could strike at any minute

*giggles* (like a girl)

Newman also allegedly posted two comments on Feb. 4, according to screen shots by Students for Life:

You folks are vile, racist idiots, who richly deserve all the opprobrium that will be heaped on you as a result of this unbelievably thoughtless, stupid escapade. That you are seemingly incapable of appreciating the moral, legal, and social differ[ences]…

“And that you should have pulled this stunt at the beginning of Black History Month suggests you are are either epically cluless or profoundly malicious. So which is is – embarrassingly dumb or simply evil?

The threatening comments have since been deleted, but Students for Life has screen shots of them on its blog. Students for Life said its staffers had been monitoring social media posts since the controversy began to ensure the safety of the students. Staffers said they were paying close attention to Newman after they noticed that he also attacked the Purdue Students for Life in a comment on Facebook last week.

“This is intolerable behavior, period,” said Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America. “Purdue must terminate their relationship with Mr. Newman now. For the past week, our students have been called ‘racists,’ ‘human garbage,’ and ‘ignorant c*nts.’ They have courageously stood their ground and have met with black students who were offended by their educational display to explain their event and ask for help for future events. But now the safety of our students has been put into risk. Purdue cannot let a staff member publicly call for the rape of their students no matter how unpopular their speech.”

The university said it is investigating Newman and his alleged threats of sexual assault against pro-lifers. Local news station WLFI reports police also are investigating.

Purdue Assistant Vice President for Strategic Communications Julie Rosa told Campus Reform: “Obviously, a threat of rape is outside the bounds of any definition of protected speech. Due process requires that, before taking any action, we verify the alleged facts and give this staff member the chance to explain himself if he can. Needless to say, the statements, as alleged, are reprehensible and unacceptable in the eyes of the entire Purdue community.”

Campus Reform also attempted to contact Newman but received no response. The news site said Newman’s Facebook page had been public, but after they reached out to him for comment, his Facebook page was change to private.

Newman, however, did speak with the Lafayette Journal & Courier Thursday, claiming that his comments were taken out of context. He said the allegations that he threatened to rape anyone were “false and defamatory” and “a complete fabrication.”

Students for Life said in a statement: “In our current time, Americans know that threats made online must be taken seriously. At Students for Life, we take this Mr. Newman’s words very seriously especially in light of the current controversy at Purdue, his previous posts, and the position of authority he has on the campus.”

Newman is listed on the university website a division of dance accompanist and composer."

He should be jailed for making a terroristic threat against specific individuals.
Purdue University recoiled but will not take action against a staff member accused of using social media to advocate rape of pro-life women.


By Thursday night, Purdue closed the case, issuing this statement through Brian Zink, a university spokesman, that police had interviewed Newman and other witnesses and “did not find sufficient evidence to take action.”

“As far as the university is concerned, the speech was repugnant and inconsistent with Purdue values,” the Purdue statement read. “We don’t condone it, but at this time no personnel action is intended.”


Newman said the allegations amounted to defamation.

“As for the idea that I actually threatened to rape some random stranger's wife and children — well, that's also a complete fabrication, but one built on a fragment of a much longer conversation,” Newman said. “You could view the whole conversation over at, except they took down my side of it. Makes it so much easier to spin when all relevant context is removed.”
Purdue clears staffer on alleged online rape threat

Purdue University recoiled but will not take action against a staff member accused of using social media to advocate rape of pro-life women.


By Thursday night, Purdue closed the case, issuing this statement through Brian Zink, a university spokesman, that police had interviewed Newman and other witnesses and “did not find sufficient evidence to take action.”

“As far as the university is concerned, the speech was repugnant and inconsistent with Purdue values,” the Purdue statement read. “We don’t condone it, but at this time no personnel action is intended.”


Newman said the allegations amounted to defamation.

“As for the idea that I actually threatened to rape some random stranger's wife and children — well, that's also a complete fabrication, but one built on a fragment of a much longer conversation,” Newman said. “You could view the whole conversation over at, except they took down my side of it. Makes it so much easier to spin when all relevant context is removed.”
Purdue clears staffer on alleged online rape threat

Can someone explain the context?
Was he being sarcastic like saying "yeah right, okay sure I'm a rapist and what I meant was X Y Z."

I could understand if he was saying the OPPOSITE.
meaning "that is so ridiculous why would I say anything like that"

What the heck was the context around those comments?

And did he refer to students as C*NTS or not?
NOTE: I don't agree with calling any of the prochoice advocates "Pro-Abortion"
but apparently one of the staff members is either "pro-RAPE" or was just very mean spirited
in making a sarcastic comment that seemed to demean either RAPE or the women he offered to RAPE.

Do you think his comments open the floor to discuss rape and quit treating it like a taboo subject?
or do you think his comments are sexist and harassing/offensive in demeaning women as targets of rape?

What do you think is an appropriate response to whatever he is saying here?

Pro-Abortion University Staffer Calls for Raping Pro-Life College Students
"A Purdue University staff member is being investigated after he allegedly threatened to rape pro-life women during an online debate about the campus pro-life club’s recent campaign.

The Purdue Students for Life group has been facing a heavy backlash this week after its members put up posters around campus that focused on how the abortion industry targets black women and their unborn babies for abortions. In coordination with Black History Month, the campaign posters read “Hands Up, Don’t Abort” and “Black Children are an Endangered Race” and included the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter.

On Monday, a small group of pro-abortion students and faculty held a sit-in protest during the pro-life club’s meeting and demanded an apology, LifeNews reported.

Then on Wednesday, the team at Students for Life reported the discovery of a violent threat against pro-lifers by Purdue staff member Jamie Newman. Newman reportedly called for the rape of pro-life women in an online comment on Live Action News.

According to Students for Life, Newman used his Disqus account “jamiegnewman” to post the following comment:

Oh, I’m sorry. So, let me make my intentions quite explicit: I did in fact offer to rape Tom’s wife/daughter/great grandmother. Free of charge, even. I’m generous that way.

Here’s the number for the West Lafayette Police Department: 765-775-5500. Here’s the number for the local FBI office: 765-435-5619. Drop that dime! I could strike at any minute

*giggles* (like a girl)

Newman also allegedly posted two comments on Feb. 4, according to screen shots by Students for Life:

You folks are vile, racist idiots, who richly deserve all the opprobrium that will be heaped on you as a result of this unbelievably thoughtless, stupid escapade. That you are seemingly incapable of appreciating the moral, legal, and social differ[ences]…

“And that you should have pulled this stunt at the beginning of Black History Month suggests you are are either epically cluless or profoundly malicious. So which is is – embarrassingly dumb or simply evil?

The threatening comments have since been deleted, but Students for Life has screen shots of them on its blog. Students for Life said its staffers had been monitoring social media posts since the controversy began to ensure the safety of the students. Staffers said they were paying close attention to Newman after they noticed that he also attacked the Purdue Students for Life in a comment on Facebook last week.

“This is intolerable behavior, period,” said Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America. “Purdue must terminate their relationship with Mr. Newman now. For the past week, our students have been called ‘racists,’ ‘human garbage,’ and ‘ignorant c*nts.’ They have courageously stood their ground and have met with black students who were offended by their educational display to explain their event and ask for help for future events. But now the safety of our students has been put into risk. Purdue cannot let a staff member publicly call for the rape of their students no matter how unpopular their speech.”

The university said it is investigating Newman and his alleged threats of sexual assault against pro-lifers. Local news station WLFI reports police also are investigating.

Purdue Assistant Vice President for Strategic Communications Julie Rosa told Campus Reform: “Obviously, a threat of rape is outside the bounds of any definition of protected speech. Due process requires that, before taking any action, we verify the alleged facts and give this staff member the chance to explain himself if he can. Needless to say, the statements, as alleged, are reprehensible and unacceptable in the eyes of the entire Purdue community.”

Campus Reform also attempted to contact Newman but received no response. The news site said Newman’s Facebook page had been public, but after they reached out to him for comment, his Facebook page was change to private.

Newman, however, did speak with the Lafayette Journal & Courier Thursday, claiming that his comments were taken out of context. He said the allegations that he threatened to rape anyone were “false and defamatory” and “a complete fabrication.”

Students for Life said in a statement: “In our current time, Americans know that threats made online must be taken seriously. At Students for Life, we take this Mr. Newman’s words very seriously especially in light of the current controversy at Purdue, his previous posts, and the position of authority he has on the campus.”

Newman is listed on the university website a division of dance accompanist and composer."

I don't see a threat of rape there but his comments are still so obviously offensive he will be soon fired or forced to resign. He accuses the pro-life group of a thoughtlessness that he manages to significantly exceed. WTF was he thinking? Must be a mean drunk.
For anyone who links to the piece linked in my first post in this thread, they will note that the group who went after this staffer is associated with the group who was involved in the Planned Parenthood videos. The actual content of the staffer's comments were taken down, so the content is unavailable.

However, this group is know for selective editing and egging on to the point of entrapment. So, I can't take any allegations about this staffer very seriously, given the group's track record.
Purdue University recoiled but will not take action against a staff member accused of using social media to advocate rape of pro-life women.


By Thursday night, Purdue closed the case, issuing this statement through Brian Zink, a university spokesman, that police had interviewed Newman and other witnesses and “did not find sufficient evidence to take action.”

“As far as the university is concerned, the speech was repugnant and inconsistent with Purdue values,” the Purdue statement read. “We don’t condone it, but at this time no personnel action is intended.”


Newman said the allegations amounted to defamation.

“As for the idea that I actually threatened to rape some random stranger's wife and children — well, that's also a complete fabrication, but one built on a fragment of a much longer conversation,” Newman said. “You could view the whole conversation over at, except they took down my side of it. Makes it so much easier to spin when all relevant context is removed.”
Purdue clears staffer on alleged online rape threat
Wait...did someone call the fbi?? Roll the armored vehicles up until the university surrenders, or can be killed. Oh the fbi is in Oregon, you? Bummer.

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