PRO-Bin Laden LONDON!!!


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Unbelievable, these despicable Muslims stage a pro-Osama bin Laden protest in London.

HUNDREDS of Osama bin Laden supporters clashed with English Defence League extremists today as a “funeral service” for the assassinated terror leader sparked fury outside London’s US Embassy.

Police stepped in to separate the chanting groups amid threats of violence from both sides.

US leaders were branded “murderers” by radicals, who warned vengeance attacks were “guaranteed” and shouted: "USA, you will pay."

Abu Muaz, 28, from east London, said: "It is only a matter of time before another atrocity - the West is the enemy.”

Meanwhile, EDL members chanted “USA, USA” as Muslims knelt to pray for bin Laden at the opposite end of the highly-secured embassy, in central London. - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Furious bin Laden supporters vow 'revenge' on streets of London


Why the fuck are self-indentifying enemies of the West allowed to threaten like this?
I know this is in the UK, but suppose it happens here. I know the Obama regime won't have the balls to collect this street trash and deport them back to whatever shithole they came from.

And don't lecture me about freedom of speech, this is outright threatening future attacks on the US and the West. All these dirtbags need to be rounded up and shipped out.
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Yeah, they should probably deport those people if they aren't citizens. From what I've seen, most American muslims are very supportive of Obama's actions.
Yeah, they should probably deport those people if they aren't citizens. From what I've seen, most American muslims are very supportive of Obama's actions.

Yes, it's a relatively small number of extremists being egged on by some crazy preacher...

An EDL member slipped through police lines to unveil an effigy of bin Laden in the middle of the 300-strong group of extremist Muslims.

It prompted screams of “USA, burn in hell” and “Obama, burn in hell” from angry protesters.

The pro-bin Laden event was organised by controversial preacher Anjem Choudary
Yeah, they should probably deport those people if they aren't citizens. From what I've seen, most American muslims are very supportive of Obama's actions.

I think "American Muslims" are just playing it smart in keeping their mouths shut. They know they will get beat down in the streets if they pull this shit.
Meanwhile, EDL members chanted “USA, USA” as Muslims knelt to pray for bin Laden at the opposite end of the highly-secured embassy, in central London.

An ambulance was called to the scene amid reports that one of the extremists had been attacked.
Yeah, they should probably deport those people if they aren't citizens. From what I've seen, most American muslims are very supportive of Obama's actions.

Yes, it's a relatively small number of extremists being egged on by some crazy preacher...

An EDL member slipped through police lines to unveil an effigy of bin Laden in the middle of the 300-strong group of extremist Muslims.

It prompted screams of “USA, burn in hell” and “Obama, burn in hell” from angry protesters.

The pro-bin Laden event was organised by controversial preacher Anjem Choudary

What the hell does it matter who it was organized by? They showed up and voiced their wishes of more attacks against the US and the West.

And just because they are a "small number of extremists" makes it OK? Like we should just be happy its only XXX number of people doing it on this one particular day?
Yeah, they should probably deport those people if they aren't citizens. From what I've seen, most American muslims are very supportive of Obama's actions.

Yes, it's a relatively small number of extremists being egged on by some crazy preacher...

An EDL member slipped through police lines to unveil an effigy of bin Laden in the middle of the 300-strong group of extremist Muslims.

It prompted screams of “USA, burn in hell” and “Obama, burn in hell” from angry protesters.

The pro-bin Laden event was organised by controversial preacher Anjem Choudary

What the hell does it matter who it was organized by? They showed up and voiced their wishes of more attacks against the US and the West.

And just because they are a "small number of extremists" makes it OK? Like we should just be happy its only XXX number of people doing it on this one particular day?
I think she means don't pee your pants in fear.
Yeah, they should probably deport those people if they aren't citizens. From what I've seen, most American muslims are very supportive of Obama's actions.

Yes, it's a relatively small number of extremists being egged on by some crazy preacher...

An EDL member slipped through police lines to unveil an effigy of bin Laden in the middle of the 300-strong group of extremist Muslims.

It prompted screams of “USA, burn in hell” and “Obama, burn in hell” from angry protesters.

The pro-bin Laden event was organised by controversial preacher Anjem Choudary

What the hell does it matter who it was organized by? They showed up and voiced their wishes of more attacks against the US and the West.

And just because they are a "small number of extremists" makes it OK? Like we should just be happy its only XXX number of people doing it on this one particular day?

:lol: You sound angry. Just reporting the facts ma'am...

You can stop putting words into my mouth any time now! :wink_2:
Yes, it's a relatively small number of extremists being egged on by some crazy preacher...

An EDL member slipped through police lines to unveil an effigy of bin Laden in the middle of the 300-strong group of extremist Muslims.

It prompted screams of “USA, burn in hell” and “Obama, burn in hell” from angry protesters.

The pro-bin Laden event was organised by controversial preacher Anjem Choudary

What the hell does it matter who it was organized by? They showed up and voiced their wishes of more attacks against the US and the West.

And just because they are a "small number of extremists" makes it OK? Like we should just be happy its only XXX number of people doing it on this one particular day?
I think she means don't pee your pants in fear.

:lol: Much closer to what I meant, yes...
I blame the Welfare State. Just look at the comparative "support" we get from Pakistan verses London... GO AMERICA...

Power Line - Go America!
It's been really nice to see the support we've been getting in Pakistan since we offed Osama bin Laden. Here, a group of Pakistani demonstrators are holding a banner that says Go America:


As the Muslim population grows, so will the true face of Islam

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