Pro boxer killed in front of kids

Where does it say it then?

In the Preamble.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Then again in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1.
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Emphasis mine in both cases.

Here, Congress has a bit about it on their website: Spending Power | Constitution Annotated | | Library of Congress
By and large, it is for Congress to determine what constitutes the general welfare. The Court accords great deference to Congress’s decision that a spending program advances the general welfare, and has even questioned whether the restriction is judicially enforceable.
You are correct, and that is a perfectly acceptable result in my mind. Not everyone survived, never mind thrives. That’s called LIFE. It sucks. It isn’t fair. That’s just how it is.
Pre-Industrial Society did not have resources to provide for everyone.

Modern Society has resources for everyone.
Pre-Industrial Society did not have resources to provide for everyone.

Modern Society has resources for everyone.
Only if you assume that everyone has an equal Right to the resources of Society as a whole, which I do not and never have.

A Society which truly believes what you’re suggesting is a Society that I want nothing to do with, now or ever.
You said food shelter and medical care. Show me exactly where it says those words. Be specific.
First of all, someone else said that, not me, but that's OK.

More importantly, you already know that it doesn't use those words, but you expecting the Constitution to be that specific tells me that you don't really know how it works. I think your answer is somewhere in the US Code of Laws, which is colossal, but you can get the rough idea by simply reading the article I linked from the US Congress web site.
Only if you assume that everyone has an equal Right to the resources of Society as a whole, which I do not and never have.
Not equal resources, but all people are entitled to resources they need -- Food, Shelter, Medical Care. Not luxury.
First of all, someone else said that, not me, but that's OK.

More importantly, you already know that it doesn't use those words, but you expecting the Constitution to be that specific tells me that you don't really know how it works. I think your answer is somewhere in the US Code of Laws, which is colossal, but you can get the rough idea by simply reading the article I linked from the US Congress web site.

It also says the right to bear arms but the gun nuts think it's compulsory because they are scared if tyranny and communists.

It says nothing like that in the constitution and now your diverting. Fk you. You cone here belching you lies but when you get pinged you vanish. Piss off. You're nothing.
Not equal resources, but all people are entitled to resources they need -- Food, Shelter, Medical Care. Not luxury.
What are you basing that nonsensical point of view on?

Nobody is entitled to anything they are not able to provide for themselves or acquire through agreement with whoever possesses it.
Bad things happen in a large country and world. If you pay attention to all of it you may get the impression that the world is on fire, but it's not.
Sadly USA does not help people in need. Canada and Scandinavia do. Thus they have much lower crime rate.
I wonder what this guy’s criminal record looks like ?

is there any hint of drug dealing past or present?

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