Pro boxer killed in front of kids

It is not the stated job of the US Federal Government to help anyone. Nowhere in the US Constitution does it mandate or even allow any of the three branches of Government to use money or power to directly assist any individual or family.
If only the US government would stop “helping” the ultra healthy, while doing little for the rest of us. At least then, things would be somewhat fair.

“Socialism for the super rich and capitalism for the rest.” This should be the new motto of the good old USA.
If only the US government would stop “helping” the ultra healthy, while doing little for the rest of us. At least then, things would be somewhat fair.
I agree. No money for the rich, the ooor, corporations or foreigners. That would be a great start in my mind.
I agree. No money for the rich, the ooor, corporations or foreigners. That would be a great start in my mind.
Agreed, however we both know this won’t happen. So condemning Americans who demand their government do more for the poor, makes no sense.
Agreed, however we both know this won’t happen. So condemning Americans who demand their government do more for the poor, makes no sense.
We agree it will never happen. We disagree on what that means for the poor. Just because one group is allowed to steal doesn’t mean it’s alright for another group to do so as well.

Honestly, at least I have the hope that the corporations will do something useful with the money. I’ve seen enough with my own eyes to know the poor won’t.
We agree it will never happen. We disagree on what that means for the poor. Just because one group is allowed to steal doesn’t mean it’s alright for another group to do so as well.

Honestly, at least I have the hope that the corporations will do something useful with the money. I’ve seen enough with my own eyes to know the poor won’t.
We already know what the ultra wealthy and big corporations will do with their government socialist begotten gains. It’s not good.
We already know what the ultra wealthy and big corporations will do with their government socialist begotten gains. It’s not good.
Probably true. I’ll concede the point for the sake of this discussion. That still doesn’t make a difference to me.For me this is an ideological issue.

On one level, I simply don’t believe in charity… personal, private, or public. I don’t give it and I would never take it.

On another level, there is no Constitutional authority or ma date for public charity from the Government. Those who will cite “general welfare” do not understand the true meaning of the phrase and I will not waste my time trying to educate them about it.
Scandinavia may have a "much lower crime rate" because its demographic profile is markedly different from America's
No. The main reason is that all people who need help get help.

Poor people of all races are more likely to commit crimes.
What are you basing that nonsensical point of view on?

Nobody is entitled to anything they are not able to provide for themselves or acquire through agreement with whoever possesses it.
I disagree 100%. All people should have a right to Food, Housing, and Medical Care. These are absolute necessities.
Probably true. I’ll concede the point for the sake of this discussion. That still doesn’t make a difference to me.For me this is an ideological issue.

On one level, I simply don’t believe in charity… personal, private, or public. I don’t give it and I would never take it.

On another level, there is no Constitutional authority or ma date for public charity from the Government. Those who will cite “general welfare” do not understand the true meaning of the phrase and I will not waste my time trying to educate them about it.
Unfortunately your beliefs are untenable. Not in the society we have today. We have too many people who for various reasons can’t succeed in our corrupt dysfunctional society, many of those reasons are not their fault.

You may want to live in a society with massive numbers of people living in the gutter. I don’t.

I give to the poor every chance I get. Beggars in the streets will always get cash from me. I’ll try to make up for your hard heart.
I disagree 100%. All people should have a right to Food, Housing, and Medical Care. These are absolute necessities
I understand that. We will not agree on this topic at all. What I am interested in is where you have come up with this idea that all people have an innate Right to these things.
Unfortunately your beliefs are untenable. Not in the society we have today. We have too many people who for various reasons can’t succeed in our corrupt dysfunctional society, many of those reasons are not their fault.
That’s why I have no use for YOUR (not my) society. You’re right that a small portion of the poor are worthy of saving. Not enough of them to expect the Government to be able to weed the good ones out from the bad. That’s what family, friends and private charities are for.
You may want to live in a society with massive numbers of people living in the gutter. I don’t.
Neither do I. I want them dead and buried in mass graves to get them out of the way.
I give to the poor every chance I get. Beggars in the streets will always get cash from me. I’ll try to make up for your hard heart.
Nobody will ever get cash from me. A meal, a pair of shoes, something like that… maybe. Never cash.

BTW - I got my wife off SNAP, Medicare, Medicaid and SSDI when we married. We’ve now saved her parents and two of her siblings from near homelessness. Her other two sisters are beyond saving.
That’s why I have no use for YOUR (not my) society. You’re right that a small portion of the poor are worthy of saving. Not enough of them to expect the Government to be able to weed the good ones out from the bad. That’s what family, friends and private charities are for.

Neither do I. I want them dead and buried in mass graves to get them out of the way.

Nobody will ever get cash from me. A meal, a pair of shoes, something like that… maybe. Never cash.

BTW - I got my wife off SNAP, Medicare, Medicaid and SSDI when we married. We’ve now saved her parents and two of her siblings from near homelessness. Her other two sisters are beyond saving.
Dead and buried in mass graves!!! WTF. Okay we’re done. You’re fucking nuts.

I bet you claim to be a devoted follower of Jesus. Lol.
Dead and buried in mass graves!!! WTF. Okay we’re done. You’re fucking nuts.
Yes I am. I’m crazy for expecting the Government to follow the rules it was founded on. they were I’m crazy for expecting people to fend for themselves. I’m crazy for expecting people to do what’s Rught rather than what’s Easy.
I bet you claim to be a devoted follower of Jesus. Lol.
Nope. I’ve been off that lemming train for more than two decades.
In other words you dragged this out of your ass because it makes you feel good. I would not and could not live in a Society that embraced such ideals. I’d kill myself before being forced to endure that.
Now you’ll kill yourself. Earlier you wanted to kill all the poor. You’re a sick fellow.
Now you’ll kill yourself. Earlier you wanted to kill all the poor. You’re a sick fellow.
I’m just someone who understands that life only have value under a select set of circumstances. Outside of that it’s often better to just press the Cosmic Reset Button.
In other words you dragged this out of your ass because it makes you feel good. I would not and could not live in a Society that embraced such ideals. I’d kill myself before being forced to endure that.
Human Life is a precious G-d's Creation. Your life is precious. The life of poor disabled people is precious.

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