Pro-gun republican wins ct district


Platinum Member
Mar 5, 2013
first time in 40 years

hope 2014 falls the same way

Samuel Belsito won the Connecticut State Legislature's 53rd District in a special election to replace Democrat representative Bryan Hurlburt.
Belsito's election runs 100% counter to the argument that pro-gun positions will hurt politicians. For example, Belsito won although he made it clear he would have opposed the recent body of gun control legislation that passed in Connecticut.
In fact, the pro-gun control sentiment is at such a low ebb that Belsito's Democrat opponent Anthony Horn said he would have voted "no" on the gun control legislation as well.
Nevertheless, voters chose the Republican, and it's the first time in 40 years that voters in that district have done so.

Pro-Gun Republican Wins CT District for First Time in 40 Years
The winds are beginning to stir, the Democrats are hoping this isn't true, but they will be a figment of history come November 2014.
Yet again, the anti-freedom left wing gun grabbers get bitch-slapped. They have got to be crying in their latte's this morning.
Democrats have demonstrated if they had the votes in congress, they would willingly strip away your rights. its good to see americans are standing up to them and saying we are not going to give you those votes
Yet again, the anti-freedom left wing gun grabbers get bitch-slapped. They have got to be crying in their latte's this morning.

they are still in shock

crying like the CNN crying guy in the Scott Walker recall election

Democrats have demonstrated if they had the votes in congress, they would willingly strip away your rights. its good to see americans are standing up to them and saying we are not going to give you those votes


time to put the monster back in the box
The winds are beginning to stir, the Democrats are hoping this isn't true, but they will be a figment of history come November 2014.

it has been happening in special elections quite often lately

Indeed. Depending on the outcome, and the direction they wish to go, I may put that (R) back to the side of my name. Next to the (L)

sounds like it was pretty much a landslide ta boot

In other news...Mayor Bloomberg's head exploded. :blowup: Film at 11.


that boy is going to need a supersized drink to calm him down

This was the scene from Albany, New York soon after the election.

wonder if nanny bloomberg had some dollars in this election


I'm sure I heard a rumor that the NRA was thru and Mayor Bloomberg's influence would stretch across the country in elections everywhere!

It turns out his influence couldn't even stretch out of New York to the adjacent state of Connecticut.
Have democrats started a recall yet?

The good citizens of Connecticut do not want to be another Chicago, Detroit, Killadelphia or New York City.

Without gun control, Newtown sadly lost 26 of its precious citizens in one day.

WITH gun control, Chicago loses more than that in less than a week. Every week.

You don't have to be a rocket surgeon to figure that out.
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