Pro-HAMAS lunatics yell to kill Jews right if front of the White House and no arrests


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
Why aren’t these terrorist supporters being arrested? They are inciting violence against Jews, supporting HAMAS and Hezbollah, defacing statues, and assaulting police - and all of that is ILLEGAL.

Why such tolerance for these deranged leftists, who are screaming support for antisemitic terrorist groups? They get free rein to spew their venom, and yet a pro-Israel speaker is blocked and disallowed his free speech rights - with leftists calling him a Muslim-hater and defending the decision?

This degree of civil disobedience, at best, and violent threats of murder at worst, would never be tolerated if it were against Muslims. Anyone who even expresses concern about the influence of fundamentalist Islam upon our American students is immediately called “Islamophobe!!”

And yet….leftists are allowed to scream to kill Jews and proudly brag about their support for Islamic terrorists.

Then they assaulted a Park Service officer by throwing stuff at him. Why aren't they in DC Gitmo?
Because they are 1) liberals whose target of hate are 2) Jews.

Different rules. Can you imagine if this were an anti-Muslim group, or an anti-black group screaming to kill Muslims, or blacks? They’d all be rounded up, and thrown in jail, and remaining there for a year awaiting trial.
Why aren’t these terrorist supporters being arrested? They are inciting violence against Jews, supporting HAMAS and Hezbollah, defacing statues, and assaulting police - and all of that is ILLEGAL.

Why such tolerance for these deranged leftists, who are screaming support for antisemitic terrorist groups? They get free rein to spew their venom, and yet a pro-Israel speaker is blocked and disallowed his free speech rights - with leftists calling him a Muslim-hater and defending the decision?

This degree of civil disobedience, at best, and violent threats of murder at worst, would never be tolerated if it were against Muslims. Anyone who even expresses concern about the influence of fundamentalist Islam upon our American students is immediately called “Islamophobe!!”

And yet….leftists are allowed to scream to kill Jews and proudly brag about their support for Islamic terrorists.

Same thing is happening in England, only, there you have no freedom of speech that they deem hateful.

They simply don't arrest anyone is all.
Jews are SLOWLY waking up A LITTLE
Wish it were faster, but I know of two Jews here in Libland who have never voted for a Republican in their life - and told me they were going to hold their nose and vote for Trump. A third said she couldn’t bring herself to vote for Trump, but will vote third-party as a protest against Biden….and the fourth is still dead-set on Biden.

This is in Virginia - a state in a dead heat. So of four Jews I know who voted for him in 2020, only one still will. Extrapolate that by the 120,000 Jews in northern Virginia, and he can end up losing 20,000 votes just from Jews alone.
I wish the media would turn off their cameras... maybe these creeps terrorists and Nazi's will shrink away if they did...
Wish it were faster, but I know of two Jews here in Libland who have never voted for a Republican in their life - and told me they were going to hold their nose and vote for Trump. A third said she couldn’t bring herself to vote for Trump, but will vote third-party as a protest against Biden….and the fourth is still dead-set on Biden.

This is in Virginia - a state in a dead heat. So of four Jews I know who voted for him in 2020, only one still will. Extrapolate that by the 120,000 Jews in northern Virginia, and he can end up losing 20,000 votes just from Jews alone.
When the Migrant Crimewave hits hard and the State Sponsored Saboteurs make moves and the Far Left& Left resort to real 1992 Los Angeles style Civil Unrest then even non Practicing Ethnic only Jews from a long line of Marxists whose Great Grandparents lived in the Same Building as the Rosenbergs will think about jumping the Trump Train
When the Migrant Crimewave hits hard and the State Sponsored Saboteurs make moves and the Far Left& Left resort to real 1992 Los Angeles style Civil Unrest then even non Practicing Ethnic only Jews from a long line of Marxists whose Great Grandparents lived in the Same Building as the Rosenbergs will think about jumping the Trump Train
Jews, like all liberals, are in support of liberal policies until THEY are impacted by it.
Why would they be arrested? Some Democratic Party subsidiary probably sponsors them.

Patrick Moynihan warned them back in the 1960's about their support for left wingers in their obsession with spiting old rich WASPs backfiring on them. They didn't listen then, and many still don't. This article is about Germany but American commies aped European commies because of fashion sense mostly, which is why the results on domestic politics is a carbon copy of the Euro-trash effects.

See also this:

The last step to whiteness : American Jews, civil rights, and
assimilation, 1954-1988

Pages starting on page 93 and after are most relevant, when black radicals and their antisemitism began pushing Jews out of the Civil Right organizations.
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Old Cycle saw Skinheads , Kluxers sand JBS Types gettin ratpacked
Yeah, but Skinheads, and Kluxers are nasty bigots. Jews are, for the most part, innocent law-abiding citizens who just want to be left alone to observe their religion.
Yeah, but Skinheads, and Kluxers are nasty bigots. Jews are, for the most part, innocent law-abiding citizens who just want to be left alone to observe their religion.
If your in the Cycle ( Like the religious High School kids watching the Drug addled Vet Indian Pounding a drum & Chanting in DC ) it does not matter how righteous or Law Abiding you are

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