Pro-Illegal Immigration Thugs to Crash GOP Townhalls in August


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This immigration bill will be the death knell of the GOP and the American non-union working class. Will Tea PArty groups respond accordingly or just stay home in dismay?

Progressive Activists to Disrupt GOP Town Halls in August

A progressive group will coordinate with liberal activists to disrupt Republican town halls during the August recess, when lawmakers will face questions about Obamacare and comprehensive immigration reform.

Americans United for Change, run by a former Democratic National Committee communications head, plans to send activists to Republican town halls in swing states and even red states to target lawmakers like Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

Tech and agriculture industries team up to lobby for immigration reform - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

The California technology and agriculture industries joined forces on Thursday to canvass Capitol Hill and lobby for Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform.

The Silicon Valley Leadership Group, which represents Facebook, Google, Stanford University and Yahoo, and the California Strawberry Commission held a series of back-to-back meetings with lawmakers on Thursday to hammer home a pro-immigration message before Congress breaks for the August recess. The two groups met with House GOP Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Republican Study Committee Chairman Steve Scalise (R-La.) on Thursday, as well as lawmakers from the House New Democrat Coalition, according to the Silicon Valley Leadership Group's Twitter account.

The tech industry has long lobbied Congress to revamp the rules for highly skilled and educated foreign workers. Tech companies have pressed lawmakers to increase the annual cap of temporary worker visas for high-skilled workers and to make more green cards available to foreign graduates that receive advanced technical degrees from U.S. universities.

News : H1B Visa ? Immigration Reform 2013 ? Cap Increase 65K to 110K ? Passes Senate Judiciary committee

◾The annual H1B Visas cap for highly skilled workers will be increased from 65,000 per year to 110,000 per year.
◾The advanced degree H1B cap for STEM degree holders from US schools, will be increased from 20,000 to 25,000 visas.
◾There are provisions mentioned in the bill that the H1B cap could be potentially increased to 180,000 per year, if there is extreme demand for highly skilled workers that fiscal year.


Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) said Wednesday that comprehensive immigration reform has the support of dozens of members of the Republican majority in the House of Representatives.

Among GOP backers of comprehensive reform he cited Wisconsin’s Paul Ryan, the 2012 Republican candidate for vice president.

Gutierrez said 195 of the 201 Democrats in the House would vote for a reform bill similar to the one passed last month by the Senate, meaning that fewer than two dozen Republican votes would be needed to reach the magic number of 218 required to pass it.
GOP will feel heat at home in August on immigration

WASHINGTON — As they prepare to leave the Capitol for a month-long August recess, Republican members of the House of Representatives are taking with them legislative summaries and informational packets to tackle tough questions in their districts about immigration.

Supporters of a proposal to revamp the nation's immigration laws plan to use the recess to pressure House Republican members in their districts to pass a plan like that which passed the Senate in June.

Those in favor of granting citizenship to an estimated 11 million unauthorized immigrants say they will use rallies, marches, coordinated phone calls, social media campaigns and pressure from big-dollar donors.

"This is the beginning of a long, hot summer for the House of Representatives," said Eliseo Medina of the Service Employees International Union, a labor union that supports the Senate's immigration bill.

Republicans will also face pressure from Tea Party groups and other opponents of the Senate immigration bill.

Roy Beck, president of NumbersUSA, says his group, which advocates lower levels of legal and illegal immigration, hosted a teleconference with Reps. Steve King, R-Iowa, Steve Stockman, R-Texas, and Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., on Wednesday night to rally opponents to mobilize for the August recess.

Beck said there were 40,000 people on the call.

If you oppose the destruction of our nation, you need to get off your ass and get out to these meeting and make your voice heard.

The outcome of this House vote will set the slope for the next twenty years.
Pro-Illegal Immigration Thugs to Crash GOP Townhalls in August

And when they are arrested for disturbing the peace, the police can check to see who's here illegally (i know that won't happen, but i can at least imagine that i live in a society that enforces it's laws).

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