pro or contra Israel today?

i … feel …

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Don't care one way or another. Not my concern. What is my concern is the way our country is being overrun with Illegals, the massive inflation, the high cost of energy, the tremendous debt and how our country has become a Banana Republic.
Israel WAS a mansion when the Romans sacked it and expelled many of The Jews.

When the Jews returned to remake their state, it was a neglected trailer park of The Ottoman Empire.

Jewish invited their fellow Palestinians (because, before 1948, every person living in the region was called A Palestinian), Arab, Xtian, Druze, and Bedouin, to help them build a state together. Many did, and are much the better off than the rest.

Those who chose to leave were given a set of plastic keys to a home they never owned and a deed issued by a Palestinian Authority that never existed and were told to keep killing Jews until, magically, they could walk back and take over everything The Jews built.

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Don't care one way or another. Not my concern. What is my concern is the way our country is being overrun with Illegals, the massive inflation, the high cost of energy, the tremendous debt and how our country has become a Banana Republic.
If that's true, then why are you posting on a thread about the Hamas invasion of Israel?
Looking at the footage from Gaza I realize again that russian fighters who stormed Mariupol last year are Saints.
Russia limiting civilian casualties is one of the most under acknowledged aspects of the war in Ukraine...
If I still cared about such things, I'd probably be pissed off that some can vaporize densely populatd city blocks full of people with air strikes as punishment against terrorists they can't catch and get their dicks sucked for it by media and politicians all over the world, while others wage the most surgically clean war that is humanly possible with modern methods, with the lowest civilian-to-military death ratio seen in the modern history of warfare (to the detriment of the military campaign itself!), while accused of “genocide”.
Luckily, I don't.
Read about Hue during the Tet Offensive. The Vietcong did exactly that kind of thing, and even though they were drubbed in the counter attack, Tet was seen as the beginning of the end for US involvement in Vietnam.

Walter Cronkite and the rest of the leftists can take credit for that.
Looking at the footage from Gaza I realize again that russian fighters who stormed Mariupol last year are Saints.
Russia limiting civilian casualties is one of the most under acknowledged aspects of the war in Ukraine...
If I still cared about such things, I'd probably be pissed off that some can vaporize densely populatd city blocks full of people with air strikes as punishment against terrorists they can't catch and get their dicks sucked for it by media and politicians all over the world, while others wage the most surgically clean war that is humanly possible with modern methods, with the lowest civilian-to-military death ratio seen in the modern history of warfare (to the detriment of the military campaign itself!), while accused of “genocide”.
Luckily, I don't.
So, you think the Russians launching missile attacks on civilian housing is AOK?
You don't see that is not the same kid in those photos? The second photo shows a much smaller child.

Also, did the IDF target that kid or was he in the wrong place at the wrong time being a human shield for terrorists?
Mmmm yeah Admiral Boomer.

Keep carrying that water.

Good 'American'.
Read about Hue during the Tet Offensive. The Vietcong did exactly that kind of thing, and even though they were drubbed in the counter attack, Tet was seen as the beginning of the end for US involvement in Vietnam.
I don't have to read about it because I was there.

Tet was a great military victory for the US. The VC almost ceased to exist afterwards and was soundly defeated. The lying Leftest tried to spin it into some kind of a victory for the goddamn Communists.
That is not what you said. You said, "So we encouraged thousands of young Arab men". The fighters were not Al Queda. They were Taliban.

Just FYI, I have a history degree and have lived more and forgotten more history than you and your fellow dipshits will ever know. I also taught the fucking subject for 21 years!

I have a degree in history as well...
It's clear you've forgotten a lot of history.

Again, have to ask about that learning disability.

If Hamas would spend some of the money it dedicates to attacking Israel and killing Jews to building hospitals, medical clinics, generating plants and desalinization plants it's people wouldn't have to depend on the Jews they hate so much. But if Hamas did that, it would lose power since its whole existence is based upon exterminating the Jews and invading and occupying Israel.

The reason why Hamas is preferred over Fatah is because they were doing all that stuff, while Fatah was stealing western aid.

I'm sure if the Zionist Squatters went back to Europe where they came from, Hamas would lose interest in them.
I don't have to read about it because I was there.

Tet was a great military victory for the US. The VC almost ceased to exist afterwards and was soundly defeated. The lying Leftest tried to spin it into some kind of a victory for the goddamn Communists.

It was a HUGE victory for the VC. When the shooting started, our ARVN allies dropped their rifles and ran. That put the lie to the whole, "We are winning this thing" the government had been pushing for three years.
I have a degree in history as well...
It's clear you've forgotten a lot of history.

Again, have to ask about that learning disability.

If you have a degree in history, why are wrong all the fucking time? I have a master's in education and taught history for 21 years. I also served in the military for 16 years total and I worked for the Army for 4 years. I volunteered training special operations and regular troops for 11 years. I have 4 kids who served in the military. What have you accomplished in your obviously lackluster life except the ability to insult your betters?
Who? Walter Conkrite was lying to the American people simply because he didn't support the war. Tet was a disaster for the Viet Cong. He simply lied.

It was a bigger disaster for the ARmy, which has been insisting for years they had the Vietcong contained, and very nearly lost the whole country to them. The ARVN's dropped their rifles and fled.

That is not what you said. You said, "So we encouraged thousands of young Arab men". The fighters were not Al Queda. They were Taliban.

Actually, they were Muhajedin. The Arabs the CIA recruited became Al Qaeda.

Again, you need to see someone about that learning disability.

wrong the dems cut off the south in 74 and refused to honor our defense treaty in 75. The north was probing and when they realized the US would not honor the treaty they attacked with their whole army,
Wrong again. We were providing aid to the Saigon Quislings up until the day Saigon fell.
Most of was stolen by Ky and Theiu, but it was provided.
If you have a degree in history, why are wrong all the fucking time? I have a master's in education and taught history for 21 years. I also served in the military for 16 years total and I worked for the Army for 4 years. I volunteered training special operations and regular troops for 11 years. I have 4 kids who served in the military. What have you accomplished in your obviously lackluster life except the ability to insult your betters?

Degree in history.
Served a total of 11 years in the Army (Active and Reserves) getting out at the rank of E-6.

No history department would agree with your fanciful interpretation of the Tet offensive.
You are a lying sack of $hit...
Oh poor baby, can't handle the truth?
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Israel 'killed 25 Palestinian children' in three months | News | Al Jazeera

May 14, 2016 - Twenty-five Palestinian children were killed in the last three months of 2015 during a wave of anti-Israeli attacks and the number detained was ...

One Palestinian child killed every 3 days by Israel for 13 years ...

One Palestinian child killed every 3 days by Israel for 13 years: statistics...
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Report: Israel killed 3,000 Palestinian children since 2000 – Middle ...
Report: Israel killed 3,000 Palestinian children since 2000...

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Children in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict - Wikipedia
Children in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict - Wikipedia

Murdering children is the Zion motto

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