pro or contra Israel today?

i … feel …

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It was a bigger disaster for the ARmy, which has been insisting for years they had the Vietcong contained, and very nearly lost the whole country to them. The ARVN's dropped their rifles and fled.

Actually, they were Muhajedin. The Arabs the CIA recruited became Al Qaeda.

Again, you need to see someone about that learning disability.

Wrong again. We were providing aid to the Saigon Quislings up until the day Saigon fell.
Most of was stolen by Ky and Theiu, but it was provided.

Why do you lie so much? Oh, I'm sorry! You are a liberal and don't know you are lying.

You mean the mujahideen? You can't even spell it! The CIA had nothing to do with it as they were fighting the Russians.

You need to read up again on the war. Were you alive back then?
Degree in history.
Served a total of 11 years in the Army (Active and Reserves) getting out at the rank of E-6.

No history department would agree with your fanciful interpretation of the Tet offensive.
Why are you so full of shit? Where do you think I learned about Vietnam? I took Military History, and 20th century Diplomacy in college only a decade after it occurred. We studied it extensively.

My condolences on your only achieving E-6. I was an O-4 serving from 1978-2001.
Oh poor baby, can't handle the truth?
Convincing the Israeli adults in control of this weaponry in civilian areas that they should not be using it to kill children who are merely stone throwers should not ...

Israel 'killed 25 Palestinian children' in three months | News | Al Jazeera

May 14, 2016 - Twenty-five Palestinian children were killed in the last three months of 2015 during a wave of anti-Israeli attacks and the number detained was ...

One Palestinian child killed every 3 days by Israel for 13 years ...

One Palestinian child killed every 3 days by Israel for 13 years: statistics...
“The International Day for the Protection of Children is on June 1,” said a spokesman, “but Palestinian children are still subject to attacks by the Israelis and ...

Report: Israel killed 3,000 Palestinian children since 2000 – Middle ...
Report: Israel killed 3,000 Palestinian children since 2000...

Jun 1, 2017 - Israel has killed more than 3,000 children since 28 September 2000 when the Second Intifada began until the end of April 2017, a new report ...
Children in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict - Wikipedia
Children in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict - Wikipedia

Murdering children is the Zion motto
Kondor3 said: disagrees but can not say why?
The CIA had nothing to do with it as they were fighting the Russians.

The CIA had everything to do with it. It was the most fucked up policy ever, arming religious fanatics to fight the Russians who took over a country we didn't really care about. Holy Blowback, Batman, look what happened.

You need to read up again on the war. Were you alive back then?

If you are talking within my lifetime, yes.

Why are you so full of shit? Where do you think I learned about Vietnam? I took Military History, and 20th century Diplomacy in college only a decade after it occurred. We studied it extensively.

Funny thing about history, it's always being re-evaluated. The reality- We supported the wrong side in a civil war, and it showed. Our government lied, lied, lied to the American people about everything from "body counts" to how dangerous Agent Orange was.

Nobody argues today the Vietnam War was a good idea. Today, the Vietnamese are happy to business with us, we are nursing this grudge.

I was an O-4 serving from 1978-2001.
In for 23 years and only made 0-4. That's kind of sad, really. Must be that learning disability again.
The CIA had everything to do with it. It was the most fucked up policy ever, arming religious fanatics to fight the Russians who took over a country we didn't really care about.
Russia is getting its ass kicked!!!!!!!!!
The CIA had everything to do with it. It was the most fucked up policy ever, arming religious fanatics to fight the Russians who took over a country we didn't really care about. Holy Blowback, Batman, look what happened.
Only about 25% of their monetary support came from nations. The rest were donations from prominent Arabs like Osama.
If you are talking within my lifetime, yes.
Being a toddler doesn't count.
Funny thing about history, it's always being re-evaluated. The reality- We supported the wrong side in a civil war, and it showed. Our government lied, lied, lied to the American people about everything from "body counts" to how dangerous Agent Orange was.

Nobody argues today the Vietnam War was a good idea. Today, the Vietnamese are happy to business with us, we are nursing this grudge.
Well, for once we can agree.
In for 23 years and only made 0-4. That's kind of sad, really. Must be that learning disability again.

My last 7 years were reserve. The Navy doesn't promote that well at that point in your career. As far as a learning disability, I taught hundreds of students like you that demonstrated a learning disability. I have a Master's . You probably had a GED at best.
Okay, let's say you are living in a mansion. A mansion that you worked very hard to own.
Then I come in with an group of armed guys, and we take your house. (Let's assume we do so before you can get to your penis, guns)

Then, amazingly, the courts ruled that I was right in taking your house. But don't worry, I'm willing to compromise with you and let you live in the unheated garage next to your mansion.

Are you going to be grateful for that compromise?


Neither are the Palestinians.

Okay, let's say you are living in a mansion. A mansion that you worked very hard to own.

Cool story, but the Ottoman Empire lost.

Let's say you're renting a house from the Ottoman Empire, but now the British take over.
You don't get to stop paying rent and claim the house is yours.
Did you guys ever settle?

Kind of Ironic, huh.
It was a HUGE victory for the VC. When the shooting started, our ARVN allies dropped their rifles and ran. That put the lie to the whole, "We are winning this thing" the government had been pushing for three years.
You don't know jackshit about Vietnam so just shut the hell up. The only things you think you know are what Hollywood tells you.
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Hamas does not kill, women and children.

On the flip side of that coin, the Israeli’s have a long history of murdering men, women and lots and lots of Palestinian children.
Fact are facts

Toddsterpatriot disagrees but does not have the balls to say why-?

I could be wrong, he may have been castrated & that says it all

Toddsterpatriot disagrees but does not have the balls to say why-?

I could be wrong, he may have been castrated & that says it all


Show me where the Jew touched you.

None of your f-ing business!
That's what I expected, you fucking vagina.

The Military taught you nothing about respect.
You are a pussy. <<<< Respect that.
I would expect better from the Military.
Why are you letting the Military down?
Only about 25% of their monetary support came from nations. The rest were donations from prominent Arabs like Osama.

Um, yeah, and who do you think was organizing those donations and volunteers? The CIA.

Being a toddler doesn't count.
Good thing I wasn't a toddler at the time. Now, I was a child when Vietnam was going on, but have pretty fresh memories of it. I was around for the whole stupidity of funding Freedom Fighters to sucker punch the Soviets in Afghanistan, and we all see how well that worked out.

My last 7 years were reserve. The Navy doesn't promote that well at that point in your career. As far as a learning disability, I taught hundreds of students like you that demonstrated a learning disability. I have a Master's . You probably had a GED at best.
Actually, have a bachelor's degree with continuing education in my job field. So you are wrong about everything, aren't you?
You don't know jackshit about Vietnam so just shut the hell up. The only things you think you know are what Hollywood tells you.

You were one of the Moron Brigades that MacNamara sent, aren't you?

The stupidity of Vietnam is that we lied to ourselves that the Vietnamese people wanted to be governed by corrupt French collaborators like General Ky instead of Ho Chi Minh, who was seen as a national hero for fighting the French and Japanese. And when Tet happened, all the lies came caving in.

Tet was like when the Abu Grahib pictures were released in Iraq. It completely undermined the narrative. Anything that happened on the battlefield became completely irrelevant at that point.
Okay, let's say you are living in a mansion. A mansion that you worked very hard to own.

Cool story, but the Ottoman Empire lost.

Let's say you're renting a house from the Ottoman Empire, but now the British take over.
You don't get to stop paying rent and claim the house is yours.
:cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Yeah, literally dozens of those Arabs were Palestinians.
The rest of the Arabs actually got territory and nations of their own.
The only ones too stupid to act civilized are the ones still killing
Jewish civilians today.

The original/initial British Protectorate Palestine - included Trans-Jordan - which then became today's Jordan. Palestine remained a Palestinian-Arab territory, beholding an insignificant number of Hebrews. The rest is known. e.g. Balfour deceleration.

In 1948 the Zionist council under Ben-Gurion - simply decelerated the "Jewish Homeland" and ALL of Palestine to be ISRAEL - since then the killing and bombing never stopped.

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