Probable End To Shutdown

How do you think shutdown ends?

  • President Trump folds,gets no money for wall

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Pelosi folds and gives President Trump money for wall

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pelosi accepts President Trump's proposal of money for protection for DACA

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Trump accepts amnesty for DACA and gets money for wall

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Shut down doesn't end until 2020

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Trump declares national emergency and builds wall

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Pelosi faces civil war in democrat party and folds

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Trump faces civil war in GOP and folds

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
So how do you think it ends? I personally think 1 of 2 ways.

1. Pelosi starts to negotiate because she faces a civil war in her party and there are cracks beginning to show there


2. We stay shutdown until 2020 elections when GOP gains absolute control since the leftists will have done NOTHING to help the country in 2 years,no fix on healthcare,no attacks against 2nd amendment,No raising taxes etc etc

I didn’t think it would go this long, but both Trump and Nancy are pretty dug in. The longer it goes the more difficult it is for either side to exit with dignity and proclaim a victory.

It does seem to me that Nancy is in the more precarious position. Her rank and file, from whom she gets her power, can influence her. Trump on the other hand, doesn’t feel the pressure from his constituents, and he just may not give a damn. One thing is certain, the majority of the MSM will be more favorable towards Pelosi.

2 weeks ago I’d say you were nuts to suggest it could go until 2020 election, and although I still think that is far fetched, it seems slightly plausible now. If it does go that far, I am sure Nancy will be a political pariah, and Trump maybe forced out too. At least it’s getting interesting.
So how do you think it ends? I personally think 1 of 2 ways.

1. Pelosi starts to negotiate because she faces a civil war in her party and there are cracks beginning to show there


2. We stay shutdown until 2020 elections when GOP gains absolute control since the leftists will have done NOTHING to help the country in 2 years,no fix on healthcare,no attacks against 2nd amendment,No raising taxes etc etc

I didn’t think it would go this long, but both Trump and Nancy are pretty dug in. The longer it goes the more difficult it is for either side to exit with dignity and proclaim a victory.

It does seem to me that Nancy is in the more precarious position. Her rank and file, from whom she gets her power, can influence her. Trump on the other hand, doesn’t feel the pressure from his constituents, and he just may not give a damn. One thing is certain, the majority of the MSM will be more favorable towards Pelosi.

2 weeks ago I’d say you were nuts to suggest it could go until 2020 election, and although I still think that is far fetched, it seems slightly plausible now. If it does go that far, I am sure Nancy will be a political pariah, and Trump maybe forced out too. At least it’s getting interesting.
tRump folds like he just did on the SOTU adress.
He acted like the adult while letting Pelosi act like the child she is. Good for him. Let the country see Pelosi is acting like a child who got told NO! and refuses to act like the speaker of the house.
Depends on the polls.
For who? President Trump hasn't cared about the polls since he started running. They were wrong in 2016 and I would be money it are still wrong. I think it will more depend on the pressure from each side and the GOP wants a smaller government,the leftists want a bigger government and longer the government is shut down the more it shows the American people they don't NEED bigger government and that in turn will hurt the leftists not Trump.

What are you talking about? Trump promotes polls when they make him look good. Remember that one time Rasmussen had him at a very mediocre 50%?

Also, the national polls were dead on, but you're too dumb not to confuse and conflate prediction models with polls.

And the one thing almost all Americans can agree on, we need A government. You keep forgetting that most Americans find your brand of politics kind of disgusting.
tRump folds like he just did on the SOTU adress.
He acted like the adult while letting Pelosi act like the child she is. Good for him. Let the country see Pelosi is acting like a child who got told NO! and refuses to act like the speaker of the house.
Depends on the polls.
For who? President Trump hasn't cared about the polls since he started running. They were wrong in 2016 and I would be money it are still wrong. I think it will more depend on the pressure from each side and the GOP wants a smaller government,the leftists want a bigger government and longer the government is shut down the more it shows the American people they don't NEED bigger government and that in turn will hurt the leftists not Trump.
Lol, you said "tRump" and "adult" in the same sentence.
I have seen polls that say most people want the wall and i have seen them say the opposite.
You dont have a clue what americans want.

There is no legitimate poll that says people want a wall. We have a very good clue what Americans want. The trouble is the lemmings just want to walk off the cliff.
Many departments of the government are running out of money.

Including the courts.

The federal courts only have enough money to continue until February. Then they also shutdown. TSA and ICE will run out of money soon. Along with other important organizations that need to be funded and kept open.

The very possible end to this shutdown is that mcconell won't want to lose his seat in the Senate. He's up for reelection in 2020. Along with a lot of republicans. They all know that the majority of the people don't want this wall. They know that the majority of the people blame all this on trump and the republicans. All those republicans who are up for reelection are going to want to get the government open so they can keep their jobs. Or at least try to keep their jobs.

It's very possible that the congress will pass legislation without any money for the wall. They will send it to trump. He has 10 days to sign it. If he doesn't sign it, it becomes law. Or he can veto it. It will go back to congress. The congress will override his veto.

The government reopens.

trump and his supporters can save face by saying he voted it. Then spend the next 2 years lying about the whole thing to blame it all on democrats.
Dont hold your breath...Until President Trump gets his funding for the wall, he isnt going to cave to the Democrats like Ronald Reagan did with Tip O'neil. Fool US once shame on you, fool US twice shame on US. Go fuck yourself you traitorous commie you, you want to live with the Latino's , move down south, and live your dream of a 3rd world country, just leave your passport at the new wall on your way out..

President Reagan never caved. He worked with Congress to get a REAL TAX REFORM PASSED You are the traitor. You apparently are happy with the hillbilly Trump supporters who live in a third world state like Arkansas and Mississippi to name a couple. Your ass needs to be kicked out.
Many departments of the government are running out of money.

Including the courts.

The federal courts only have enough money to continue until February. Then they also shutdown. TSA and ICE will run out of money soon. Along with other important organizations that need to be funded and kept open.

The very possible end to this shutdown is that mcconell won't want to lose his seat in the Senate. He's up for reelection in 2020. Along with a lot of republicans. They all know that the majority of the people don't want this wall. They know that the majority of the people blame all this on trump and the republicans. All those republicans who are up for reelection are going to want to get the government open so they can keep their jobs. Or at least try to keep their jobs.

It's very possible that the congress will pass legislation without any money for the wall. They will send it to trump. He has 10 days to sign it. If he doesn't sign it, it becomes law. Or he can veto it. It will go back to congress. The congress will override his veto.

The government reopens.

trump and his supporters can save face by saying he voted it. Then spend the next 2 years lying about the whole thing to blame it all on democrats.

Most Americans were against Obamacare when it passed, do you have an actual point or do we just base our nation on polls and nothing else?

Republicans tried to shut down the government and succeeded for 16 days which is the 3rd longest shutdown on record.
Many departments of the government are running out of money.

Including the courts.

The federal courts only have enough money to continue until February. Then they also shutdown. TSA and ICE will run out of money soon. Along with other important organizations that need to be funded and kept open.

The very possible end to this shutdown is that mcconell won't want to lose his seat in the Senate. He's up for reelection in 2020. Along with a lot of republicans. They all know that the majority of the people don't want this wall. They know that the majority of the people blame all this on trump and the republicans. All those republicans who are up for reelection are going to want to get the government open so they can keep their jobs. Or at least try to keep their jobs.

It's very possible that the congress will pass legislation without any money for the wall. They will send it to trump. He has 10 days to sign it. If he doesn't sign it, it becomes law. Or he can veto it. It will go back to congress. The congress will override his veto.

The government reopens.

trump and his supporters can save face by saying he voted it. Then spend the next 2 years lying about the whole thing to blame it all on democrats.
Dont hold your breath...Until President Trump gets his funding for the wall, he isnt going to cave to the Democrats like Ronald Reagan did with Tip O'neil. Fool US once shame on you, fool US twice shame on US. Go fuck yourself you traitorous commie you, you want to live with the Latino's , move down south, and live your dream of a 3rd world country, just leave your passport at the new wall on your way out..

Seriously did you read my post?

Do you know how our government works?

When both the House of Reps and the Senate pass a bill it goes to the president's desk for his signature. He has 10 days to sign it or veto it. If he does nothing, it automatically becomes law.

If he vetos it, it can go back to the congress for a vote to override that veto.

That legislation doesn't need trump to sign it to become law.

All it needs is for republicans to vote for it and to vote to override the veto. All that needs is for republicans to want to keep their Senate seats and majority in the Senate.

Who do you think republicans in the Senate would choose?


Or themselves?
Yes I am quite intimate with how the government works. 1 in 5 government employees are essential, the rest just sit on their asses all day, watching CNN on the 75 inch LEDs or doing on line shopping at Ebay or Amazon. I have seen plenty not even show up for work, called "tele-working" and those mostly put in 1 hour a day then go out to their shopping malls or country clubs..

Just as a matter of fact, you need 60 votes in the Senate for any bill to pass, and you really think that Mitch will side with the Democrats, who are acting like spoiled little children not getting their way? The US citizens are seeing this, while the Lame Stream Media is pushing it all as President Trumps fault, but you do know President Trump's dirty little secret? He uses twitter to communicate with the populace, voters see who isnt acting like adults about our southern border...

They see exactly who is acting like a adult. It is not Trump.
Wrong again
They are not making demands in return for opening the Government. It is not their issue
Now, answer
What if Pelosi was demanding repeal of the 2018 tax cuts to open government
Would you negotiate

Wrong again...I have to hand you an A for consistency tho.
And your analogy is deeply flawed.
The things you are comparing do not involve the exploitation of children and the immediate (and correctable) endangerment of millions of American as the border crisis does. You're comparing apples and watermelons.

Also, let's all recall...THE DEMS PREVIOUSLY ALSO CALLED FOR A WALL. :abgg2q.jpg:
(as noted in the post above)

Trump also gave money to Schumer and Clinton as well. So what.
If Nancy Pelosi had shut down the Government until Republicans agreed to repeal the 2018 tax cuts or pass Medicaid for all

Would Republicans be screaming for Trump to negotiate?

False equivalency. If Nancy Pelosi asked for $5.7Bn to fund a Transgender initiative in schools and shut down the Gov't until the GOP agreed then yes you have a case. But you and I both know she is doing it so that in 2020 the Dems can say that Trump lied about building a wall. Conversely Trump wants it built so he can say he is building it like he promised. Political BS from both sides.

Now, you are moving the bar
Cost doesn’t matter. The wall is something Dems do not support.

Would you favor giving up on an issue you don’t support?

OP is quite clear....why are you incapable of addressing it?

Isn't that what negotiating a compromise is? Each side gives up a little of what they don't want in order to come to an agreement. If you're not willing to do that, you're not negotiating.

No it isn't. A compromise can mean you don't get what you want. You can ask for X, Y and Z. A compromise could include X and Z but not Y. When is the last time Republicans compromised. We saw Republicans use reconciliation rather than compromise.
If Nancy Pelosi had shut down the Government until Republicans agreed to repeal the 2018 tax cuts or pass Medicaid for all

Would Republicans be screaming for Trump to negotiate?

Nobody made the decision to shut down the government. A binding law requires a shutdown when a spending bill isn't passed. Neither Trump nor Pelosi shut the government. It is shut down by law because money hasn't been authorized by Congress to be spent. All they have to do is authorize spending. They know how it do it. It is done pretty frequently.

Yes they did. Trump himself said it was his shutdown.
tRump folds like he just did on the SOTU adress.
He acted like the adult while letting Pelosi act like the child she is. Good for him. Let the country see Pelosi is acting like a child who got told NO! and refuses to act like the speaker of the house.
Depends on the polls.
For who? President Trump hasn't cared about the polls since he started running. They were wrong in 2016 and I would be money it are still wrong. I think it will more depend on the pressure from each side and the GOP wants a smaller government,the leftists want a bigger government and longer the government is shut down the more it shows the American people they don't NEED bigger government and that in turn will hurt the leftists not Trump.

You are so clueless. The 2016 polls were right. They showed Clinton winning the popular vote and she did. They showed a large lead for Democrats in the generic vote for Congress and it was right. The Trump people admit that you could see 0% growth. They will see the effects and will not like it.
If Nancy Pelosi had shut down the Government until Republicans agreed to repeal the 2018 tax cuts or pass Medicaid for all

Would Republicans be screaming for Trump to negotiate?

She did.

Doesn’t work like that

The person making a demand in return for opening the government is the one who shut it down

Who is demanding a wall?

Demanding that the fed obey its own laws by defending the borders is not shutting the government down, it is trying to WAKE IT THE FUCK UP!
Calling anything a non-starter which includes enforcement of those laws by keeping the government shutdown is


Nancy could have reopened it the day she sat down at her new job. Trump's not the one unwilling to negotiate.

"It's a non-starter." NANCY PELOSI.

"It's a non-starter." NANCY PELOSI.

"It's a non-starter." NANCY PELOSI.

What part of that do you fail to read?

Not related to the OP

Would you or would you not, support negotiating with Pelosi if she shut down Government until the tax cut was repealed ?

Not related? Of course it is! Because Nancy is the one keeping the government closed and hurting hundreds of thousands of lives directly and millions of others indirectly and for what? The "immorality" of keeping 700,000 invading, dirty, pestilent, groveling vagabonds from invading us each year, many of which bring crime, disease, and the possibility of terrorism.

But of course I'd support negotiating with Nancy, not just because she is ultimately the real cause of why we are shut down but because it is THEIR JOB. It is HER JOB. The problem here is that Nancy will not negotiate back. And that more than anything else is what most ultimately makes her unfit for her job.

Trump himself said this was his shutdown. You are the pestilence we need to get rid of. This shows how unfit Trump is. He is holding a bad hand and refuses to fold. Trump is the one who is unfit.
Many departments of the government are running out of money.

Including the courts.

The federal courts only have enough money to continue until February. Then they also shutdown. TSA and ICE will run out of money soon. Along with other important organizations that need to be funded and kept open.

The very possible end to this shutdown is that mcconell won't want to lose his seat in the Senate. He's up for reelection in 2020. Along with a lot of republicans. They all know that the majority of the people don't want this wall. They know that the majority of the people blame all this on trump and the republicans. All those republicans who are up for reelection are going to want to get the government open so they can keep their jobs. Or at least try to keep their jobs.

It's very possible that the congress will pass legislation without any money for the wall. They will send it to trump. He has 10 days to sign it. If he doesn't sign it, it becomes law. Or he can veto it. It will go back to congress. The congress will override his veto.

The government reopens.

trump and his supporters can save face by saying he voted it. Then spend the next 2 years lying about the whole thing to blame it all on democrats.

Most Americans were against Obamacare when it passed, do you have an actual point or do we just base our nation on polls and nothing else?

Republicans tried to shut down the government and succeeded for 16 days which is the 3rd longest shutdown on record.

Great, doesn’t change the fact that most Americans were against Obamacare when it was passed. Still no point?
No, the dems have been offered compromise and they refuse. They need to quit obstructing.

Trump's idea of compromise is

You give in to my ransom demand...I may give you back something else I took away ( the courts for a year...that I currently can't give back and may never) and I want MORE. (legal immigration curtailments)

Many departments of the government are running out of money.

Including the courts.

The federal courts only have enough money to continue until February. Then they also shutdown. TSA and ICE will run out of money soon. Along with other important organizations that need to be funded and kept open.

The very possible end to this shutdown is that mcconell won't want to lose his seat in the Senate. He's up for reelection in 2020. Along with a lot of republicans. They all know that the majority of the people don't want this wall. They know that the majority of the people blame all this on trump and the republicans. All those republicans who are up for reelection are going to want to get the government open so they can keep their jobs. Or at least try to keep their jobs.

It's very possible that the congress will pass legislation without any money for the wall. They will send it to trump. He has 10 days to sign it. If he doesn't sign it, it becomes law. Or he can veto it. It will go back to congress. The congress will override his veto.

The government reopens.

trump and his supporters can save face by saying he voted it. Then spend the next 2 years lying about the whole thing to blame it all on democrats.

Most Americans were against Obamacare when it passed, do you have an actual point or do we just base our nation on polls and nothing else?

Republicans tried to shut down the government and succeeded for 16 days which is the 3rd longest shutdown on record.

Great, doesn’t change the fact that most Americans were against Obamacare when it was passed. Still no point?
And when the smoke cleared and the lies about it dissipated...that reversed.
No, the dems have been offered compromise and they refuse. They need to quit obstructing.

Trump's idea of compromise is

You give in to my ransom demand...I may give you back something else I took away ( the courts for a year...that I currently can't give back and may never) and I want MORE. (legal immigration curtailments)


He offered but dems refused and are willing to keep mashing down on the neck of america. Dems want blood as their hate for america grows.
Many departments of the government are running out of money.

Including the courts.

The federal courts only have enough money to continue until February. Then they also shutdown. TSA and ICE will run out of money soon. Along with other important organizations that need to be funded and kept open.

The very possible end to this shutdown is that mcconell won't want to lose his seat in the Senate. He's up for reelection in 2020. Along with a lot of republicans. They all know that the majority of the people don't want this wall. They know that the majority of the people blame all this on trump and the republicans. All those republicans who are up for reelection are going to want to get the government open so they can keep their jobs. Or at least try to keep their jobs.

It's very possible that the congress will pass legislation without any money for the wall. They will send it to trump. He has 10 days to sign it. If he doesn't sign it, it becomes law. Or he can veto it. It will go back to congress. The congress will override his veto.

The government reopens.

trump and his supporters can save face by saying he voted it. Then spend the next 2 years lying about the whole thing to blame it all on democrats.
Dont hold your breath...Until President Trump gets his funding for the wall, he isnt going to cave to the Democrats like Ronald Reagan did with Tip O'neil. Fool US once shame on you, fool US twice shame on US. Go fuck yourself you traitorous commie you, you want to live with the Latino's , move down south, and live your dream of a 3rd world country, just leave your passport at the new wall on your way out..

Seriously did you read my post?

Do you know how our government works?

When both the House of Reps and the Senate pass a bill it goes to the president's desk for his signature. He has 10 days to sign it or veto it. If he does nothing, it automatically becomes law.

If he vetos it, it can go back to the congress for a vote to override that veto.

That legislation doesn't need trump to sign it to become law.

All it needs is for republicans to vote for it and to vote to override the veto. All that needs is for republicans to want to keep their Senate seats and majority in the Senate.

Who do you think republicans in the Senate would choose?


Or themselves?
Third option: For the future of America!

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