Problem solved

My entire country is a ā€œgun free zoneā€. Only cops and crooks have guns.

Only the USA lets anyone who wants a gun to buy an AR15. 35,000 people a year die by gun violence in the US every year.

Semi-automatic weapons and 2nd Amendment have become the American suicide pact.
You're welcome, by the way.

I'll explain.

The U.S. has the most powerful military the world has ever known. That military likely protects your country. The people controlling our military have the power to do REALLY horrible things. We, the people, keep those people in check by the threat of armed rebellion.

Because we, the people are armed,, your country is allowed to exist without being overrun by warlords.

Again, you're welcome.

Letā€™s apply some common sense to this total lack of logic on your part.

Yes, you have the most powerful military in the world and they have the most devasting and powerful weapons ever created. The notion that civilians need to be armed to protect themselves from their government, while not entirely without merit, denied the reality that your puny guns arenā€™t any kind of match for MOABā€™s, tanks, smart bombs, and the myriad ways the government has to put down an insurrection.

If you want an example, try David Koresh and the Branch Davidians in Waco. And the government didnā€™t even break out their big guns for that one.

The idea that an army of civilians armed with handguns and rifles would be able to protect your democracy from the US military is laughable in the extreme.

If you want to protect yourself from your government, the way to do it is through your ballot box. Stop electing people in the pay of corporations and the elite. Elect a government ā€œby the people, of the people, and for the peopleā€, instead of those who serve the elite.

I suggest you look at the Romanian revolution then to give you a recent example of armed civilians doing just that. They started with .22 caliber target pistols, and worked their way up the ladder till they had tanks. Just imagine how many would have been saved if they didn't have to start with such pitiful weapons.
If you think we (citizens) pose any threat of armed rebellion, you're nuts.

Our economy is consumer driven and our Government functions on tax revenue. A military state type gun grab would destroy both-- the U.S. Government has no interest in ruining its own economy and tax base.

The majority of the Military and Cops have a like mindset.
If it ever comes to armed rebellion you can bet they'll be leading the charge.

What charge?

Do you have a problem with the english language?

Well you're actually not very clear about whose side the military and cops will take.

I think thats a foregone conclusion and it needs no clarification.

The police and the military have sworn to uphold the Constitution and the law. They work FOR the government. They will not side with a bunch of radical right wingers.

Did they side with Koresh and his rights in Waco? With Clive Bundy and his family? Name one time when the government workers took the side of citizens over their government bosses?
My entire country is a ā€œgun free zoneā€. Only cops and crooks have guns.

Only the USA lets anyone who wants a gun to buy an AR15. 35,000 people a year die by gun violence in the US every year.

Semi-automatic weapons and 2nd Amendment have become the American suicide pact.
You're welcome, by the way.

I'll explain.

The U.S. has the most powerful military the world has ever known. That military likely protects your country. The people controlling our military have the power to do REALLY horrible things. We, the people, keep those people in check by the threat of armed rebellion.

Because we, the people are armed,, your country is allowed to exist without being overrun by warlords.

Again, you're welcome.

Letā€™s apply some common sense to this total lack of logic on your part.

Yes, you have the most powerful military in the world and they have the most devasting and powerful weapons ever created. The notion that civilians need to be armed to protect themselves from their government, while not entirely without merit, denied the reality that your puny guns arenā€™t any kind of match for MOABā€™s, tanks, smart bombs, and the myriad ways the government has to put down an insurrection.

If you want an example, try David Koresh and the Branch Davidians in Waco. And the government didnā€™t even break out their big guns for that one.

The idea that an army of civilians armed with handguns and rifles would be able to protect your democracy from the US military is laughable in the extreme.

If you want to protect yourself from your government, the way to do it is through your ballot box. Stop electing people in the pay of corporations and the elite. Elect a government ā€œby the people, of the people, and for the peopleā€, instead of those who serve the elite.

I suggest you look at the Romanian revolution then to give you a recent example of armed civilians doing just that. They started with .22 caliber target pistols, and worked their way up the ladder till they had tanks. Just imagine how many would have been saved if they didn't have to start with such pitiful weapons.

Romania was in economic chaos, and the repressive regime had been torturing and terrorizing their citizen for decades. Romania was a satellite state of the USSR. It did not have its own well equipped army. After the USSR fell, and Russian troops pulled out and went home, the army was poorly equipped and just as fed up with the dictator as everyone else.

So no, Romania is in no way comparable to the US. If the government of the USA comes after you with all their weaponry, youā€™re dead.
My entire country is a ā€œgun free zoneā€. Only cops and crooks have guns.

Only the USA lets anyone who wants a gun to buy an AR15. 35,000 people a year die by gun violence in the US every year.

Semi-automatic weapons and 2nd Amendment have become the American suicide pact.
You're welcome, by the way.

I'll explain.

The U.S. has the most powerful military the world has ever known. That military likely protects your country. The people controlling our military have the power to do REALLY horrible things. We, the people, keep those people in check by the threat of armed rebellion.

Because we, the people are armed,, your country is allowed to exist without being overrun by warlords.

Again, you're welcome.

Letā€™s apply some common sense to this total lack of logic on your part.

Yes, you have the most powerful military in the world and they have the most devasting and powerful weapons ever created. The notion that civilians need to be armed to protect themselves from their government, while not entirely without merit, denied the reality that your puny guns arenā€™t any kind of match for MOABā€™s, tanks, smart bombs, and the myriad ways the government has to put down an insurrection.

If you want an example, try David Koresh and the Branch Davidians in Waco. And the government didnā€™t even break out their big guns for that one.

The idea that an army of civilians armed with handguns and rifles would be able to protect your democracy from the US military is laughable in the extreme.

If you want to protect yourself from your government, the way to do it is through your ballot box. Stop electing people in the pay of corporations and the elite. Elect a government ā€œby the people, of the people, and for the peopleā€, instead of those who serve the elite.

I suggest you look at the Romanian revolution then to give you a recent example of armed civilians doing just that. They started with .22 caliber target pistols, and worked their way up the ladder till they had tanks. Just imagine how many would have been saved if they didn't have to start with such pitiful weapons.
----------------------------------------------- and a bit of info on 'The Liberator Pistol' designed and produced for French nazi fighters during ww2 . Theory was that the single shot pistol be used to kill a 'nazi' and then takes his guns , uniform , vehicle , tank or what ever else he could get to kill MORE nazis . --- FP-45 Liberator - Wikipedia --- check it out Dragon Lady !!
did you ever read or hear about the 'Warsaw Ghetto uprising' . The JEWS lost but what woulda happened if the had had MANY guns and lots of ammo Dragon Lady ??
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and then , who was the rag tag groups that ran the well equipped 'soviets' out of 'afghanistan' Dragon Lady .
Any firearm purchases should be 100% private, and/or ownership to be 100% private itā€™s no oneā€™s business but the ownersā€¦ Then nanny state can not be trusted.

Then you're definitely in the wrong country.

As our supreme court, the final word on the law of the land, says different.

If you don't like it, you can leave.

Seriously people, if you don't like how SCOTUS has interpreted the 2nd amendment and clearly defined reasonable exceptions and limits, then fuck off. That's the law. You don't like it, too bad.
Then you can fully understand why when you talk about more gun laws our reply is fuck off, you donā€™t like it? Too bad.
The majority of the Military and Cops have a like mindset.
If it ever comes to armed rebellion you can bet they'll be leading the charge.

What charge?

Do you have a problem with the english language?

Well you're actually not very clear about whose side the military and cops will take.

I think thats a foregone conclusion and it needs no clarification.

The police and the military have sworn to uphold the Constitution and the law. They work FOR the government. They will not side with a bunch of radical right wingers.

Did they side with Koresh and his rights in Waco? With Clive Bundy and his family? Name one time when the government workers took the side of citizens over their government bosses?

They will side with the Constitution as will all true Americans.
And the only way for there to be an insurgency is if the Constitution is being trampled.
Infringe on our Constitutional rights at your peril.

Gun grabber......
The sharing of AIDS infectors isn't allowed, but you want to share data of people with mental problems.

HIPPA laws are important. But there needs to be a balance. Also, sharing info with police doesn't make it public.

People who work with children in CA and other states are required by law to report child abuse -- bruises, statements by the child, etc. At which time a social worker and police visit the home and look into it. Is this perfect, NO. Have millions of children been rescued from horrible situations. YES.

If a health care professional or teacher observes disturbing behavior and threats, when the police investigate, why aren't they allowed to temporarily remove guns IF CERTAIN CRITERIA ARE MEANT. Why are police not allowed to take preventative measures?

I believe one reason is because more that 60% of gun deaths are suicides and our society cynically sees this as "victimless" or a choice. Suicide happens when Major Depression or PTSD goes untreated. People who take anti-dresspents or anti-psychotics are not dangerous, when they take their meds and get needed therapy. However, when they stop therapy, go off meds--THEIR CHOICE-- if their behavior poses an obvious risk, then why don't we, as a compassionate society, intervene?
Youā€™re a fucking control freak, basically is what youā€™re saying.
Lumping suicides together with homicides/murder is lying...

Lumping? What are you talking about? I'm just quoting the stat 60% -- if you think I made it up, check it out.

Let me be clear - I do not believe suicides are victimless as family and love ones are devastated.

So people are supposed to stay alive against their will because of "loved" ones and family.

Sounds like slavery.

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Often, mental illness, such as depression, is involved.

Your comment shows how utterly ignorant of human reality you truly are.
Suicide is the most cowardly and anyone can doā€¦ Fact
Youā€™re a fucking control freak, basically is what youā€™re saying.
Lumping suicides together with homicides/murder is lying...

Lumping? What are you talking about? I'm just quoting the stat 60% -- if you think I made it up, check it out.

Let me be clear - I do not believe suicides are victimless as family and love ones are devastated.

So people are supposed to stay alive against their will because of "loved" ones and family.

Sounds like slavery.

WILL? What do you know about suicidal ideology on a brain chemistry level? Has very little to do with Will.

Brain chemistry.....Liberals have an excuse for everything.

Everything's a matter
Repeal state and federal laws shielding gun manufacturers from product liability? Let juries in these communities sort out what a modified AR-15 is for. Imagine that, a company has to take responsibility
for a product doing what it was designed to do.

Let the ATF share trace data with local law enforcement and the CDC. You know, let everybody see the evidence and talk about better enforcement guidelines.

Lower the mental illness standard from adjudicated to diagnosed. (as it is in several states) Let psychiatrists report credible diagnosis to police who respond appropriately, removing weapons.

Let's have a gun grab -- from felons, wife beaters, and seriously mentally ill people. Everyone else, enjoy your hobby, I do.

The above are all reasonable statements, ideas for discussion. However, watch the mouth foaming that follows.....

Facebook could easily write an algorithm that would have flagged the Florida shooter. They could have forwarded the EVIDENCE of serious mental derangement to local police and SAVED LIVES.

Don't forget to do the same for car makers too. After all, you can't have a drunk driver kill people without the car. That way, after all the car companies have gone belly up, you can walk. Seems like you need some exercise because your brain doesn't seem to be working too good.

Which laws shield automakers from liability? Please be specific.

Also, in your analogy, cars apparently come with a fully stocked bar and a bartender willing to let you drive home. Does he realize he's in the car with you?
Firearm ownership is an right, vehicle ownership is not... not even close.
The majority of the Military and Cops have a like mindset.
If it ever comes to armed rebellion you can bet they'll be leading the charge.

What charge?

Do you have a problem with the english language?

Well you're actually not very clear about whose side the military and cops will take.

I think thats a foregone conclusion and it needs no clarification.

The police and the military have sworn to uphold the Constitution and the law. They work FOR the government. They will not side with a bunch of radical right wingers.

Did they side with Koresh and his rights in Waco? With Clive Bundy and his family? Name one time when the government workers took the side of citizens over their government bosses?
Most Americans believe in the Second Amendment as it stands. The military will stand with Pro second amendment Americansā€¦
My best customers bya long shot are military, police and fireā€¦ They absolutely distrust you bleeding hearts...
Truck will most likely be able to know me two maybe three More supreme Court justices home they will be Second Amendment supporters ffully...
My entire country is a ā€œgun free zoneā€. Only cops and crooks have guns.

Only the USA lets anyone who wants a gun to buy an AR15. 35,000 people a year die by gun violence in the US every year.

Semi-automatic weapons and 2nd Amendment have become the American suicide pact.
You're welcome, by the way.

I'll explain.

The U.S. has the most powerful military the world has ever known. That military likely protects your country. The people controlling our military have the power to do REALLY horrible things. We, the people, keep those people in check by the threat of armed rebellion.

Because we, the people are armed,, your country is allowed to exist without being overrun by warlords.

Again, you're welcome.

Letā€™s apply some common sense to this total lack of logic on your part.

Yes, you have the most powerful military in the world and they have the most devasting and powerful weapons ever created. The notion that civilians need to be armed to protect themselves from their government, while not entirely without merit, denied the reality that your puny guns arenā€™t any kind of match for MOABā€™s, tanks, smart bombs, and the myriad ways the government has to put down an insurrection.

If you want an example, try David Koresh and the Branch Davidians in Waco. And the government didnā€™t even break out their big guns for that one.

The idea that an army of civilians armed with handguns and rifles would be able to protect your democracy from the US military is laughable in the extreme.

If you want to protect yourself from your government, the way to do it is through your ballot box. Stop electing people in the pay of corporations and the elite. Elect a government ā€œby the people, of the people, and for the peopleā€, instead of those who serve the elite.

I suggest you look at the Romanian revolution then to give you a recent example of armed civilians doing just that. They started with .22 caliber target pistols, and worked their way up the ladder till they had tanks. Just imagine how many would have been saved if they didn't have to start with such pitiful weapons.

Romania was in economic chaos, and the repressive regime had been torturing and terrorizing their citizen for decades. Romania was a satellite state of the USSR. It did not have its own well equipped army. After the USSR fell, and Russian troops pulled out and went home, the army was poorly equipped and just as fed up with the dictator as everyone else.

So no, Romania is in no way comparable to the US. If the government of the USA comes after you with all their weaponry, youā€™re dead.

And you think this country would be any different in a time when revolution is actually a necessary thing?
Repeal state and federal laws shielding gun manufacturers from product liability? Let juries in these communities sort out what a modified AR-15 is for. Imagine that, a company has to take responsibility
for a product doing what it was designed to do.

Let the ATF share trace data with local law enforcement and the CDC. You know, let everybody see the evidence and talk about better enforcement guidelines.

Lower the mental illness standard from adjudicated to diagnosed. (as it is in several states) Let psychiatrists report credible diagnosis to police who respond appropriately, removing weapons.

Let's have a gun grab -- from felons, wife beaters, and seriously mentally ill people. Everyone else, enjoy your hobby, I do.

The above are all reasonable statements, ideas for discussion. However, watch the mouth foaming that follows.....

Facebook could easily write an algorithm that would have flagged the Florida shooter. They could have forwarded the EVIDENCE of serious mental derangement to local police and SAVED LIVES.

Wait states don't want to share voter registration, states like California don't want to share abortion or vilolent crime by illegals, California passed laws so it's against the law for companies to cooperate with ICE...

Yet in your little peanut head you think all 50 states will do this?

My entire country is a ā€œgun free zoneā€. Only cops and crooks have guns.

Only the USA lets anyone who wants a gun to buy an AR15. 35,000 people a year die by gun violence in the US every year.

Semi-automatic weapons and 2nd Amendment have become the American suicide pact.
You're welcome, by the way.

I'll explain.

The U.S. has the most powerful military the world has ever known. That military likely protects your country. The people controlling our military have the power to do REALLY horrible things. We, the people, keep those people in check by the threat of armed rebellion.

Because we, the people are armed,, your country is allowed to exist without being overrun by warlords.

Again, you're welcome.

Letā€™s apply some common sense to this total lack of logic on your part.

Yes, you have the most powerful military in the world and they have the most devasting and powerful weapons ever created. The notion that civilians need to be armed to protect themselves from their government, while not entirely without merit, denied the reality that your puny guns arenā€™t any kind of match for MOABā€™s, tanks, smart bombs, and the myriad ways the government has to put down an insurrection.

If you want an example, try David Koresh and the Branch Davidians in Waco. And the government didnā€™t even break out their big guns for that one.

The idea that an army of civilians armed with handguns and rifles would be able to protect your democracy from the US military is laughable in the extreme.

If you want to protect yourself from your government, the way to do it is through your ballot box. Stop electing people in the pay of corporations and the elite. Elect a government ā€œby the people, of the people, and for the peopleā€, instead of those who serve the elite.

I suggest you look at the Romanian revolution then to give you a recent example of armed civilians doing just that. They started with .22 caliber target pistols, and worked their way up the ladder till they had tanks. Just imagine how many would have been saved if they didn't have to start with such pitiful weapons.

Romania was in economic chaos, and the repressive regime had been torturing and terrorizing their citizen for decades. Romania was a satellite state of the USSR. It did not have its own well equipped army. After the USSR fell, and Russian troops pulled out and went home, the army was poorly equipped and just as fed up with the dictator as everyone else.

So no, Romania is in no way comparable to the US. If the government of the USA comes after you with all their weaponry, youā€™re dead.

And you think this country would be any different in a time when revolution is actually a necessary thing?

The whole point of the Constitution is to structure the government with enough checks and balances that a Ceausescu could never hold power in the US.

No President can serve more than two terms. Ceausescu was President of Romania for 40 years, so the possibility of something similar happening in the US is slim and none. Also, the Romanian nation rose up as one to fight against him.

Americans are pretty much split down the middle between left and right. There is a far greater chance of another civil war than the nation rising up as one against the government.
You're welcome, by the way.

I'll explain.

The U.S. has the most powerful military the world has ever known. That military likely protects your country. The people controlling our military have the power to do REALLY horrible things. We, the people, keep those people in check by the threat of armed rebellion.

Because we, the people are armed,, your country is allowed to exist without being overrun by warlords.

Again, you're welcome.

Letā€™s apply some common sense to this total lack of logic on your part.

Yes, you have the most powerful military in the world and they have the most devasting and powerful weapons ever created. The notion that civilians need to be armed to protect themselves from their government, while not entirely without merit, denied the reality that your puny guns arenā€™t any kind of match for MOABā€™s, tanks, smart bombs, and the myriad ways the government has to put down an insurrection.

If you want an example, try David Koresh and the Branch Davidians in Waco. And the government didnā€™t even break out their big guns for that one.

The idea that an army of civilians armed with handguns and rifles would be able to protect your democracy from the US military is laughable in the extreme.

If you want to protect yourself from your government, the way to do it is through your ballot box. Stop electing people in the pay of corporations and the elite. Elect a government ā€œby the people, of the people, and for the peopleā€, instead of those who serve the elite.

I suggest you look at the Romanian revolution then to give you a recent example of armed civilians doing just that. They started with .22 caliber target pistols, and worked their way up the ladder till they had tanks. Just imagine how many would have been saved if they didn't have to start with such pitiful weapons.

Romania was in economic chaos, and the repressive regime had been torturing and terrorizing their citizen for decades. Romania was a satellite state of the USSR. It did not have its own well equipped army. After the USSR fell, and Russian troops pulled out and went home, the army was poorly equipped and just as fed up with the dictator as everyone else.

So no, Romania is in no way comparable to the US. If the government of the USA comes after you with all their weaponry, youā€™re dead.

And you think this country would be any different in a time when revolution is actually a necessary thing?

The whole point of the Constitution is to structure the government with enough checks and balances that a Ceausescu could never hold power in the US.

No President can serve more than two terms. Ceausescu was President of Romania for 40 years, so the possibility of something similar happening in the US is slim and none. Also, the Romanian nation rose up as one to fight against him.

Americans are pretty much split down the middle between left and right. There is a far greater chance of another civil war than the nation rising up as one against the government.
----------------------------------------- good point and thats one reason why i oppose immigration and the building of a 'fifth column' of foreign lefty , anti gunner , anti Americans in the USA Dragon Lady .
I have no reason to want diversity when talking about American Constitutional RIGHTS DragonLady .
You're welcome, by the way.

I'll explain.

The U.S. has the most powerful military the world has ever known. That military likely protects your country. The people controlling our military have the power to do REALLY horrible things. We, the people, keep those people in check by the threat of armed rebellion.

Because we, the people are armed,, your country is allowed to exist without being overrun by warlords.

Again, you're welcome.

Letā€™s apply some common sense to this total lack of logic on your part.

Yes, you have the most powerful military in the world and they have the most devasting and powerful weapons ever created. The notion that civilians need to be armed to protect themselves from their government, while not entirely without merit, denied the reality that your puny guns arenā€™t any kind of match for MOABā€™s, tanks, smart bombs, and the myriad ways the government has to put down an insurrection.

If you want an example, try David Koresh and the Branch Davidians in Waco. And the government didnā€™t even break out their big guns for that one.

The idea that an army of civilians armed with handguns and rifles would be able to protect your democracy from the US military is laughable in the extreme.

If you want to protect yourself from your government, the way to do it is through your ballot box. Stop electing people in the pay of corporations and the elite. Elect a government ā€œby the people, of the people, and for the peopleā€, instead of those who serve the elite.

I suggest you look at the Romanian revolution then to give you a recent example of armed civilians doing just that. They started with .22 caliber target pistols, and worked their way up the ladder till they had tanks. Just imagine how many would have been saved if they didn't have to start with such pitiful weapons.

Romania was in economic chaos, and the repressive regime had been torturing and terrorizing their citizen for decades. Romania was a satellite state of the USSR. It did not have its own well equipped army. After the USSR fell, and Russian troops pulled out and went home, the army was poorly equipped and just as fed up with the dictator as everyone else.

So no, Romania is in no way comparable to the US. If the government of the USA comes after you with all their weaponry, youā€™re dead.

And you think this country would be any different in a time when revolution is actually a necessary thing?

The whole point of the Constitution is to structure the government with enough checks and balances that a Ceausescu could never hold power in the US.

No President can serve more than two terms. Ceausescu was President of Romania for 40 years, so the possibility of something similar happening in the US is slim and none. Also, the Romanian nation rose up as one to fight against him.

Americans are pretty much split down the middle between left and right. There is a far greater chance of another civil war than the nation rising up as one against the government.

Correct, but as we are seeing with the comey coup attempt, the checks and balances can be bypassed fairly easily if the bureaucrats have the desire to do so.
Repeal state and federal laws shielding gun manufacturers from product liability? Let juries in these communities sort out what a modified AR-15 is for. Imagine that, a company has to take responsibility
for a product doing what it was designed to do.

Let the ATF share trace data with local law enforcement and the CDC. You know, let everybody see the evidence and talk about better enforcement guidelines.

Lower the mental illness standard from adjudicated to diagnosed. (as it is in several states) Let psychiatrists report credible diagnosis to police who respond appropriately, removing weapons.

Let's have a gun grab -- from felons, wife beaters, and seriously mentally ill people. Everyone else, enjoy your hobby, I do.

The above are all reasonable statements, ideas for discussion. However, watch the mouth foaming that follows.....

Facebook could easily write an algorithm that would have flagged the Florida shooter. They could have forwarded the EVIDENCE of serious mental derangement to local police and SAVED LIVES.
Well the problem with that is one can only sue if the product does not work as designed or advertised, ie it is defective. And I'm all for suing manufactures of guns that blow up, so don't misunderstand. But the guns being used in mass shootings work very well.

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