problem with "reality winner" accusations

You really ought to read what the legal definition of 'Whistleblower is before you run your ignorant mouth.
Not even her fucking lawyer is claiming the traitor was just 'whistleblowing'.
You'll still be peddling your ignorant bullshit after the traitor has been in a federal prison for ten years!
She's going to make a very nice 'bride' for a dozen 300 pound hairy sweaty bull-dykes after a few years. By then she'll be able to see her 'flip-flops' through her asshole.
When she's released shell be so hooked on black tar heroin she'll last a week on the street.
Watch the 'leaks' immediately dry up now.
You really ought to read what the legal definition of 'Whistleblower is before you run your ignorant mouth.
Not even her fucking lawyer is claiming the traitor was just 'whistleblowing'.
You'll still be peddling your ignorant bullshit after the traitor has been in a federal prison for ten years!
She's going to make a very nice 'bride' for a dozen 300 pound hairy sweaty bull-dykes after a few years. By then she'll be able to see her 'flip-flops' through her asshole.
When she's released shell be so hooked on black tar heroin she'll last a week on the street.
Watch the 'leaks' immediately dry up now.

By the time she comes to trial, the Orange Shitgibbon will be frog-marched out of the White House for colluding with the Russians, and we'll be glad we had a whistle-blower tell us about it.
Oh I agree with you but damn what she had the ability to get.

And I'll ask the question again- why is this being hidden at all?

It's not a secret from the Russians. They know they hacked our election.

This is information that they don't want US to know about. Probably because we'd ask questions about how an Orange Shitgibbon became president when all the polls said he would lose.

The fact that Clinton got more of the popular vote is the clear sign of Russian interference. It is also the proof of Russian (and Democrat) stupidity not to realize that America is a Republic, not a Democracy.
The fact that Clinton got more of the popular vote is the clear sign of Russian interference. It is also the proof of Russian (and Democrat) stupidity not to realize that America is a Republic, not a Democracy.

Dude, I think you are deluded. The opinion of 17 intelligence agencies is that the Russian interferred to help Trump, not Clinton.

And that's what they are telling us about. The fact they are going after this brave whistle-blower for outing the extent of Russian interference is telling in and of itself.

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