Problems in Europe shows Iran is exporting Terror

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
On one hand Europe complains about Trump putting restraints on Iran yet Europe now wants to do the same thing.
Denmark’s intelligence agency on Tuesday said that it had foiled an Iranian plot to kill an opposition activist, and had arrested a Norwegian of Iranian descent. The suspect has denied the allegations and is being held in custody. Iran’s Foreign Ministry has denied any involvement and has issued a “strong protest” to the Danish government.

The Wall Street Journal reported that Danish diplomats are now calling for sanctions on Tehran, and the idea won broad support at a Wednesday meeting of E.U. ambassadors -- with at least eight countries backing calls for action -- including France and the U.K.
On one hand Europe complains about Trump putting restraints on Iran yet Europe now wants to do the same thing.
Denmark’s intelligence agency on Tuesday said that it had foiled an Iranian plot to kill an opposition activist, and had arrested a Norwegian of Iranian descent. The suspect has denied the allegations and is being held in custody. Iran’s Foreign Ministry has denied any involvement and has issued a “strong protest” to the Danish government.

The Wall Street Journal reported that Danish diplomats are now calling for sanctions on Tehran, and the idea won broad support at a Wednesday meeting of E.U. ambassadors -- with at least eight countries backing calls for action -- including France and the U.K.

Scandinavians are influenced by other powers. The Assange 'rape' case is a striking example whIch has been criticized by the UN.

Denmark is a small country with exports a significant part of its economy.

Iran claims allegations it plotted foiled Denmark attack are part of Israeli 'conspiracy'

Israeli newspaper Jerusalem Post reported that information on the alleged plot had been passed to Copenhagen by Mossad, the Israeli secret service.
I find this quite amusing. Mossad spends years assassinating Palestinian terrorists throughout Europe after Munich and no-one bats an eyelid, yet the mere suspicion of an Iranian plot to asassinate a terrorst is cause for sanctions? Double standard?
I find this quite amusing. Mossad spends years assassinating Palestinian terrorists throughout Europe after Munich and no-one bats an eyelid, yet the mere suspicion of an Iranian plot to asassinate a terrorst is cause for sanctions? Double standard?
Why do you characterize those opposing the Mullahs as terrorists?

That says much about your Islamist sympathies.
I find this quite amusing. Mossad spends years assassinating Palestinian terrorists throughout Europe after Munich and no-one bats an eyelid, yet the mere suspicion of an Iranian plot to asassinate a terrorst is cause for sanctions? Double standard?
Why do you characterize those opposing the Mullahs as terrorists?

That says much about your Islamist sympathies.

people who blow up kindergartens and execute long pole vaulters
during the Olympics are NOT TERRORISTS
in the world of shariah-----they are saints. People who
criticize the SUCCESSORS OF DA PROFFET -----(aka
da ayatoilets) are terrorists------they sow discord on earth----
read your koran
I find this quite amusing. Mossad spends years assassinating Palestinian terrorists throughout Europe after Munich and no-one bats an eyelid, yet the mere suspicion of an Iranian plot to asassinate a terrorst is cause for sanctions? Double standard?
Why do you characterize those opposing the Mullahs as terrorists?

That says much about your Islamist sympathies.

Why do you characterize those opposing the Israeli occupation and violent repression as terrorists? Dear pot, love kettle.
I find this quite amusing. Mossad spends years assassinating Palestinian terrorists throughout Europe after Munich and no-one bats an eyelid, yet the mere suspicion of an Iranian plot to asassinate a terrorst is cause for sanctions? Double standard?
Why do you characterize those opposing the Mullahs as terrorists?

That says much about your Islamist sympathies.

people who blow up kindergartens and execute long pole vaulters
during the Olympics are NOT TERRORISTS
in the world of shariah-----they are saints. People who
criticize the SUCCESSORS OF DA PROFFET -----(aka
da ayatoilets) are terrorists------they sow discord on earth----
read your koran

I think you need to read yor Koran and point out to me where it says it's OK to bomb Kindergartens; I'm not aware the Munich terrorists bombed a Kindergarten in any event, care to elaborate?
On one hand Europe complains about Trump putting restraints on Iran yet Europe now wants to do the same thing.
Denmark’s intelligence agency on Tuesday said that it had foiled an Iranian plot to kill an opposition activist, and had arrested a Norwegian of Iranian descent. The suspect has denied the allegations and is being held in custody. Iran’s Foreign Ministry has denied any involvement and has issued a “strong protest” to the Danish government.

The Wall Street Journal reported that Danish diplomats are now calling for sanctions on Tehran, and the idea won broad support at a Wednesday meeting of E.U. ambassadors -- with at least eight countries backing calls for action -- including France and the U.K.
If you consider that terrorism our govt. has been assasinating leaders for at least seventy years.
I find this quite amusing. Mossad spends years assassinating Palestinian terrorists throughout Europe after Munich and no-one bats an eyelid, yet the mere suspicion of an Iranian plot to asassinate a terrorst is cause for sanctions? Double standard?
Why do you characterize those opposing the Mullahs as terrorists?

That says much about your Islamist sympathies.

people who blow up kindergartens and execute long pole vaulters
during the Olympics are NOT TERRORISTS
in the world of shariah-----they are saints. People who
criticize the SUCCESSORS OF DA PROFFET -----(aka
da ayatoilets) are terrorists------they sow discord on earth----
read your koran

I think you need to read yor Koran and point out to me where it says it's OK to bomb Kindergartens; I'm not aware the Munich terrorists bombed a Kindergarten in any event, care to elaborate?

do you understand the term "concrete thinking"? It is used in
the science of psychology and psychiatry. I will help you even
more. Bagels---with lox (smoked salmon) and cream cheese is
considered by jews world wide to be "jewish food". Jews eat it
in synagogue luncheons-----even if their background is Asian.
Should I ask for a biblical or Talmudic citation?
I find this quite amusing. Mossad spends years assassinating Palestinian terrorists throughout Europe after Munich and no-one bats an eyelid, yet the mere suspicion of an Iranian plot to asassinate a terrorst is cause for sanctions? Double standard?
Why do you characterize those opposing the Mullahs as terrorists?

That says much about your Islamist sympathies.

people who blow up kindergartens and execute long pole vaulters
during the Olympics are NOT TERRORISTS
in the world of shariah-----they are saints. People who
criticize the SUCCESSORS OF DA PROFFET -----(aka
da ayatoilets) are terrorists------they sow discord on earth----
read your koran

I think you need to read yor Koran and point out to me where it says it's OK to bomb Kindergartens; I'm not aware the Munich terrorists bombed a Kindergarten in any event, care to elaborate?

do you understand the term "concrete thinking"? It is used in
the science of psychology and psychiatry. I will help you even
more. Bagels---with lox (smoked salmon) and cream cheese is
considered by jews world wide to be "jewish food". Jews eat it
in synagogue luncheons-----even if their background is Asian.
Should I ask for a biblical or Talmudic citation?

I'll take that answer as an inability to elaborate and a resounding "no, I can't find the relevent passage in the Koran"then. Thought so.
Wow... London's muslim mayor ain't gonna like this.

Sadik is Pakistani in background-----most Pakistanis are
SUNNI. Iran is DA SHIITE HOLY LAND. One of the
first muslims I knew well----(~ 50 years ago) was a Shiite from
India----he expressed his hatred for hindus frequently prompting
me to ask ----"if you hate hindus so much why did your family not
go to PAKISTAN in 1948? "------the man got almost hysterical
with anger but said NOTHING AGAINST PAKISTAN-----later on
I learned that a sport in Pakistan is DRIVE BY shooting of Shiites
in the streets. If you are still confused---I will help you----Sunni
Pakistanis hate Shiites ----which boils down to Iranians. I should
add that as much as sunnis hate Shiites-----Iranians hate Pakistanis --------even more--UTTER DISDAIN. Iranians even mock "Pakistani cuisine"
I find this quite amusing. Mossad spends years assassinating Palestinian terrorists throughout Europe after Munich and no-one bats an eyelid, yet the mere suspicion of an Iranian plot to asassinate a terrorst is cause for sanctions? Double standard?
Why do you characterize those opposing the Mullahs as terrorists?

That says much about your Islamist sympathies.

people who blow up kindergartens and execute long pole vaulters
during the Olympics are NOT TERRORISTS
in the world of shariah-----they are saints. People who
criticize the SUCCESSORS OF DA PROFFET -----(aka
da ayatoilets) are terrorists------they sow discord on earth----
read your koran

I think you need to read yor Koran and point out to me where it says it's OK to bomb Kindergartens; I'm not aware the Munich terrorists bombed a Kindergarten in any event, care to elaborate?

do you understand the term "concrete thinking"? It is used in
the science of psychology and psychiatry. I will help you even
more. Bagels---with lox (smoked salmon) and cream cheese is
considered by jews world wide to be "jewish food". Jews eat it
in synagogue luncheons-----even if their background is Asian.
Should I ask for a biblical or Talmudic citation?

I'll take that answer as an inability to elaborate and a resounding "no, I can't find the relevent passage in the Koran"then. Thought so.

then you misconstrue the answer.------because you are dim.
The advice of DA PROFFET----regarding the children of the
enemy is-----in sum and substance-----"... they are of them.."
The implication as "koranic scholars" construe---is ---'it is
right to kill them, they are evil by association" for sura and ayah-------go to an ASK THE IMAM website
Why do you characterize those opposing the Mullahs as terrorists?

That says much about your Islamist sympathies.

people who blow up kindergartens and execute long pole vaulters
during the Olympics are NOT TERRORISTS
in the world of shariah-----they are saints. People who
criticize the SUCCESSORS OF DA PROFFET -----(aka
da ayatoilets) are terrorists------they sow discord on earth----
read your koran

I think you need to read yor Koran and point out to me where it says it's OK to bomb Kindergartens; I'm not aware the Munich terrorists bombed a Kindergarten in any event, care to elaborate?

do you understand the term "concrete thinking"? It is used in
the science of psychology and psychiatry. I will help you even
more. Bagels---with lox (smoked salmon) and cream cheese is
considered by jews world wide to be "jewish food". Jews eat it
in synagogue luncheons-----even if their background is Asian.
Should I ask for a biblical or Talmudic citation?

I'll take that answer as an inability to elaborate and a resounding "no, I can't find the relevent passage in the Koran"then. Thought so.

then you misconstrue the answer.------because you are dim.
The advice of DA PROFFET----regarding the children of the
enemy is-----in sum and substance-----"... they are of them.."
The implication as "koranic scholars" construe---is ---'it is
right to kill them, they are evil by association" for sura and ayah-------go to an ASK THE IMAM website

As I thought, you still can't find the relevent passage in the Koran and now you're floundering about and trying to deflect. As for Psychology, ever heard of "projection"?
people who blow up kindergartens and execute long pole vaulters
during the Olympics are NOT TERRORISTS
in the world of shariah-----they are saints. People who
criticize the SUCCESSORS OF DA PROFFET -----(aka
da ayatoilets) are terrorists------they sow discord on earth----
read your koran

I think you need to read yor Koran and point out to me where it says it's OK to bomb Kindergartens; I'm not aware the Munich terrorists bombed a Kindergarten in any event, care to elaborate?

do you understand the term "concrete thinking"? It is used in
the science of psychology and psychiatry. I will help you even
more. Bagels---with lox (smoked salmon) and cream cheese is
considered by jews world wide to be "jewish food". Jews eat it
in synagogue luncheons-----even if their background is Asian.
Should I ask for a biblical or Talmudic citation?

I'll take that answer as an inability to elaborate and a resounding "no, I can't find the relevent passage in the Koran"then. Thought so.

then you misconstrue the answer.------because you are dim.
The advice of DA PROFFET----regarding the children of the
enemy is-----in sum and substance-----"... they are of them.."
The implication as "koranic scholars" construe---is ---'it is
right to kill them, they are evil by association" for sura and ayah-------go to an ASK THE IMAM website

As I thought, you still can't find the relevent passage in the Koran and now you're floundering about and trying to deflect. As for Psychology, ever heard of "projection"?

of course-----and I also read the Koran. For ease----try PICTHALL first------then try to get your hands on a copy of
YUSUF ALI.-----I have it in two volumes----CHOCK FULL OF
COMMENTARY. Then, if you are interested---you might try to
find some real examples of the ego defense device called
I think you need to read yor Koran and point out to me where it says it's OK to bomb Kindergartens; I'm not aware the Munich terrorists bombed a Kindergarten in any event, care to elaborate?

do you understand the term "concrete thinking"? It is used in
the science of psychology and psychiatry. I will help you even
more. Bagels---with lox (smoked salmon) and cream cheese is
considered by jews world wide to be "jewish food". Jews eat it
in synagogue luncheons-----even if their background is Asian.
Should I ask for a biblical or Talmudic citation?

I'll take that answer as an inability to elaborate and a resounding "no, I can't find the relevent passage in the Koran"then. Thought so.

then you misconstrue the answer.------because you are dim.
The advice of DA PROFFET----regarding the children of the
enemy is-----in sum and substance-----"... they are of them.."
The implication as "koranic scholars" construe---is ---'it is
right to kill them, they are evil by association" for sura and ayah-------go to an ASK THE IMAM website

As I thought, you still can't find the relevent passage in the Koran and now you're floundering about and trying to deflect. As for Psychology, ever heard of "projection"?

of course-----and I also read the Koran. For ease----try PICTHALL first------then try to get your hands on a copy of
YUSUF ALI.-----I have it in two volumes----CHOCK FULL OF
COMMENTARY. Then, if you are interested---you might try to
find some real examples of the ego defense device called

...and yet you are still unable to quote the relevent passages. How revealing.
do you understand the term "concrete thinking"? It is used in
the science of psychology and psychiatry. I will help you even
more. Bagels---with lox (smoked salmon) and cream cheese is
considered by jews world wide to be "jewish food". Jews eat it
in synagogue luncheons-----even if their background is Asian.
Should I ask for a biblical or Talmudic citation?

I'll take that answer as an inability to elaborate and a resounding "no, I can't find the relevent passage in the Koran"then. Thought so.

then you misconstrue the answer.------because you are dim.
The advice of DA PROFFET----regarding the children of the
enemy is-----in sum and substance-----"... they are of them.."
The implication as "koranic scholars" construe---is ---'it is
right to kill them, they are evil by association" for sura and ayah-------go to an ASK THE IMAM website

As I thought, you still can't find the relevent passage in the Koran and now you're floundering about and trying to deflect. As for Psychology, ever heard of "projection"?

of course-----and I also read the Koran. For ease----try PICTHALL first------then try to get your hands on a copy of
YUSUF ALI.-----I have it in two volumes----CHOCK FULL OF
COMMENTARY. Then, if you are interested---you might try to
find some real examples of the ego defense device called

...and yet you are still unable to quote the relevent passages. How revealing.

just for YOU Sahih Bukhari (52:256) - The Prophet... was asked whether it was permissible to attack the pagan warriors at night with the probability of exposing their women and children to danger. The Prophet replied, "They (i.e. women and children) are from them (i.e. pagans)." In this command, Muhammad establishes that it is permissible to kill non-combatants in the process of killing a perceived enemy................ <<< very important

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