Professor: Civil war in America has already begun

According to University of Tennessee law professor Glenn Harlan Reynolds, civil war in America has “already begun”.

In an op-ed for USA Today entitled Is America headed toward a civil war? Sanders, Nielsen incidents show it has already begun, Reynolds argues that the actions of Hollywood and the left in general signify that such a scenario is already “well underway.”

XXXX -- Mod Edit -- Primary source is good enough. Don't need the token Inforwars link.

Acckording to the degenerates they lived in a world filled with candy, sunshine, loillipops when Obama was in what's so hysterical is all this was already unfolding right in front of them under that stupid sob yet they try and dump onto Trump. Stupidity walks where no brains live.

Nice post. Timely.

I don't think it will happen all at once.

I remember seeing a Russian Prof. once predict this, and I noted that there was something to this idea. Now it seems to be coming to fruition.

This is CNN from TEN YEARS ago.

Map of the Day: Ex-KGB Analyst Predicts Balkanization of U.S.
Patrick Ottenhoff Jun 29, 2010

Map of the Day: Ex-KGB Analyst Predicts Balkanization of U.S. - The Atlantic
". . .While they were cozying up in America, a prominent Russian professor named Igor Panarin was making rounds in that country's policy-making circles, also doing his best to undermine America. The map below is his creation. Released in 1998, it predicted the breakup of the U.S. into six pieces by 2010.

He seems to suggest that each would be its own republic, but if not, that the North would fall under Canadian influence, the South would fold into Mexico's sphere of influence, the West would go to China, the East to the E.U., Hawaii to Japan or China, and of course Alaska would be returned to Russia.

Crazy, right? Well, the Wall Street Journal reports: "Panarin is not a fringe figure. A former KGB analyst, he is dean of the Russian Foreign Ministry's academy for future diplomats. . "

According to University of Tennessee law professor Glenn Harlan Reynolds, civil war in America has “already begun”.

In an op-ed for USA Today entitled Is America headed toward a civil war? Sanders, Nielsen incidents show it has already begun, Reynolds argues that the actions of Hollywood and the left in general signify that such a scenario is already “well underway.”

Professor: Civil War in America Has “Already Begun”

Acckording to the degenerates they lived in a world filled with candy, sunshine, loillipops when Obama was in what's so hysterical is all this was already unfolding right in front of them under that stupid sob yet they try and dump onto Trump. Stupidity walks where no brains live.

Yes it really began with the 2010 Tea Party.

That, and Occupy.

I don't think they all realize they are on the same side. Yet. . . .
According to University of Tennessee law professor Glenn Harlan Reynolds, civil war in America has “already begun”.

In an op-ed for USA Today entitled Is America headed toward a civil war? Sanders, Nielsen incidents show it has already begun, Reynolds argues that the actions of Hollywood and the left in general signify that such a scenario is already “well underway.”

XXXX -- Mod Edit -- Primary source is good enough. Don't need the token Inforwars link.

Acckording to the degenerates they lived in a world filled with candy, sunshine, loillipops when Obama was in what's so hysterical is all this was already unfolding right in front of them under that stupid sob yet they try and dump onto Trump. Stupidity walks where no brains live.

Nice post. Timely.

I don't think it will happen all at once.

I remember seeing a Russian Prof. once predict this, and I noted that there was something to this idea. Now it seems to be coming to fruition.

This is CNN from TEN YEARS ago.

Map of the Day: Ex-KGB Analyst Predicts Balkanization of U.S.
Patrick Ottenhoff Jun 29, 2010

Map of the Day: Ex-KGB Analyst Predicts Balkanization of U.S. - The Atlantic
". . .While they were cozying up in America, a prominent Russian professor named Igor Panarin was making rounds in that country's policy-making circles, also doing his best to undermine America. The map below is his creation. Released in 1998, it predicted the breakup of the U.S. into six pieces by 2010.

He seems to suggest that each would be its own republic, but if not, that the North would fall under Canadian influence, the South would fold into Mexico's sphere of influence, the West would go to China, the East to the E.U., Hawaii to Japan or China, and of course Alaska would be returned to Russia.

Crazy, right? Well, the Wall Street Journal reports: "Panarin is not a fringe figure. A former KGB analyst, he is dean of the Russian Foreign Ministry's academy for future diplomats. . "


Maybe if we were European this might happen, but we are not. We are not submissive little peons nor will we divide along geographical block lines should we divide.

One day the blue left coast and the blue east coast might break off from the US because the rest of us are not Progressive enough for them, but that is only New York and east of it and Calipornica.

That Russian dude should get a different line of work.
The OP only reflects a childish hope, without any evidence to support it, of American armageddon.
Civil War..............why is it called that..........War's aren't Civil............I'd call it an UNCIVIL WAR.............

Right now it's a UNCIVIL WAR of WORDS................who knows where it leads but in Protests it's getting violent. The divide between the left and the right is YUGE...............and so it continues.

Now ...........why the hell do we drive in a Parkway and Park in a Driveway. Bet some stoned Liberal came up with that shit.
Of course it has. We have a fascist president and the GOP keep enabling his fascism and letting him get away with it. Then you have Trumpsters who are are hypnotized by the Orange Emperor's lies and speech.

Then you have the rest of America who is not having any of the fascism.

So hell yes the fight has begun.
Of course it has. We have a fascist president and the GOP keep enabling his fascism and letting him get away with it. Then you have Trumpsters who are are hypnotized by the Orange Emperor's lies and speech.

Then you have the rest of America who is not having any of the fascism.

So hell yes the fight has begun.
Look in a mirror lately.............Did you know your avatar HERO subscribes to the Socialist Communist party designs...........Wants to abolish ICE and abolish PROFIT........

We are not the ones paying protesters to start shit or burning down towns.........All you need to do is look at Berkley to what you losers on the left have become.......

So I'm a Fascist because I agree with many of the Policies of Trump.......Oh and I'm brainwashed too.............

Nothing new from your Lunatic side............Sit and spin Liberal. ....We don't give a damn about your name calling anymore.
Of course it has. We have a fascist president and the GOP keep enabling his fascism and letting him get away with it. Then you have Trumpsters who are are hypnotized by the Orange Emperor's lies and speech.

Then you have the rest of America who is not having any of the fascism.

So hell yes the fight has begun.
Look in a mirror lately.............Did you know your avatar HERO subscribes to the Socialist Communist party designs...........Wants to abolish ICE and abolish PROFIT........

We are not the ones paying protesters to start shit or burning down towns.........All you need to do is look at Berkley to what you losers on the left have become.......

So I'm a Fascist because I agree with many of the Policies of Trump.......Oh and I'm brainwashed too.............

Nothing new from your Lunatic side............Sit and spin Liberal. ....We don't give a damn about your name calling anymore.

Socialism and communism aren't the same thing. I know you conservatives love using the terms interchangeable as if they are same. But they aren't.

A lot of European countries has socialist programs and policies and they are very successful.

Universal health care and affordable university isn't going to break America.

Americans have been brainwashed by the capitalist lies for too long. People are starting to wake up.

It's only a matter of time before the American capitalist system completely collapses.

A mixture of capitalism and socialism is what works.
Of course it has. We have a fascist president and the GOP keep enabling his fascism and letting him get away with it. Then you have Trumpsters who are are hypnotized by the Orange Emperor's lies and speech.

Then you have the rest of America who is not having any of the fascism.

So hell yes the fight has begun.
Look in a mirror lately.............Did you know your avatar HERO subscribes to the Socialist Communist party designs...........Wants to abolish ICE and abolish PROFIT........

We are not the ones paying protesters to start shit or burning down towns.........All you need to do is look at Berkley to what you losers on the left have become.......

So I'm a Fascist because I agree with many of the Policies of Trump.......Oh and I'm brainwashed too.............

Nothing new from your Lunatic side............Sit and spin Liberal. ....We don't give a damn about your name calling anymore.

You're not a fascists. You've unfortunately been brainwashed by the orange Kool-aid man.
According to University of Tennessee law professor Glenn Harlan Reynolds, civil war in America has “already begun”.

In an op-ed for USA Today entitled Is America headed toward a civil war? Sanders, Nielsen incidents show it has already begun, Reynolds argues that the actions of Hollywood and the left in general signify that such a scenario is already “well underway.”

Professor: Civil War in America Has “Already Begun”

Acckording to the degenerates they lived in a world filled with candy, sunshine, loillipops when Obama was in what's so hysterical is all this was already unfolding right in front of them under that stupid sob yet they try and dump onto Trump. Stupidity walks where no brains live.

Yes it really began with the 2010 Tea Party.
how much violence did they commit?
do you have the courage to compare them to the anti freedom group antifa?
Of course it has. We have a fascist president and the GOP keep enabling his fascism and letting him get away with it. Then you have Trumpsters who are are hypnotized by the Orange Emperor's lies and speech.

Then you have the rest of America who is not having any of the fascism.

So hell yes the fight has begun.
Look in a mirror lately.............Did you know your avatar HERO subscribes to the Socialist Communist party designs...........Wants to abolish ICE and abolish PROFIT........

We are not the ones paying protesters to start shit or burning down towns.........All you need to do is look at Berkley to what you losers on the left have become.......

So I'm a Fascist because I agree with many of the Policies of Trump.......Oh and I'm brainwashed too.............

Nothing new from your Lunatic side............Sit and spin Liberal. ....We don't give a damn about your name calling anymore.

Socialism and communism aren't the same thing. I know you conservatives love using the terms interchangeable as if they are same. But they aren't.

A lot of European countries has socialist programs and policies and they are very successful.

Universal health care and affordable university isn't going to break America.

Americans have been brainwashed by the capitalist lies for too long. People are starting to wake up.

It's only a matter of time before the American capitalist system completely collapses.

A mixture of capitalism and socialism is what works.
when a socialist country fails, it fails really really hard.

when a capitalist system fails, it's b/c of socialism and government meddling.

history supports my claim
Of course it has. We have a fascist president and the GOP keep enabling his fascism and letting him get away with it. Then you have Trumpsters who are are hypnotized by the Orange Emperor's lies and speech.

Then you have the rest of America who is not having any of the fascism.

So hell yes the fight has begun.
Look in a mirror lately.............Did you know your avatar HERO subscribes to the Socialist Communist party designs...........Wants to abolish ICE and abolish PROFIT........

We are not the ones paying protesters to start shit or burning down towns.........All you need to do is look at Berkley to what you losers on the left have become.......

So I'm a Fascist because I agree with many of the Policies of Trump.......Oh and I'm brainwashed too.............

Nothing new from your Lunatic side............Sit and spin Liberal. ....We don't give a damn about your name calling anymore.

You're not a fascists. You've unfortunately been brainwashed by the orange Kool-aid man.

Your side has been calling us names forever.....Trump TDS didn't cause our opinions to change one bit. For decades we thought your side were a bunch of idiots..............But we remained silent..........figured sanity would put the idiots to the curb..............well your idiotic agendas grew...........Silent no more.

Tell me about the Great success of see..........idiots eventually run out of other people's money......History has proven that time and time again......

But it will work this time...........LOL
Of course it has. We have a fascist president and the GOP keep enabling his fascism and letting him get away with it. Then you have Trumpsters who are are hypnotized by the Orange Emperor's lies and speech.

Then you have the rest of America who is not having any of the fascism.

So hell yes the fight has begun.
Look in a mirror lately.............Did you know your avatar HERO subscribes to the Socialist Communist party designs...........Wants to abolish ICE and abolish PROFIT........

We are not the ones paying protesters to start shit or burning down towns.........All you need to do is look at Berkley to what you losers on the left have become.......

So I'm a Fascist because I agree with many of the Policies of Trump.......Oh and I'm brainwashed too.............

Nothing new from your Lunatic side............Sit and spin Liberal. ....We don't give a damn about your name calling anymore.

You're not a fascists. You've unfortunately been brainwashed by the orange Kool-aid man.

Your side has been calling us names forever.....Trump TDS didn't cause our opinions to change one bit. For decades we thought your side were a bunch of idiots..............But we remained silent..........figured sanity would put the idiots to the curb..............well your idiotic agendas grew...........Silent no more.

Tell me about the Great success of see..........idiots eventually run out of other people's money......History has proven that time and time again......

But it will work this time...........LOL
butbut Germany; vast industry that pollutes the air
butbut Norway; drilling it softly, raping the land of natural resources
butbut Canada; tar sands

that's right, w/o killing the planet or stealing from others, socialism fails, in epic fashions
According to University of Tennessee law professor Glenn Harlan Reynolds, civil war in America has “already begun”.

In an op-ed for USA Today entitled Is America headed toward a civil war? Sanders, Nielsen incidents show it has already begun, Reynolds argues that the actions of Hollywood and the left in general signify that such a scenario is already “well underway.”

XXXX -- Mod Edit -- Primary source is good enough. Don't need the token Inforwars link.

Acckording to the degenerates they lived in a world filled with candy, sunshine, loillipops when Obama was in what's so hysterical is all this was already unfolding right in front of them under that stupid sob yet they try and dump onto Trump. Stupidity walks where no brains live.

It started in 1776. The US has always been divided. The South hated the North, and it's always been like that. Now it's spread out with the North going to the west coast and the South going to the middle.
According to University of Tennessee law professor Glenn Harlan Reynolds, civil war in America has “already begun”.

In an op-ed for USA Today entitled Is America headed toward a civil war? Sanders, Nielsen incidents show it has already begun, Reynolds argues that the actions of Hollywood and the left in general signify that such a scenario is already “well underway.”

XXXX -- Mod Edit -- Primary source is good enough. Don't need the token Inforwars link.

Acckording to the degenerates they lived in a world filled with candy, sunshine, loillipops when Obama was in what's so hysterical is all this was already unfolding right in front of them under that stupid sob yet they try and dump onto Trump. Stupidity walks where no brains live.

It started in 1776. The US has always been divided. The South hated the North, and it's always been like that. Now it's spread out with the North going to the west coast and the South going to the middle.
simply not true.
I agree: Eventually, the United States will be partitioned.

The American experiment has failed.

Everyone in this country is, of course, a lovely human being.

But everyone has his/her own cultural traits.

Sooner or later, people will decide that they want to live only with people who share their own cultural traits.

It's a win-win situation for everyone.
We have become a nation where the fringes do the controlling. Meanwhile while the two sides argue back and forth the uber wealthy corporations and their ruling ilk laugh all the way to the bank and the middle class while slipping further behind is too busy scraping by to do anything about it. Facts are facts.

Sounds good to me!
I agree: Eventually, the United States will be partitioned.

The American experiment has failed.

Everyone in this country is, of course, a lovely human being.

But everyone has his/her own cultural traits.

Sooner or later, people will decide that they want to live only with people who share their own cultural traits.

It's a win-win situation for everyone.


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