Professor refuses to use Trans pronouns.

What is the big deal about respecting a person? What does it have to do with religion?
You expect people to suddenly change instinctive habitual speech patterns for a few mentally ill people. You're off your rocker.

This doesn't seem to be about changing "instinctive" speech patterns but about refusing to honor a request.
A request that is against language rules.

What specific language rule suddenly needs to be adhered to...when you've already scrapped a ton of them?
Still playing dumb.
What is the big deal about respecting a person? What does it have to do with religion?

It is not respect to cater to crazy people far from it.

Pretending a guy is a girl and vice versa is unethical.

If you are guy that wants to be girl, I am calling you a guy because you are guy.., if I want to call you a girl, because I want to - that's ok right? It doesn't matter what you request.

It doesn't matter what I request....and I am btw a girl...well old broad atleast so close enough.

You should not pretend a crazy persons delusions are real----it is unethical and dangerous and very dishonest.
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What is the big deal about respecting a person? What does it have to do with religion?

It is not respect to cater to crazy people's is far from it.

Pretending a guy is a girl and vice versa is unethical.

If you are a guy that wants to be girl, I am calling you a guy because you are guy..
In 60 days of governing, a fucking pronoun is on top of the list. The benefit of the scam election is seeing how fucking stoooopid these shit stains are................LOLOL.....I never could dream 90 days ago just how fucking stupid. But these are libturds so nothng is off limits
What is the big deal about respecting a person? What does it have to do with religion?
You expect people to suddenly change instinctive habitual speech patterns for a few mentally ill people. You're off your rocker.

This doesn't seem to be about changing "instinctive" speech patterns but about refusing to honor a request.
A request that is against language rules.

What specific language rule suddenly needs to be adhered to...when you've already scrapped a ton of them?
Still playing dumb.

Still applying double standards. Suddenly, language rules matter. How fascinating!
What is the big deal about respecting a person? What does it have to do with religion?

In other words, if I'm a student and I demand to be referred to as a cheetah, everyone else must be compelled to refer to me as a cheetah, right?

Does it hurt you to call someone a cheetah if he requests it? It's whacky, but no skin of your back, or mine, I would think.
What is the big deal about respecting a person? What does it have to do with religion?
You expect people to suddenly change instinctive habitual speech patterns for a few mentally ill people. You're off your rocker.

This doesn't seem to be about changing "instinctive" speech patterns but about refusing to honor a request.
A request that is against language rules.

What specific language rule suddenly needs to be adhered to...when you've already scrapped a ton of them?
We have a bunch of grammar Queens here and on the internets..............Now you want them in real life walking behind you listening?????

You're off your rocker tonight hon. You're in Jillian territory now.
This doesn't seem to be about changing "instinctive" speech patterns but about refusing to honor a request.

What you're saying is that a person MUST parrot something that they KNOW to be untrue in order to appease someone else.

No. That is what you are saying.

You call it "appease"...I call it "respect".

Can I call you "she"?
What is the big deal about respecting a person? What does it have to do with religion?
You expect people to suddenly change instinctive habitual speech patterns for a few mentally ill people. You're off your rocker.

This doesn't seem to be about changing "instinctive" speech patterns but about refusing to honor a request.
A request that is against language rules.

What specific language rule suddenly needs to be adhered to...when you've already scrapped a ton of them?
Still playing dumb.

Still applying double standards. Suddenly, language rules matter. How fascinating!
Wrong. When speaking to one person, you refer to the person with a singular pronoun, not a plural. Do you demand that people refer to you as "they"?
What is the big deal about respecting a person? What does it have to do with religion?

It is not respect to cater to crazy people's is far from it.

Pretending a guy is a girl and vice versa is unethical.

If you are a guy that wants to be girl, I am calling you a guy because you are guy..

The left not only wants to dictate what you can NOT say, they want to FORCE you to parrot statements that you KNOW are untrue.
What is the big deal about respecting a person? What does it have to do with religion?
Many religions prohibit lying.

Well that right there is going to get a hell of a lot of religious people in deep doo doo long before they hit on the pronoun thing.
Your opinion is not only meaningless but completely ridiculous. If a person says they will not lie is that more or less respectable than someone whose feelings are hurt because they demand a lie? Suppose they aren't religious at all. They just won't lie. Now what? Maybe they took an oath not to lie. As a structure of humanity we cannot start demanding that we demand liars as the price of being respectful.
What is the big deal about respecting a person? What does it have to do with religion?
You expect people to suddenly change instinctive habitual speech patterns for a few mentally ill people. You're off your rocker.

This doesn't seem to be about changing "instinctive" speech patterns but about refusing to honor a request.
A request that is against language rules.

What specific language rule suddenly needs to be adhered to...when you've already scrapped a ton of them?
Ya know what??....We have tens of thousands of sexually abused illegal minors crammed in tents and look like baked potatoes in an oven.And I'm supposed to worry about a GD pronoun???
Send them to Purina for dog food.
What is the big deal about respecting a person? What does it have to do with religion?

It is not respect to cater to crazy people far from it.

Pretending a guy is a girl and vice versa is unethical.

If you are guy that wants to be girl, I am calling you a guy because you are guy.., if I want to call you a girl, because I want to - that's ok right? It doesn't matter what you request.
Sticks and stones.
I believe in a statement that Andrew Wilkow likes to say. Your freedom to be you includes my freedom to be free FROM you.

Leftists don't believe in freedom. Leftists believe that you must submit to the whims of leftist ideology and abandon your own individuality.

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