Profile Of Woman Leading Protests At USSC Justice Homes

Wooten-Holoway is a member of 'Ruth Sent Us', a leftist pro-abortion extremist group that called for planned, and carried out protests at USSC Justices homes. She also put Justices lives in danger by doxxing them.

Her initial attempt at doxxing the Justices actually put innocent Americans' lives in danger by giving the wrong locations / addresses.

- Proving to be one who refuses to take responsibility for her own actions, Wooten-Holoway blamed the residents for all the people who showed up because THEY failed to correct HER mistake by not telling her their residences were not those of the USSC Justices she was looking for.

Bwuhahahaha :p

In summary, the NY Times created a profile of Wooten-Holoway describing her in this way and this article states this:

"What to make of all of this?

Wooten-Holway was the victim of a sexual assault and has clearly been traumatized by it. I hope the bastard responsible rots in jail for his crimes.

But Justice Kavanaugh was not that man. The allegations made against Kavanaugh had little to no outside support, not even from the accusers best friend who was supposedly present at the party in question.

More to the point, since she lives in Maryland Wooten-Holway’s right to an abortion WON'T EVEN BE IMPACTED even if the Supreme Court’s decision matches the leaked draft. Abortion will remain legal in Maryland.

Despite this last fact, Wooten-Holloway put the lives of innocent Americans having nothing to do with the USSC or the potential reversal of RVW and the lives of USSC Justices in danger for her own political/ personal benfit, based on half-truths, fiction, and emotion.

Reading the NYT description if her two abortions after presumed/assumed lack of caution - having 2 abortions to escape responsibikity for her own actions, it is not surprised she blamed the innocent families whose lives she put in danger by sending protesters / extremists to the wrong addresses. It sounds like taking personal responsibility is not her thing.

Sounds like a woman you could cold cock in the face and have her warm it up for you without any guilty feelings.
Kavanaugh's fist mistake was choosing to live in MD.....And his second in moon-bat Chevy Chase, MD....The land of hyphenated names..
Wooten-Holoway is a member of 'Ruth Sent Us', a leftist pro-abortion extremist group that called for planned, and carried out protests at USSC Justices homes. She also put Justices lives in danger by doxxing them.

Her initial attempt at doxxing the Justices actually put innocent Americans' lives in danger by giving the wrong locations / addresses.

- Proving to be one who refuses to take responsibility for her own actions, Wooten-Holoway blamed the residents for all the people who showed up because THEY failed to correct HER mistake by not telling her their residences were not those of the USSC Justices she was looking for.

Bwuhahahaha :p

In summary, the NY Times created a profile of Wooten-Holoway describing her in this way and this article states this:

"What to make of all of this?

Wooten-Holway was the victim of a sexual assault and has clearly been traumatized by it. I hope the bastard responsible rots in jail for his crimes.

But Justice Kavanaugh was not that man. The allegations made against Kavanaugh had little to no outside support, not even from the accusers best friend who was supposedly present at the party in question.

More to the point, since she lives in Maryland Wooten-Holway’s right to an abortion WON'T EVEN BE IMPACTED even if the Supreme Court’s decision matches the leaked draft. Abortion will remain legal in Maryland.

Despite this last fact, Wooten-Holloway put the lives of innocent Americans having nothing to do with the USSC or the potential reversal of RVW and the lives of USSC Justices in danger for her own political/ personal benfit, based on half-truths, fiction, and emotion.

Reading the NYT description if her two abortions after presumed/assumed lack of caution - having 2 abortions to escape responsibikity for her own actions, it is not surprised she blamed the innocent families whose lives she put in danger by sending protesters / extremists to the wrong addresses. It sounds like taking personal responsibility is not her thing.

Why are you quoting talking about an article in the Washington Post? Do you have to find someone to tell you what to think about another paper's reporting? You're linking to reports about reporting as your sources.

Try reading the original reporting and forming your OWN opinions.
First amendment

It's against the law to protest a Supreme Court Justice and for a reason.

They are not Legislators, and they are not there to represent the Will of the People.
They represent the Constitution and nothing anyone can say or do in a protest will change the words or actual meaning in the Constitution.

If someone wants to exercise their First Amendment Rights and protest a decision ... They need to protest the Legislative Branch.
They represent the Will of the People and confirm the Justices.

Why are you quoting talking about an article in the Washington Post? Do you have to find someone to tell you what to think about another paper's reporting? You're linking to reports about reporting as your sources.

Try reading the original reporting and forming your OWN opinions.

The HotAir article links the Wapo article, too stupid to click a link?

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