Profitable Journalism Is All About Keeping Conservatives Coming Back For More


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
For the past four decades conservative political policies have been the dominant force in our government. These policies have proven conservatism has no regards for the well being of American society as a whole. There are volumes of evidence showing the economic struggles of 90% of our citizens, that also show unprecedented prosperity for the very top 0.1%

Conservatives will deny this and tout the (mythical) benefits-for-all of “trickle down” and “supply side” economic theory. But again, they deny all evidence that contradicts their inaccurate beliefs, or shows them to be the unethical hypocrites they are.

Conservatives hate so many things (and people), such as non-Christians, non-whites, the poor, the working poor, the elderly, the disabled, workers’ safety, consumers’ rights, protections for small investors, the environment (which includes clean air, potable water, unpolluted soil), and anything else that might cut into the profits of Big Business and the top 0.1%.

Conservatives can offer no evidence to refute this, as they vote strictly for Republicans who legislate against the best interests of everything and everyone listed as “things conservative hate” in the previous paragraph.

Since last November’s election, the many controversies created by the Big Orange Head’s administration dominate the print media as well as television news programs. And, as most of us know, corporate needs dictate what information the public reads, hears, and sees, and that which is not profitable must take a distant back seat to that which is.

With profit as their only motive, NBC is joining MSNBC to become FOX News-light. Bringing Megyn Kelly, Nicolle Wallace, and Greta Van Susteren aboard, and with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt likely to join the NBC family, the network executives are attempting to exploit the white-male-anger Roger Ailes successfully tapped so many years ago.

While there is no plan, as yet, to totally commit itself to the right wing lunatic fringe as does the FOX Network, NBC is hiring hosts and contributors whose jobs are to stoke the fires-of-right-wing-paranoia. This is a proven ratings winning formula.

NBC management understands research and audience surveys, and knows conservative traits (including their unreasonable hatred, ingrained fear, persecution complex, homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny, religious intolerance, etc.) causes an overwhelming need in these people for daily reaffirmation that these malignant traits are justified. And, for many years, FOX News has been the best at providing the misinformation that does, indeed, give conservatives this much needed reaffirmation.

At the same time, this research and audience information has shown network executives (at both NBC and FOX) that liberals naturally posses, or learn during their lives, these positive traits: a strong preference for justice and equality for all, to embrace knowledge and understanding, show others compassion and empathy, and to protect the planet we need for sustaining life. And while liberals do have fears, their fears are counterbalanced using their knowledge and understanding.

So, unlike conservatives, liberals have little need for any outside sources of reaffirmation, and this hurts ratings for, what has been, the liberal leaning MSNBC.

Understanding the need for higher ratings, it is no wonder NBC management would want to exploit conservative extremism. All evidence shows that, in the twenty-first century, profitable journalism is all about keeping conservatives coming back for more.

Megyn Kelly No Longer Hosting Sandy Hook Benefit Due to Alex Jones Interview

With Fox News in flux, MSNBC is courting conservatives



you wanna understand read this: "Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" Jane Mayer
For the past four decades conservative political policies have been the dominant force in our government. These policies have proven conservatism has no regards for the well being of American society as a whole. There are volumes of evidence showing the economic struggles of 90% of our citizens, that also show unprecedented prosperity for the very top 0.1%

Conservatives will deny this and tout the (mythical) benefits-for-all of “trickle down” and “supply side” economic theory. But again, they deny all evidence that contradicts their inaccurate beliefs, or shows them to be the unethical hypocrites they are.

Conservatives hate so many things (and people), such as non-Christians, non-whites, the poor, the working poor, the elderly, the disabled, workers’ safety, consumers’ rights, protections for small investors, the environment (which includes clean air, potable water, unpolluted soil), and anything else that might cut into the profits of Big Business and the top 0.1%.

Conservatives can offer no evidence to refute this, as they vote strictly for Republicans who legislate against the best interests of everything and everyone listed as “things conservative hate” in the previous paragraph.

Since last November’s election, the many controversies created by the Big Orange Head’s administration dominate the print media as well as television news programs. And, as most of us know, corporate needs dictate what information the public reads, hears, and sees, and that which is not profitable must take a distant back seat to that which is.

With profit as their only motive, NBC is joining MSNBC to become FOX News-light. Bringing Megyn Kelly, Nicolle Wallace, and Greta Van Susteren aboard, and with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt likely to join the NBC family, the network executives are attempting to exploit the white-male-anger Roger Ailes successfully tapped so many years ago.

While there is no plan, as yet, to totally commit itself to the right wing lunatic fringe as does the FOX Network, NBC is hiring hosts and contributors whose jobs are to stoke the fires-of-right-wing-paranoia. This is a proven ratings winning formula.

NBC management understands research and audience surveys, and knows conservative traits (including their unreasonable hatred, ingrained fear, persecution complex, homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny, religious intolerance, etc.) causes an overwhelming need in these people for daily reaffirmation that these malignant traits are justified. And, for many years, FOX News has been the best at providing the misinformation that does, indeed, give conservatives this much needed reaffirmation.

At the same time, this research and audience information has shown network executives (at both NBC and FOX) that liberals naturally posses, or learn during their lives, these positive traits: a strong preference for justice and equality for all, to embrace knowledge and understanding, show others compassion and empathy, and to protect the planet we need for sustaining life. And while liberals do have fears, their fears are counterbalanced using their knowledge and understanding.

So, unlike conservatives, liberals have little need for any outside sources of reaffirmation, and this hurts ratings for, what has been, the liberal leaning MSNBC.

Understanding the need for higher ratings, it is no wonder NBC management would want to exploit conservative extremism. All evidence shows that, in the twenty-first century, profitable journalism is all about keeping conservatives coming back for more.

Megyn Kelly No Longer Hosting Sandy Hook Benefit Due to Alex Jones Interview

With Fox News in flux, MSNBC is courting conservatives


View attachment 132806 View attachment 132807

You went on a keyboard tirade about conservative media and linked Yahoo for the source. Give that a minute to sink in. You see it yet?
For the past four decades conservative political policies have been the dominant force in our government. These policies have proven conservatism has no regards for the well being of American society as a whole. There are volumes of evidence showing the economic struggles of 90% of our citizens, that also show unprecedented prosperity for the very top 0.1%

Conservatives will deny this and tout the (mythical) benefits-for-all of “trickle down” and “supply side” economic theory. But again, they deny all evidence that contradicts their inaccurate beliefs, or shows them to be the unethical hypocrites they are.

Conservatives hate so many things (and people), such as non-Christians, non-whites, the poor, the working poor, the elderly, the disabled, workers’ safety, consumers’ rights, protections for small investors, the environment (which includes clean air, potable water, unpolluted soil), and anything else that might cut into the profits of Big Business and the top 0.1%.

Conservatives can offer no evidence to refute this, as they vote strictly for Republicans who legislate against the best interests of everything and everyone listed as “things conservative hate” in the previous paragraph.

Since last November’s election, the many controversies created by the Big Orange Head’s administration dominate the print media as well as television news programs. And, as most of us know, corporate needs dictate what information the public reads, hears, and sees, and that which is not profitable must take a distant back seat to that which is.

With profit as their only motive, NBC is joining MSNBC to become FOX News-light. Bringing Megyn Kelly, Nicolle Wallace, and Greta Van Susteren aboard, and with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt likely to join the NBC family, the network executives are attempting to exploit the white-male-anger Roger Ailes successfully tapped so many years ago.

While there is no plan, as yet, to totally commit itself to the right wing lunatic fringe as does the FOX Network, NBC is hiring hosts and contributors whose jobs are to stoke the fires-of-right-wing-paranoia. This is a proven ratings winning formula.

NBC management understands research and audience surveys, and knows conservative traits (including their unreasonable hatred, ingrained fear, persecution complex, homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny, religious intolerance, etc.) causes an overwhelming need in these people for daily reaffirmation that these malignant traits are justified. And, for many years, FOX News has been the best at providing the misinformation that does, indeed, give conservatives this much needed reaffirmation.

At the same time, this research and audience information has shown network executives (at both NBC and FOX) that liberals naturally posses, or learn during their lives, these positive traits: a strong preference for justice and equality for all, to embrace knowledge and understanding, show others compassion and empathy, and to protect the planet we need for sustaining life. And while liberals do have fears, their fears are counterbalanced using their knowledge and understanding.

So, unlike conservatives, liberals have little need for any outside sources of reaffirmation, and this hurts ratings for, what has been, the liberal leaning MSNBC.

Understanding the need for higher ratings, it is no wonder NBC management would want to exploit conservative extremism. All evidence shows that, in the twenty-first century, profitable journalism is all about keeping conservatives coming back for more.

Megyn Kelly No Longer Hosting Sandy Hook Benefit Due to Alex Jones Interview

With Fox News in flux, MSNBC is courting conservatives


View attachment 132806 View attachment 132807

For the past four decades conservative political policies have been the dominant force in our government.

Visual Guide: The Balance Of Power Between Congress and The Presidency (1901-2017) - WiredPen

Jump to the chart...... Kinda blows your conservative control claim right out of the water. :thup:

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