Zone1 Program on Rise in Antisemitism now on CNN

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Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
They are reporting that antisemitism, coming from both the left and right, is at its highest point in generations - and that antisemitism is being “normalized.”

Of course, it being CNN, I suspect they will focus on white supremacists on the right and Trump’s supposed antisemitism, and give only a passing mention to the Muslim BDS movement on the left, along with Farrakhan’s black hate group, and the antisemitism in the Women’s movement.
White Supremacy is being normalized, it’s not just skinheads anymore, it is suits, ties, and political action committees.

Nine in ten American Jews (91%) say the extreme political right constitutes an antisemitic threat in the United States, with half—45%—saying it represents a very serious threat.
yup….now they’re on to Charlottesville, and Trump and the “fine people” bit.

This is just a hit piece on Trump and the right.
White Supremacy is being normalized, it’s not just skinheads anymore, it is suits, ties, and political action committees.

Nine in ten American Jews (91%) say the extreme political right constitutes an antisemitic threat in the United States, with half—45%—saying it represents a very serious threat.
By some measures, it’s worse on the left. A poster recently posted a pie chart showing that a greater percentage of Democrats blamed Jews for the last recession than did Republicans.

Couldnt find the pie chart, but this article reveals that more Democrats blamed Jews than did Republicans.

OK….I’m about halfway into this program, and the focus has all been on the antisemitism on the right. They might allocate the last five minutes to antisemitic Democrats, but this is clearly a politically-inspired program to get people to go against Republicans.
Lisa, you can't whine about anti Semitism being on the rise while posting stuff that represents a problem that has been determined as the number 1 threat to this country.
Roughly, 1.7 % of Americans are Jewish. I'm part Jewish, and surrounded by blacks or Hispanics slaughtering each other every day. Antisemitism isn't exactly on my top ten concerns.
It should be. It’s at the highest point since WW2, and if Biden leads us into a bad recession, Jews will be blamed.

It‘s this “Ho-hum” attitude about antisemitism that is allowing it to build.
Good. Now they are reporting about the hostility toward Jews coming as a result of the anti-Zionist attitudes on liberal college campus. One Jewish student was kicked off an organization she founded, unrelated to Isrsel, because the liberals didn’t approve of her siding with Isrsel.

She was getting threats, and she now feels unsafe on campus. SUNY -New Paltz.
Good. Now they are reporting about the hostility toward Jews coming as a result of the anti-Zionist attitudes on liberal college campus. One Jewish student was kicked off an organization she founded, unrelated to Isrsel, because the liberals didn’t approve of her siding with Isrsel.
Maybe they'll bring up Anti black jewish attitudes.
White Supremacy is being normalized, it’s not just skinheads anymore, it is suits, ties, and political action committees.

Nine in ten American Jews (91%) say the extreme political right constitutes an antisemitic threat in the United States, with half—45%—saying it represents a very serious threat.
Far right is former congressman Ron Paul & prez Tom Jefferson. Far left is in the below link

You wish Blacks murdering Asians and Jews aren't being ignored was true? Or You wish Blacks being such sociopaths murderers wasn't true? Me too.
Well since you wanted to bring that up.

Anti-Black or African American hate crimes continue to be the largest bias incident victim category, with 2,871 incidents in 2020, a 49% increase since 2019. Additionally, there were 279 anti-Asian incidents reported in 2020, a 77% increase since 2019. The other largest categories of hate crimes include anti-Hispanic or Latino incidents, with 517, and anti-White incidents, with 869 in total.


Incidents related to religion decreased 18% from 2019, with 1,244 total incidents reported. The largest category included:
  • 683 anti-Jewish incidents, down 28% since 2019;

So there were 4 times more Anti black hate crimes than anti Jewish. And what you and Lisa don't get is that black Jews exist.


Now, I despise anti semitism and it should b stopped just like racism. But it's not right to post thread after thread and post after post of anto black persection based on lies then act like you are persecuted for being a Jew.
Well since you wanted to bring that up.

Anti-Black or African American hate crimes continue to be the largest bias incident victim category, with 2,871 incidents in 2020, a 49% increase since 2019. Additionally, there were 279 anti-Asian incidents reported in 2020, a 77% increase since 2019. The other largest categories of hate crimes include anti-Hispanic or Latino incidents, with 517, and anti-White incidents, with 869 in total.

View attachment 685596

Incidents related to religion decreased 18% from 2019, with 1,244 total incidents reported. The largest category included:
  • 683 anti-Jewish incidents, down 28% since 2019;

So there were 4 times more Anti black hate crimes than anti Jewish. And what you and Lisa don't get is that black Jews exist.

View attachment 685601

Now, I despise anti Semitism and it should b stopped just like racism. But it's not right to post thread after thread and post after post of black persecutions based on lies then act like you are persecuted for being a Jew.
I live with poor blacks. With poor Hispanics. Not in a Jewish all white gated community. Just last week, someone was murdered less than 100 feet from my home. Ten years ago, an old white man (in a fucking wheelchair no less) was murdered by a goofy black kid, he literally licked the blood off his fingers like it was KFC! THAT is the world I live in. Blacks don't get a special pass. Fuck that racism stuff, it's bullshit excuse for NOTHING.
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Yup, I don’t get it. What’s he trying to say? That racism is the number one threat to our country?

I Thunk he's just pissed that blacks have become the 2nd class victims behind all the illegals they're letting in. He will soon have to share his food stamps with them :D
White Supremacy is being normalized, it’s not just skinheads anymore, it is suits, ties, and political action committees.

Nine in ten American Jews (91%) say the extreme political right constitutes an antisemitic threat in the United States, with half—45%—saying it represents a very serious threat.
91% of American Jews are assimilated, extremely Liberal and believe that non-Whites are sub-human.
I have nothing but contempt for these morons.
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