Progressive Greatest US Success: Detroit to spend $2B to clean out Blight


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009

How can you not admire a philosophy that took a major US City from a world class city down to ruin in 50 years? Usually it takes a nuclear explosion or smallpox outbreak to eradicate a major metropolitan area. But Progressives found a way to bring all the devastation and destruction with none of the nuclear fallout.

Detroit was once our Paris, the epicenter of American exceptionalism and entrepreneurship. It's where Henry Ford the automobile and mass production raised the living standard of the middle class to the envy of the world. At the same time, the methods employed by Progressives were bringing poverty, despair and ruin all over the planet. While Detroit pulled the USA up from 1920 to 1960, Progressive economics were literally killing millions from Moscow to Peking.

That left Progressives one choice: Destroy Detroit. Turn Detroit into an Eastern European Hellhole. They've succeeded! Well done. Komrades! Well Done!

It worked for Detroit, why not put that same Class Envy and hatred of free enterprise to work on the entire country?

$2B needed to wipe out Detroit's blight in 5 years, task force says | Detroit Free Press |
Have you never been to the VD capital of the US? Fort Bliss by El Paso?? They could use a little razing also...

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