Progressives seek to establish pedophilia as a sexual orientation.

Here's the thing...if we maintain that sexual orientation is something people are BORN with...then it appears that everything we know about pedophilia (that it is CAUSED by child sexual abuse....which it is) needs to be thrown out the window in order to accomodate the homo community.

"Not all pedophiles molest children. Nor are all child molesters pedophiles. Studies show that about half of all molesters are not sexually attracted to their victims. They often have personality disorders or violent streaks, and their victims are typically family members.
By contrast, pedophiles tend to think of children as romantic partners and look beyond immediate relatives. They include chronic abusers familiar from the headlines — Catholic priests, coaches and generations of Boy Scout leaders.

Other pedophiles are "good people who are struggling," said Dr. Fred Berlin, a psychiatrist who heads the Johns Hopkins Sexual Behaviors Consultation Unit.

Many experts now view pedophilia as a sexual orientation [Google+ hangout] -

Aren't most child molesters conservative white men?

nope because by definition they're gay and those are democrats...thanks for playing.

And the ones that like girls have loong rapsheets, and those are democrats as would be nice to keep people in prison, how many children have to die before we just execute these scumbags?

LOL How absolutely ludicrous. OMFG. All child molesters are liberals? You are delusional and pathetic. All child molesters are sick. The sickness has nothing to do with American partisan politics. What about all the other child molesters around the world and for eons and eons before the American idea of liberal and conservative even existed? The American idea of liberal vs conservative has nothing to do with it. It is so pathetic, the piss poor little two dimensional world you all live in.
Here's the thing...if we maintain that sexual orientation is something people are BORN with...then it appears that everything we know about pedophilia (that it is CAUSED by child sexual abuse....which it is) needs to be thrown out the window in order to accomodate the homo community.

"Not all pedophiles molest children. Nor are all child molesters pedophiles. Studies show that about half of all molesters are not sexually attracted to their victims. They often have personality disorders or violent streaks, and their victims are typically family members.
By contrast, pedophiles tend to think of children as romantic partners and look beyond immediate relatives. They include chronic abusers familiar from the headlines — Catholic priests, coaches and generations of Boy Scout leaders.

Other pedophiles are "good people who are struggling," said Dr. Fred Berlin, a psychiatrist who heads the Johns Hopkins Sexual Behaviors Consultation Unit.

Many experts now view pedophilia as a sexual orientation [Google+ hangout] -

This is really disingenuous koshergrl. Progressives hold the same view of pedophiles as conservatives. You are trying to label all progressives based of your perceived view of a doctor and an assumption of his political affiliation. Most doctors are probably Republicans.

This thread should be placed in the flame zone.
yeah homo, democrat and .....drum roll.....pedophile and and extra drum roll....member of NAMBLA

so you like allen ginsburg......what else do I need to say?

I think he was a brilliant writer...that can't be denied. As for his personal life, I'm in the dark.
You like David Duke? Hitler? Strom Thurmond? Timothy McVeigh? I'm sure they had their redeeming qualities.
^^^Wow, I think we just found out all we need to know about Poet, er, Uncle Tom......No doubt we see what's really going on up in the "cabin".

I think we'll have to file the above post away for future reference and use.

I think you are entirely incapable of grasping obvious satire.
Homosexuality, and pedophilia are of the same coin; they are both deviant. The Progressive movement definately want to classify pedophilia as a natural sexual orientation; hard wired. If they can get it accepted as normal; evil will be called good, and that is what they are really aftert - next will be beastieality. It seems they have already won on homosexuality - though it still remains evil! This is a spiritual battle with the soul of America at hand!

You are wrong. They are not of the same coin. The American Medical Assoc. has classified homosexuality as "normal variant", not deviant. And somehow, I think they would know better than you. There is nothing deviant about being attracted to the same sex...actually, "hard-wired", probably from birth. If you can't spell bestiality, then I don't think you should talk about it. Won? This isn't a contest....these are peoples' lives. A spiritual battle??? I didn't make me the way that I am...God made me. And it must be alright, because I'm alright with Him, and he with me. Besides, who would pay attention to anyone going by the name of Duped.

There is research that has come out that pedophilia is also hard wired. Studies also show that serial rapists and serial killers are hard wired.

So I guess it is, according to you "alright".
Homosexuality, and pedophilia are of the same coin; they are both deviant. The Progressive movement definately want to classify pedophilia as a natural sexual orientation; hard wired. If they can get it accepted as normal; evil will be called good, and that is what they are really aftert - next will be beastieality. It seems they have already won on homosexuality - though it still remains evil! This is a spiritual battle with the soul of America at hand!

You are wrong. They are not of the same coin. The American Medical Assoc. has classified homosexuality as "normal variant", not deviant. And somehow, I think they would know better than you. There is nothing deviant about being attracted to the same sex...actually, "hard-wired", probably from birth. If you can't spell bestiality, then I don't think you should talk about it. Won? This isn't a contest....these are peoples' lives. A spiritual battle??? I didn't make me the way that I am...God made me. And it must be alright, because I'm alright with Him, and he with me. Besides, who would pay attention to anyone going by the name of Duped.

There is research that has come out that pedophilia is also hard wired. Studies also show that serial rapists and serial killers are hard wired.

So I guess it is, according to you "alright".

Right. Except "murder" and "sex with children" isn't acceptable by anybody's standards. However, sex between consenting adults "is". The premise of grouping homosexuality with pedophilia and/or murder or bestiality, is wrong, on its' face. Left-handedness and eye color are human traits that are also "hard-wired" want to condemn folks for that, as well?
And you are doing Will Ferrell an injustice by using his likeness as an avatar.
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You are wrong. They are not of the same coin. The American Medical Assoc. has classified homosexuality as "normal variant", not deviant. And somehow, I think they would know better than you. There is nothing deviant about being attracted to the same sex...actually, "hard-wired", probably from birth. If you can't spell bestiality, then I don't think you should talk about it. Won? This isn't a contest....these are peoples' lives. A spiritual battle??? I didn't make me the way that I am...God made me. And it must be alright, because I'm alright with Him, and he with me. Besides, who would pay attention to anyone going by the name of Duped.

There is research that has come out that pedophilia is also hard wired. Studies also show that serial rapists and serial killers are hard wired.

So I guess it is, according to you "alright".

Right. Except "murder" and "sex with children" isn't acceptable by anybody's standards. However, sex between consenting adults "is". The premise of grouping homosexuality with pedophilia and/or murder or bestiality, is wrong, on its' face. Left-handedness and eye color are human traits that are also "hard-wired" want to condemn folks for that, as well?
And you are doing Will Ferrell an injustice by using his likeness as an avatar.

I see you go to insults, interesting tactic you use, is it because you like to belittle people to make yourself feel better about your insecurities and self esteem?

Back to the topic.

Who said anything about condemning other than you.

What about sex between a brother and sister, brother and brother, father and daughter if the are all consenting adults? Should they also be allowed to enter into marriage?
The entire argument from the left fails... They are saying that pedophelia and beastiality are wrong --- Well, guess what, it used to be that virtually everyone said that homosexuality was wrong. Nobody would have ever guessed that the wacko lefties would be arguing for gay marriage.

How long now until the pedo's wear us down with secular mumbo jumbo and convince the weak-minded lefties that old men should be able to marry a 12 y/o (boy or girl) who "loves" them?

We have already determined that we, as a society, are willing to allow deviate sex --- now we are just negotiating the time to complete acceptance to all deviate sexual behavior.
There is research that has come out that pedophilia is also hard wired. Studies also show that serial rapists and serial killers are hard wired.

So I guess it is, according to you "alright".

Right. Except "murder" and "sex with children" isn't acceptable by anybody's standards. However, sex between consenting adults "is". The premise of grouping homosexuality with pedophilia and/or murder or bestiality, is wrong, on its' face. Left-handedness and eye color are human traits that are also "hard-wired" want to condemn folks for that, as well?
And you are doing Will Ferrell an injustice by using his likeness as an avatar.

I see you go to insults, interesting tactic you use, is it because you like to belittle people to make yourself feel better about your insecurities and self esteem?

Back to the topic.

Who said anything about condemning other than you.

What about sex between a brother and sister, brother and brother, father and daughter if the are all consenting adults? Should they also be allowed to enter into marriage?

Incest is no more tolerated than pedophilia is....but you know that. Yet, still, you want to bring in "known and agreed upon deviancy and perversion" and compare it to homosexuality. Intellectually dishonest.
I only insult when it's called for. And I certainly don't do it to feel better about myself. I do it to wake folks up from their quandary, which is infringing on my right to have a good and pleasant day, free from unnecessary stupidity.
The entire argument from the left fails... They are saying that pedophelia and beastiality are wrong --- Well, guess what, it used to be that virtually everyone said that homosexuality was wrong. Nobody would have ever guessed that the wacko lefties would be arguing for gay marriage.

How long now until the pedo's wear us down with secular mumbo jumbo and convince the weak-minded lefties that old men should be able to marry a 12 y/o (boy or girl) who "loves" them?

We have already determined that we, as a society, are willing to allow deviate sex --- now we are just negotiating the time to complete acceptance to all deviate sexual behavior.

Its already happening.
However back in the 70's NAMBLA was a part of the gay rights movement. Right around the 80's the more mainstream gay rights people realized NAMBLA was an albatross around thier necks, and cut them loose.

NAMBLA targets pubescent and post pubescent boys, they are not true pedophiles.

That being said they are still sick fucks.
Here's the thing...if we maintain that sexual orientation is something people are BORN with...then it appears that everything we know about pedophilia (that it is CAUSED by child sexual abuse....which it is) needs to be thrown out the window in order to accomodate the homo community.

"Not all pedophiles molest children. Nor are all child molesters pedophiles. Studies show that about half of all molesters are not sexually attracted to their victims. They often have personality disorders or violent streaks, and their victims are typically family members.
By contrast, pedophiles tend to think of children as romantic partners and look beyond immediate relatives. They include chronic abusers familiar from the headlines — Catholic priests, coaches and generations of Boy Scout leaders.

Other pedophiles are "good people who are struggling," said Dr. Fred Berlin, a psychiatrist who heads the Johns Hopkins Sexual Behaviors Consultation Unit.

Many experts now view pedophilia as a sexual orientation [Google+ hangout] -

You truly are an idiot of epic proportions. To equate homosexuality in any way to pedophilia just shows how absolutely ignorant you are. Here is the simple fact about homosexuality; homosexual acts happen between consenting adults. Now here is the simple fact about pedophilia; acts of pedophilia take place between an adult and a non-consenting minor who is in fact being raped.

It amazes me that you are incapable of differentiating between the two, because it really is very simple.

Homosexual acts are not done by minors? Not by adults to minors??

The key is, whether you like it or not, they are both (along with other things) deviant sexual choices or deviant learned behavior... it is not equating the 2 or saying that the 2 acts are exactly the same.... it is just saying that they are acts out of the norm done by people
Once pedophilia has been removed from the list of mental illness and reclassified as a sexual orientation they are over half way to legalization.
Perhaps the most deviant of deviancy is that asexuality is still a mental illness and they don't want to have sex with anyone.
Here's the thing...if we maintain that sexual orientation is something people are BORN with...then it appears that everything we know about pedophilia (that it is CAUSED by child sexual abuse....which it is) needs to be thrown out the window in order to accomodate the homo community.

"Not all pedophiles molest children. Nor are all child molesters pedophiles. Studies show that about half of all molesters are not sexually attracted to their victims. They often have personality disorders or violent streaks, and their victims are typically family members.
By contrast, pedophiles tend to think of children as romantic partners and look beyond immediate relatives. They include chronic abusers familiar from the headlines — Catholic priests, coaches and generations of Boy Scout leaders.

Other pedophiles are "good people who are struggling," said Dr. Fred Berlin, a psychiatrist who heads the Johns Hopkins Sexual Behaviors Consultation Unit.

Many experts now view pedophilia as a sexual orientation [Google+ hangout] -
anyone who is sexualy attracted to children should be exterminated .

yidnar nailed it here.
Once pedophilia has been removed from the list of mental illness and reclassified as a sexual orientation they are over half way to legalization.
That's just wishful thinking on your part.

That's what happened with homosexuality. It used to be considered a mental illness too. It was removed from the list of recognized mental illness in 1973. It became a sexual orientation.
Right. Except "murder" and "sex with children" isn't acceptable by anybody's standards. However, sex between consenting adults "is". The premise of grouping homosexuality with pedophilia and/or murder or bestiality, is wrong, on its' face. Left-handedness and eye color are human traits that are also "hard-wired" want to condemn folks for that, as well?
And you are doing Will Ferrell an injustice by using his likeness as an avatar.

I see you go to insults, interesting tactic you use, is it because you like to belittle people to make yourself feel better about your insecurities and self esteem?

Back to the topic.

Who said anything about condemning other than you.

What about sex between a brother and sister, brother and brother, father and daughter if the are all consenting adults? Should they also be allowed to enter into marriage?

Incest is no more tolerated than pedophilia is....but you know that. Yet, still, you want to bring in "known and agreed upon deviancy and perversion" and compare it to homosexuality. Intellectually dishonest.
I only insult when it's called for. And I certainly don't do it to feel better about myself. I do it to wake folks up from their quandary, which is infringing on my right to have a good and pleasant day, free from unnecessary stupidity.

You brought up consenting adults.

Homosexuality was no more tolerated than incest a few short decades ago. How is incest a perversion between to consenting adults that love each other?

I see no difference and it is not dishonest. It fits all your criteria.
Incest is as old as homosexuality. Animals engage in incest. Once homosexuality is accepted, there is no form of deviancy that won't be accepted.
No, it's here because it's sourced and it has legal implications, thanks to the progressive insistence that depraved sexuality be recognized as having the same social standing as marriage.

Marriage is a contract, rape is not. No one has suggested the rape of a child should have the same social standing as marriage EXCEPT for you, and maybe the set of partisan hacks and pedophiles.

In fact the marriage contract is broken whenever power and control of one is exercised over the other. It seems some conservative Republicans hold all marriage with the same esteem, which explains their support for DOMA and opposition to VAWA.
No, it's here because it's sourced and it has legal implications, thanks to the progressive insistence that depraved sexuality be recognized as having the same social standing as marriage.

Marriage is a contract, rape is not. No one has suggested the rape of a child should have the same social standing as marriage EXCEPT for you, and maybe the set of partisan hacks and pedophiles.

In fact the marriage contract is broken whenever power and control of one is exercised over the other. It seems some conservative Republicans hold all marriage with the same esteem, which explains their support for DOMA and opposition to VAWA.

I simply don't understand threads like this. I realize there are people who are simply unhinged, like James Dobson, on homosexuality. They view accepting gay and lesbians as really no different than straights as opening the very gates of hell to bring in pedophiles bestiality incest polygamy ..... of course Abraham and Moses dipped their wicks along those lines in part, but let's give that a pass.

But the irony is that when you look down the line of groups (religious and medical/psychological) who argue for full inclusion, you have teh people who most strongly support child protection. So, if you assume people like Dobson or the posters here acutally BELIEVE this crap, then there's the obvious question of why they would. And, because it's irrational to think supporters of inclusion would ever support lessing protections of vulnerable children and adults placed into abusive situations, the answer to why people like Dobson and the posters believe the craptrap is either they're irrational or homophobes. or they could just be trolling with stinky bait. I'm hoping its that.

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