Progressives seek to establish pedophilia as a sexual orientation.

Homosexuality, and pedophilia are of the same coin; they are both deviant. The Progressive movement definately want to classify pedophilia as a natural sexual orientation; hard wired. If they can get it accepted as normal; evil will be called good, and that is what they are really aftert - next will be beastieality. It seems they have already won on homosexuality - though it still remains evil! This is a spiritual battle with the soul of America at hand!

You are wrong. They are not of the same coin. The American Medical Assoc. has classified homosexuality as "normal variant", not deviant. And somehow, I think they would know better than you. There is nothing deviant about being attracted to the same sex...actually, "hard-wired", probably from birth. If you can't spell bestiality, then I don't think you should talk about it. Won? This isn't a contest....these are peoples' lives. A spiritual battle??? I didn't make me the way that I am...God made me. And it must be alright, because I'm alright with Him, and he with me. Besides, who would pay attention to anyone going by the name of Duped.

homosexuality is a behavior, what causes you to be attracted to someone, who knows, but if it's genetic so is my attraction to big boobs....and people attracted to fat people, is there a gene for that as well? You cant win this because physical characteristics are genetic not behavior.
the chances of hot good looking girls in porn all with the lesbo gene is remote, they do it for money...just another example of people not "born" gay.

God didnt make anyone lets stop that bs as well. Same reason as above.

And what is deviant? I love this the AMA used to classify it, but with the gaystopo they stopped it, but it has and was for a long time deviant..And Im sure it wasnt changed for political know dam well it was.

Have you ever tried gay sex?

Uh, please don't talk about things you don't know about. Sexual orientation isn't defined as a is an identity.
Sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sexual orientation is an enduring personal quality that inclines people to feel romantic or sexual attraction (or a combination of these) to persons of the opposite sex or gender, the same sex or gender, or to both sexes or more than one gender. These attractions are generally subsumed under heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality,[1][2] while asexuality (the lack of romantic or sexual attraction to others) is sometimes identified as the fourth category.[3][4][5][6] These categories are aspects of the more nuanced nature of sexual identity.[1] For example, people may use other labels, such as pansexual or polysexual,[7] or none at all.[1] According to the American Psychological Association, sexual orientation "also refers to a person's sense of identity based on those attractions, related behaviors, and membership in a community of others who share those attractions".

I'm proof positive that it can and often occurs "from birth", as my earliest recollection of being attracted to the same sex was at age 4. What does a four year old child know of sexuality? I rest my case.
I believe God makes us whomever we are. Homosexuality, like heterosexuality isn't only about's about love and loving whom you are attracted to, for a variety of reasons.
Why would I condemn you for being attracted to a woman, if that is what you prefer?
Likewise, why would you condemn me for being attracted to a man, if that is what I prefer?
Because you think your way is normal and mine is not???????? Normal for whom, would be my question.
My recommendation is that you "live, and let live". I'm not here to live up to your expectations, and you're not here to live up to mine. It's none of our collective businesses, respectively, anyways.
But progressive politics are certainly friendly to pedophiles.

Prove that.

Allen Ginsburg a major force in progressive politics...aka the democrat party was a member of NAMBLA, and he was revered by the left.

Allen Ginsberg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

NAMBLA based in New York and San Francisco...hmmmm I'd say democrat areas and they are hardcore homos that are big in the gay rights movement, you know DEMOCRATS

Samuel R. Delany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Harry Hay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh I like this one
On June 1, 2011, the Silver Lake, Los Angeles Neighborhood Council voted unanimously to rename the Cove Avenue Stairway in Silver Lake in honor of Hay

Conservatives dont like it, dont see many democrats upset with these people...hmmmmm

Allen Ginsburg...brilliant writer.
Here's the thing...if we maintain that sexual orientation is something people are BORN with...then it appears that everything we know about pedophilia (that it is CAUSED by child sexual abuse....which it is) needs to be thrown out the window in order to accomodate the homo community.

"Not all pedophiles molest children. Nor are all child molesters pedophiles. Studies show that about half of all molesters are not sexually attracted to their victims. They often have personality disorders or violent streaks, and their victims are typically family members.
By contrast, pedophiles tend to think of children as romantic partners and look beyond immediate relatives. They include chronic abusers familiar from the headlines — Catholic priests, coaches and generations of Boy Scout leaders.

Other pedophiles are "good people who are struggling," said Dr. Fred Berlin, a psychiatrist who heads the Johns Hopkins Sexual Behaviors Consultation Unit.

Many experts now view pedophilia as a sexual orientation [Google+ hangout] -
anyone who is sexualy attracted to children should be exterminated .
No, extermination is to be used only on babies and people who can't defend themselves, so thus can't achieve and maintain "personhood".

It's never to be used against progressive darlings....the entitled class....criminals, illegal aliens, sexual deviants, or terrorists.
Prove that.

Allen Ginsburg a major force in progressive politics...aka the democrat party was a member of NAMBLA, and he was revered by the left.

Allen Ginsberg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

NAMBLA based in New York and San Francisco...hmmmm I'd say democrat areas and they are hardcore homos that are big in the gay rights movement, you know DEMOCRATS

Samuel R. Delany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Harry Hay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh I like this one
On June 1, 2011, the Silver Lake, Los Angeles Neighborhood Council voted unanimously to rename the Cove Avenue Stairway in Silver Lake in honor of Hay

Conservatives dont like it, dont see many democrats upset with these people...hmmmmm

Allen Ginsburg...brilliant writer.

yeah homo, democrat and .....drum roll.....pedophile and and extra drum roll....member of NAMBLA

so you like allen ginsburg......what else do I need to say?
No, extermination is to be used only on babies and people who can't defend themselves, so thus can't achieve and maintain "personhood".

It's never to be used against progressive darlings....the entitled class....criminals, illegal aliens, sexual deviants, or terrorists.

For the zillionth time...fetuses (feti) aren't "babies".....not until they are born.
And you forgot some groups: Republicans and conservatives...
Excuse me, I don't allow progressive whackos to dictate to me what I mean. Nor do I allow them to re-define the words I use.
Allen Ginsburg a major force in progressive politics...aka the democrat party was a member of NAMBLA, and he was revered by the left.

Allen Ginsberg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

NAMBLA based in New York and San Francisco...hmmmm I'd say democrat areas and they are hardcore homos that are big in the gay rights movement, you know DEMOCRATS

Samuel R. Delany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Harry Hay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh I like this one
On June 1, 2011, the Silver Lake, Los Angeles Neighborhood Council voted unanimously to rename the Cove Avenue Stairway in Silver Lake in honor of Hay

Conservatives dont like it, dont see many democrats upset with these people...hmmmmm

Allen Ginsburg...brilliant writer.

yeah homo, democrat and .....drum roll.....pedophile and and extra drum roll....member of NAMBLA

so you like allen ginsburg......what else do I need to say?

I think he was a brilliant writer...that can't be denied. As for his personal life, I'm in the dark.
You like David Duke? Hitler? Strom Thurmond? Timothy McVeigh? I'm sure they had their redeeming qualities.
No, extermination is to be used only on babies and people who can't defend themselves, so thus can't achieve and maintain "personhood".

It's never to be used against progressive darlings....the entitled class....criminals, illegal aliens, sexual deviants, or terrorists.

For the zillionth time...fetuses (feti) aren't "babies".....not until they are born.
And you forgot some groups: Republicans and conservatives...

this logic from the ginsburg backer....this guy is a useless waste of space...he's a fan of ginsburg and he thinks babies are nothing until born.....he's a regular nazi...Joseph Mengala would be proud of you.
Allen Ginsburg...brilliant writer.

yeah homo, democrat and .....drum roll.....pedophile and and extra drum roll....member of NAMBLA

so you like allen ginsburg......what else do I need to say?

I think he was a brilliant writer...that can't be denied. As for his personal life, I'm in the dark.
You like David Duke? Hitler? Strom Thurmond? Timothy McVeigh? I'm sure they had their redeeming qualities.

He's a gay commie, who had sex with children, you have the link. As for the others I do like Strom, but he's nowhere near Hitler and McVeigh and Duke I have no idea.
In fact Strom was a pretty decent guy, look up his bio. Ginsburg was disgusting and had no redeeming features.
Allen Ginsburg...brilliant writer.

yeah homo, democrat and .....drum roll.....pedophile and and extra drum roll....member of NAMBLA

so you like allen ginsburg......what else do I need to say?

I think he was a brilliant writer...that can't be denied. As for his personal life, I'm in the dark.
You like David Duke? Hitler? Strom Thurmond? Timothy McVeigh? I'm sure they had their redeeming qualities.
^^^Wow, I think we just found out all we need to know about Poet, er, Uncle Tom......No doubt we see what's really going on up in the "cabin".

I think we'll have to file the above post away for future reference and use.
No, extermination is to be used only on babies and people who can't defend themselves, so thus can't achieve and maintain "personhood".

It's never to be used against progressive darlings....the entitled class....criminals, illegal aliens, sexual deviants, or terrorists.

For the zillionth time...fetuses (feti) aren't "babies".....not until they are born.
And you forgot some groups: Republicans and conservatives...

this logic from the ginsburg backer....this guy is a useless waste of space...he's a fan of ginsburg and he thinks babies are nothing until born.....he's a regular nazi...Joseph Mengala would be proud of you.

Uh, after the Nazis had "final soln" the dregs of Europe...Africans were the next in line. I hardly think Mengele (with an "e", you moron) would have seen me as anything other than oven fodder. You know how you Aryans are.
Shouldn't we just follow the model of the greatest of all Christian churches, Catholicism?

When we catch a pedophile, we move him to another town...

Why is it that the guilty priests almost exclusively molested boys?

Any ideas

Nah, they just couldn't have been homosexuals, right?

Nah, just couldn't be.

Yes. They molested choir boys because those were the children most available to them. It doesn't mean pedophiles are homosexual. Just a many girls are sexually abused as boys, possibly more.
yeah homo, democrat and .....drum roll.....pedophile and and extra drum roll....member of NAMBLA

so you like allen ginsburg......what else do I need to say?

I think he was a brilliant writer...that can't be denied. As for his personal life, I'm in the dark.
You like David Duke? Hitler? Strom Thurmond? Timothy McVeigh? I'm sure they had their redeeming qualities.

He's a gay commie, who had sex with children, you have the link. As for the others I do like Strom, but he's nowhere near Hitler and McVeigh and Duke I have no idea.
In fact Strom was a pretty decent guy, look up his bio. Ginsburg was disgusting and had no redeeming features.

Decent? He raped the family negro maid, and produced a mulatto child, out of wedlock, that he never publicly acknowledged. He was a racist POS. And you think he was a "pretty decent guy". Got it. Not surprised. At all.
Let me get this straight, a post about pedophilia is off topic in a thread about pedophilia. What am I missing?

The only reason why this thread remains in the Politics Forum is because she threw the word Progressive in the OP.

Otherwise this thread would have been removed to the Dumbest Threads Ever Started Forum.

For her to insist Progressives advocate the promotion of pedophilia indicates koshergrl is one twisted soul.

Yep: she's gonna have a whole lotta 'splainin' to do when she stands before St. Peter.
Nobody said pedophilia was partisan, hack.

Thank you. I understood your OP to clearly state that you believed Progressives were pushing the agenda to make pedophilia a true category of "sexual orientation".

What a load of bs.

Aside from kosherdipshit putting the word Progressives in her dumb thread title, how did you come to the conclusion that Progressives were pushing the agenda to make pedophilia a category of sexual orientation when nowhere in either the OP or the article itself does it make any mention of Progressives?

Is it because you both assume the experts mentioned in the article are Progressive?

You're both partisan hacks.
Now that the bigots have lost the same sex marriage debate on this forum, they apparently have decided to invent some imaginary debate that they think they can win.

Congratulations. You win. The government has a compelling interest in using the law against those whose sexual orientation involves minors.

Yeah you won the debate, lol. Remember abortion was illegal until liberals twisted things around and came up with the fetus bull crap. In britain a liberal nation is already trying to legitamize pedophilia. With the liberals in america today more worried about social issues, than the real issues like the economy, I can see them sickly trying to make pedophilia normal.

LOL So pathetic. Everything to you people is about liberal and conservative. Abortion is legal in countries all around the world. Has nothing to do with American partisan politics.
This is a legitimate topic. And it is political. And this effort has been going on since the '70's.

But there is a growing conviction, notably in Canada, that paedophilia should probably be classified as a distinct sexual orientation, like heterosexuality or homosexuality.

Two eminent researchers testified to that effect to a Canadian parliamentary commission last year, and the Harvard Mental Health Letter of July 2010 stated baldly that paedophilia "is a sexual orientation" and therefore "unlikely to change".

And here's more. BTW the whole article is worth the read. I'll put up the link.

A Dutch study published in 1987 found that a sample of boys in paedophilic relationships felt positively about them.

And a major if still controversial 1998-2000 meta-study suggests – as J Michael Bailey of Northwestern University, Chicago, says – that such relationships, entered into voluntarily, are "nearly uncorrelated with undesirable outcomes".

Most people find that idea impossible. But writing last year in the peer-reviewed Archives of Sexual Behaviour, Bailey said that while he also found the notion "disturbing", he was forced to recognise that "persuasive evidence for the harmfulness of paedophilic relationships does not yet exist".

Paedophilia: bringing dark desires to light | Society | The Guardian

What part of "consenting adults" do the people bringing up pedophilia not get?
Settle down, bopete......We all understand that Homosexuals and Pedophiles are perverts to the core, but as long as you Homo pervs keep your perverted choices between consenting adults, you perverts won't be going to jail or anything......It's only when you homo pervs take it out of the consenting adult realm (sad that so many homo pervs do), that we demand justice.

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