Progressives seek to establish pedophilia as a sexual orientation.

At this rate, the Progressive will make marriage legal at 12 years old again, but hey, as long as lesbians can marry underage girls, the feminists will be happy!


You right wing scum are such assholes. You know, my dad's mother was from the back roads of Kentucky. Her marriage was arranged. She married at 12 years old to a 25 year old hick who was a boozer. She had 3 boys by the time she was 15 and he took off, never to be seen again. These were not liberals or progressives. We're talking ultra conservative red necks.
At this rate, the Progressive will make marriage legal at 12 years old again, but hey, as long as lesbians can marry underage girls, the feminists will be happy!


You right wing scum are such assholes. You know, my dad's mother was from the back roads of Kentucky. Her marriage was arranged. She married at 12 years old to a 25 year old hick who was a boozer. She had 3 boys by the time she was 15 and he took off, never to be seen again. These were not liberals or progressives. We're talking ultra conservative red necks.

Wrong again. The majority of the population of Kentucky back then was...


Here's the thing...if we maintain that sexual orientation is something people are BORN with...then it appears that everything we know about pedophilia (that it is CAUSED by child sexual abuse....which it is) needs to be thrown out the window in order to accomodate the homo community.

"Not all pedophiles molest children. Nor are all child molesters pedophiles. Studies show that about half of all molesters are not sexually attracted to their victims. They often have personality disorders or violent streaks, and their victims are typically family members.
By contrast, pedophiles tend to think of children as romantic partners and look beyond immediate relatives. They include chronic abusers familiar from the headlines — Catholic priests, coaches and generations of Boy Scout leaders.

Other pedophiles are "good people who are struggling," said Dr. Fred Berlin, a psychiatrist who heads the Johns Hopkins Sexual Behaviors Consultation Unit.

Many experts now view pedophilia as a sexual orientation [Google+ hangout] -

You truly are an idiot of epic proportions. To equate homosexuality in any way to pedophilia just shows how absolutely ignorant you are. Here is the simple fact about homosexuality; homosexual acts happen between consenting adults. Now here is the simple fact about pedophilia; acts of pedophilia take place between an adult and a non-consenting minor who is in fact being raped.

It amazes me that you are incapable of differentiating between the two, because it really is very simple.

Why don't you read the article? You are attacking a poster for quoting Dr. Fred Berlin, a psychiatrist who heads the Johns Hopkins Sexual Behaviors Consultation Unit, and other "experts" who are now claiming that pedophilia is a sexual orientation. It's those so-called experts equating it with homosexuals as well as straight people. The experts contend people are born a certain way and have no choice. Is that true with pedophiles and rapists? Are those experts now trying to say no one has a choice at all? We can't blame any of them for their actions? Seems to be the message.

koshergrl sounds like she disagrees with them and yet you are attacking her?
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Here's the thing...if we maintain that sexual orientation is something people are BORN with...then it appears that everything we know about pedophilia (that it is CAUSED by child sexual abuse....which it is) needs to be thrown out the window in order to accomodate the homo community.

"Not all pedophiles molest children. Nor are all child molesters pedophiles. Studies show that about half of all molesters are not sexually attracted to their victims. They often have personality disorders or violent streaks, and their victims are typically family members.
By contrast, pedophiles tend to think of children as romantic partners and look beyond immediate relatives. They include chronic abusers familiar from the headlines — Catholic priests, coaches and generations of Boy Scout leaders.

Other pedophiles are "good people who are struggling," said Dr. Fred Berlin, a psychiatrist who heads the Johns Hopkins Sexual Behaviors Consultation Unit.

Many experts now view pedophilia as a sexual orientation [Google+ hangout] -

You truly are an idiot of epic proportions. To equate homosexuality in any way to pedophilia just shows how absolutely ignorant you are. Here is the simple fact about homosexuality; homosexual acts happen between consenting adults. Now here is the simple fact about pedophilia; acts of pedophilia take place between an adult and a non-consenting minor who is in fact being raped.

It amazes me that you are incapable of differentiating between the two, because it really is very simple.

Why don't you read the article? You are attacking a poster for quoting Dr. Fred Berlin, a psychiatrist who heads the Johns Hopkins Sexual Behaviors Consultation Unit, and other "experts" who are now claiming that pedophilia is a sexual orientation. It's those so-called experts equating it with homosexuals as well as straight people. The experts contend people are born a certain way and have no choice. Is that true with pedophiles and rapists? Are those experts now trying to say no one has a choice at all? We can't blame any of them for their actions? Seems to be the message.

koshergrl sounds like she disagrees with them and yet you are attacking her?

Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting.
Edmund Burke

Why don't you read the article and the embedded article?

Many researchers taking a different view of pedophilia - Los Angeles Times

No one is calling for lesser punishment for child molesters. The research done here, in Canada and in Germany is trying to find ways to help control it BEFORE a child is harmed. Is that a bad thing?

Resisting desire

Most clinicians have given up on changing the sexual orientation of pedophiles in favor of teaching the how to resist their unacceptable desires.

Experts believe that pedophiles who also have a significant attraction to adults stand the best chance of staying out of trouble, because of their capacity for some sexual fulfillment that is legal. For others, injections of hormones to reduce sex drive are often recommended.

Most pedophiles, however, don't receive any attention until they've been arrested.

In an attempt to change that, sex researchers in Germany launched an unusual media campaign in 2005.

"You are not guilty because of your sexual desire, but you are responsible for your sexual behavior," said billboards urging them to contact the Institute of Sexology and Sexual Medicine in Berlin. "There is help! Don't become an offender!"

More than 1,700 men have responded to the print, television and online ads for Project Dunkelfeld — literally "dark field." As of August, 80 had completed a one-year program aimed at teaching them to control their impulses. Some received hormone shots. Compared to men still on the waiting list, those who received treatment were deemed less likely to molest children, according to an analysis of risk factors.

The German researchers promise patients confidentiality. About half of those assessed admitted to having already molested a child.

Though extolled by many researchers, the same program could not be conducted in the United States or many other countries, where clinicians and others are required by law to notify authorities if they suspect a child has been or could be harmed.

There have been some grass-roots efforts to bring pedophilia out of the shadows. Anton Schweighofer, a psychologist in British Columbia, said he recently referred one of his patients to Virtuous Pedophiles, an online support group for men who have never acted on their desires and want to keep it that way.

"I just don't want to get myself in trouble," said the man, a factory worker who spoke on the condition that he not be identified. "I really don't want to harm anybody."

For many pedophiles, a fundamental part of life will always be a shameful secret.
You really are a lying sack of shit. If anyone views children as property it is conservatives, not liberals or progressives. The typical 'strict father' or 'authoritarian' model of parenting is conservative. The nurturing model is liberal.

Having sex with kids isn't *nurturing*.

Just so ya know.

Nurturing parents don't have sex with their children. The nurturing model is universally rejected by conservatives who subscribe to the strict authoritative style of parenting, where children are view as property. You right wing scum would be more likely to engage in that heinous act.

Wow! Nice way to categorize everyone and fit them into your stereotype.
No, they are calling for lesser punishment, and a removal of the safeguards in place now (like mandatory reporting).
Progressives have taken another step toward legalization of pedophilia.

Judge orders morning-after pill available without prescription -

Katz how is this another step closer to legalizing pedophilia? I don't see it.

The same way abortion supports allows abusers to make sure there is no sign and no record of their abuse.

A pedophile is someone who molests pre-pubescent children.
BTW, bfg, you moron:

"Decades of studies, many of them by Diana Baumrind, a clinical and developmental psychologist at the University of California, Berkeley, have found that the optimal parent is one who is involved and responsive, who sets high expectations but respects her child’s autonomy. These “authoritative parents” appear to hit the sweet spot of parental involvement and generally raise children who do better academically, psychologically and socially than children whose parents are either permissive and less involved, or controlling and more involved."

Authoritarian parents are better parents.
You truly are an idiot of epic proportions. To equate homosexuality in any way to pedophilia just shows how absolutely ignorant you are. Here is the simple fact about homosexuality; homosexual acts happen between consenting adults. Now here is the simple fact about pedophilia; acts of pedophilia take place between an adult and a non-consenting minor who is in fact being raped.

It amazes me that you are incapable of differentiating between the two, because it really is very simple.

Why don't you read the article? You are attacking a poster for quoting Dr. Fred Berlin, a psychiatrist who heads the Johns Hopkins Sexual Behaviors Consultation Unit, and other "experts" who are now claiming that pedophilia is a sexual orientation. It's those so-called experts equating it with homosexuals as well as straight people. The experts contend people are born a certain way and have no choice. Is that true with pedophiles and rapists? Are those experts now trying to say no one has a choice at all? We can't blame any of them for their actions? Seems to be the message.

koshergrl sounds like she disagrees with them and yet you are attacking her?

Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting.
Edmund Burke

Why don't you read the article and the embedded article?

Many researchers taking a different view of pedophilia - Los Angeles Times

No one is calling for lesser punishment for child molesters. The research done here, in Canada and in Germany is trying to find ways to help control it BEFORE a child is harmed. Is that a bad thing?

Resisting desire

Most clinicians have given up on changing the sexual orientation of pedophiles in favor of teaching the how to resist their unacceptable desires.

Experts believe that pedophiles who also have a significant attraction to adults stand the best chance of staying out of trouble, because of their capacity for some sexual fulfillment that is legal. For others, injections of hormones to reduce sex drive are often recommended.

Most pedophiles, however, don't receive any attention until they've been arrested.

In an attempt to change that, sex researchers in Germany launched an unusual media campaign in 2005.

"You are not guilty because of your sexual desire, but you are responsible for your sexual behavior," said billboards urging them to contact the Institute of Sexology and Sexual Medicine in Berlin. "There is help! Don't become an offender!"

More than 1,700 men have responded to the print, television and online ads for Project Dunkelfeld — literally "dark field." As of August, 80 had completed a one-year program aimed at teaching them to control their impulses. Some received hormone shots. Compared to men still on the waiting list, those who received treatment were deemed less likely to molest children, according to an analysis of risk factors.

The German researchers promise patients confidentiality. About half of those assessed admitted to having already molested a child.

Though extolled by many researchers, the same program could not be conducted in the United States or many other countries, where clinicians and others are required by law to notify authorities if they suspect a child has been or could be harmed.

There have been some grass-roots efforts to bring pedophilia out of the shadows. Anton Schweighofer, a psychologist in British Columbia, said he recently referred one of his patients to Virtuous Pedophiles, an online support group for men who have never acted on their desires and want to keep it that way.

"I just don't want to get myself in trouble," said the man, a factory worker who spoke on the condition that he not be identified. "I really don't want to harm anybody."

For many pedophiles, a fundamental part of life will always be a shameful secret.


By all means lecture me. But before you do please read the early pages ,
At this rate, the Progressive will make marriage legal at 12 years old again, but hey, as long as lesbians can marry underage girls, the feminists will be happy!


You right wing scum are such assholes. You know, my dad's mother was from the back roads of Kentucky. Her marriage was arranged. She married at 12 years old to a 25 year old hick who was a boozer. She had 3 boys by the time she was 15 and he took off, never to be seen again. These were not liberals or progressives. We're talking ultra conservative red necks.

Wrong again. The majority of the population of Kentucky back then was...



They were CONSERVATIVES, party affiliation is totally irrelevant. I documented on another thread how the 2 parties have changed. The Dixiecrats were not liberals.
BTW, bfg, you moron:

"Decades of studies, many of them by Diana Baumrind, a clinical and developmental psychologist at the University of California, Berkeley, have found that the optimal parent is one who is involved and responsive, who sets high expectations but respects her child’s autonomy. These “authoritative parents” appear to hit the sweet spot of parental involvement and generally raise children who do better academically, psychologically and socially than children whose parents are either permissive and less involved, or controlling and more involved."

Authoritarian parents are better parents.

Authoritative Parenting versus Authoritarian Parenting

Authoritative parenting is very different from authoritarian parenting. While authoritarian parenting can often have adverse consequences for a child, authoritative parenting is often considered by experts to be the best method of parenting.

What is Authoritative Parenting

Authoritative parenting is a parenting method in which you clearly establish yourself as an authority to be respected, but in which you are also responsive to your child’s needs and maintain a nurturing home in which your child feels comfortable making mistakes and questioning rules.

Authoritative parents set clear guidelines and rules for their children. However, these rules are set with their child’s needs in mind. Children are encouraged to question the rules in order to fully understand them, and arbitrary rules do not exist. Disagreements are handled respectfully, and children believe that punishments- when handed out- are fair and understand that their parents are enforcing the rules because they love them.
What is Authoritarian Parenting

Authoritarian parents, like authoritative parents, establish themselves as an authority. However, the key difference is that authoritarian parents are not responsive to their children’s needs. Rules are rigidly enforced, and punishment is often harsh and may include physical punishment such as spankings.

Children of authoritarian parents do not usually feel free to question or challenge, as unquestioned obedience is often required in an authoritarian home. Furthermore, authoritarian parents often set unreasonable expectations and children may begin to feel that they need to be perfect or fulfill these expectations in order to be loved.
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BTW, bfg, you moron:

"Decades of studies, many of them by Diana Baumrind, a clinical and developmental psychologist at the University of California, Berkeley, have found that the optimal parent is one who is involved and responsive, who sets high expectations but respects her child’s autonomy. These “authoritative parents” appear to hit the sweet spot of parental involvement and generally raise children who do better academically, psychologically and socially than children whose parents are either permissive and less involved, or controlling and more involved."

Authoritarian parents are better parents.
Something tells me that clown has no idea what it's like to raise a child/children, particularly in this day and age.

Are you really THAT fucking stupid?

Yes, she is.

The very link she posts to support her case is about 'authoritative' parents, not about 'authoritarian' parents. She doesn't get the difference.

Authoritarian parents, like authoritative parents, establish themselves as an authority. However, the key difference is that authoritarian parents are not responsive to their children’s needs. Rules are rigidly enforced, and punishment is often harsh and may include physical punishment such as spankings.

Children of authoritarian parents do not usually feel free to question or challenge, as unquestioned obedience is often required in an authoritarian home. Furthermore, authoritarian parents often set unreasonable expectations and children may begin to feel that they need to be perfect or fulfill these expectations in order to be loved.
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BTW, bfg, you moron:

"Decades of studies, many of them by Diana Baumrind, a clinical and developmental psychologist at the University of California, Berkeley, have found that the optimal parent is one who is involved and responsive, who sets high expectations but respects her child’s autonomy. These “authoritative parents” appear to hit the sweet spot of parental involvement and generally raise children who do better academically, psychologically and socially than children whose parents are either permissive and less involved, or controlling and more involved."

Authoritarian parents are better parents.

Authoritative Parenting versus Authoritarian Parenting

Authoritative parenting is very different from authoritarian parenting. While authoritarian parenting can often have adverse consequences for a child, authoritative parenting is often considered by experts to be the best method of parenting.

What is Authoritative Parenting

Authoritative parenting is a parenting method in which you clearly establish yourself as an authority to be respected, but in which you are also responsive to your child’s needs and maintain a nurturing home in which your child feels comfortable making mistakes and questioning rules.

Authoritative parents set clear guidelines and rules for their children. However, these rules are set with their child’s needs in mind. Children are encouraged to question the rules in order to fully understand them, and arbitrary rules do not exist. Disagreements are handled respectfully, and children believe that punishments- when handed out- are fair and understand that their parents are enforcing the rules because they love them.
What is Authoritarian Parenting

Authoritarian parents, like authoritative parents, establish themselves as an authority. However, the key difference is that authoritarian parents are not responsive to their children’s needs. Rules are rigidly enforced, and punishment is often harsh and may include physical punishment such as spankings.

Children of authoritarian parents do not usually feel free to question or challenge, as
unquestioned obedience is often required in an authoritarian home. Furthermore, authoritarian parents often set unreasonable expectations and children may begin to feel that they need to be perfect or fulfill these expectations in order to be loved.

And it's why our Twin daughters are thriving, and far above most of their friends in education level, maturity, charity, happiness, and overall sense of personal responsibilty for themsleves.....They WILL successfully make it in life, they're already proving it.

Our daughters know that there are rules and responsibilities set forth by us, no exceptions, no excuses.....They also know they can come to us and talk about ANYTHING, too include the reasons why the rules and responsibilities exist......They know, that we have the financial means to spoil them beyond imagination, but, they know that any spoiling by us comes earned.

Are you really THAT fucking stupid?

Yes, she is.

The very link she posts to support her case is about 'authoritative' parents, not about 'authoritarian' parents. She doesn't get the difference.

Authoritarian parents, like authoritative parents, establish themselves as an authority. However, the key difference is that authoritarian parents are not responsive to their children’s needs. Rules are rigidly enforced, and punishment is often harsh and may include physical punishment such as spankings.

Children of authoritarian parents do not usually feel free to question or challenge, as unquestioned obedience is often required in an authoritarian home. Furthermore, authoritarian parents often set unreasonable expectations and children may begin to feel that they need to be perfect or fulfill these expectations in order to be loved.
The difference was fully explained in that post, you libprog idiot.....You're just too blinded and stupid by your hate to recognize it.

Seriously, you libprogs are beyond ridiculous, to the point of being downright ignorant.

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