Progressives Terrified by another Black Man

Is Carson stupid enough to believe Nazis are left wingers? I just want a sanity check before we proceed.

What would he do to get the economy going?

How would he balance the budget?

How would he reduce the federal debt?

What would he do about Iran's nuclear weapons program?

What would he do about North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

What changes or improvements would he make to ObamaCare?

If the answer is, "Repeal it", then what would he do to reform healthcare in America after that?

What changes or improvements would he make to Medicare?

What changes or improvements would he make to Social Security?

What reforms would he make to our immigration policy?

What changes would he make to the financial services industry?

What would he do about ISIS?

What would he do about Putin?

O has failed on all of your concerns. Does that bother you?
You seem to be suffering from the very mistaken impression I support Obama.

This is a topic about Carson.

With the exception of the Nazi question, I have asked these exact same questions of Hillary Clinton supporters, of Elizabeth Warren supporters, and of the supporters of every other potential candidate.

To date, not one of their supporters has been able to answer a single one of these questions.

So rather than make assumptions about me, what does this inability to answer these questions tell you about their supporters?

Can you answer them?
Those are good questions and hopefully they well be answered over the next two years by those that run for the office of president. In the mean time, I will keep an open mind about Carson and others that may run for the Oval Office. Unfortunately, I have found that what candidates say during their election campaigns are often very different than their actions when they become president.
It is a case of political theory meeting political reality....
Is Carson stupid enough to believe Nazis are left wingers? I just want a sanity check before we proceed.

What would he do to get the economy going?

How would he balance the budget?

How would he reduce the federal debt?

What would he do about Iran's nuclear weapons program?

What would he do about North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

What changes or improvements would he make to ObamaCare?

If the answer is, "Repeal it", then what would he do to reform healthcare in America after that?

What changes or improvements would he make to Medicare?

What changes or improvements would he make to Social Security?

What reforms would he make to our immigration policy?

What changes would he make to the financial services industry?

What would he do about ISIS?

What would he do about Putin?

O has failed on all of your concerns. Does that bother you?
You seem to be suffering from the very mistaken impression I support Obama.

This is a topic about Carson.

With the exception of the Nazi question, I have asked these exact same questions of Hillary Clinton supporters, of Elizabeth Warren supporters, and of the supporters of every other potential candidate.

To date, not one of their supporters has been able to answer a single one of these questions.

So rather than make assumptions about me, what does this inability to answer these questions tell you about their supporters?

Can you answer them?

Is it election season? Have any of these individuals put a platform together as of yet?

Your attempt to look intellectual has once again failed you.
Nope. I am simply pointing out that those who get all wet between the legs about a particular potential candidate know fuck-all about the candidate, and therefore are supportive of those candidates for strictly idiotic and superficial reasons.

This makes them susceptible to believing the mountains of manufactured bullshit their media masters feed them. I'm getting pretty tired of watching the bumper sticker intellects around here lining up for refills of their piss cups.
Carson is the RWnuts' great black hope for another election cycle...

...Herman Cain, 2016.
Is Carson stupid enough to believe Nazis are left wingers? I just want a sanity check before we proceed.

What would he do to get the economy going?

How would he balance the budget?

How would he reduce the federal debt?

What would he do about Iran's nuclear weapons program?

What would he do about North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

What changes or improvements would he make to ObamaCare?

If the answer is, "Repeal it", then what would he do to reform healthcare in America after that?

What changes or improvements would he make to Medicare?

What changes or improvements would he make to Social Security?

What reforms would he make to our immigration policy?

What changes would he make to the financial services industry?

What would he do about ISIS?

What would he do about Putin?

O has failed on all of your concerns. Does that bother you?
You seem to be suffering from the very mistaken impression I support Obama.

This is a topic about Carson.

With the exception of the Nazi question, I have asked these exact same questions of Hillary Clinton supporters, of Elizabeth Warren supporters, and of the supporters of every other potential candidate.

To date, not one of their supporters has been able to answer a single one of these questions.

So rather than make assumptions about me, what does this inability to answer these questions tell you about their supporters?

Can you answer them?

Is it election season? Have any of these individuals put a platform together as of yet?

Your attempt to look intellectual has once again failed you.
Nope. I am simply pointing out that those who get all wet between the legs about a particular potential candidate know fuck-all about the candidate, and therefore are supportive of those candidates for strictly idiotic and superficial reasons.

This makes them susceptible to believing the mountains of manufactured bullshit their media masters feed them.

It's always that way. Just wait for the Hilary flip flops that will be inevitable come debate time. It's a point no one is really interested in, and it isnt going to change.
So, I wonder...

...if Carson got in the race and soon after pictures came out with Carson lampooned as an African witch doctor,

would the RWnuts call that racist?

You can get information on the candidates Ben Carson on the Issues

Ben Carson:
1990s deregulation paved way for 2008 economic meltdown.

Agreed. Though this will not go down well with most of the rubes here.

The rest of the entirety to Ben Carson's economic platform:
  • Let the economy work the way it's supposed to. (Jan 2014)
  • The free market works. (Jan 2014)
  • Cut every agency spending by 10%, with no exceptions.
The first two statements are empty throwaways. The last is a stupid and arbitrary statement that is equally meaningless.

Civil rights:
Free speech is wonderful, but hate speech causes actual harm.

Ben Carson's entire jobs package:

  • College job: supervised highway cleanup crews. (Jan 2012)
  • Unions bad when they focus on power & not future generations.
War and peace:

  • No right to assume that our way was right for 1960s Vietnam. (Jan 2012)
  • Morality of war in Iraq was highly debatable. (Jan 2012)
Dr. Carson is highly intelligent and an altruist, two qualities I value greatly in any candidate. I would need to know more specifics on his domestic and foreign policies before I could support his candidacy. Carson's comments about the ACA is the worst thing to happen to this country since slavery are dramatically absurd though.
Is Carson stupid enough to believe Nazis are left wingers? I just want a sanity check before we proceed.

What would he do to get the economy going?

How would he balance the budget?

How would he reduce the federal debt?

What would he do about Iran's nuclear weapons program?

What would he do about North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

What changes or improvements would he make to ObamaCare?

If the answer is, "Repeal it", then what would he do to reform healthcare in America after that?

What changes or improvements would he make to Medicare?

What changes or improvements would he make to Social Security?

What reforms would he make to our immigration policy?

What changes would he make to the financial services industry?

What would he do about ISIS?

What would he do about Putin?

O has failed on all of your concerns. Does that bother you?
You seem to be suffering from the very mistaken impression I support Obama.

This is a topic about Carson.

With the exception of the Nazi question, I have asked these exact same questions of Hillary Clinton supporters, of Elizabeth Warren supporters, and of the supporters of every other potential candidate.

To date, not one of their supporters has been able to answer a single one of these questions.

So rather than make assumptions about me, what does this inability to answer these questions tell you about their supporters?

Can you answer them?
The simple answer to your list of questions is that Carson would utilize the advice of his many, advisors, experts on the issues and his cabinet. Whereas the current know-it-all jerk won't listen to shit.
Wasn't he the guy who said that Obamacare was the worst thing to happen in America since slavery?
Telling the truth, actually scares the shit out of you, doesn't it?

You really think Obamacare was worse than WWII?
Ask poor people after this year's tax returns.

Goddam, you people are shamelessly stupid (the worst kind, btw).
Why ain't you in Congress, Captain Knowledge?
Yup. This one has them terrified.


"Raised in Detroit by a single mother with a third-grade education, he graduated from Yale and the University of Michigan Medical School, before being named director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins. Hisoperations to separate conjoined twins brought him international fame.

An audience in Indianapolis, where he spoke recently, gasped when his introducer said he had received 60 honorary doctorates.

His up-by-the-bootstraps life has convinced him that government aid to the poor creates a culture of dependency. His message of self-empowerment is one that he and others hope Republicans can use to peel away African-American voters, 90 percent of whom voted for Democrats in the midterm elections."

Ben Carson, 2002 interview:

"I can remember we used to sit in the hallways at Detroit City Hospital or Boston City Hospital for hours and hours because we were on medical assistance, which meant we had to wait until one of the interns or residents was free to see us...."

Well, well, I guess it wasn't all bootstraps...

Benjamin Carson Interview -- Academy of Achievement
Wasn't he the guy who said that Obamacare was the worst thing to happen in America since slavery?
Telling the truth, actually scares the shit out of you, doesn't it?

You really think Obamacare was worse than WWII?
Ask poor people after this year's tax returns.

Goddam, you people are shamelessly stupid (the worst kind, btw).
Why ain't you in Congress, Captain Knowledge?

Do you agree with the idiot that Obamacare is worse than World War II?
Telling the truth, actually scares the shit out of you, doesn't it?

You really think Obamacare was worse than WWII?
Ask poor people after this year's tax returns.

Goddam, you people are shamelessly stupid (the worst kind, btw).
Why ain't you in Congress, Captain Knowledge?

Do you agree with the idiot that Obamacare is worse than World War II?
Of course! After all, I'm a Right Winger. Follow the leader, say what?
If Carson was the Rep candidate, Dems could kiss that 90+% negro vote goodbye. Which would the negro choose, race or ideology?
Yup. This one has them terrified.


"Raised in Detroit by a single mother with a third-grade education, he graduated from Yale and the University of Michigan Medical School, before being named director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins. Hisoperations to separate conjoined twins brought him international fame.

An audience in Indianapolis, where he spoke recently, gasped when his introducer said he had received 60 honorary doctorates.

His up-by-the-bootstraps life has convinced him that government aid to the poor creates a culture of dependency. His message of self-empowerment is one that he and others hope Republicans can use to peel away African-American voters, 90 percent of whom voted for Democrats in the midterm elections."

Is it true he could see Canada from his front porch? Will that make him an expert on foreign policy like what's-her-name?

I notice your post suggests a hope for change? Strange, coming from you CF.

So you're spoofing a tina fey joke?

Yes I did. I'm prone to do so 'cause it's funny. If you or other defenders of the dogma want reality, I can post a video of what's-her-name in her own words, embarrassing herself and everyone in touch with reality.
Did Ben Carson put that he was a black on his application to Yale? Did he put that he was a black on his application for a job at Johns Hopkins? Did he get preferential hiring treatment for being black?

And? Carson worked for a living.

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