Progressives Terrified by another Black Man

Wasn't he the guy who said that Obamacare was the worst thing to happen in America since slavery?
Telling the truth, actually scares the shit out of you, doesn't it?

You really think Obamacare was worse than WWII?
Ask poor people after this year's tax returns.

Goddam, you people are shamelessly stupid (the worst kind, btw).
What? I thought you supported poor people. Well when they realize they were lied to, liberal will be a horrible word to them. Those subsidies they thought were free, will be counted as earned income. Well let's wait and see how poor people like obama care when they lose their income tax credit.
Dr. Carson is highly intelligent and an altruist, two qualities I value greatly in any candidate. I would need to know more specifics on his domestic and foreign policies before I could support his candidacy. Carson's comments about the ACA is the worst thing to happen to this country since slavery are dramatically absurd though.
It is hyperbole at best. I can forgive him for that.
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Is Carson stupid enough to believe Nazis are left wingers? I just want a sanity check before we proceed.

What would he do to get the economy going?

How would he balance the budget?

How would he reduce the federal debt?

What would he do about Iran's nuclear weapons program?

What would he do about North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

What changes or improvements would he make to ObamaCare?

If the answer is, "Repeal it", then what would he do to reform healthcare in America after that?

What changes or improvements would he make to Medicare?

What changes or improvements would he make to Social Security?

What reforms would he make to our immigration policy?

What changes would he make to the financial services industry?

What would he do about ISIS?

What would he do about Putin?

O has failed on all of your concerns. Does that bother you?
You seem to be suffering from the very mistaken impression I support Obama.

This is a topic about Carson.

With the exception of the Nazi question, I have asked these exact same questions of Hillary Clinton supporters, of Elizabeth Warren supporters, and of the supporters of every other potential candidate.

To date, not one of their supporters has been able to answer a single one of these questions.

So rather than make assumptions about me, what does this inability to answer these questions tell you about their supporters?

Can you answer them?

Is it election season? Have any of these individuals put a platform together as of yet?

Your attempt to look intellectual has once again failed you.
Nope. I am simply pointing out that those who get all wet between the legs about a particular potential candidate know fuck-all about the candidate, and therefore are supportive of those candidates for strictly idiotic and superficial reasons.

This makes them susceptible to believing the mountains of manufactured bullshit their media masters feed them. I'm getting pretty tired of watching the bumper sticker intellects around here lining up for refills of their piss cups.

Did you have those same concerns when O was running?
Is Carson stupid enough to believe Nazis are left wingers? I just want a sanity check before we proceed.

What would he do to get the economy going?

How would he balance the budget?

How would he reduce the federal debt?

What would he do about Iran's nuclear weapons program?

What would he do about North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

What changes or improvements would he make to ObamaCare?

If the answer is, "Repeal it", then what would he do to reform healthcare in America after that?

What changes or improvements would he make to Medicare?

What changes or improvements would he make to Social Security?

What reforms would he make to our immigration policy?

What changes would he make to the financial services industry?

What would he do about ISIS?

What would he do about Putin?

O has failed on all of your concerns. Does that bother you?
You seem to be suffering from the very mistaken impression I support Obama.

This is a topic about Carson.

With the exception of the Nazi question, I have asked these exact same questions of Hillary Clinton supporters, of Elizabeth Warren supporters, and of the supporters of every other potential candidate.

To date, not one of their supporters has been able to answer a single one of these questions.

So rather than make assumptions about me, what does this inability to answer these questions tell you about their supporters?

Can you answer them?

Is it election season? Have any of these individuals put a platform together as of yet?

Your attempt to look intellectual has once again failed you.
Nope. I am simply pointing out that those who get all wet between the legs about a particular potential candidate know fuck-all about the candidate, and therefore are supportive of those candidates for strictly idiotic and superficial reasons.

This makes them susceptible to believing the mountains of manufactured bullshit their media masters feed them. I'm getting pretty tired of watching the bumper sticker intellects around here lining up for refills of their piss cups.

Did you have those same concerns when O was running?

I have those concerns when any candidate is running. I am not very easily swayed by platitudes concerning the issues our nation faces. I am swayed by specifics that address our problems and how they can be implemented.
Yup. This one has them terrified.


"Raised in Detroit by a single mother with a third-grade education, he graduated from Yale and the University of Michigan Medical School, before being named director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins. Hisoperations to separate conjoined twins brought him international fame.

An audience in Indianapolis, where he spoke recently, gasped when his introducer said he had received 60 honorary doctorates.

His up-by-the-bootstraps life has convinced him that government aid to the poor creates a culture of dependency. His message of self-empowerment is one that he and others hope Republicans can use to peel away African-American voters, 90 percent of whom voted for Democrats in the midterm elections."
Not upset....I watch him with interest....just like I did Herman Cain. But the GOP rejected him back in 2012.
My only concern with Carson is his manner. It's so quiet and unassuming, he doesn't exactly rouse the troops. Plus, he doesn't have that big political machine behind him (yet).

Hillary's about as sincere and exciting as a wheezy old lady farting her way up the stairs, but she does have that political machine in place.
My only concern with Carson is his manner. It's so quiet and unassuming, he doesn't exactly rouse the troops. Plus, he doesn't have that big political machine behind him (yet).

Hillary's about as sincere and exciting as a wheezy old lady farting her way up the stairs, but she does have that political machine in place.
I have the same concern about his ability to excite the electorate. On the other hand, he has been spending a conciderable amount of time traveling the country with speaking engagements. He doesn't have anywhere near the political machine at his disposal that Hillary has, but he is already in the process of building contacts around the country.
According to the commentary around here, from the usual suspects,

a single black woman with a third grade education should have never had a child. Ben Carson exists over the ardent protests of the RWnuts' socio-economic experts.

Or, isn't that the Democrat argument, that Ben Carson's mother should have had an abortion paid for by the govt., because of her socioeconomic status, in order to prevent her and that child from becoming a burden on society?
According to the commentary around here, from the usual suspects,

a single black woman with a third grade education should have never had a child. Ben Carson exists over the ardent protests of the RWnuts' socio-economic experts.

Or, isn't that the Democrat argument, that Ben Carson's mother should have had an abortion paid for by the govt., because of her socioeconomic status, in order to prevent her and that child from becoming a burden on society?
To ny blacks like Carson's mom is a burden on society. She actually had the nerve to instill values and work ethic to her son. Liberals cannot stand that.
According to the commentary around here, from the usual suspects,

a single black woman with a third grade education should have never had a child. Ben Carson exists over the ardent protests of the RWnuts' socio-economic experts.

Nah...we only have a problem with it when the parent does a crappy job.
It appears she did just fine raising him dont you think?
Is Carson stupid enough to believe Nazis are left wingers? I just want a sanity check before we proceed.

What would he do to get the economy going?

How would he balance the budget?

How would he reduce the federal debt?

What would he do about Iran's nuclear weapons program?

What would he do about North Korea's nuclear weapons program?

What changes or improvements would he make to ObamaCare?

If the answer is, "Repeal it", then what would he do to reform healthcare in America after that?

What changes or improvements would he make to Medicare?

What changes or improvements would he make to Social Security?

What reforms would he make to our immigration policy?

What changes would he make to the financial services industry?

What would he do about ISIS?

What would he do about Putin?

Obama hasn't dealt with that either.
According to the commentary around here, from the usual suspects,

a single black woman with a third grade education should have never had a child. Ben Carson exists over the ardent protests of the RWnuts' socio-economic experts.

Nah...we only have a problem with it when the parent does a crappy job.
It appears she did just fine raising him dont you think?

How would you make that calculation before the fact?
According to the commentary around here, from the usual suspects,

a single black woman with a third grade education should have never had a child. Ben Carson exists over the ardent protests of the RWnuts' socio-economic experts.

Or, isn't that the Democrat argument, that Ben Carson's mother should have had an abortion paid for by the govt., because of her socioeconomic status, in order to prevent her and that child from becoming a burden on society?

I support choice on abortion.

Conservatives are all over the map on black women and reproduction. One day they're saying that poor black women shouldn't have babies,

the next they're saying that giving them the choice of a legal abortion is black genocide.
According to the commentary around here, from the usual suspects,

a single black woman with a third grade education should have never had a child. Ben Carson exists over the ardent protests of the RWnuts' socio-economic experts.

Or, isn't that the Democrat argument, that Ben Carson's mother should have had an abortion paid for by the govt., because of her socioeconomic status, in order to prevent her and that child from becoming a burden on society?

I support choice on abortion.

Conservatives are all over the map on black women and reproduction. One day they're saying that poor black women shouldn't have babies,

the next they're saying that giving them the choice of a legal abortion is black genocide.

While Democrats think the state should pay to make it easier for women like Carson's mother to have abortions?
According to the commentary around here, from the usual suspects,

a single black woman with a third grade education should have never had a child. Ben Carson exists over the ardent protests of the RWnuts' socio-economic experts.

Or, isn't that the Democrat argument, that Ben Carson's mother should have had an abortion paid for by the govt., because of her socioeconomic status, in order to prevent her and that child from becoming a burden on society?

I support choice on abortion.

Conservatives are all over the map on black women and reproduction. One day they're saying that poor black women shouldn't have babies,

the next they're saying that giving them the choice of a legal abortion is black genocide.
That is not being "all over the map" because there are plenty of methods of birth control that if properly used would prevent the question of abortion in the first place. This is for all people that cannot afford having a baby, not just blacks.
Define Irony: Person being called a racist for criticizing a President who grew up wealthy and white while same person supports a potential Presidential candidate who grew up in poor and black.
Yup. This one has them terrified.


"Raised in Detroit by a single mother with a third-grade education, he graduated from Yale and the University of Michigan Medical School, before being named director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins. Hisoperations to separate conjoined twins brought him international fame.

An audience in Indianapolis, where he spoke recently, gasped when his introducer said he had received 60 honorary doctorates.

His up-by-the-bootstraps life has convinced him that government aid to the poor creates a culture of dependency. His message of self-empowerment is one that he and others hope Republicans can use to peel away African-American voters, 90 percent of whom voted for Democrats in the midterm elections."

Is it true he could see Canada from his front porch? Will that make him an expert on foreign policy like what's-her-name?

I notice your post suggests a hope for change? Strange, coming from you CF.

What made Obama an expert on foreign policy when he got elected in 2008?

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