Project Veritas could face legal liability for postal worker's ballot fraud allegations, experts say

In my opinion, Trump himself too, as well as those republicans who fan the flames of fraud, should also face legal liability for outright lying.
Yes, yes, punish those you disagree with! Evidence be damned. Just get in fucking line and do as you're told.

Some of you don't deserve the freedoms you take for granted.

There was no evidence, he said it was hearsay himself jackass.
Well that's how you impeached Trump.

What hearsay?? The White House released the transcript of Impeached Trump's phone call with Zelensky.
The transcript shows that Trump was totally innocent. Adolph Schiffler brought in a bunch of "witnesses" who admitted they never heard Trump say anything illegal.

No it doesn't, fucking moron. The transcript proves Impeached Trump asked a foreign national to look for dirt into a political rival. That's illegal and he was impeached for it.

Fucking moron, it's already in the history books. Impeached Trump was impeached for asking a foreign leader to look into his political rival, which is a crime and for which, the foreign leader complied to get the payoff from impeached Trump.
biden wasnt a political rival at the time of the phone call,,, but you knew that,,,
You do the "ROFL!" thing whenever you've been caught lying.
No, fucking moron. You idiots crack me up with your bullshit. Like the moronic claim that Biden, running for the same exact office as Trump, wasn't a political rival.

Not only was he a political rival by running for president, it's clear Trump felt Biden was the biggest threat to his own campaign, so he tried to take him out of the race for president early.
he was running for the choice for his party not the office of POTUS,,,

and you got the nerve to call other people idiots,,,
He was running for president, same as Trump. According to your un-American logic, despite U.S. laws prohibiting candidates from soliciting help for their own campaigns from foreign nationals, a candidate from one party should be legally allowed to seek foreign aid to eliminate every candidate running in their opposition party.

You're truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:
no he wasnt,,, he was running for the nomination from his party,,,
For the office of president. You're really stupid.
for his partys nomination not POTUS,,,

but you go ahead and keep lying,,
For the office of president.

no it was for his partys nomination,,, he would have to win for it to be for POTUS

You prove again you're just truly stupid. No, imbecile, Biden did not have to win his party's nomination to run for president. :cuckoo:
yes he did,,,
Moron, he could have lost the Democrat nomination and still run, just not as a Democrat. Like I said, and like you prove... you are truly a fucking idiot. :cuckoo:
when that happens you let us know,,,

the facts are he was an ex VP that admitted to what could be extortion and many other crimes that included his son working for a corrupt company with political ties,,,
It didn't have to happen. He was still a political of Trump's since he was running for the same office...

You are truly an idiot. :cuckoo:
Busllshit. Biden was one of 23 candidates who ran for President. Calling him Trump's political opponent is bullshit.
They were both running for the same office, ya fucking moron. :cuckoo:
Giuliani says election WILL be overturned, PROOF just can't be released.. Said it was coming...
I bet that Giuliani's evidence is in the same file as the health care plan.
Giuliani says election WILL be overturned, PROOF just can't be released.. Said it was coming...
I bet that Giuliani's evidence is in the same file as the health care plan.

or he could be keeping it close to the vest so as not give it away before it goes to SCOTUS,,

dont want dems doing a mass arkancide to get rid of witness's,,,

can you say seth rich??
yeah of course the government will go after alternative media that does not kiss the ass of the government and not biased as they are and is wiling unlike them,to report news they omit. you know how many THOUSANDS of times the MSM media has lied but got off scott free America hater?

as always,its only the USMB resident trolls who like your biased posts.
Again, it mattered not that they didn't have first hand knowledge. Their claims matched the contents of the call.
Only in the twisted mind of trump haters

and besides you are just practicing ends-justify-the-means policy

the democrat mole upended decades of security policy by not having direct knowledge
No matter how many times you repeat this meaningless nonsense, the whistleblower's complaint was still proven accurate by the transcript of Impeached Trump's phone call with Zelensky and with testimony from witnesses like Sondland.
No, it wasn't. Sondland's testimony proved to be absolutely worthless. He admitted he didn't witness any of the events he testified about.
Liar. He testified hd could hear Trump on a phone call.

In my opinion, Trump himself too, as well as those republicans who fan the flames of fraud, should also face legal liability for outright lying.
Yes, yes, punish those you disagree with! Evidence be damned. Just get in fucking line and do as you're told.

Some of you don't deserve the freedoms you take for granted.

There was no evidence, he said it was hearsay himself jackass.
Well that's how you impeached Trump.

What hearsay?? The White House released the transcript of Impeached Trump's phone call with Zelensky.
The transcript shows that Trump was totally innocent. Adolph Schiffler brought in a bunch of "witnesses" who admitted they never heard Trump say anything illegal.

No it doesn't, fucking moron. The transcript proves Impeached Trump asked a foreign national to look for dirt into a political rival. That's illegal and he was impeached for it.

Fucking moron, it's already in the history books. Impeached Trump was impeached for asking a foreign leader to look into his political rival, which is a crime and for which, the foreign leader complied to get the payoff from impeached Trump.
biden wasnt a political rival at the time of the phone call,,, but you knew that,,,
You do the "ROFL!" thing whenever you've been caught lying.
No, fucking moron. You idiots crack me up with your bullshit. Like the moronic claim that Biden, running for the same exact office as Trump, wasn't a political rival.

Not only was he a political rival by running for president, it's clear Trump felt Biden was the biggest threat to his own campaign, so he tried to take him out of the race for president early.
he was running for the choice for his party not the office of POTUS,,,

and you got the nerve to call other people idiots,,,
He was running for president, same as Trump. According to your un-American logic, despite U.S. laws prohibiting candidates from soliciting help for their own campaigns from foreign nationals, a candidate from one party should be legally allowed to seek foreign aid to eliminate every candidate running in their opposition party.

You're truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:
no he wasnt,,, he was running for the nomination from his party,,,
For the office of president. You're really stupid.
for his partys nomination not POTUS,,,

but you go ahead and keep lying,,
For the office of president.

no it was for his partys nomination,,, he would have to win for it to be for POTUS

You prove again you're just truly stupid. No, imbecile, Biden did not have to win his party's nomination to run for president. :cuckoo:
yes he did,,,
Moron, he could have lost the Democrat nomination and still run, just not as a Democrat. Like I said, and like you prove... you are truly a fucking idiot. :cuckoo:
when that happens you let us know,,,

the facts are he was an ex VP that admitted to what could be extortion and many other crimes that included his son working for a corrupt company with political ties,,,
It didn't have to happen. He was still a political of Trump's since he was running for the same office...

You are truly a idiot. :cuckoo:
he was running for party nomination not POTUS
He said he was running for president. Why should I believe a lying idiot like you over his own actual words?

"I wrote at the time that we’re in the battle for the soul of this nation. Well, that’s even more true today. We are in the battle for the soul of this nation.
I believe history will look back on four years of this president and all he embraces as an aberrant moment in time. But if we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation — who we are — and I cannot stand by and watch that happen.
The core values of this nation, our standing in the world, our very democracy, everything that has made America, America, is at stake.
That’s why today I’m announcing my candidacy for President of the United States." ~ Joe Biden, April 2019

its not a lie he was running for party nomination not POTUS

Of course you're lying. I quoted Biden saying in 2019 he's a candidate for president of the United States and you claim that's not true.

You're fucking crazy. :cuckoo:
I never said anything about what biden said,,,

its a fact he was running for his partys nomination not for POTUS,,,
Of course you did. He said he was running for president but you're claiming he wasn't.

He was running for president. He said so himself... "that’s why today I’m announcing my candidacy for President of the United States."

what he said is irrelevant as me saying I was running,, the fact is he was running for party nomination not POTUS,,,

Announcing he's running for president means he wasn't running for president according to lunatics.
It has no legal implications, moron. It sure as hell doesn't give him immunity for crimes he may have committed.
No one said it did. You're just a fucking moron so you only think that was said.
Giuliani says election WILL be overturned, PROOF just can't be released.. Said it was coming...
I bet that Giuliani's evidence is in the same file as the health care plan.
This is what Giuliani does when he's bluffing... waves worthless papers on TV, claiming it's evidence he's telling the truth. Then to lend credibility to his bullshit claims, says he'll release them so the public will get to see for themselves... but then never does release them because he was simply lying all along.

Case in point... nearly a year ago, Giuliani said he would release the documents he had on Biden regarding Ukraine ...

Screenshot_20201115-182742_Samsung Internet.jpg

In my opinion, Trump himself too, as well as those republicans who fan the flames of fraud, should also face legal liability for outright lying.
Yes, yes, punish those you disagree with! Evidence be damned. Just get in fucking line and do as you're told.

Some of you don't deserve the freedoms you take for granted.

There was no evidence, he said it was hearsay himself jackass.
Well that's how you impeached Trump.

What hearsay?? The White House released the transcript of Impeached Trump's phone call with Zelensky.
The transcript shows that Trump was totally innocent. Adolph Schiffler brought in a bunch of "witnesses" who admitted they never heard Trump say anything illegal.

No it doesn't, fucking moron. The transcript proves Impeached Trump asked a foreign national to look for dirt into a political rival. That's illegal and he was impeached for it.

Fucking moron, it's already in the history books. Impeached Trump was impeached for asking a foreign leader to look into his political rival, which is a crime and for which, the foreign leader complied to get the payoff from impeached Trump.
biden wasnt a political rival at the time of the phone call,,, but you knew that,,,
You do the "ROFL!" thing whenever you've been caught lying.
No, fucking moron. You idiots crack me up with your bullshit. Like the moronic claim that Biden, running for the same exact office as Trump, wasn't a political rival.

Not only was he a political rival by running for president, it's clear Trump felt Biden was the biggest threat to his own campaign, so he tried to take him out of the race for president early.
he was running for the choice for his party not the office of POTUS,,,

and you got the nerve to call other people idiots,,,
He was running for president, same as Trump. According to your un-American logic, despite U.S. laws prohibiting candidates from soliciting help for their own campaigns from foreign nationals, a candidate from one party should be legally allowed to seek foreign aid to eliminate every candidate running in their opposition party.

You're truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:
no he wasnt,,, he was running for the nomination from his party,,,
For the office of president. You're really stupid.
for his partys nomination not POTUS,,,

but you go ahead and keep lying,,
For the office of president.

no it was for his partys nomination,,, he would have to win for it to be for POTUS

You prove again you're just truly stupid. No, imbecile, Biden did not have to win his party's nomination to run for president. :cuckoo:
yes he did,,,
Moron, he could have lost the Democrat nomination and still run, just not as a Democrat. Like I said, and like you prove... you are truly a fucking idiot. :cuckoo:
when that happens you let us know,,,

the facts are he was an ex VP that admitted to what could be extortion and many other crimes that included his son working for a corrupt company with political ties,,,
It didn't have to happen. He was still a political of Trump's since he was running for the same office...

You are truly a idiot. :cuckoo:
he was running for party nomination not POTUS
He said he was running for president. Why should I believe a lying idiot like you over his own actual words?

"I wrote at the time that we’re in the battle for the soul of this nation. Well, that’s even more true today. We are in the battle for the soul of this nation.
I believe history will look back on four years of this president and all he embraces as an aberrant moment in time. But if we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation — who we are — and I cannot stand by and watch that happen.
The core values of this nation, our standing in the world, our very democracy, everything that has made America, America, is at stake.
That’s why today I’m announcing my candidacy for President of the United States." ~ Joe Biden, April 2019

its not a lie he was running for party nomination not POTUS

Of course you're lying. I quoted Biden saying in 2019 he's a candidate for president of the United States and you claim that's not true.

You're fucking crazy. :cuckoo:
I never said anything about what biden said,,,

its a fact he was running for his partys nomination not for POTUS,,,
Of course you did. He said he was running for president but you're claiming he wasn't.

He was running for president. He said so himself... "that’s why today I’m announcing my candidacy for President of the United States."

what he said is irrelevant as me saying I was running,, the fact is he was running for party nomination not POTUS,,,

Announcing he's running for president means he wasn't running for president according to lunatics.
It has no legal implications, moron. It sure as hell doesn't give him immunity for crimes he may have committed.
No one said it did. You're just a fucking moron so you only think that was said.
Yes, you said it did. You claimed Trump committed a crime because Joe anounced he was running for President. That would imply that anouncing makes you immune to being indicted.

You really are a fucking dumbass.

In my opinion, Trump himself too, as well as those republicans who fan the flames of fraud, should also face legal liability for outright lying.
Yes, yes, punish those you disagree with! Evidence be damned. Just get in fucking line and do as you're told.

Some of you don't deserve the freedoms you take for granted.

There was no evidence, he said it was hearsay himself jackass.
Well that's how you impeached Trump.

What hearsay?? The White House released the transcript of Impeached Trump's phone call with Zelensky.
The transcript shows that Trump was totally innocent. Adolph Schiffler brought in a bunch of "witnesses" who admitted they never heard Trump say anything illegal.

No it doesn't, fucking moron. The transcript proves Impeached Trump asked a foreign national to look for dirt into a political rival. That's illegal and he was impeached for it.

Fucking moron, it's already in the history books. Impeached Trump was impeached for asking a foreign leader to look into his political rival, which is a crime and for which, the foreign leader complied to get the payoff from impeached Trump.
biden wasnt a political rival at the time of the phone call,,, but you knew that,,,
You do the "ROFL!" thing whenever you've been caught lying.
No, fucking moron. You idiots crack me up with your bullshit. Like the moronic claim that Biden, running for the same exact office as Trump, wasn't a political rival.

Not only was he a political rival by running for president, it's clear Trump felt Biden was the biggest threat to his own campaign, so he tried to take him out of the race for president early.
he was running for the choice for his party not the office of POTUS,,,

and you got the nerve to call other people idiots,,,
He was running for president, same as Trump. According to your un-American logic, despite U.S. laws prohibiting candidates from soliciting help for their own campaigns from foreign nationals, a candidate from one party should be legally allowed to seek foreign aid to eliminate every candidate running in their opposition party.

You're truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:
no he wasnt,,, he was running for the nomination from his party,,,
For the office of president. You're really stupid.
for his partys nomination not POTUS,,,

but you go ahead and keep lying,,
For the office of president.

no it was for his partys nomination,,, he would have to win for it to be for POTUS

You prove again you're just truly stupid. No, imbecile, Biden did not have to win his party's nomination to run for president. :cuckoo:
yes he did,,,
Moron, he could have lost the Democrat nomination and still run, just not as a Democrat. Like I said, and like you prove... you are truly a fucking idiot. :cuckoo:
when that happens you let us know,,,

the facts are he was an ex VP that admitted to what could be extortion and many other crimes that included his son working for a corrupt company with political ties,,,
It didn't have to happen. He was still a political of Trump's since he was running for the same office...

You are truly a idiot. :cuckoo:
he was running for party nomination not POTUS
He said he was running for president. Why should I believe a lying idiot like you over his own actual words?

"I wrote at the time that we’re in the battle for the soul of this nation. Well, that’s even more true today. We are in the battle for the soul of this nation.
I believe history will look back on four years of this president and all he embraces as an aberrant moment in time. But if we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation — who we are — and I cannot stand by and watch that happen.
The core values of this nation, our standing in the world, our very democracy, everything that has made America, America, is at stake.
That’s why today I’m announcing my candidacy for President of the United States." ~ Joe Biden, April 2019

its not a lie he was running for party nomination not POTUS

Of course you're lying. I quoted Biden saying in 2019 he's a candidate for president of the United States and you claim that's not true.

You're fucking crazy. :cuckoo:
I never said anything about what biden said,,,

its a fact he was running for his partys nomination not for POTUS,,,
Of course you did. He said he was running for president but you're claiming he wasn't.

He was running for president. He said so himself... "that’s why today I’m announcing my candidacy for President of the United States."

what he said is irrelevant as me saying I was running,, the fact is he was running for party nomination not POTUS,,,

Announcing he's running for president means he wasn't running for president according to lunatics.
It has no legal implications, moron. It sure as hell doesn't give him immunity for crimes he may have committed.
No one said it did. You're just a fucking moron so you only think that was said.
Yes, you said it did. You claimed Trump committed a crime because Joe anounced he was running for President. That would imply that anouncing makes you immune to being indicted.

You really are a fucking dumbass.
It implies no such thing. You prove again for the forum that you’re a fucking moron.

And Grampa Murked U and progressive hunter are also fucking morons for agreeing with that retarded post of yours.

No, fucking moron, I never said, or implied, Biden was immune from being investigated. I said Trump, being a political rival for the same office as Biden, could not solicit a foreign national to investigate Biden. That doesn’t render Biden immune. Literally any agency with jurisdiction, Like the FBI or the DoJ, could have investigated Biden. So no, Biden was never immune and I never said he was or even implied it.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Ever??? :ack-1:

In my opinion, Trump himself too, as well as those republicans who fan the flames of fraud, should also face legal liability for outright lying.
Yes, yes, punish those you disagree with! Evidence be damned. Just get in fucking line and do as you're told.

Some of you don't deserve the freedoms you take for granted.

There was no evidence, he said it was hearsay himself jackass.
Well that's how you impeached Trump.

What hearsay?? The White House released the transcript of Impeached Trump's phone call with Zelensky.
The transcript shows that Trump was totally innocent. Adolph Schiffler brought in a bunch of "witnesses" who admitted they never heard Trump say anything illegal.

No it doesn't, fucking moron. The transcript proves Impeached Trump asked a foreign national to look for dirt into a political rival. That's illegal and he was impeached for it.

Fucking moron, it's already in the history books. Impeached Trump was impeached for asking a foreign leader to look into his political rival, which is a crime and for which, the foreign leader complied to get the payoff from impeached Trump.
biden wasnt a political rival at the time of the phone call,,, but you knew that,,,
You do the "ROFL!" thing whenever you've been caught lying.
No, fucking moron. You idiots crack me up with your bullshit. Like the moronic claim that Biden, running for the same exact office as Trump, wasn't a political rival.

Not only was he a political rival by running for president, it's clear Trump felt Biden was the biggest threat to his own campaign, so he tried to take him out of the race for president early.
he was running for the choice for his party not the office of POTUS,,,

and you got the nerve to call other people idiots,,,
He was running for president, same as Trump. According to your un-American logic, despite U.S. laws prohibiting candidates from soliciting help for their own campaigns from foreign nationals, a candidate from one party should be legally allowed to seek foreign aid to eliminate every candidate running in their opposition party.

You're truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:
no he wasnt,,, he was running for the nomination from his party,,,
For the office of president. You're really stupid.
for his partys nomination not POTUS,,,

but you go ahead and keep lying,,
For the office of president.

no it was for his partys nomination,,, he would have to win for it to be for POTUS

You prove again you're just truly stupid. No, imbecile, Biden did not have to win his party's nomination to run for president. :cuckoo:
yes he did,,,
Moron, he could have lost the Democrat nomination and still run, just not as a Democrat. Like I said, and like you prove... you are truly a fucking idiot. :cuckoo:
when that happens you let us know,,,

the facts are he was an ex VP that admitted to what could be extortion and many other crimes that included his son working for a corrupt company with political ties,,,
It didn't have to happen. He was still a political of Trump's since he was running for the same office...

You are truly a idiot. :cuckoo:
he was running for party nomination not POTUS
He said he was running for president. Why should I believe a lying idiot like you over his own actual words?

"I wrote at the time that we’re in the battle for the soul of this nation. Well, that’s even more true today. We are in the battle for the soul of this nation.
I believe history will look back on four years of this president and all he embraces as an aberrant moment in time. But if we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation — who we are — and I cannot stand by and watch that happen.
The core values of this nation, our standing in the world, our very democracy, everything that has made America, America, is at stake.
That’s why today I’m announcing my candidacy for President of the United States." ~ Joe Biden, April 2019

its not a lie he was running for party nomination not POTUS

Of course you're lying. I quoted Biden saying in 2019 he's a candidate for president of the United States and you claim that's not true.

You're fucking crazy. :cuckoo:
I never said anything about what biden said,,,

its a fact he was running for his partys nomination not for POTUS,,,
Of course you did. He said he was running for president but you're claiming he wasn't.

He was running for president. He said so himself... "that’s why today I’m announcing my candidacy for President of the United States."

what he said is irrelevant as me saying I was running,, the fact is he was running for party nomination not POTUS,,,

Announcing he's running for president means he wasn't running for president according to lunatics.
It has no legal implications, moron. It sure as hell doesn't give him immunity for crimes he may have committed.
No one said it did. You're just a fucking moron so you only think that was said.
Yes, you said it did. You claimed Trump committed a crime because Joe anounced he was running for President. That would imply that anouncing makes you immune to being indicted.

You really are a fucking dumbass.
It implies no such thing. You prove again for the forum that you’re a fucking moron.

And Grampa Murked U and progressive hunter are also fucking morons for agreeing with that retarded post of yours.

No, fucking moron, I never said, or implied, Biden was immune from being investigated. I said Trump, being a political rival for the same office as Biden, could not solicit a foreign national to investigate Biden. That doesn’t render Biden immune. Literally any agency with jurisdiction, Like the FBI or the DoJ, could have investigated Biden. So no, Biden was never immune and I never said he was or even implied it.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Ever??? :ack-1:
but biden wasnt a political rival because he wasnt running for POTUS but for the nomination of his party,,,

its OK we know youre scared and are just makin shit up again,,,

In my opinion, Trump himself too, as well as those republicans who fan the flames of fraud, should also face legal liability for outright lying.
Yes, yes, punish those you disagree with! Evidence be damned. Just get in fucking line and do as you're told.

Some of you don't deserve the freedoms you take for granted.

There was no evidence, he said it was hearsay himself jackass.
Well that's how you impeached Trump.

What hearsay?? The White House released the transcript of Impeached Trump's phone call with Zelensky.
The transcript shows that Trump was totally innocent. Adolph Schiffler brought in a bunch of "witnesses" who admitted they never heard Trump say anything illegal.

No it doesn't, fucking moron. The transcript proves Impeached Trump asked a foreign national to look for dirt into a political rival. That's illegal and he was impeached for it.

Fucking moron, it's already in the history books. Impeached Trump was impeached for asking a foreign leader to look into his political rival, which is a crime and for which, the foreign leader complied to get the payoff from impeached Trump.
biden wasnt a political rival at the time of the phone call,,, but you knew that,,,
You do the "ROFL!" thing whenever you've been caught lying.
No, fucking moron. You idiots crack me up with your bullshit. Like the moronic claim that Biden, running for the same exact office as Trump, wasn't a political rival.

Not only was he a political rival by running for president, it's clear Trump felt Biden was the biggest threat to his own campaign, so he tried to take him out of the race for president early.
he was running for the choice for his party not the office of POTUS,,,

and you got the nerve to call other people idiots,,,
He was running for president, same as Trump. According to your un-American logic, despite U.S. laws prohibiting candidates from soliciting help for their own campaigns from foreign nationals, a candidate from one party should be legally allowed to seek foreign aid to eliminate every candidate running in their opposition party.

You're truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:
no he wasnt,,, he was running for the nomination from his party,,,
For the office of president. You're really stupid.
for his partys nomination not POTUS,,,

but you go ahead and keep lying,,
For the office of president.

no it was for his partys nomination,,, he would have to win for it to be for POTUS

You prove again you're just truly stupid. No, imbecile, Biden did not have to win his party's nomination to run for president. :cuckoo:
yes he did,,,
Moron, he could have lost the Democrat nomination and still run, just not as a Democrat. Like I said, and like you prove... you are truly a fucking idiot. :cuckoo:
when that happens you let us know,,,

the facts are he was an ex VP that admitted to what could be extortion and many other crimes that included his son working for a corrupt company with political ties,,,
It didn't have to happen. He was still a political of Trump's since he was running for the same office...

You are truly a idiot. :cuckoo:
he was running for party nomination not POTUS
He said he was running for president. Why should I believe a lying idiot like you over his own actual words?

"I wrote at the time that we’re in the battle for the soul of this nation. Well, that’s even more true today. We are in the battle for the soul of this nation.
I believe history will look back on four years of this president and all he embraces as an aberrant moment in time. But if we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation — who we are — and I cannot stand by and watch that happen.
The core values of this nation, our standing in the world, our very democracy, everything that has made America, America, is at stake.
That’s why today I’m announcing my candidacy for President of the United States." ~ Joe Biden, April 2019

its not a lie he was running for party nomination not POTUS

Of course you're lying. I quoted Biden saying in 2019 he's a candidate for president of the United States and you claim that's not true.

You're fucking crazy. :cuckoo:
I never said anything about what biden said,,,

its a fact he was running for his partys nomination not for POTUS,,,
Of course you did. He said he was running for president but you're claiming he wasn't.

He was running for president. He said so himself... "that’s why today I’m announcing my candidacy for President of the United States."

what he said is irrelevant as me saying I was running,, the fact is he was running for party nomination not POTUS,,,

Announcing he's running for president means he wasn't running for president according to lunatics.
It has no legal implications, moron. It sure as hell doesn't give him immunity for crimes he may have committed.
No one said it did. You're just a fucking moron so you only think that was said.
Yes, you said it did. You claimed Trump committed a crime because Joe anounced he was running for President. That would imply that anouncing makes you immune to being indicted.

You really are a fucking dumbass.
It implies no such thing. You prove again for the forum that you’re a fucking moron.

And Grampa Murked U and progressive hunter are also fucking morons for agreeing with that retarded post of yours.

No, fucking moron, I never said, or implied, Biden was immune from being investigated. I said Trump, being a political rival for the same office as Biden, could not solicit a foreign national to investigate Biden. That doesn’t render Biden immune. Literally any agency with jurisdiction, Like the FBI or the DoJ, could have investigated Biden. So no, Biden was never immune and I never said he was or even implied it.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Ever??? :ack-1:
but biden wasnt a political rival because he wasnt running for POTUS but for the nomination of his party,,,

its OK we know youre scared and are just makin shit up again,,,

You’re mentally deranged, con. :cuckoo:

Again, here’s Biden announcing he’s running for president, despite your hollow denials...

"that’s why today I’m announcing my candidacy for President of the United States." ~ Joe Biden, April 2019

In my opinion, Trump himself too, as well as those republicans who fan the flames of fraud, should also face legal liability for outright lying.
Yes, yes, punish those you disagree with! Evidence be damned. Just get in fucking line and do as you're told.

Some of you don't deserve the freedoms you take for granted.

There was no evidence, he said it was hearsay himself jackass.
Well that's how you impeached Trump.

What hearsay?? The White House released the transcript of Impeached Trump's phone call with Zelensky.
The transcript shows that Trump was totally innocent. Adolph Schiffler brought in a bunch of "witnesses" who admitted they never heard Trump say anything illegal.

No it doesn't, fucking moron. The transcript proves Impeached Trump asked a foreign national to look for dirt into a political rival. That's illegal and he was impeached for it.

Fucking moron, it's already in the history books. Impeached Trump was impeached for asking a foreign leader to look into his political rival, which is a crime and for which, the foreign leader complied to get the payoff from impeached Trump.
biden wasnt a political rival at the time of the phone call,,, but you knew that,,,
You do the "ROFL!" thing whenever you've been caught lying.
No, fucking moron. You idiots crack me up with your bullshit. Like the moronic claim that Biden, running for the same exact office as Trump, wasn't a political rival.

Not only was he a political rival by running for president, it's clear Trump felt Biden was the biggest threat to his own campaign, so he tried to take him out of the race for president early.
he was running for the choice for his party not the office of POTUS,,,

and you got the nerve to call other people idiots,,,
He was running for president, same as Trump. According to your un-American logic, despite U.S. laws prohibiting candidates from soliciting help for their own campaigns from foreign nationals, a candidate from one party should be legally allowed to seek foreign aid to eliminate every candidate running in their opposition party.

You're truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:
no he wasnt,,, he was running for the nomination from his party,,,
For the office of president. You're really stupid.
for his partys nomination not POTUS,,,

but you go ahead and keep lying,,
For the office of president.

no it was for his partys nomination,,, he would have to win for it to be for POTUS

You prove again you're just truly stupid. No, imbecile, Biden did not have to win his party's nomination to run for president. :cuckoo:
yes he did,,,
Moron, he could have lost the Democrat nomination and still run, just not as a Democrat. Like I said, and like you prove... you are truly a fucking idiot. :cuckoo:
when that happens you let us know,,,

the facts are he was an ex VP that admitted to what could be extortion and many other crimes that included his son working for a corrupt company with political ties,,,
It didn't have to happen. He was still a political of Trump's since he was running for the same office...

You are truly a idiot. :cuckoo:
he was running for party nomination not POTUS
He said he was running for president. Why should I believe a lying idiot like you over his own actual words?

"I wrote at the time that we’re in the battle for the soul of this nation. Well, that’s even more true today. We are in the battle for the soul of this nation.
I believe history will look back on four years of this president and all he embraces as an aberrant moment in time. But if we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation — who we are — and I cannot stand by and watch that happen.
The core values of this nation, our standing in the world, our very democracy, everything that has made America, America, is at stake.
That’s why today I’m announcing my candidacy for President of the United States." ~ Joe Biden, April 2019

its not a lie he was running for party nomination not POTUS

Of course you're lying. I quoted Biden saying in 2019 he's a candidate for president of the United States and you claim that's not true.

You're fucking crazy. :cuckoo:
I never said anything about what biden said,,,

its a fact he was running for his partys nomination not for POTUS,,,
Of course you did. He said he was running for president but you're claiming he wasn't.

He was running for president. He said so himself... "that’s why today I’m announcing my candidacy for President of the United States."

what he said is irrelevant as me saying I was running,, the fact is he was running for party nomination not POTUS,,,

Announcing he's running for president means he wasn't running for president according to lunatics.
It has no legal implications, moron. It sure as hell doesn't give him immunity for crimes he may have committed.
No one said it did. You're just a fucking moron so you only think that was said.
Yes, you said it did. You claimed Trump committed a crime because Joe anounced he was running for President. That would imply that anouncing makes you immune to being indicted.

You really are a fucking dumbass.
It implies no such thing. You prove again for the forum that you’re a fucking moron.

And Grampa Murked U and progressive hunter are also fucking morons for agreeing with that retarded post of yours.

No, fucking moron, I never said, or implied, Biden was immune from being investigated. I said Trump, being a political rival for the same office as Biden, could not solicit a foreign national to investigate Biden. That doesn’t render Biden immune. Literally any agency with jurisdiction, Like the FBI or the DoJ, could have investigated Biden. So no, Biden was never immune and I never said he was or even implied it.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Ever??? :ack-1:
Of course, you said exactly that. You said it was illegal for Trump to investigate/prosecute a "political rival," This state of affairs came about the minute Biden announced he was running for office. It has already been established that it's not illegal for Trump to ask foreign governments to help the United States prosecute criminals. If the FBI and the DOJ can investigate Biden, then how could it be illegal for a private citizen or a foreign country to investigate him? So the logical consequence of what you have said is that it's illegal for the president to prosecute anyone who has announced he's running for the Presidency. Therefore, Biden bcame immune from prosecution the minute he announced he was running for office?

Of course, you're a retard who lacks the mental capacity to commit logic. So I'm almost certain that you will deny having said any of these things.
It implies no such thing. You prove again for the forum that you’re a fucking moron.

And Grampa Murked U and progressive hunter are also fucking morons for agreeing with that retarded post of yours.

No, fucking moron, I never said, or implied, Biden was immune from being investigated. I said Trump, being a political rival for the same office as Biden, could not solicit a foreign national to investigate Biden. That doesn’t render Biden immune. Literally any agency with jurisdiction, Like the FBI or the DoJ, could have investigated Biden. So no, Biden was never immune and I never said he was or even implied it.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Ever??? :ack-1:
Of course, you said exactly that. You said it was illegal for Trump to investigate/prosecute a "political rival," This state of affairs came about the minute Biden announced he was running for office. It has already been established that it's not illegal for Trump to ask foreign governments to help the United States prosecute criminals. If the FBI and the DOJ can investigate Biden, then how could it be illegal for a private citizen or a foreign country to investigate him? So the logical consequence of what you have said is that it's illegal for the president to prosecute anyone who has announced he's running for the Presidency. Therefore, Biden bcame immune from prosecution the minute he announced he was running for office?

Of course, you're a retard who lacks the mental capacity to commit logic. So I'm almost certain that you will deny having said any of these things.

You're a mental midget, fucking moron. I literary said anyone but Trump or his campaign could have investigated Biden; yet here you are, taxing your brain beyond its limited boundaries that I didn't. Shit, even Zelensky could have investigated Biden had Trump not asked him to do so.

In my opinion, Trump himself too, as well as those republicans who fan the flames of fraud, should also face legal liability for outright lying.

In my opinion, you fucking Stalinists and the Little Goebbels stenographers for your treason party are violating the whistle blower protection act and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

I know Lynn Wood is preparing lawsuits against the party demagogues at NBC (CCP) and their Yahoo site for slander and libel,


Hours after House Democrats announced that a Pennsylvania postal worker had recanted allegations of ballot tampering, the mail carrier denied it, saying that he stands by his original statement and that he “got played” by federal investigators.

Richard Hopkins, a mail carrier in Erie, Pennsylvania, said in videos released Tuesday by Project Veritas that he never intended to recant his claims of possible ballot fraud after being grilled by investigators from the U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General.

“I am right at this very moment looking at an article written by the Washington Post. It says that I fabricated the allegations of ballot tampering,” Mr. Hopkins said in a video posted on Twitter. “I am here to say that I did not recant my statements. That did not happen. That is not what happened.”


It's interesting that you and Yahoo continue to blatantly and maliciously lie even after the record has been set straight.

You operate right out of Heinrich Himmler's playbook.
Richard Hopkins recanted his affidavit, Fruitcake.

"I didn't specifically overhear the whole story. I just heard a part of it," Hopkins said in the recording. "And I could have missed a lot of it."
"My mind probably added the rest. I understand that," he said at another point, adding: "All it is is hearsay, and that's the worst part."
When an agent asked Hopkins in the recording if he would still swear to the affidavit's claim that the postmaster "was back-dating ballots," he replied: "At this point? No."

He also illegally recorded his conversation with the USPS IG.

As noted, the "recanting" is a fabrication by house communist party members and the little Goebbels of the DNCCP propaganda corps who are slandering and libeling a whistle blower as retaliation in violation of the 1996 Whistle Blower protection act.

In my opinion, Trump himself too, as well as those republicans who fan the flames of fraud, should also face legal liability for outright lying.

In my opinion, you fucking Stalinists and the Little Goebbels stenographers for your treason party are violating the whistle blower protection act and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

I know Lynn Wood is preparing lawsuits against the party demagogues at NBC (CCP) and their Yahoo site for slander and libel,


Hours after House Democrats announced that a Pennsylvania postal worker had recanted allegations of ballot tampering, the mail carrier denied it, saying that he stands by his original statement and that he “got played” by federal investigators.

Richard Hopkins, a mail carrier in Erie, Pennsylvania, said in videos released Tuesday by Project Veritas that he never intended to recant his claims of possible ballot fraud after being grilled by investigators from the U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General.

“I am right at this very moment looking at an article written by the Washington Post. It says that I fabricated the allegations of ballot tampering,” Mr. Hopkins said in a video posted on Twitter. “I am here to say that I did not recant my statements. That did not happen. That is not what happened.”


It's interesting that you and Yahoo continue to blatantly and maliciously lie even after the record has been set straight.

You operate right out of Heinrich Himmler's playbook.
Richard Hopkins recanted his affidavit, Fruitcake.

"I didn't specifically overhear the whole story. I just heard a part of it," Hopkins said in the recording. "And I could have missed a lot of it."
"My mind probably added the rest. I understand that," he said at another point, adding: "All it is is hearsay, and that's the worst part."
When an agent asked Hopkins in the recording if he would still swear to the affidavit's claim that the postmaster "was back-dating ballots," he replied: "At this point? No."

He also illegally recorded his conversation with the USPS IG.

As noted, the "recanting" is a fabrication by house communist party members and the little Goebbels of the DNCCP propaganda corps who are slandering and libeling a whistle blower as retaliation in violation of the 1996 Whistle Blower protection act.
As noted, you're a flaming nut. Again, while illegally recording the USPS IG, Hopkins admitted he didn't see anything and didn't even hear everything. Admitted he probably made some of it up. And refused to swear that he heard a supervisor tell others to backdate ballots.
No matter how many times you repeat this meaningless nonsense, the whistleblower's complaint was still proven accurate by the transcript of Impeached Trump's phone call with Zelensky and with testimony from witnesses like Sondland.

Well, now that's a fucking lie Farouk. Ciaramella is a proven liar who took fabricated charges from Communist party commissar Adam the lying Schitt

And funny, even as you engage in retribution against a whistle blower (two words, moron) against your allies the Communists, you defend this liar and traitor Eric Ciaramella. Remember you lying little pussbag, the phone call was released, we KNOW that the democrats and foreign agents like you are lying through your fucking teeth. That fact that Iran continues to lie about this is telling. No doubt a Harris/Xi administration will lift all the sanctions that Trump placed on your terrorist country.

No, moron, it's not my opinion. It's on record. All of it. The whistleblower's complaint is on record. Impeached Trump's phone call is on record. And the ambassador's testimony is on record.

Yes, it is on record Farouk, which is why you fucking lying about it is so absurd.
No matter how many times you repeat this meaningless nonsense, the whistleblower's complaint was still proven accurate by the transcript of Impeached Trump's phone call with Zelensky and with testimony from witnesses like Sondland.

Well, now that's a fucking lie Farouk. Ciaramella is a proven liar who took fabricated charges from Communist party commissar Adam the lying Schitt

And funny, even as you engage in retribution against a whistle blower (two words, moron) against your allies the Communists, you defend this liar and traitor Eric Ciaramella. Remember you lying little pussbag, the phone call was released, we KNOW that the democrats and foreign agents like you are lying through your fucking teeth. That fact that Iran continues to lie about this is telling. No doubt a Harris/Xi administration will lift all the sanctions that Trump placed on your terrorist country.
You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. We have the transcript. Impeached Trump, who was holding up aid to Ukraine, asked Zelensky to look into Biden. Trump later released the aid and Ukraine opened an investigation into Biden.

"whistle blower (two words, moron)"

Shit, you don't even know how to spell whistleblower. It can be one word or hyphenated, but not two words like you're incorrectly spelling...


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