Project Veritas does it again, exposing left. This time attempts to stop Inauguration Ball

Project Veritas Caught Bribing People to Riot at Inauguration

Counter-Sting Catches James O'Keefe Network

What I'm seeing is a heavily edited video, with audio, where you can't see who is talking and only liberals SAYING it's project Veritas people pushing the violence.

Sorry but that looks like liberals trying to edit the video to twist the meaning.

Liberals have a long history of doing that, like editing George Zimmerman's 9-11 call to make him sound like a racist.

Until I see the UNEDITED video, I call this a fail.

Are you finding it hard to take that one of your fake news outfits got caught red handed....

We know this man was funded by the Trump Foundation, So Trump was trying to fund a counter rally at his own inauguration...

This screams the burning of the Reichstag by the NAZIs...

No chance the GOP is going to let this get investigated... Trump was funding this...

This screams liberals trying to cover up for their own getting caught red handed.

Like I said, unless they can produce the unedited tape, I'm not buying it.

The fact what the "Young Turks" released was heavily edited with still pictures to obscure who is speaking smacks of "fake news."

What I'm seeing is a heavily edited video, with audio, where you can't see who is talking and only liberals SAYING it's project Veritas people pushing the violence.

Sorry but that looks like liberals trying to edit the video to twist the meaning.

Liberals have a long history of doing that, like editing George Zimmerman's 9-11 call to make him sound like a racist.

Until I see the UNEDITED video, I call this a fail.

Are you finding it hard to take that one of your fake news outfits got caught red handed....

We know this man was funded by the Trump Foundation, So Trump was trying to fund a counter rally at his own inauguration...

This screams the burning of the Reichstag by the NAZIs...

No chance the GOP is going to let this get investigated... Trump was funding this...

This screams liberals trying to cover up for their own getting caught red handed.

Like I said, unless they can produce the unedited tape, I'm not buying it.

The fact what the "Young Turks" released was heavily edited with still pictures to obscure who is speaking smacks of "fake news."
LOL note the dates...this news of the OKeefe punking is 7 days old catch up
I didn't see anything, and probably a self made video. Too funny.
Last edited:

What I'm seeing is a heavily edited video, with audio, where you can't see who is talking and only liberals SAYING it's project Veritas people pushing the violence.

Sorry but that looks like liberals trying to edit the video to twist the meaning.

Liberals have a long history of doing that, like editing George Zimmerman's 9-11 call to make him sound like a racist.

Until I see the UNEDITED video, I call this a fail.

Are you finding it hard to take that one of your fake news outfits got caught red handed....

We know this man was funded by the Trump Foundation, So Trump was trying to fund a counter rally at his own inauguration...

This screams the burning of the Reichstag by the NAZIs...

No chance the GOP is going to let this get investigated... Trump was funding this...

This screams liberals trying to cover up for their own getting caught red handed.

Like I said, unless they can produce the unedited tape, I'm not buying it.

The fact what the "Young Turks" released was heavily edited with still pictures to obscure who is speaking smacks of "fake news."
LOL note the dates...this news of the OKeefe punking is 7 days old catch up

What has that to do with it being heavily edited.

Where is the unedited video?????????
What has that to do with it being heavily edited.

Where is the unedited video?????????
James O'Keefe Pays $100K Settlement after Deceiving Public about ...
O'Keefe is paying the $100,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by Juan Carlos Vera, a former employee of ACORN (which stands for Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now). The lawsuit alleged that O'Keefe and his associate filmed Vera in the San Diego ACORN offices without his consent, a violation of California law, and portrayed him untruthfully. The video was later heavily edited and published on conservative mega-blog, making it appear that Vera had conspired with O'Keefe to smuggle underage girls across the Mexican border, when in fact Vera had immediately contacted the police after O'Keefe left his office.
Video shows anti-Trump activists plotting to set off stink bombs, sprinklers at inaugural fetes
Video shows anti-Trump activists plotting to set off stink bombs, sprinklers at inaugural fetes

What a bunch of butthurt sore losers.

Do they not get, that this poor behavior is part of why they lost and Trump won?

What better thing to do but double down on the very behavior that helped hand Trump the win .

Well done sores losers!


Isn't it all grand when they are caught in their tracks.
Conservative Group Caught Trying To Pay Liberals To Riot

January 10, 2017
Trump Inauguration Sting Operation: Conservative Group Caught Trying To Pay Liberals To Riot
Sarah Runge

A counter-sting operation by a progressive group caught James O’Keefe’s conservative organization, Project Veritas, attempting to pay liberals to wreak havoc during Trump’s inauguration. However, as Ryan Grim at The Huffington Post succinctly stated, in this latest sting operation, the stinger got stung.
Trump Inauguration Sting Operation: Conservative Group Caught Trying To Pay Liberals To Riot


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