Project Veritas Exposes How Google Gives Billions of in-Kind Value to the Democrat Party

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The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon

The folks at Project Veritas have done God’s work one more time. – This time they have gotten the smoking gun on Google’s Orwellian efforts to not only control Americans’ political opinions, but to actually control their entire thought processes to favor the Democrat Party and its candidates. Here is the video in its entirety:

The video features two people: The first is Jen Gennai, head of Google’s “Responsible Innovation” team – an Orwellian name in and of itself, given what they actually do – bragging about how her team and indeed, the entire company are working to fix their search results in a way that will help “avoid another Trump situation” happening in the 2020 elections. The second is an anonymous whistle blower who who further describes the kinds of things Google has been doing in order to influence public opinion in the Democrat Party’s favor.

Here are some key quotes from Gennai [all emphasis is added]:

“The reason we launched our A.I. principles is because people were not putting that line in the sand, that they were not saying what’s fair and what’s equitable so we’re like, well we are a big company, we’re going to say it. The people who voted for the current president do not agree with our definition of fairness.”

“Elizabeth Warren is saying we should break up Google. And like, I love her but she’s very misguided, like that will not make it better it will make it worse, because all these smaller companies who don’t have the same resources that we do will be charged with preventing the next Trump situation, it’s like a small company cannot do that.”

“We all got screwed over in 2016, again it wasn’t just us, it was — the people got screwed over, the news media got screwed over, like, everybody got screwed over — so we’re rapidly been like, what happened there and how do we prevent it from happening again. We’re also training our algorithms, like, if 2016 happened again, would we have, would the outcome be different?”

Gennai, of course, responded exactly as all those who get caught red-handed by Project Veritas always do: by claiming Veritas “selectively edited” and “distorted” her comments, and took them “out of context.” In other words, she lied, which is what these people invariably do.

In a hearing yesterday afternoon on Capitol Hill, Texas Senator Ted Cruz grilled another executive from Google, a woman who did her best imitation of Sgt. Schulz from Hogan’s Heroes, claiming to “know nothing! nothing!” about literally everything Cruz asked her about, including the Veritas video and damaging internal Google documents that have recently been made public as well. Here’s that clip:

Now, I have previously discussed the likelihood that the Trump Administration and congress would be going after Google and other social media giants under the nation’s laws governing anti-trust and restraint of trade – yesterday’s senate hearing is a part of advancing that effort. These companies – all of them, not just Google – have long obviously been rigging their various algorithms to favor the political left in general and the Democrat Party specifically, because it is the political left in our country, and getting lefter all the time.

These have also long been discriminating against anyone who expresses conservative viewpoints on their platforms, outright banning many, and “shadow-banning” others so that only a small portion of their followers can actually see their content. The latter has been done repeatedly to me on both Twitter and Facebook.

This practice and bias, both of which are rampant across all big social media platforms and growing more ubiquitous over time, are clear violations of the law, violations that should threaten these companies’ very licences to remain in business. Senator Cruz points directly to this in his first comment on the video above:

“As you know, Google enjoys a special exemption under section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. The predicate for that immunity was that Google and other big tech media companies would be neutral public forums.”

The other aspect of what these companies are all doing is one that should come under review by the Federal Elections Commission and ultimately the courts. That is the obvious, blatant fact that their practice of discriminating against conservative political thought and intentionally attempting to brainwash their users to support Democrat political candidates without any real question at all amounts to a massive in-kind political contribution, one that should have to be reported under and governed by the federal campaign contribution laws.

Google’s now-documented practices alone have already been worth literally billions of dollars to the Democrat Party, with billions more in-kind value coming in from Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Youtube, et al. This is one of the largest abuses of the process in American history, and it simply must be addressed.


They are trying to manipulate both thought and behavior.

I’m not at all against the idea of using persuasion to win debates, but this is all about deception...treating the public like lab experiments without their knowledge or consent by withholding relevant information or otherwise steering people to information they deem more appropriate.

too long, no personal content.

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