Prominent Muslim Sheik Issues Fatwa Against Isis Violence

Of course.. 1/2 of Arab Muslims want to kill the other half..
You'll find PLENTY of Muslims in Iraq (and especially SHia Iran) to speak out about getting CONQUERED by ISIS.. Nothing surprising or revealing there.

The KKK was/is NOT a Global operation with 20,000 affiliates. All interested in establishing orthodox Sharia practices and theocracies.
You've got EVERY COUNTRY in the Middle East lit up with conflict and a large portion of Africa effectively run by extremist Muslim gangs.

Don't really care about academics at the moment unless they are DOING something about the raping, abductions, and pillaging that is sweeping the globe...

What do you actually expect them to do? They aren't a monolithic entity. Half those countries have conflicts that are more complicated than just religion, have ineffective, corrupt, incompetent or non-existant government (Africa in particular) and yet the entire Muslim world is called on to condemn it and when they do it's not enough?

Our crappy foreign policy has a perfect record of making this worse. We've bombed enough countries in my lifetime.

What I expect them to do -- is to REORGANIZED under the structure that kept them from tearing each other to bits for 60 years. And that is to find a good strong despotic leader that can FORCE secularized govt and not allow these groups to fester. We ought to kiss Assad's Ass right now and beg forgiveness. And ask him nicely not to be such a tool to Iran..

And we should have our heads examined if any American policy-maker talks about bringing open Democracy to these countries...
Yes, I know many Muslims who find ISIS abhorrent and basically a terrorist group that is hiding behind Islam.
Prominent Muslim Sheik Issues Fatwa Against ISIS Violence NPR

Sheik Abdullah bin Bayyah is interviewed about his fatwa explaining why ISIS is wrong to claim that Islam supports violence and the establishment of a caliphate by force.

Then he singled out one organization and one man leading that charge: the new Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies and Sheik Abdullah bin Bayyah. Describing the group's purpose, the sheik said, "We must declare war on war so the outcome will be peace upon peace."

Bin Bayyah, 79, is a prominent Muslim cleric and, as a respected religious scholar, has issued edicts to explain why groups such as the so-called Islamic State, also known as ISIL or ISIS, are misguided and should reverse course.

Last week, key clerics from the Muslim world issued two fatwas, or religious edicts, against the group.

One came from senior religious leaders in Saudi Arabia, and the other came from bin Bayyah. His fatwa calls for dialogue about the true tenets of Islam and, over the course of many pages, questions just about everything for which ISIS says it stands. The fatwa says establishing a caliphate by force is a misreading of religious doctrine. Killing of innocents and violence, the fatwa declares, are wrong too.

Bin Bayyah said in an interview with NPR that he hopes the religious ruling will slow the group's momentum. "Primarily [the fatwa] is really about addressing the mistakes, and it's really warning them and advising them that what you are doing is clearly wrong," he said.

Bin Bayyah is known as a scholar's scholar. He was born in the North African country of Mauritania and studied in Islamic centers there. He served as a judge of the High Court in Mauritania and had a number of ministerial positions. Now he's a lecturer at the Aziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

ISIS is not Islamic.

And here, once again, are Muslim voices speaking out against and doing something about this extremist group.
Let us know when he actually does something
Don't forget Saudi Arabia is a major sponsor of the rebel-terrorist groups fighting in Syria and Iraq against the Shiites.

Now the Islamic State is so powerful and independent that Sunni Saudi Arabia and this particular Saudi sheik is frightened that IS poses a real threat to Saudi Arabia itself, hence the current criticism.

Islamic State does represent the current version of Islam at its most frightening and aggressive, make no mistake. Pious staments from sheiks and others will make little difference.

Of course the useful donkeys still don't understand what is really happening and still think that the Islamic State is not Islamic...whatever that is supposed to mean!

So you consider Islamic clerics, scholars and leaders to be "useful donkeys"? I suppose you are some sort of expert on Islam?

It's not a matter of being an expert, it's a matter of understanding the complex issues, which clearly some don't.

"Useful donkeys" are people from the West who swallow Islamic propaganda hook, line and sinker.They are merely helping the enemy.

So which Muslim is telling the truth ? Which can be trusted in this instance ?

to what statement do you refer?
Yes, I know many Muslims who find ISIS abhorrent and basically a terrorist group that is hiding behind Islam.

if you know any number of muslims---you will find that lots of muslims consider this or that OTHER group of muslims to be "not muslims". I encountered lots of muslims long ago-----before islam was an issue in the USA----it was never an issue in my life----until---I ENCOUNTERED real live muslims who hailed from various different countries--educated new comers to the USA----from India, Pakistan, two from Afghanistan ---Iran---and various arab countries. etc My first observation was muslims HATE hindus---my second----Iranians HATE arabs and Pakistanis (and indian muslims) ---then I also discovered that turks hate arabs----and are generally indifferent to most other people.
That this or that muslim hates ISIS ----is to be expected. Saudis also hate Isis----Isis is sunni so Iranians hate isis. ----in yemen---there is active violence ongoing in the capital city SANAA right now-----in general---over isis and over the general hatred sunnis and
Shiites bear each other (in that country north and south hate each other too)
So "caring" about innocent people dying means sitting on your ass all day in front of an internet messageboard churning out article after article ?

It doesn't get any better :lol:

That which Sally does ---at an advanced age---is certainly a LOT BETTER than your
vulgar filth and lies and sophistry In support of the barbarity that OBVIOUSLY TURNS YOU ON. coyote

What I find amusing is that Coyote doesn't tell all those who are anti-Israel/anti-Jews that they sit on their backsides all day long posting. Perhaps Coyote can check out the times these people are on these forums as against the times I am on these forums. And how much time does it take for me to cut and paste an article when most of my articles just come from one news site? As you can guess, IRosie, Coyote would rather I not post any articles telling what Muslims are doing. She would just rather that this particular forum die out. Hey, maybe Coyote's friends have hemorrhoids posting hours and hours on these various forums.

I would suggest Sally deal with her own hemmerhoids
You could go to some of the news sites online and comment on each article and wait for an email saying that some has replied or go back and try to find you comment and anything that comes after.
On a message board like this it is easier to get your news and comment in one place.
I usually tweet articles that I find, which sends a link to facebook automatically, but when you have 100 or so posting everything from jokes to appointments it is time consuming going through all the tweets and posts on your pages.
I read a lot of sources and to copy and paste each one onto a message board take dedication. I find things that are good topics to stimulate a conversation. Some are little more that a head line with a few details, usually yearly sources of something. It might take days for more information to come out, at least to mainstream news. I have a few news sources that "follow" me and use sites that I find in their stories.
I can't imagine everyone on this board spending as much time reading papers/sites from around the world (some not in english) everyday. The middle east is only one of the topics I like to read up on. The one closest to my heart. I like science, medicine, environment and archeology as well.
I know Sally follows some of my links from twitter or facebook. She also finds form other sources and her own searches. It is good for people to read from a variety of opinions and sites. From tweets you are sent, emails/egroups from friends, radio and even faxes. They should be cross checked with other reports if possible, but some are truly live events or hot off the wire. It might take minutes or days for a well reported story to be mainstream news.
Sally is doing every one a service. It keeps her mind busy and she likes to see the comments of other people to the stories. Let her be. You can just read or ignore what she posts but they should be left for everyone to have a chance to see them.
We all through experience or taught prejudices have our point of view. We all have an opinion about posts, and even posters. Eventually we might even get so fed up we block a person, that does not mean that posts should not be on the forum. The more information, the more opinions, the better we can form our own opinions and hopefully some will be creative enough to offer up constructive ideas as solutions.
We don't need the cursing and we could use fewer snide attack on posters but the rest should be edited by the read not management. We don't have to respond to each post on each thread but we should have the option to read and post when we have something to say or some across something new that is happening.

Why don't you suggest to Sally that she stop attacking others? I started this thread as something positive. She started the attacks. I responded POSITIVELY to her nice thread on the Syrian man feeding stray cats and she starts the attacks.

She likes to see the comments? I'd like to hear that from her because from what I"ve seen she attacks those who disagree equating them with terrorists and claiming they are unconcerned or uncaring or making comments about their employment.

I enjoy a variety of topics. And I try to treat others as they treat me. I appreciate a variety of view points and even enjoy some of Sally's threads. But regardless of what I post she attacks the person - not the submect matter. It gets old.

I suggest you do a bit of checking on your spelling ----more important---you are not what you imagine yourself to be----you are a disgusting bigoted bitch. In fact, you regularly attack sally in a very vulgar manner---consistent with the filth that you are

Sally is a proper name and should be capitalized. If you are going to be a spelling Nazi - at least try and make sure your own posts are free of error.

coyote----you are DESPERATE ----are your hemmeroids itchy?
Coyote is on a mission....The muslim religion is just like any other religion:eusa_naughty:

Well, Coyote does know one thing about Islam, anyway -- she absolutely has to defend it.

By defending Islam with such vigor, she earns cred as "tolerant". Sure, it is an ignorant tolerance, lacks any semblance of moral reasoning, intellectual honesty or rational method, but for apologists, those sorts of things do not matter. All that matters is appearance and whether or not the statements are received with approval by those from which they seek such. To a dogmatic leftist, the conditioned response of defending Islam is an act of solidarity and helps provide a sense of belonging to the club. "Hard leftists do this. I am a hard left, therefore I will do it to"

At its heart, these sorts of apologetics only reflect upon an extremely conformist nature, as the very purpose it serves is to align ones views with that of others. People derive comfort from falling in line, especially inasmuch as there are so many disincentives that act to punish intellectual clarity, independence, or original thought.
Coyote is on a mission....The muslim religion is just like any other religion:eusa_naughty:

Well, Coyote does know one thing about Islam, anyway -- she absolutely has to defend it.

By defending Islam with such vigor, she earns cred as "tolerant". Sure, it is an ignorant tolerance, lacks any semblance of moral reasoning, intellectual honesty or rational method, but for apologists, those sorts of things do not matter. All that matters is appearance and whether or not the statements are received with approval by those from which they seek such. To a dogmatic leftist, the conditioned response of defending Islam is an act of solidarity and helps provide a sense of belonging to the club. "Hard leftists do this. I am a hard left, therefore I will do it to"

At its heart, these sorts of apologetics only reflect upon an extremely conformist nature, as the very purpose it serves is to align ones views with that of others. People derive comfort from falling in line, especially inasmuch as there are so many disincentives that act to punish intellectual clarity, independence, or original thought.

I will say little-----but say it I must------those people who like to say "all PEOPLES (as in
groups of people) are the same"-----are extremely stupid.....those who so engage----
are generally self righteous scum
I will say little-----but say it I must------those people who like to say "all PEOPLES (as in
groups of people) are the same"-----are extremely stupid.....those who so engage----
are generally self righteous scum

I usually see it as a combination of stupidity and dishonesty, myself.

All a person has to do is ask some basic questions such as "what percentage of Christians or Jews think people should be killed if they leave their religion and what percentage of Muslims think so?"

The dishonesty comes in to play as soon as the answers reveal anything that contradicts the assumptions as people rush to explain away the results.
I will say little-----but say it I must------those people who like to say "all PEOPLES (as in
groups of people) are the same"-----are extremely stupid.....those who so engage----
are generally self righteous scum

I usually see it as a combination of stupidity and dishonesty, myself.

All a person has to do is ask some basic questions such as "what percentage of Christians or Jews think people should be killed if they leave their religion and what percentage of Muslims think so?"

The dishonesty comes in to play as soon as the answers reveal anything that contradicts the assumptions as people rush to explain away the results.

yes------but then again---sometimes "no".....
it is very difficult to determine what people "believe" or "think" ----lots of people if ASKED----will simply answer in the way they
think they are SUPPOSED TO. I saw a
DRAMATIC transformation in that which muslims I know or knew or at least conversed-----were willing to say------after 9-11-01.
BIG CHANGE and I have no doubt that a poll ----would reflect a similar BIG CHANGE.
I believe that such changes "happen" in lots of situations with lots of people

Polls are very limited in usefulness

the only conversations I trust as being a reflection of what "muslims think"----are those I had before 9-11 and in some cases BEFORE the late 1980s For Iranians---before 1979. In some cases---the only conversations I had with muslims regarding
jews----are those I had with muslims who
thought I am Christian.. I got it all so well from conversations----that ISIS is absolutely no surprise to me------I predict some action
in Saudi Arabia (and have been so predicting for several years now-----you read it here)
Coyote is on a mission....The muslim religion is just like any other religion:eusa_naughty:

Well, Coyote does know one thing about Islam, anyway -- she absolutely has to defend it.

By defending Islam with such vigor, she earns cred as "tolerant". Sure, it is an ignorant tolerance, lacks any semblance of moral reasoning, intellectual honesty or rational method, but for apologists, those sorts of things do not matter. All that matters is appearance and whether or not the statements are received with approval by those from which they seek such. To a dogmatic leftist, the conditioned response of defending Islam is an act of solidarity and helps provide a sense of belonging to the club. "Hard leftists do this. I am a hard left, therefore I will do it to"

At its heart, these sorts of apologetics only reflect upon an extremely conformist nature, as the very purpose it serves is to align ones views with that of others. People derive comfort from falling in line, especially inasmuch as there are so many disincentives that act to punish intellectual clarity, independence, or original thought.

What a bunch of drivel.
Young Muslims speak out against ISIS on social media - ANN

Over the last two weeks, young Muslims from various countries have been posting messages on Twitter and other social media platforms denouncing ISIS' actions as un-Islamic, with the hashtag #notinmyname.

"ISIS does not represent Islam, we condemn it," Malaysian Aizat Amdan (@MuhdAizatAmdan) said in a tweet on Sept 18.

This effort, started by the British group Active Change Foundation, has also attracted derogatory tweets from apparent ISIS supporters.

Posted in various languages and apparently originating from a range of nations from India to Indonesia, these counter- tweets deride the "gullible sellouts" and the "coconut Muslims" deemed to be brown on the outside but white on the inside.

Hanif Qadir (@HanifQadir), who heads the foundation which was created to counter violent extremism and terrorism, appeared unperturbed.

"The extremists need to see a united front against them which will push them away from the main body of Muslims," he said on Twitter.
His tweet drew a retort from another Britain-based user, Mizanur Rahman (@Abu_Baraa1) who said: "Where are the #notinmyname videos against the air strikes killing Muslims?"

The online campaign has nevertheless caught on.
Karachi-based Patakha Guddi (@filmyjoyo) posted: "We just want the world to know that #ISIS is not what Islam is. Islam preaches tolerance and compassion for humanity."

More and more of those "non-existent" Muslim groups protesting, demonstrating, speaking out....

there is a mad scramble to move the goal posts
Coyote is on a mission....The muslim religion is just like any other religion:eusa_naughty:

Well, Coyote does know one thing about Islam, anyway -- she absolutely has to defend it.

By defending Islam with such vigor, she earns cred as "tolerant". Sure, it is an ignorant tolerance, lacks any semblance of moral reasoning, intellectual honesty or rational method, but for apologists, those sorts of things do not matter. All that matters is appearance and whether or not the statements are received with approval by those from which they seek such. To a dogmatic leftist, the conditioned response of defending Islam is an act of solidarity and helps provide a sense of belonging to the club. "Hard leftists do this. I am a hard left, therefore I will do it to"

At its heart, these sorts of apologetics only reflect upon an extremely conformist nature, as the very purpose it serves is to align ones views with that of others. People derive comfort from falling in line, especially inasmuch as there are so many disincentives that act to punish intellectual clarity, independence, or original thought.

What a bunch of drivel.

what part of the "bunch" do you consider "drivel"??
Muslim Scholars Make the Theological Case Against the Islamic State

More than a hundred Muslim scholars and leaders from around the world released an open letter addressed to Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi on Wednesday, telling the self-proclaimed caliph, in no uncertain terms, that the group's use of Islamic scripture is illegitimate and perverse.

Muslim Scholars Make the Theological Case Against the Islamic State VICE News
Young Muslims speak out against ISIS on social media - ANN

Over the last two weeks, young Muslims from various countries have been posting messages on Twitter and other social media platforms denouncing ISIS' actions as un-Islamic, with the hashtag #notinmyname.

"ISIS does not represent Islam, we condemn it," Malaysian Aizat Amdan (@MuhdAizatAmdan) said in a tweet on Sept 18.

This effort, started by the British group Active Change Foundation, has also attracted derogatory tweets from apparent ISIS supporters.

Posted in various languages and apparently originating from a range of nations from India to Indonesia, these counter- tweets deride the "gullible sellouts" and the "coconut Muslims" deemed to be brown on the outside but white on the inside.

Hanif Qadir (@HanifQadir), who heads the foundation which was created to counter violent extremism and terrorism, appeared unperturbed.

"The extremists need to see a united front against them which will push them away from the main body of Muslims," he said on Twitter.
His tweet drew a retort from another Britain-based user, Mizanur Rahman (@Abu_Baraa1) who said: "Where are the #notinmyname videos against the air strikes killing Muslims?"

The online campaign has nevertheless caught on.
Karachi-based Patakha Guddi (@filmyjoyo) posted: "We just want the world to know that #ISIS is not what Islam is. Islam preaches tolerance and compassion for humanity."

More and more of those "non-existent" Muslim groups protesting, demonstrating, speaking out....

there is a mad scramble to move the goal posts

the "UMMAH" began engaging in internecine BLOODY conflict before the carcass of AL NABI was cold----logically one would expect the stuff to show up on
social network too.------what does it really mean in the context of intermuslim relation--
over the past 1400 years? Isis is not for every muslim------iran is not for every muslim---Jordan is certainly not for every muslim
Young Muslims speak out against ISIS on social media - ANN

Over the last two weeks, young Muslims from various countries have been posting messages on Twitter and other social media platforms denouncing ISIS' actions as un-Islamic, with the hashtag #notinmyname.

"ISIS does not represent Islam, we condemn it," Malaysian Aizat Amdan (@MuhdAizatAmdan) said in a tweet on Sept 18.

This effort, started by the British group Active Change Foundation, has also attracted derogatory tweets from apparent ISIS supporters.

Posted in various languages and apparently originating from a range of nations from India to Indonesia, these counter- tweets deride the "gullible sellouts" and the "coconut Muslims" deemed to be brown on the outside but white on the inside.

Hanif Qadir (@HanifQadir), who heads the foundation which was created to counter violent extremism and terrorism, appeared unperturbed.

"The extremists need to see a united front against them which will push them away from the main body of Muslims," he said on Twitter.
His tweet drew a retort from another Britain-based user, Mizanur Rahman (@Abu_Baraa1) who said: "Where are the #notinmyname videos against the air strikes killing Muslims?"

The online campaign has nevertheless caught on.
Karachi-based Patakha Guddi (@filmyjoyo) posted: "We just want the world to know that #ISIS is not what Islam is. Islam preaches tolerance and compassion for humanity."

More and more of those "non-existent" Muslim groups protesting, demonstrating, speaking out....

there is a mad scramble to move the goal posts

ROFLMAO----oh gee----I actually went to the site and read it------what a BUNCH OF DRIVEL ---from Pakistan "ISLAM TEACHS TOLERANCE AND COMPASSION"---which is why they execute Christians for touching the Koran----or giving a bible to a muslim---etc etc ------of course they also have been doing drive by HITS on Shiites for as long as I can remember------uhm----I first learned about it about 45 years ago.--------near the time I objected to the 1/4 million rapes committed by the WEST PAKISTANI army at the behest of muslim clerics
Young Muslims speak out against ISIS on social media - ANN

Over the last two weeks, young Muslims from various countries have been posting messages on Twitter and other social media platforms denouncing ISIS' actions as un-Islamic, with the hashtag #notinmyname.

"ISIS does not represent Islam, we condemn it," Malaysian Aizat Amdan (@MuhdAizatAmdan) said in a tweet on Sept 18.

This effort, started by the British group Active Change Foundation, has also attracted derogatory tweets from apparent ISIS supporters.

Posted in various languages and apparently originating from a range of nations from India to Indonesia, these counter- tweets deride the "gullible sellouts" and the "coconut Muslims" deemed to be brown on the outside but white on the inside.

Hanif Qadir (@HanifQadir), who heads the foundation which was created to counter violent extremism and terrorism, appeared unperturbed.

"The extremists need to see a united front against them which will push them away from the main body of Muslims," he said on Twitter.
His tweet drew a retort from another Britain-based user, Mizanur Rahman (@Abu_Baraa1) who said: "Where are the #notinmyname videos against the air strikes killing Muslims?"

The online campaign has nevertheless caught on.
Karachi-based Patakha Guddi (@filmyjoyo) posted: "We just want the world to know that #ISIS is not what Islam is. Islam preaches tolerance and compassion for humanity."

More and more of those "non-existent" Muslim groups protesting, demonstrating, speaking out....

there is a mad scramble to move the goal posts

ROFLMAO----oh gee----I actually went to the site and read it------what a BUNCH OF DRIVEL ---from Pakistan "ISLAM TEACHS TOLERANCE AND COMPASSION"---which is why they execute Christians for touching the Koran----or giving a bible to a muslim---etc etc ------of course they also have been doing drive by HITS on Shiites for as long as I can remember------uhm----I first learned about it about 45 years ago.--------near the time I objected to the 1/4 million rapes committed by the WEST PAKISTANI army at the behest of muslim clerics

I certainly wish the Pakistanis would protest to do away with those blasphemy laws. What a way to get rid of a Christian neighbor that you don't like.
Young Muslims speak out against ISIS on social media - ANN

Over the last two weeks, young Muslims from various countries have been posting messages on Twitter and other social media platforms denouncing ISIS' actions as un-Islamic, with the hashtag #notinmyname.

"ISIS does not represent Islam, we condemn it," Malaysian Aizat Amdan (@MuhdAizatAmdan) said in a tweet on Sept 18.

This effort, started by the British group Active Change Foundation, has also attracted derogatory tweets from apparent ISIS supporters.

Posted in various languages and apparently originating from a range of nations from India to Indonesia, these counter- tweets deride the "gullible sellouts" and the "coconut Muslims" deemed to be brown on the outside but white on the inside.

Hanif Qadir (@HanifQadir), who heads the foundation which was created to counter violent extremism and terrorism, appeared unperturbed.

"The extremists need to see a united front against them which will push them away from the main body of Muslims," he said on Twitter.
His tweet drew a retort from another Britain-based user, Mizanur Rahman (@Abu_Baraa1) who said: "Where are the #notinmyname videos against the air strikes killing Muslims?"

The online campaign has nevertheless caught on.
Karachi-based Patakha Guddi (@filmyjoyo) posted: "We just want the world to know that #ISIS is not what Islam is. Islam preaches tolerance and compassion for humanity."

More and more of those "non-existent" Muslim groups protesting, demonstrating, speaking out....

there is a mad scramble to move the goal posts

ROFLMAO----oh gee----I actually went to the site and read it------what a BUNCH OF DRIVEL ---from Pakistan "ISLAM TEACHS TOLERANCE AND COMPASSION"---which is why they execute Christians for touching the Koran----or giving a bible to a muslim---etc etc ------of course they also have been doing drive by HITS on Shiites for as long as I can remember------uhm----I first learned about it about 45 years ago.--------near the time I objected to the 1/4 million rapes committed by the WEST PAKISTANI army at the behest of muslim clerics

I certainly wish the Pakistanis would protest to do away with those blasphemy laws. What a way to get rid of a Christian neighbor that you don't like.

there is a problem------Pakistanis like having the option of "getting rid of" -----they are big on "getting rid of" Of all places they seem to be most at east "getting rid of" Shiites
Of those I have known----they would be delighted to "get rid" of hindus
Young Muslims speak out against ISIS on social media - ANN

Over the last two weeks, young Muslims from various countries have been posting messages on Twitter and other social media platforms denouncing ISIS' actions as un-Islamic, with the hashtag #notinmyname.

"ISIS does not represent Islam, we condemn it," Malaysian Aizat Amdan (@MuhdAizatAmdan) said in a tweet on Sept 18.

This effort, started by the British group Active Change Foundation, has also attracted derogatory tweets from apparent ISIS supporters.

Posted in various languages and apparently originating from a range of nations from India to Indonesia, these counter- tweets deride the "gullible sellouts" and the "coconut Muslims" deemed to be brown on the outside but white on the inside.

Hanif Qadir (@HanifQadir), who heads the foundation which was created to counter violent extremism and terrorism, appeared unperturbed.

"The extremists need to see a united front against them which will push them away from the main body of Muslims," he said on Twitter.
His tweet drew a retort from another Britain-based user, Mizanur Rahman (@Abu_Baraa1) who said: "Where are the #notinmyname videos against the air strikes killing Muslims?"

The online campaign has nevertheless caught on.
Karachi-based Patakha Guddi (@filmyjoyo) posted: "We just want the world to know that #ISIS is not what Islam is. Islam preaches tolerance and compassion for humanity."

More and more of those "non-existent" Muslim groups protesting, demonstrating, speaking out....

there is a mad scramble to move the goal posts

ROFLMAO----oh gee----I actually went to the site and read it------what a BUNCH OF DRIVEL ---from Pakistan "ISLAM TEACHS TOLERANCE AND COMPASSION"---which is why they execute Christians for touching the Koran----or giving a bible to a muslim---etc etc ------of course they also have been doing drive by HITS on Shiites for as long as I can remember------uhm----I first learned about it about 45 years ago.--------near the time I objected to the 1/4 million rapes committed by the WEST PAKISTANI army at the behest of muslim clerics

I certainly wish the Pakistanis would protest to do away with those blasphemy laws. What a way to get rid of a Christian neighbor that you don't like.

there is a problem------Pakistanis like having the option of "getting rid of" -----they are big on "getting rid of" Of all places they seem to be most at east "getting rid of" Shiites
Of those I have known----they would be delighted to "get rid" of hindus

I remember that Muslim poster living here in the States, but from a Western state in India, saying that she wanted to see 850 million Hindus eradicated just so Islam could rule India again. Imagine wanting to see 850 million people done away with just so your religion could rule!!!
Prominent Muslim Sheik Issues Fatwa Against ISIS Violence NPR

Sheik Abdullah bin Bayyah is interviewed about his fatwa explaining why ISIS is wrong to claim that Islam supports violence and the establishment of a caliphate by force.

Then he singled out one organization and one man leading that charge: the new Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies and Sheik Abdullah bin Bayyah. Describing the group's purpose, the sheik said, "We must declare war on war so the outcome will be peace upon peace."

ISIS is not Islamic.
And here, once again, are Muslim voices speaking out against and doing something about this extremist group.

Well, ISIS says they are Islamists but I am withholding opinion pending real action by the Muslim World in the war against ISIS.
So far a number of credible Muslim voices have condemned them - a hopeful sign - and the US is cooperating with a number of Mideast states on military action and on saving civilian lives. On the other hand Iran - a key ally of Syria - not only rejects joining the coalition, they mock Obama's strategy.


Iran rejects American request for cooperation against ISIS - CBS News

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