Prominent Muslim Sheik Issues Fatwa Against Isis Violence

Hundreds of Muslim Scholars Sign Letter Officially Denouncing ISIS as ā€˜UnIslamicā€™
September 25, 2014 2:22 pmĀ·
Hundreds of Muslim Scholars Sign Letter Officially Denouncing ISIS as 8216 UnIslamic 8217


A newly-drafted letter, crafted and signed by 125 Sunni Muslim scholars and dignitaries from around the world, is directed at ISISā€™s self-described ā€œCaliph Ibrahim,ā€ also better known as Al-Baghdadi.

The letter decries the so-called ā€œCaliphā€™sā€ criminality, and the misnamed ā€œIslamic Stateā€™sā€ crimes against humanity.

Furthermore, it takes ISIS to task on the issue of the Qurā€™an and Hadith literature itself, calling them out for their blatant disregard for traditional, or even literal interpretation of the religious works they use to justify their terrorism.

Pundits in the West have continuously raised the concern that ā€œif Muslims really oppose ISIS, why donā€™t we see them speaking out against themā€ and ā€œwhere are the fatwas against ISIS?ā€

The answer is that these denunciations are pouring in by the hundreds, throughout the Muslim world, and in by Muslim scholars in the West. Perhaps the problem is that many in the United States and Europe simply arenā€™t looking for their news in the right places.
Don't forget Saudi Arabia is a major sponsor of the rebel-terrorist groups fighting in Syria and Iraq against the Shiites.

Now the Islamic State is so powerful and independent that Sunni Saudi Arabia and this particular Saudi sheik is frightened that IS poses a real threat to Saudi Arabia itself, hence the current criticism.

Islamic State does represent the current version of Islam at its most frightening and aggressive, make no mistake. Pious staments from sheiks and others will make little difference.

Of course the useful donkeys still don't understand what is really happening and still think that the Islamic State is not Islamic...whatever that is supposed to mean!

So you consider Islamic clerics, scholars and leaders to be "useful donkeys"? I suppose you are some sort of expert on Islam?

It's not a matter of being an expert, it's a matter of understanding the complex issues, which clearly some don't.

"Useful donkeys" are people from the West who swallow Islamic propaganda hook, line and sinker.They are merely helping the enemy.

...and clearly, you don't.
Don't forget Saudi Arabia is a major sponsor of the rebel-terrorist groups fighting in Syria and Iraq against the Shiites.

Now the Islamic State is so powerful and independent that Sunni Saudi Arabia and this particular Saudi sheik is frightened that IS poses a real threat to Saudi Arabia itself, hence the current criticism.

Islamic State does represent the current version of Islam at its most frightening and aggressive, make no mistake. Pious staments from sheiks and others will make little difference.

Of course the useful donkeys still don't understand what is really happening and still think that the Islamic State is not Islamic...whatever that is supposed to mean!

So you consider Islamic clerics, scholars and leaders to be "useful donkeys"? I suppose you are some sort of expert on Islam?

It's not a matter of being an expert, it's a matter of understanding the complex issues, which clearly some don't.

"Useful donkeys" are people from the West who swallow Islamic propaganda hook, line and sinker.They are merely helping the enemy.

So which Muslim is telling the truth ? Which can be trusted in this instance ?
Someday I hope to see massive protest against these muslim extremist...I wont hold my breath:eusa_eh:

Might be the praying five times a day to Allah thing?

...or using the Koran to justify their actions.

...or calling it Jihad.

...or calling themselves Muslims.

...or instituting Sharia Law on their captured territories.

You'd think a reasonable person would at least consider them possibly Muslim. Not Luddly...
Hundreds of Muslim Scholars Sign Letter Officially Denouncing ISIS as ā€˜UnIslamicā€™
September 25, 2014 2:22 pmĀ·
Hundreds of Muslim Scholars Sign Letter Officially Denouncing ISIS as 8216 UnIslamic 8217


A newly-drafted letter, crafted and signed by 125 Sunni Muslim scholars and dignitaries from around the world, is directed at ISISā€™s self-described ā€œCaliph Ibrahim,ā€ also better known as Al-Baghdadi.

The letter decries the so-called ā€œCaliphā€™sā€ criminality, and the misnamed ā€œIslamic Stateā€™sā€ crimes against humanity.

Furthermore, it takes ISIS to task on the issue of the Qurā€™an and Hadith literature itself, calling them out for their blatant disregard for traditional, or even literal interpretation of the religious works they use to justify their terrorism.

Pundits in the West have continuously raised the concern that ā€œif Muslims really oppose ISIS, why donā€™t we see them speaking out against themā€ and ā€œwhere are the fatwas against ISIS?ā€

The answer is that these denunciations are pouring in by the hundreds, throughout the Muslim world, and in by Muslim scholars in the West. Perhaps the problem is that many in the United States and Europe simply arenā€™t looking for their news in the right places.
Shia protesting against Sunni is that rare?...a couple people anyway... You're reaching
It is a good sign at least one Islamic leader is standing up. Hopefully others will follow. Hey look at Jroc's post!
Britain s Largest Mosques Condemn Un-Islamic ISIS Radicals

Britainā€™s Largest Mosques Condemn ā€œUn-Islamicā€ ISIS Radicals
Britainā€™s 12 largest mosques announced on Wednesday they ā€œcondemnā€ the actions of militant group Islamic State today, telling Newsweek the group is ā€œun-Islamic to the coreā€.

"Leading Islamic centres condemn the inexcusable actions of the group calling itself ā€œIslamic Stateā€ (IS), and the indefensible murders of James Foley and Steven Sotloff. We hope that any other hostages who may be held by IS will be released unharmed," the statement reads

"We urge our youth not to contemplate going to Iraq or Syria to join IS or any similar groups that spread violence and hatred, nor to give them any kind of support whatsoever."
British Imams appeal to ISIS terrorists to release aid worker Alan Henning

British Imams appeal to ISIS terrorists to release aid worker Alan Henning Daily Mail Online

More than 100 Muslim leaders have signed a statement pleading with ISIS to release British aid worker Alan Henning.

Mr Henning is currently facing death at the hands of ISIS's British executioner 'Jihadi John' and was paraded before the cameras in a video of fellow hostage David Haines's murder.

Dozens of Imams from around the UK today criticised the terror group as 'monsters' for the brutal murder of Mr Haines and insisted killing Mr Henning would be 'un-Islamic'.
Don't forget Saudi Arabia is a major sponsor of the rebel-terrorist groups fighting in Syria and Iraq against the Shiites.

Now the Islamic State is so powerful and independent that Sunni Saudi Arabia and this particular Saudi sheik is frightened that IS poses a real threat to Saudi Arabia itself, hence the current criticism.

Islamic State does represent the current version of Islam at its most frightening and aggressive, make no mistake. Pious staments from sheiks and others will make little difference.

Of course the useful donkeys still don't understand what is really happening and still think that the Islamic State is not Islamic...whatever that is supposed to mean!

So you consider Islamic clerics, scholars and leaders to be "useful donkeys"? I suppose you are some sort of expert on Islam?

It's not a matter of being an expert, it's a matter of understanding the complex issues, which clearly some don't.

"Useful donkeys" are people from the West who swallow Islamic propaganda hook, line and sinker.They are merely helping the enemy.

...and clearly, you don't.

We could spend all day swapping childish abuse.... but it's rather pointless.
Britain s Largest Mosques Condemn Un-Islamic ISIS Radicals

Britainā€™s Largest Mosques Condemn ā€œUn-Islamicā€ ISIS Radicals
Britainā€™s 12 largest mosques announced on Wednesday they ā€œcondemnā€ the actions of militant group Islamic State today, telling Newsweek the group is ā€œun-Islamic to the coreā€.

"Leading Islamic centres condemn the inexcusable actions of the group calling itself ā€œIslamic Stateā€ (IS), and the indefensible murders of James Foley and Steven Sotloff. We hope that any other hostages who may be held by IS will be released unharmed," the statement reads

"We urge our youth not to contemplate going to Iraq or Syria to join IS or any similar groups that spread violence and hatred, nor to give them any kind of support whatsoever."
So British muslims have to "urge their youth" not to go cut off people's heads and rape women?....Still not impressed sorry
ā€˜Not in my nameā€™: French Muslims rally to denounce ISIS beheadings
Not in my name French Muslims rally to denounce ISIS beheadings RT News

Hundreds of Muslims have gathered near the Grand Mosque in Paris to condemn the execution of the French tourist, Herve Gourdel, by Islamic State-linked jihadists and the rise of Islamophobia caused by it.

The demonstrators were holding up placards, reading ā€œ"Tribute to Herve Gourdelā€ and "God is merciful" as well as signs with NotInMyName hastag.

The crowd chanted ā€œIslam for peace,ā€ with French officials and representatives from the Parisian Arab community present at the event.

"We French Muslims say stop to barbarism, stop to terrorism,"
Dalil Boubakeur, head of the French Council of the Muslim Faith, said during the rally.
Hundreds of Muslims have gathered near the Grand Mosque in Paris to condemn the execution of the French tourist, Herve Gourdel, by Islamic State-linked jihadists and the rise of Islamophobia caused by it.
The demonstrators were holding up placards, reading ā€œ"Tribute to Herve Gourdelā€ and "God is merciful" as well as signs with NotInMyName hastag.
The crowd chanted ā€œIslam for peace,ā€ with French officials and representatives from the Parisian Arab community present at the event.

"We French Muslims say stop to barbarism, stop to terrorism,"
Dalil Boubakeur, head of the French Council of the Muslim Faith, said during the rally.

100s? 1.6 billion muslims in the world, and we get a protest with hundreds? not very impressive:eusa_think:
German Muslims hold day of protest against ISIS jihadists
Some two thousand mosques across Germany were called upon by top Muslim clerics to use their Friday rituals to rally against the Islamic State and speak out against beheadings in Syria and Iraq.

On Friday, the chairman of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, Aiman Mazyek, told the countryā€™s Muslim population that they shouldnā€™t stay quiet about the misuse of the Islamic faith, describing the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) as ā€œin truth terrorists and murderers" who have dragged Islam ā€œthrough the mud.ā€
Muslims Protest Islamic State In Norway

Muslims Protest Islamic State In Norway

STOCKHOLM (AP) ā€” Norway's prime minister and other politicians have joined Muslim leaders and thousands of other people for a demonstration in Oslo against radical Islamists.

Monday's rally was an initiative by young Norwegian Muslims who wanted to show a united front against Islamic State militants in Syria and Iraq and their sympathizers in Norway.

Mehtab Afshar, head of the Islamic Council in Norway, told the crowd: "They stand for terrorism, they stand for terror ... and we condemn that in the strongest terms."

A small radical group in Norway has expressed support for Islamic State militants, angering moderate Muslims in immigrant communities in the country.
Hundreds of Calgary Muslims protest ISIS violence in Iraq
Sunni, Shia Muslims gathered outside Calgary City Hall to protest sectarian violence in Iraq

Muslims Protest Islamic State In Norway

Muslims Protest Islamic State In Norway

STOCKHOLM (AP) ā€” Norway's prime minister and other politicians have joined Muslim leaders and thousands of other people for a demonstration in Oslo against radical Islamists.

Monday's rally was an initiative by young Norwegian Muslims who wanted to show a united front against Islamic State militants in Syria and Iraq and their sympathizers in Norway.

Mehtab Afshar, head of the Islamic Council in Norway, told the crowd: "They stand for terrorism, they stand for terror ... and we condemn that in the strongest terms."

A small radical group in Norway has expressed support for Islamic State militants, angering moderate Muslims in immigrant communities in the country.

Well for every protest with hundreds or even couple thousand I can find protest of tens of thousands, even 100's of thousands wanting the infidels dead . I have a test for you, draw a cartoon offending the "Profit mohammed" and see have many you get protesting ready to kill
Muslims in Europe rally against extremist violence

Muslims in Europe rally against extremist violence - CBS News
The same debate played out elsewhere. The hashtag campaign #notinmyname - or #pasenmonnom in French - initiated by British Muslims who wanted to show their opposition to extremist violence, spawned a #MuslimApologies backlash by those who thought the sense of regret was overwrought. Tweets "apologized" for algebra, soap and coffee.

"Nowhere does the Quran say other religions or nations must be attacked. Cutting people's heads off is really the most despicable. If airstrikes can stop these fundamentalist, aggressive ideas from spreading, I am all for it," said 65-year-old Enes Mustafic.

Another congregant, Omer Jamak, questioned the devotion and even sanity of anyone who thought otherwise.

"According to Islam, nobody is allowed to be evil to others. Nobody has the right to do such a thing. I am against everything they do down there like every sane person is," Jamak said.
Muslims Protest Islamic State In Norway

Muslims Protest Islamic State In Norway

STOCKHOLM (AP) ā€” Norway's prime minister and other politicians have joined Muslim leaders and thousands of other people for a demonstration in Oslo against radical Islamists.

Monday's rally was an initiative by young Norwegian Muslims who wanted to show a united front against Islamic State militants in Syria and Iraq and their sympathizers in Norway.

Mehtab Afshar, head of the Islamic Council in Norway, told the crowd: "They stand for terrorism, they stand for terror ... and we condemn that in the strongest terms."

A small radical group in Norway has expressed support for Islamic State militants, angering moderate Muslims in immigrant communities in the country.

Well for every protest with hundreds or even couple thousand I can find protest of tens of thousands, even 100's of thousands wanting the infidels dead . I have a test for you, draw a cartoon offending the "Profit mohammed" and see have many you get protesting ready to kill

Nothing will be enough for you Jroc - you realize that don't you? There is nothing that they can do that will be enough.
Britain s Largest Mosques Condemn Un-Islamic ISIS Radicals

Britainā€™s Largest Mosques Condemn ā€œUn-Islamicā€ ISIS Radicals
Britainā€™s 12 largest mosques announced on Wednesday they ā€œcondemnā€ the actions of militant group Islamic State today, telling Newsweek the group is ā€œun-Islamic to the coreā€.

"Leading Islamic centres condemn the inexcusable actions of the group calling itself ā€œIslamic Stateā€ (IS), and the indefensible murders of James Foley and Steven Sotloff. We hope that any other hostages who may be held by IS will be released unharmed," the statement reads

"We urge our youth not to contemplate going to Iraq or Syria to join IS or any similar groups that spread violence and hatred, nor to give them any kind of support whatsoever."
So British muslims have to "urge their youth" not to go cut off people's heads and rape women?....Still not impressed sorry

I'm not impressed either. So many innocent have been killed in months past, and all of a sudden these Muslims are protesting against ISIS. The Muslims certainly were quick enough to rise up and protest against Israel right away where Gaza was concerned so how come they couldn't have quickly protested against ISIS when ISIS started up with their killings?
Muslims in Europe rally against extremist violence

Muslims in Europe rally against extremist violence - CBS News
The same debate played out elsewhere. The hashtag campaign #notinmyname - or #pasenmonnom in French - initiated by British Muslims who wanted to show their opposition to extremist violence, spawned a #MuslimApologies backlash by those who thought the sense of regret was overwrought. Tweets "apologized" for algebra, soap and coffee.

"Nowhere does the Quran say other religions or nations must be attacked. Cutting people's heads off is really the most despicable. If airstrikes can stop these fundamentalist, aggressive ideas from spreading, I am all for it," said 65-year-old Enes Mustafic.

Another congregant, Omer Jamak, questioned the devotion and even sanity of anyone who thought otherwise.

"According to Islam, nobody is allowed to be evil to others. Nobody has the right to do such a thing. I am against everything they do down there like every sane person is," Jamak said.
Are you public relations?..... Those protest are pretty pathetic actually. Do you have any in the Middle East?

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