Prominent Muslim Sheik Issues Fatwa Against Isis Violence

You've pretty much confirmed once again, that attempting to converse with you is a complete and utter waste of time as you seem to be nothing more than a troll.

More Than 100 Muslim Clerics Sign Letter Condemning ISIS

Top Muslim leaders in the United States on Wednesday released a detailed refutation of claims by the terrorist group ISIS that its actions in Iraq and Syria are in keeping with Islamic law. The letter, signed by 111 prominent clerics from around the world, lists dozens of ways in which the clerics assert that ISIS has consistently violated Islamic law.

More Than 100 Muslim Clerics Sign Letter Condemning ISIS - Yahoo News

It has become clear to many of the rational readers that you don't want to hear anything bad against the Muslims no matter how many thousands and thousands of people they kill. Speaking of trolls, I have to laugh at you saying that, and it only shows how ridiculous you are.

Just because someone signs something doesn't mean that in his heart he thinks opposite. Meanwhile, I think we are quite aware of the many clerics who are inciting the people to become terrorists. You know we can keep this up all day long, but the fact of the matter is that regardless what these clerics say, innocent people are still dying and that is the important thing.

So now you're a psychic Sally - you claim to know what's in their hearts? The only thing you are making obvious is that you hate Muslims and even when something good is presented you'll find some way to negate it.

You don't care about innocent people dying. If you did, you wouldn't confine your "concern" to just one area.

Thank you for clarity.

I wish to thank you for showing us what a hard-working public relations agent you are for Islam. There has been so much in the news about how innocent people have been suffering in iraq and Syria, but you deemed it more important to blabber about people against ISIS. What is more important -- the lives of innocent people or what some Muslim clerics are saying? Regardless what they are saying, the killings will still be going on.

By the way, I was reading the other day how Muslims in Jordan were saying they were against ISIS because they were afraid to say they were for them as the government would be keeping tabs to see who was for terrorism. If I find the article again, I'll show it to you.
Yeah I have a little bit to say about the venomous one, Sally.

Sally is the worst kind of pretender. One who PRETENDS to care for different peoples in the M.E. while knowing full well her country, Israel, is killing/maiming children IN HUGE NUMBERS!! THOUSANDS!!

Oh wait, but they're Palestinian kids. That makes it OKAY (for her). They're future terrorists. They're not worth as much as her precious Jewish kids, she thinks.

Man, that is messed up, and you know it Sally. You should be condemning YOUR country, Israel and quit talking out of both sides of your a**.
forrester------in its war against the baby killers of allah------Israel had not come close in the past
65 years to the number of dead kids thrown into the gutter for the glory of allah in the past single year----just in the middle east. If you consider the rest of the world in its WORSHIP OF ALLAH----Israel is not even a factor in the dead kids toll--- TENS OF MILLIONS try to cope with reality
forrester------in its war against the baby killers of allah------Israel had not come close in the past
65 years to the number of dead kids thrown into the gutter for the glory of allah in the past single year----just in the middle east. If you consider the rest of the world in its WORSHIP OF ALLAH----Israel is not even a factor in the dead kids toll--- TENS OF MILLIONS try to cope with reality
What about Israel's claim that they're so "Western-ish", democratic, CIVILIZED?? Israel does the same s*** that the so-called "barbarians" do. Israel is NO better. No respect for human life (of non-Jews).
What makes them "Christian" then? Mainstream Christians and religious leaders don't regard them as Christians.
People do not look to you to define their religions, nor do I.

Again, I'll repeat - I'm not defining anyone's religion. I'm quoting what religious leaders have to say. I think they would know more than either you or I on what constitutes their religion.

yes----you are right Coyote-----they do. I learned about islam from muslims. I learned about Judaism from jews. I learned about Christianity from Christians------and Hinduism from hindus------there are lots of religions about which I know almost nothing-----I never had a close Buddhist informant. Another important way to learn about different cultures and religions is from people NOT of that religion who lived amongst "them" I was close with a Christian surgeon (female) from Bombay. -----
and ---lots of jews from muslim countries.
and some muslims from HINDU INDIA ---two
Zoroastrians from Bombay----(not really mu
forrester------in its war against the baby killers of allah------Israel had not come close in the past
65 years to the number of dead kids thrown into the gutter for the glory of allah in the past single year----just in the middle east. If you consider the rest of the world in its WORSHIP OF ALLAH----Israel is not even a factor in the dead kids toll--- TENS OF MILLIONS try to cope with reality
What about Israel's claim that they're so "Western-ish", democratic, CIVILIZED?? Israel does the same s*** that the so-called "barbarians" do. Israel is NO better. No respect for human life (of non-Jews).

forrester-----you and whatever is the group that spawned are barbaric baby murderers----who enjoy mutilating children to death----you are filth. What about YOU?
You're completely psychotic to think I'm part of ANY group. Hasbara technique.
We all know the Zionists salivate at the thought of coercing the Americans to bomb Iran for keep dishing dirt on Iran.

But most Americans don't really worry about Iran or the way they spank their kids or WHATEVER! Who cares?? It's not OUR AGENDA like it is your personal mission to forge opinion of Israel as a VICTIM.

Israel doesn't have International Acceptance to have nukes anyway does it? Israel is not a member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Israel is GROUPED TOGETHER WITH NORTH KOREA, PAKISTAN, AND INDIA. Now that's mainstream.

Oh, but you won't admit it. You don't have to.
It's easy to spot though.
So "caring" about innocent people dying means sitting on your ass all day in front of an internet messageboard churning out article after article ?

It doesn't get any better :lol:

That which Sally does ---at an advanced age---is certainly a LOT BETTER than your
vulgar filth and lies and sophistry In support of the barbarity that OBVIOUSLY TURNS YOU ON. coyote
You're completely psychotic to think I'm part of ANY group. Hasbara technique.
We all know the Zionists salivate at the thought of coercing the Americans to bomb Iran for keep dishing dirt on Iran.

But most Americans don't really worry about Iran or the way they spank their kids or WHATEVER! Who cares?? It's not OUR AGENDA like it is your personal mission to forge opinion of Israel as a VICTIM.

Israel doesn't have International Acceptance to have nukes anyway does it? Israel is not a member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Israel is GROUPED TOGETHER WITH NORTH KOREA, PAKISTAN, AND INDIA. Now that's mainstream.

Oh, but you won't admit it. You don't have to.
It's easy to spot though.

for someone NOT A MEMBER OF A GROUP-----you certainly have no problem
employing that typical ISLAMO NAZI
*****WE ALL KNOW*****
technique. My all time fave use of
the "we all know" and "everyone knows.."
thing came about decades ago when a Pakistani trained in an islamo Nazi medical school INFORMED me that then governor of New York ---Nelson Rockefeller "is a jew"----
I said "no---protestant" HE INSISTED---
"WE all know' I said "how do you know"---- answer

I was impressed----a Pakistani----a land with
no jews and this guy could quote ---chapter and verse ---the Nazi propaganda I read as a child.
Really, Coyote??? It seems to me that you insinuated I was reading the minds of those who are condemning ISIS when i said that they could condemn and not really mean it. Meanwhile, it is amusing to see how you are so determined to let this thread go on and on and on while innocent people are still dying even today and no matter how many Muslims are condemning it, this doesn't mean that the killiong will stop, the same way you don't see the killing stop when we hear about Shia and Sunnis suicide and car bombing each other in the Muslim world before ISIS even reared its ugly head....

Gosh, do I wish when I was a working gal, I had all the time in the world to fool around. There was no Internet in my time, but I could have wasted time hanging around the water cooler gabbing with co-workers instead of coincentrating on my work.

And you are :lol:

I'm retired. How about you? At least I gave my bosses my all for my paycheck.

Pathetic comeback. you are while innocent people are dying :)

Well here you are Coyote. While people are dying, you can't even give your bosses an honest day's work.


You know nothing about my jobs or working hours even if you think you do. :)

Now...don't you think you need to run around doing something about innocent people a bunch more threads and wring your hands?

In the meantime - there are people who really are trying to do something - aid workers out there helping people, religious leaders trying to stem the rise in radicalism, foreign leaders getting together to push back you are telling me I should be concerned about innocent people dying ;)

this is a messageboard, coyote. at no point did sally ever TELL YOU to go out and aid the dying. Of course since she is not a vulgar disgusting person she did not describe you as "SITTING ON YOUR ASS ALL DAY"-------- She very properly questions your PREOCCUPATION with shitting on jews whilst defending the Islamic murders of hundreds of millions. I will help you out on this one with a very apt example. -----the recent murders in Israel-----three Israeli boys and a kind of-----apparent retribution murder of a muslim teen. YOU ---in your usual vulgar style-----referred to the jewish reaction to the murder of a muslim teen as
"DISGUSTING" -----whereas the muslim reaction to the murder of the jewish boys--according to YOU was---'loving and sympathetic' so what was the reaction??
The jewish reaction was an immediate arrest and imprisonment of the murdering jews.----
The "loving and sympathetic" reaction of the
muslims was "HIDE THE MURDERERS"----
Israel found them-----now they have been sent to JANNAH as celebrated heroes of
So "caring" about innocent people dying means sitting on your ass all day in front of an internet messageboard churning out article after article ?

It doesn't get any better :lol:

That which Sally does ---at an advanced age---is certainly a LOT BETTER than your
vulgar filth and lies and sophistry In support of the barbarity that OBVIOUSLY TURNS YOU ON. coyote

What I find amusing is that Coyote doesn't tell all those who are anti-Israel/anti-Jews that they sit on their backsides all day long posting. Perhaps Coyote can check out the times these people are on these forums as against the times I am on these forums. And how much time does it take for me to cut and paste an article when most of my articles just come from one news site? As you can guess, IRosie, Coyote would rather I not post any articles telling what Muslims are doing. She would just rather that this particular forum die out. Hey, maybe Coyote's friends have hemorrhoids posting hours and hours on these various forums.
To prevent homegrown Islamist radicalism, drop the media hysteria
The disproportionate attention given to radicalism feeds into ongoing misrepresentations of Muslims in the west. How about engaging with the Muslim community instead?

To prevent homegrown Islamist radicalism drop the media hysteria Kavita Bedford Comment is free

Sheeesh--------shades of father Charles
Coughlin and his fellow American pro Nazis of the 1930s-----_DA JOOOOS IS WAR MONGERING----hitler aint so bad
So "caring" about innocent people dying means sitting on your ass all day in front of an internet messageboard churning out article after article ?

It doesn't get any better :lol:

That which Sally does ---at an advanced age---is certainly a LOT BETTER than your
vulgar filth and lies and sophistry In support of the barbarity that OBVIOUSLY TURNS YOU ON. coyote

What I find amusing is that Coyote doesn't tell all those who are anti-Israel/anti-Jews that they sit on their backsides all day long posting. Perhaps Coyote can check out the times these people are on these forums as against the times I am on these forums. And how much time does it take for me to cut and paste an article when most of my articles just come from one news site? As you can guess, IRosie, Coyote would rather I not post any articles telling what Muslims are doing. She would just rather that this particular forum die out. Hey, maybe Coyote's friends have hemorrhoids posting hours and hours on these various forums.

sally-----coyote does not like either you or me-------we know too much. When a person gets into "you sit on your ass..."
it is clear that the person is very concerned
about the dissemination of truth

do you think she posts standing on her head?
What makes them "Christian" then? Mainstream Christians and religious leaders don't regard them as Christians.
People do not look to you to define their religions, nor do I.

Again, I'll repeat - I'm not defining anyone's religion. I'm quoting what religious leaders have to say. I think they would know more than either you or I on what constitutes their religion.

yes----you are right Coyote-----they do. I learned about islam from muslims. I learned about Judaism from jews. I learned about Christianity from Christians------and Hinduism from hindus------there are lots of religions about which I know almost nothing-----I never had a close Buddhist informant. Another important way to learn about different cultures and religions is from people NOT of that religion who lived amongst "them" I was close with a Christian surgeon (female) from Bombay. -----
and ---lots of jews from muslim countries.
and some muslims from HINDU INDIA ---two
Zoroastrians from Bombay----(not really mu
forrester------in its war against the baby killers of allah------Israel had not come close in the past
65 years to the number of dead kids thrown into the gutter for the glory of allah in the past single year----just in the middle east. If you consider the rest of the world in its WORSHIP OF ALLAH----Israel is not even a factor in the dead kids toll--- TENS OF MILLIONS try to cope with reality
What about Israel's claim that they're so "Western-ish", democratic, CIVILIZED?? Israel does the same s*** that the so-called "barbarians" do. Israel is NO better. No respect for human life (of non-Jews).

forrester-----you and whatever is the group that spawned are barbaric baby murderers----who enjoy mutilating children to death----you are filth. What about YOU?

Oh, IRosie, forrester is just a two-bit anti-Semitic cucaracha estúpido who crawls out of the woodwork every now and then. You really think he cares about anyone being killed???
You're completely psychotic to think I'm part of ANY group. Hasbara technique.
We all know the Zionists salivate at the thought of coercing the Americans to bomb Iran for keep dishing dirt on Iran.

But most Americans don't really worry about Iran or the way they spank their kids or WHATEVER! Who cares?? It's not OUR AGENDA like it is your personal mission to forge opinion of Israel as a VICTIM.

Israel doesn't have International Acceptance to have nukes anyway does it? Israel is not a member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Israel is GROUPED TOGETHER WITH NORTH KOREA, PAKISTAN, AND INDIA. Now that's mainstream.

Oh, but you won't admit it. You don't have to.
It's easy to spot though.

for someone NOT A MEMBER OF A GROUP-----you certainly have no problem
employing that typical ISLAMO NAZI
*****WE ALL KNOW*****
technique. My all time fave use of
the "we all know" and "everyone knows.."
thing came about decades ago when a Pakistani trained in an islamo Nazi medical school INFORMED me that then governor of New York ---Nelson Rockefeller "is a jew"----
I said "no---protestant" HE INSISTED---
"WE all know' I said "how do you know"---- answer

I was impressed----a Pakistani----a land with
no jews and this guy could quote ---chapter and verse ---the Nazi propaganda I read as a child.
Rosie, your parents/leaders made you read Nazi propaganda as a child? Well that explains it then, the reason why you're "somewhat" radicalized.
What else did they read to you? Haven't they ever heard of Mother Goose, etc.?
We outsiders need to know more about Jewish upbringings (assuming you're Jewish) to determine why things "are what they are".
[QUOTE="Sally, post: 9866743, member: 36253"

Oh, IRosie, forrester is just a two-bit anti-Semitic cucaracha estúpido who crawls out of the woodwork every now and then. You really think he cares about anyone being killed???[/QUOTE]

sally-----the Nazi literature that was all over my little childhood town WAY back in the 1950s was UTTERLY PRO ARAB AS IN

at that time----the local inebriates did not know what an arab was-------in fact when I first encountered it----neither did I----being about nine years old. I learned over time---
forrester probably still does not know
What makes them "Christian" then? Mainstream Christians and religious leaders don't regard them as Christians.
People do not look to you to define their religions, nor do I.

Again, I'll repeat - I'm not defining anyone's religion. I'm quoting what religious leaders have to say. I think they would know more than either you or I on what constitutes their religion.

yes----you are right Coyote-----they do. I learned about islam from muslims. I learned about Judaism from jews. I learned about Christianity from Christians------and Hinduism from hindus------there are lots of religions about which I know almost nothing-----I never had a close Buddhist informant. Another important way to learn about different cultures and religions is from people NOT of that religion who lived amongst "them" I was close with a Christian surgeon (female) from Bombay. -----
and ---lots of jews from muslim countries.
and some muslims from HINDU INDIA ---two
Zoroastrians from Bombay----(not really mu
forrester------in its war against the baby killers of allah------Israel had not come close in the past
65 years to the number of dead kids thrown into the gutter for the glory of allah in the past single year----just in the middle east. If you consider the rest of the world in its WORSHIP OF ALLAH----Israel is not even a factor in the dead kids toll--- TENS OF MILLIONS try to cope with reality
What about Israel's claim that they're so "Western-ish", democratic, CIVILIZED?? Israel does the same s*** that the so-called "barbarians" do. Israel is NO better. No respect for human life (of non-Jews).

forrester-----you and whatever is the group that spawned are barbaric baby murderers----who enjoy mutilating children to death----you are filth. What about YOU?

Oh, IRosie, forrester is just a two-bit anti-Semitic cucaracha estúpido who crawls out of the woodwork every now and then. You really think he cares about anyone being killed???
Guess you don't care to respond to the "double-speak" accusation? What, you're speechless? Snake.
You could go to some of the news sites online and comment on each article and wait for an email saying that some has replied or go back and try to find you comment and anything that comes after.
On a message board like this it is easier to get your news and comment in one place.
I usually tweet articles that I find, which sends a link to facebook automatically, but when you have 100 or so posting everything from jokes to appointments it is time consuming going through all the tweets and posts on your pages.
I read a lot of sources and to copy and paste each one onto a message board take dedication. I find things that are good topics to stimulate a conversation. Some are little more that a head line with a few details, usually yearly sources of something. It might take days for more information to come out, at least to mainstream news. I have a few news sources that "follow" me and use sites that I find in their stories.
I can't imagine everyone on this board spending as much time reading papers/sites from around the world (some not in english) everyday. The middle east is only one of the topics I like to read up on. The one closest to my heart. I like science, medicine, environment and archeology as well.
I know Sally follows some of my links from twitter or facebook. She also finds form other sources and her own searches. It is good for people to read from a variety of opinions and sites. From tweets you are sent, emails/egroups from friends, radio and even faxes. They should be cross checked with other reports if possible, but some are truly live events or hot off the wire. It might take minutes or days for a well reported story to be mainstream news.
Sally is doing every one a service. It keeps her mind busy and she likes to see the comments of other people to the stories. Let her be. You can just read or ignore what she posts but they should be left for everyone to have a chance to see them.
We all through experience or taught prejudices have our point of view. We all have an opinion about posts, and even posters. Eventually we might even get so fed up we block a person, that does not mean that posts should not be on the forum. The more information, the more opinions, the better we can form our own opinions and hopefully some will be creative enough to offer up constructive ideas as solutions.
We don't need the cursing and we could use fewer snide attack on posters but the rest should be edited by the read not management. We don't have to respond to each post on each thread but we should have the option to read and post when we have something to say or some across something new that is happening.
What makes them "Christian" then? Mainstream Christians and religious leaders don't regard them as Christians.
People do not look to you to define their religions, nor do I.

Again, I'll repeat - I'm not defining anyone's religion. I'm quoting what religious leaders have to say. I think they would know more than either you or I on what constitutes their religion.

yes----you are right Coyote-----they do. I learned about islam from muslims. I learned about Judaism from jews. I learned about Christianity from Christians------and Hinduism from hindus------there are lots of religions about which I know almost nothing-----I never had a close Buddhist informant. Another important way to learn about different cultures and religions is from people NOT of that religion who lived amongst "them" I was close with a Christian surgeon (female) from Bombay. -----
and ---lots of jews from muslim countries.
and some muslims from HINDU INDIA ---two
Zoroastrians from Bombay----(not really mu
forrester------in its war against the baby killers of allah------Israel had not come close in the past
65 years to the number of dead kids thrown into the gutter for the glory of allah in the past single year----just in the middle east. If you consider the rest of the world in its WORSHIP OF ALLAH----Israel is not even a factor in the dead kids toll--- TENS OF MILLIONS try to cope with reality
What about Israel's claim that they're so "Western-ish", democratic, CIVILIZED?? Israel does the same s*** that the so-called "barbarians" do. Israel is NO better. No respect for human life (of non-Jews).

forrester-----you and whatever is the group that spawned are barbaric baby murderers----who enjoy mutilating children to death----you are filth. What about YOU?

Oh, IRosie, forrester is just a two-bit anti-Semitic cucaracha estúpido who crawls out of the woodwork every now and then. You really think he cares about anyone being killed???
Guess you don't care to respond to the "double-speak" accusation? What, you're speechless? Snake.

As far as I am concerned, Senor Cucaracha Estúpido, when he crawls out of the woodwork and comes to this forum, has really not contributed anything except showing rational readers that all he is is a two-bit anti-Semite.
You're completely psychotic to think I'm part of ANY group. Hasbara technique.
We all know the Zionists salivate at the thought of coercing the Americans to bomb Iran for keep dishing dirt on Iran.

But most Americans don't really worry about Iran or the way they spank their kids or WHATEVER! Who cares?? It's not OUR AGENDA like it is your personal mission to forge opinion of Israel as a VICTIM.

Israel doesn't have International Acceptance to have nukes anyway does it? Israel is not a member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Israel is GROUPED TOGETHER WITH NORTH KOREA, PAKISTAN, AND INDIA. Now that's mainstream.

Oh, but you won't admit it. You don't have to.
It's easy to spot though.

for someone NOT A MEMBER OF A GROUP-----you certainly have no problem
employing that typical ISLAMO NAZI
*****WE ALL KNOW*****
technique. My all time fave use of
the "we all know" and "everyone knows.."
thing came about decades ago when a Pakistani trained in an islamo Nazi medical school INFORMED me that then governor of New York ---Nelson Rockefeller "is a jew"----
I said "no---protestant" HE INSISTED---
"WE all know' I said "how do you know"---- answer

I was impressed----a Pakistani----a land with
no jews and this guy could quote ---chapter and verse ---the Nazi propaganda I read as a child.
Rosie, your parents/leaders made you read Nazi propaganda as a child? Well that explains it then, the reason why you're "somewhat" radicalized.
What else did they read to you? Haven't they ever heard of Mother Goose, etc.?
We outsiders need to know more about Jewish upbringings (assuming you're Jewish) to determine why things "are what they are".

No----as a kid I was an AVID reader----my parents did not have lots of books in the house------I got tired of reading my mom's
book of THE POEMS OF SHELLEY. My brothers did have superman comics. ----
but the whole town was LITTERED with little pamphets about JEWS -------yes I am a jew--but never attended any sectarian instruction---not even the standard ----two hours a week
"Hebrew school" ----and never went to a summer camp. I got the pamphlets from ----the discards of your fellow Nazis I will say about my mom----she was liberal about my need for READING------she did not even interfere when I found a copy of LOLITA at age eleven--------for the record----I did not see anything wrong with the book-------I was clueless. It might also interest you that as a kid----I was in church sunday school with my protestant playmate a lot more than I was in a synagogue-----as a child.--------gee you are dim
[QUOTE="Sally, post: 9866743, member: 36253"

Oh, IRosie, forrester is just a two-bit anti-Semitic cucaracha estúpido who crawls out of the woodwork every now and then. You really think he cares about anyone being killed???

sally-----the Nazi literature that was all over my little childhood town WAY back in the 1950s was UTTERLY PRO ARAB AS IN

at that time----the local inebriates did not know what an arab was-------in fact when I first encountered it----neither did I----being about nine years old. I learned over time---
forrester probably still does not know[/QUOTE]
Hell there was an Arab guy who owned a liquor store in my hometown. He never broke any laws or caused trouble. THAT JUST BLOWS YOUR MIND DOESN'T IT?
[QUOTE="Sally, post: 9866743, member: 36253"

Oh, IRosie, forrester is just a two-bit anti-Semitic cucaracha estúpido who crawls out of the woodwork every now and then. You really think he cares about anyone being killed???

sally-----the Nazi literature that was all over my little childhood town WAY back in the 1950s was UTTERLY PRO ARAB AS IN

at that time----the local inebriates did not know what an arab was-------in fact when I first encountered it----neither did I----being about nine years old. I learned over time---
forrester probably still does not know
Hell there was an Arab guy who owned a liquor store in my hometown. He never broke any laws or caused trouble. THAT JUST BLOWS YOUR MIND DOESN'T IT?[/QUOTE]

What are you finding so troublesome about what she read? We had Nazis in New York too in Yorkville on 86th Street in Manhattan. Maybe some of those old Nazis are still alive.

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