Prominent Muslim Sheik Issues Fatwa Against Isis Violence

ISIS is an acronym for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

It means nothing.

That they call themselves 'Islamic' doesn't mean they're representative of Islam, or comport with Islamic dogma.

Islamic scholars and leaders denouncing ISIS render the 'argument' you and others on the right attempt to make, that terrorists who happen to be Muslim are 'representative' of all Islam and Muslims, a fallacy.
[QUOTE="Sally, post: 9866743, member: 36253"

Oh, IRosie, forrester is just a two-bit anti-Semitic cucaracha estúpido who crawls out of the woodwork every now and then. You really think he cares about anyone being killed???

sally-----the Nazi literature that was all over my little childhood town WAY back in the 1950s was UTTERLY PRO ARAB AS IN

at that time----the local inebriates did not know what an arab was-------in fact when I first encountered it----neither did I----being about nine years old. I learned over time---
forrester probably still does not know
Hell there was an Arab guy who owned a liquor store in my hometown. He never broke any laws or caused trouble. THAT JUST BLOWS YOUR MIND DOESN'T IT?[/QUOTE]

why should it "blow my mind" ??? Your
comment indicates just what an idiot you are.
I lived in a NAZI TOWN. My family was among the first jewish family in town. The place was LILY WHITE and------generally
"restricted" Chances are at the we got our little house------as POST WAR BABY BOOM FAMILY ----with VA mortgage-----the wasps would not have allowed an "arab" in.

HOWEVER things did change rapidly-----and nearby---were lots of "arabs" ---so many Syrian and Lebanese Christians that I ASSUMED that both Lebanon and Syria were Christian countries

circa----1975----long after I left----my mom told me that she had to rescue a new comer to town----a Pakistani family moved in and the local children of the Nazis were chasing a little Pakistani kid and screaming "n*gg*r. ----when she got to them they screamed at her OLD JEW

some things never change---including you --forrester
ISIS is an acronym for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

It means nothing.

That they call themselves 'Islamic' doesn't mean they're representative of Islam, or comport with Islamic dogma.

Islamic scholars and leaders denouncing ISIS render the 'argument' you and others on the right attempt to make, that terrorists who happen to be Muslim are 'representative' of all Islam and Muslims, a fallacy.

in order to know if a person acts in accordance with Islamic dogma---one has
to know Islamic dogma. I would be happy to discuss it with you. My husband is a jew born in ----a SHARIAH SOCIETY---using the same DOGMA that ISIS supports.
From his relatives------he was rescued from
that shariah cesspit as a baby----I did learn the details of-----Islamic dogma as it pertains to non muslims in an Islamic society.

Thus ---I am not at all surprised about the DOGMA of isis-------it is classical islam
Don't forget Saudi Arabia is a major sponsor of the rebel-terrorist groups fighting in Syria and Iraq against the Shiites.

Now the Islamic State is so powerful and independent that Sunni Saudi Arabia and this particular Saudi sheik is frightened that IS poses a real threat to Saudi Arabia itself, hence the current criticism.

Islamic State does represent the current version of Islam at its most frightening and aggressive, make no mistake. Pious staments from sheiks and others will make little difference.

Of course the useful donkeys still don't understand what is really happening and still think that the Islamic State is not Islamic...whatever that is supposed to mean!
[QUOTE="Sally, post: 9866743, member: 36253"

Oh, IRosie, forrester is just a two-bit anti-Semitic cucaracha estúpido who crawls out of the woodwork every now and then. You really think he cares about anyone being killed???

sally-----the Nazi literature that was all over my little childhood town WAY back in the 1950s was UTTERLY PRO ARAB AS IN

at that time----the local inebriates did not know what an arab was-------in fact when I first encountered it----neither did I----being about nine years old. I learned over time---
forrester probably still does not know
Hell there was an Arab guy who owned a liquor store in my hometown. He never broke any laws or caused trouble. THAT JUST BLOWS YOUR MIND DOESN'T IT?

why should it "blow my mind" ??? Your
comment indicates just what an idiot you are.
I lived in a NAZI TOWN. My family was among the first jewish family in town. The place was LILY WHITE and------generally
"restricted" Chances are at the we got our little house------as POST WAR BABY BOOM FAMILY ----with VA mortgage-----the wasps would not have allowed an "arab" in.

HOWEVER things did change rapidly-----and nearby---were lots of "arabs" ---so many Syrian and Lebanese Christians that I ASSUMED that both Lebanon and Syria were Christian countries

circa----1975----long after I left----my mom told me that she had to rescue a new comer to town----a Pakistani family moved in and the local children of the Nazis were chasing a little Pakistani kid and screaming "n*gg*r. ----when she got to them they screamed at her OLD JEW

some things never change---including you --forrester[/QUOTE]
Hey don't blame me for your biases and prejudices. I was raised "colorblind" thank you very much. That's why I can see through you and Sally's scheme to poison the public's view of peaceful Arabs.
[QUOTE="Sally, post: 9866743, member: 36253"

Oh, IRosie, forrester is just a two-bit anti-Semitic cucaracha estúpido who crawls out of the woodwork every now and then. You really think he cares about anyone being killed???

sally-----the Nazi literature that was all over my little childhood town WAY back in the 1950s was UTTERLY PRO ARAB AS IN

at that time----the local inebriates did not know what an arab was-------in fact when I first encountered it----neither did I----being about nine years old. I learned over time---
forrester probably still does not know
Hell there was an Arab guy who owned a liquor store in my hometown. He never broke any laws or caused trouble. THAT JUST BLOWS YOUR MIND DOESN'T IT?

What are you finding so troublesome about what she read? We had Nazis in New York too in Yorkville on 86th Street in Manhattan. Maybe some of those old Nazis are still alive.[/QUOTE]

some of the stuff I read as a kid----came to my little town-----not in new York-------from that very area------in Manhattan. The entire HUDSON valley was chock full of nazis
[QUOTE="Sally, post: 9866743, member: 36253"

Oh, IRosie, forrester is just a two-bit anti-Semitic cucaracha estúpido who crawls out of the woodwork every now and then. You really think he cares about anyone being killed???

sally-----the Nazi literature that was all over my little childhood town WAY back in the 1950s was UTTERLY PRO ARAB AS IN

at that time----the local inebriates did not know what an arab was-------in fact when I first encountered it----neither did I----being about nine years old. I learned over time---
forrester probably still does not know
Hell there was an Arab guy who owned a liquor store in my hometown. He never broke any laws or caused trouble. THAT JUST BLOWS YOUR MIND DOESN'T IT?

why should it "blow my mind" ??? Your
comment indicates just what an idiot you are.
I lived in a NAZI TOWN. My family was among the first jewish family in town. The place was LILY WHITE and------generally
"restricted" Chances are at the we got our little house------as POST WAR BABY BOOM FAMILY ----with VA mortgage-----the wasps would not have allowed an "arab" in.

HOWEVER things did change rapidly-----and nearby---were lots of "arabs" ---so many Syrian and Lebanese Christians that I ASSUMED that both Lebanon and Syria were Christian countries

circa----1975----long after I left----my mom told me that she had to rescue a new comer to town----a Pakistani family moved in and the local children of the Nazis were chasing a little Pakistani kid and screaming "n*gg*r. ----when she got to them they screamed at her OLD JEW

some things never change---including you --forrester
Hey don't blame me for your biases and prejudices. I was raised "colorblind" thank you very much. That's why I can see through you and Sally's scheme to poison the public's view of peaceful Arabs.[/QUOTE]

what a joke you are FORRESTER----you were "COLOR BLIND" like my Nazi neighbors.------your Nazism is obvious to me----I grew up with people like you----and KNOW the lingo
You're completely psychotic to think I'm part of ANY group. Hasbara technique.
We all know the Zionists salivate at the thought of coercing the Americans to bomb Iran for keep dishing dirt on Iran.

But most Americans don't really worry about Iran or the way they spank their kids or WHATEVER! Who cares?? It's not OUR AGENDA like it is your personal mission to forge opinion of Israel as a VICTIM.

Israel doesn't have International Acceptance to have nukes anyway does it? Israel is not a member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Israel is GROUPED TOGETHER WITH NORTH KOREA, PAKISTAN, AND INDIA. Now that's mainstream.

Oh, but you won't admit it. You don't have to.
It's easy to spot though.

for someone NOT A MEMBER OF A GROUP-----you certainly have no problem
employing that typical ISLAMO NAZI
*****WE ALL KNOW*****
technique. My all time fave use of
the "we all know" and "everyone knows.."
thing came about decades ago when a Pakistani trained in an islamo Nazi medical school INFORMED me that then governor of New York ---Nelson Rockefeller "is a jew"----
I said "no---protestant" HE INSISTED---
"WE all know' I said "how do you know"---- answer

I was impressed----a Pakistani----a land with
no jews and this guy could quote ---chapter and verse ---the Nazi propaganda I read as a child.

What makes them "Christian" then? Mainstream Christians and religious leaders don't regard them as Christians.
People do not look to you to define their religions, nor do I.

Again, I'll repeat - I'm not defining anyone's religion. I'm quoting what religious leaders have to say. I think they would know more than either you or I on what constitutes their religion.

yes----you are right Coyote-----they do. I learned about islam from muslims. I learned about Judaism from jews. I learned about Christianity from Christians------and Hinduism from hindus------there are lots of religions about which I know almost nothing-----I never had a close Buddhist informant. Another important way to learn about different cultures and religions is from people NOT of that religion who lived amongst "them" I was close with a Christian surgeon (female) from Bombay. -----
and ---lots of jews from muslim countries.
and some muslims from HINDU INDIA ---two
Zoroastrians from Bombay----(not really mu
forrester------in its war against the baby killers of allah------Israel had not come close in the past
65 years to the number of dead kids thrown into the gutter for the glory of allah in the past single year----just in the middle east. If you consider the rest of the world in its WORSHIP OF ALLAH----Israel is not even a factor in the dead kids toll--- TENS OF MILLIONS try to cope with reality
What about Israel's claim that they're so "Western-ish", democratic, CIVILIZED?? Israel does the same s*** that the so-called "barbarians" do. Israel is NO better. No respect for human life (of non-Jews).

forrester-----you and whatever is the group that spawned are barbaric baby murderers----who enjoy mutilating children to death----you are filth. What about YOU?

Oh, IRosie, forrester is just a two-bit anti-Semitic cucaracha estúpido who crawls out of the woodwork every now and then. You really think he cares about anyone being killed???

People do not look to you to define their religions, nor do I.

Again, I'll repeat - I'm not defining anyone's religion. I'm quoting what religious leaders have to say. I think they would know more than either you or I on what constitutes their religion.

yes----you are right Coyote-----they do. I learned about islam from muslims. I learned about Judaism from jews. I learned about Christianity from Christians------and Hinduism from hindus------there are lots of religions about which I know almost nothing-----I never had a close Buddhist informant. Another important way to learn about different cultures and religions is from people NOT of that religion who lived amongst "them" I was close with a Christian surgeon (female) from Bombay. -----
and ---lots of jews from muslim countries.
and some muslims from HINDU INDIA ---two
Zoroastrians from Bombay----(not really mu
forrester------in its war against the baby killers of allah------Israel had not come close in the past
65 years to the number of dead kids thrown into the gutter for the glory of allah in the past single year----just in the middle east. If you consider the rest of the world in its WORSHIP OF ALLAH----Israel is not even a factor in the dead kids toll--- TENS OF MILLIONS try to cope with reality
What about Israel's claim that they're so "Western-ish", democratic, CIVILIZED?? Israel does the same s*** that the so-called "barbarians" do. Israel is NO better. No respect for human life (of non-Jews).

forrester-----you and whatever is the group that spawned are barbaric baby murderers----who enjoy mutilating children to death----you are filth. What about YOU?

Oh, IRosie, forrester is just a two-bit anti-Semitic cucaracha estúpido who crawls out of the woodwork every now and then. You really think he cares about anyone being killed???
Guess you don't care to respond to the "double-speak" accusation? What, you're speechless? Snake.

As far as I am concerned, Senor Cucaracha Estúpido, when he crawls out of the woodwork and comes to this forum, has really not contributed anything except showing rational readers that all he is is a two-bit anti-Semite.

[QUOTE="Sally, post: 9866743, member: 36253"

Oh, IRosie, forrester is just a two-bit anti-Semitic cucaracha estúpido who crawls out of the woodwork every now and then. You really think he cares about anyone being killed???

sally-----the Nazi literature that was all over my little childhood town WAY back in the 1950s was UTTERLY PRO ARAB AS IN

at that time----the local inebriates did not know what an arab was-------in fact when I first encountered it----neither did I----being about nine years old. I learned over time---
forrester probably still does not know
Hell there was an Arab guy who owned a liquor store in my hometown. He never broke any laws or caused trouble. THAT JUST BLOWS YOUR MIND DOESN'T IT?

why should it "blow my mind" ??? Your
comment indicates just what an idiot you are.
I lived in a NAZI TOWN. My family was among the first jewish family in town. The place was LILY WHITE and------generally
"restricted" Chances are at the we got our little house------as POST WAR BABY BOOM FAMILY ----with VA mortgage-----the wasps would not have allowed an "arab" in.

HOWEVER things did change rapidly-----and nearby---were lots of "arabs" ---so many Syrian and Lebanese Christians that I ASSUMED that both Lebanon and Syria were Christian countries

circa----1975----long after I left----my mom told me that she had to rescue a new comer to town----a Pakistani family moved in and the local children of the Nazis were chasing a little Pakistani kid and screaming "n*gg*r. ----when she got to them they screamed at her OLD JEW

some things never change---including you --forrester
Hey don't blame me for your biases and prejudices. I was raised "colorblind" thank you very much. That's why I can see through you and Sally's scheme to poison the public's view of peaceful Arabs.

what a joke you are FORRESTER----you were "COLOR BLIND" like my Nazi neighbors.------your Nazism is obvious to me----I grew up with people like you----and KNOW the lingo
You have NO idea what you are talking about. You were taught to fear and hate from a young age.
That's YOUR lingo, not mine. You're using the standard pro-Israeli tactic to demonize the other side, it's clear. All the while you're wrong.
That's why there's no hope for ME peace with all the OLD JEWS spewing their fears/prejudices to the younger citizens.
To your embarrassment, your and my great great great great grandkids will probably fix this ME/2 state Israel problem. The Old Guard has failed.
I don't understand why people don't get this. I really don't understand. It is a simple concept. Just because these people, groups like ISIS, SAY they are acting in the name of Islam, that does not mean they are. Just because very misguided and extremist people join ISIS and fight with them, that does not mean those people represent Islam. They are misguided, they are crazy, they are terrorists and extremists...they do not represent mainstream, modern day Islam. It is a very, very simple concept. IMO, anyone who doesn't get it just doesn't want to.

I can go out and say I am fighting for Christ and mow down a dozen people with a machine gun. That does not mean I represent Christ; it just means I say I do. Anyone interested in truth knows my actions do not represent Christ.

It is the same reason people said abortion bombers were christians. When it fits "your" ideology (your being general, referring to the many people who think this way), lump them all together. When it goes against "your" ideology, distance the offender from the group.

Some wymyn view all men as pigs; some athiests view all religious as morons or tyrants; and on and on. Us vs them. People prefer to look outward.
You're completely psychotic to think I'm part of ANY group. Hasbara technique.
We all know the Zionists salivate at the thought of coercing the Americans to bomb Iran for keep dishing dirt on Iran.

But most Americans don't really worry about Iran or the way they spank their kids or WHATEVER! Who cares?? It's not OUR AGENDA like it is your personal mission to forge opinion of Israel as a VICTIM.

Israel doesn't have International Acceptance to have nukes anyway does it? Israel is not a member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Israel is GROUPED TOGETHER WITH NORTH KOREA, PAKISTAN, AND INDIA. Now that's mainstream.

Oh, but you won't admit it. You don't have to.
It's easy to spot though.

for someone NOT A MEMBER OF A GROUP-----you certainly have no problem
employing that typical ISLAMO NAZI
*****WE ALL KNOW*****
technique. My all time fave use of
the "we all know" and "everyone knows.."
thing came about decades ago when a Pakistani trained in an islamo Nazi medical school INFORMED me that then governor of New York ---Nelson Rockefeller "is a jew"----
I said "no---protestant" HE INSISTED---
"WE all know' I said "how do you know"---- answer

I was impressed----a Pakistani----a land with
no jews and this guy could quote ---chapter and verse ---the Nazi propaganda I read as a child.

What makes them "Christian" then? Mainstream Christians and religious leaders don't regard them as Christians.
People do not look to you to define their religions, nor do I.

Again, I'll repeat - I'm not defining anyone's religion. I'm quoting what religious leaders have to say. I think they would know more than either you or I on what constitutes their religion.

yes----you are right Coyote-----they do. I learned about islam from muslims. I learned about Judaism from jews. I learned about Christianity from Christians------and Hinduism from hindus------there are lots of religions about which I know almost nothing-----I never had a close Buddhist informant. Another important way to learn about different cultures and religions is from people NOT of that religion who lived amongst "them" I was close with a Christian surgeon (female) from Bombay. -----
and ---lots of jews from muslim countries.
and some muslims from HINDU INDIA ---two
Zoroastrians from Bombay----(not really mu
forrester------in its war against the baby killers of allah------Israel had not come close in the past
65 years to the number of dead kids thrown into the gutter for the glory of allah in the past single year----just in the middle east. If you consider the rest of the world in its WORSHIP OF ALLAH----Israel is not even a factor in the dead kids toll--- TENS OF MILLIONS try to cope with reality
What about Israel's claim that they're so "Western-ish", democratic, CIVILIZED?? Israel does the same s*** that the so-called "barbarians" do. Israel is NO better. No respect for human life (of non-Jews).

forrester-----you and whatever is the group that spawned are barbaric baby murderers----who enjoy mutilating children to death----you are filth. What about YOU?

Oh, IRosie, forrester is just a two-bit anti-Semitic cucaracha estúpido who crawls out of the woodwork every now and then. You really think he cares about anyone being killed???

yes----you are right Coyote-----they do. I learned about islam from muslims. I learned about Judaism from jews. I learned about Christianity from Christians------and Hinduism from hindus------there are lots of religions about which I know almost nothing-----I never had a close Buddhist informant. Another important way to learn about different cultures and religions is from people NOT of that religion who lived amongst "them" I was close with a Christian surgeon (female) from Bombay. -----
and ---lots of jews from muslim countries.
and some muslims from HINDU INDIA ---two
Zoroastrians from Bombay----(not really mu
forrester-----you and whatever is the group that spawned are barbaric baby murderers----who enjoy mutilating children to death----you are filth. What about YOU?

Oh, IRosie, forrester is just a two-bit anti-Semitic cucaracha estúpido who crawls out of the woodwork every now and then. You really think he cares about anyone being killed???
Guess you don't care to respond to the "double-speak" accusation? What, you're speechless? Snake.

As far as I am concerned, Senor Cucaracha Estúpido, when he crawls out of the woodwork and comes to this forum, has really not contributed anything except showing rational readers that all he is is a two-bit anti-Semite.

You have NO idea what you are talking about. You were taught to fear and hate from a young age.
That's YOUR lingo, not mine. You're using the standard pro-Israeli tactic to demonize the other side, it's clear. All the while you're wrong.
That's why there's no hope for ME peace with all the OLD JEWS spewing their fears/prejudices to the younger citizens.
To your embarrassment, your and my great great great great grandkids will probably fix this ME/2 state Israel problem. The Old Guard has failed.

ROFLMAO ----you islamo Nazi pigs are all the same
So "caring" about innocent people dying means sitting on your ass all day in front of an internet messageboard churning out article after article ?

It doesn't get any better :lol:

That which Sally does ---at an advanced age---is certainly a LOT BETTER than your
vulgar filth and lies and sophistry In support of the barbarity that OBVIOUSLY TURNS YOU ON. coyote

What I find amusing is that Coyote doesn't tell all those who are anti-Israel/anti-Jews that they sit on their backsides all day long posting. Perhaps Coyote can check out the times these people are on these forums as against the times I am on these forums. And how much time does it take for me to cut and paste an article when most of my articles just come from one news site? As you can guess, IRosie, Coyote would rather I not post any articles telling what Muslims are doing. She would just rather that this particular forum die out. Hey, maybe Coyote's friends have hemorrhoids posting hours and hours on these various forums.

I would suggest Sally deal with her own hemmerhoids
You could go to some of the news sites online and comment on each article and wait for an email saying that some has replied or go back and try to find you comment and anything that comes after.
On a message board like this it is easier to get your news and comment in one place.
I usually tweet articles that I find, which sends a link to facebook automatically, but when you have 100 or so posting everything from jokes to appointments it is time consuming going through all the tweets and posts on your pages.
I read a lot of sources and to copy and paste each one onto a message board take dedication. I find things that are good topics to stimulate a conversation. Some are little more that a head line with a few details, usually yearly sources of something. It might take days for more information to come out, at least to mainstream news. I have a few news sources that "follow" me and use sites that I find in their stories.
I can't imagine everyone on this board spending as much time reading papers/sites from around the world (some not in english) everyday. The middle east is only one of the topics I like to read up on. The one closest to my heart. I like science, medicine, environment and archeology as well.
I know Sally follows some of my links from twitter or facebook. She also finds form other sources and her own searches. It is good for people to read from a variety of opinions and sites. From tweets you are sent, emails/egroups from friends, radio and even faxes. They should be cross checked with other reports if possible, but some are truly live events or hot off the wire. It might take minutes or days for a well reported story to be mainstream news.
Sally is doing every one a service. It keeps her mind busy and she likes to see the comments of other people to the stories. Let her be. You can just read or ignore what she posts but they should be left for everyone to have a chance to see them.
We all through experience or taught prejudices have our point of view. We all have an opinion about posts, and even posters. Eventually we might even get so fed up we block a person, that does not mean that posts should not be on the forum. The more information, the more opinions, the better we can form our own opinions and hopefully some will be creative enough to offer up constructive ideas as solutions.
We don't need the cursing and we could use fewer snide attack on posters but the rest should be edited by the read not management. We don't have to respond to each post on each thread but we should have the option to read and post when we have something to say or some across something new that is happening.

Why don't you suggest to Sally that she stop attacking others? I started this thread as something positive. She started the attacks. I responded POSITIVELY to her nice thread on the Syrian man feeding stray cats and she starts the attacks.

She likes to see the comments? I'd like to hear that from her because from what I"ve seen she attacks those who disagree equating them with terrorists and claiming they are unconcerned or uncaring or making comments about their employment.

I enjoy a variety of topics. And I try to treat others as they treat me. I appreciate a variety of view points and even enjoy some of Sally's threads. But regardless of what I post she attacks the person - not the submect matter. It gets old.
Prominent Muslim Sheik Issues Fatwa Against ISIS Violence NPR

Sheik Abdullah bin Bayyah is interviewed about his fatwa explaining why ISIS is wrong to claim that Islam supports violence and the establishment of a caliphate by force.

Then he singled out one organization and one man leading that charge: the new Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies and Sheik Abdullah bin Bayyah. Describing the group's purpose, the sheik said, "We must declare war on war so the outcome will be peace upon peace."

Bin Bayyah, 79, is a prominent Muslim cleric and, as a respected religious scholar, has issued edicts to explain why groups such as the so-called Islamic State, also known as ISIL or ISIS, are misguided and should reverse course.

Last week, key clerics from the Muslim world issued two fatwas, or religious edicts, against the group.

One came from senior religious leaders in Saudi Arabia, and the other came from bin Bayyah. His fatwa calls for dialogue about the true tenets of Islam and, over the course of many pages, questions just about everything for which ISIS says it stands. The fatwa says establishing a caliphate by force is a misreading of religious doctrine. Killing of innocents and violence, the fatwa declares, are wrong too.

Bin Bayyah said in an interview with NPR that he hopes the religious ruling will slow the group's momentum. "Primarily [the fatwa] is really about addressing the mistakes, and it's really warning them and advising them that what you are doing is clearly wrong," he said.

Bin Bayyah is known as a scholar's scholar. He was born in the North African country of Mauritania and studied in Islamic centers there. He served as a judge of the High Court in Mauritania and had a number of ministerial positions. Now he's a lecturer at the Aziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

ISIS is not Islamic.

And here, once again, are Muslim voices speaking out against and doing something about this extremist group.

We found one!!:clap:
Prominent Muslim Sheik Issues Fatwa Against ISIS Violence NPR

Sheik Abdullah bin Bayyah is interviewed about his fatwa explaining why ISIS is wrong to claim that Islam supports violence and the establishment of a caliphate by force.

Then he singled out one organization and one man leading that charge: the new Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies and Sheik Abdullah bin Bayyah. Describing the group's purpose, the sheik said, "We must declare war on war so the outcome will be peace upon peace."

Bin Bayyah, 79, is a prominent Muslim cleric and, as a respected religious scholar, has issued edicts to explain why groups such as the so-called Islamic State, also known as ISIL or ISIS, are misguided and should reverse course.

Last week, key clerics from the Muslim world issued two fatwas, or religious edicts, against the group.

One came from senior religious leaders in Saudi Arabia, and the other came from bin Bayyah. His fatwa calls for dialogue about the true tenets of Islam and, over the course of many pages, questions just about everything for which ISIS says it stands. The fatwa says establishing a caliphate by force is a misreading of religious doctrine. Killing of innocents and violence, the fatwa declares, are wrong too.

Bin Bayyah said in an interview with NPR that he hopes the religious ruling will slow the group's momentum. "Primarily [the fatwa] is really about addressing the mistakes, and it's really warning them and advising them that what you are doing is clearly wrong," he said.

Bin Bayyah is known as a scholar's scholar. He was born in the North African country of Mauritania and studied in Islamic centers there. He served as a judge of the High Court in Mauritania and had a number of ministerial positions. Now he's a lecturer at the Aziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

ISIS is not Islamic.

And here, once again, are Muslim voices speaking out against and doing something about this extremist group.

We found one!!:clap:

More than one of you read the articles.
Don't forget Saudi Arabia is a major sponsor of the rebel-terrorist groups fighting in Syria and Iraq against the Shiites.

Now the Islamic State is so powerful and independent that Sunni Saudi Arabia and this particular Saudi sheik is frightened that IS poses a real threat to Saudi Arabia itself, hence the current criticism.

Islamic State does represent the current version of Islam at its most frightening and aggressive, make no mistake. Pious staments from sheiks and others will make little difference.

Of course the useful donkeys still don't understand what is really happening and still think that the Islamic State is not Islamic...whatever that is supposed to mean!

So you consider Islamic clerics, scholars and leaders to be "useful donkeys"? I suppose you are some sort of expert on Islam?
So "caring" about innocent people dying means sitting on your ass all day in front of an internet messageboard churning out article after article ?

It doesn't get any better :lol:

That which Sally does ---at an advanced age---is certainly a LOT BETTER than your
vulgar filth and lies and sophistry In support of the barbarity that OBVIOUSLY TURNS YOU ON. coyote

What I find amusing is that Coyote doesn't tell all those who are anti-Israel/anti-Jews that they sit on their backsides all day long posting. Perhaps Coyote can check out the times these people are on these forums as against the times I am on these forums. And how much time does it take for me to cut and paste an article when most of my articles just come from one news site? As you can guess, IRosie, Coyote would rather I not post any articles telling what Muslims are doing. She would just rather that this particular forum die out. Hey, maybe Coyote's friends have hemorrhoids posting hours and hours on these various forums.

I would suggest Sally deal with her own hemmerhoids
You could go to some of the news sites online and comment on each article and wait for an email saying that some has replied or go back and try to find you comment and anything that comes after.
On a message board like this it is easier to get your news and comment in one place.
I usually tweet articles that I find, which sends a link to facebook automatically, but when you have 100 or so posting everything from jokes to appointments it is time consuming going through all the tweets and posts on your pages.
I read a lot of sources and to copy and paste each one onto a message board take dedication. I find things that are good topics to stimulate a conversation. Some are little more that a head line with a few details, usually yearly sources of something. It might take days for more information to come out, at least to mainstream news. I have a few news sources that "follow" me and use sites that I find in their stories.
I can't imagine everyone on this board spending as much time reading papers/sites from around the world (some not in english) everyday. The middle east is only one of the topics I like to read up on. The one closest to my heart. I like science, medicine, environment and archeology as well.
I know Sally follows some of my links from twitter or facebook. She also finds form other sources and her own searches. It is good for people to read from a variety of opinions and sites. From tweets you are sent, emails/egroups from friends, radio and even faxes. They should be cross checked with other reports if possible, but some are truly live events or hot off the wire. It might take minutes or days for a well reported story to be mainstream news.
Sally is doing every one a service. It keeps her mind busy and she likes to see the comments of other people to the stories. Let her be. You can just read or ignore what she posts but they should be left for everyone to have a chance to see them.
We all through experience or taught prejudices have our point of view. We all have an opinion about posts, and even posters. Eventually we might even get so fed up we block a person, that does not mean that posts should not be on the forum. The more information, the more opinions, the better we can form our own opinions and hopefully some will be creative enough to offer up constructive ideas as solutions.
We don't need the cursing and we could use fewer snide attack on posters but the rest should be edited by the read not management. We don't have to respond to each post on each thread but we should have the option to read and post when we have something to say or some across something new that is happening.

Why don't you suggest to Sally that she stop attacking others? I started this thread as something positive. She started the attacks. I responded POSITIVELY to her nice thread on the Syrian man feeding stray cats and she starts the attacks.

She likes to see the comments? I'd like to hear that from her because from what I"ve seen she attacks those who disagree equating them with terrorists and claiming they are unconcerned or uncaring or making comments about their employment.

I enjoy a variety of topics. And I try to treat others as they treat me. I appreciate a variety of view points and even enjoy some of Sally's threads. But regardless of what I post she attacks the person - not the submect matter. It gets old.

I suggest you do a bit of checking on your spelling ----more important---you are not what you imagine yourself to be----you are a disgusting bigoted bitch. In fact, you regularly attack sally in a very vulgar manner---consistent with the filth that you are
ISIS is an acronym for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

It means nothing.

That they call themselves 'Islamic' doesn't mean they're representative of Islam, or comport with Islamic dogma.

Islamic scholars and leaders denouncing ISIS render the 'argument' you and others on the right attempt to make, that terrorists who happen to be Muslim are 'representative' of all Islam and Muslims, a fallacy.

They are as much of a muslim as any man who claims to be woman.
So "caring" about innocent people dying means sitting on your ass all day in front of an internet messageboard churning out article after article ?

It doesn't get any better :lol:

That which Sally does ---at an advanced age---is certainly a LOT BETTER than your
vulgar filth and lies and sophistry In support of the barbarity that OBVIOUSLY TURNS YOU ON. coyote

What I find amusing is that Coyote doesn't tell all those who are anti-Israel/anti-Jews that they sit on their backsides all day long posting. Perhaps Coyote can check out the times these people are on these forums as against the times I am on these forums. And how much time does it take for me to cut and paste an article when most of my articles just come from one news site? As you can guess, IRosie, Coyote would rather I not post any articles telling what Muslims are doing. She would just rather that this particular forum die out. Hey, maybe Coyote's friends have hemorrhoids posting hours and hours on these various forums.

I would suggest Sally deal with her own hemmerhoids
You could go to some of the news sites online and comment on each article and wait for an email saying that some has replied or go back and try to find you comment and anything that comes after.
On a message board like this it is easier to get your news and comment in one place.
I usually tweet articles that I find, which sends a link to facebook automatically, but when you have 100 or so posting everything from jokes to appointments it is time consuming going through all the tweets and posts on your pages.
I read a lot of sources and to copy and paste each one onto a message board take dedication. I find things that are good topics to stimulate a conversation. Some are little more that a head line with a few details, usually yearly sources of something. It might take days for more information to come out, at least to mainstream news. I have a few news sources that "follow" me and use sites that I find in their stories.
I can't imagine everyone on this board spending as much time reading papers/sites from around the world (some not in english) everyday. The middle east is only one of the topics I like to read up on. The one closest to my heart. I like science, medicine, environment and archeology as well.
I know Sally follows some of my links from twitter or facebook. She also finds form other sources and her own searches. It is good for people to read from a variety of opinions and sites. From tweets you are sent, emails/egroups from friends, radio and even faxes. They should be cross checked with other reports if possible, but some are truly live events or hot off the wire. It might take minutes or days for a well reported story to be mainstream news.
Sally is doing every one a service. It keeps her mind busy and she likes to see the comments of other people to the stories. Let her be. You can just read or ignore what she posts but they should be left for everyone to have a chance to see them.
We all through experience or taught prejudices have our point of view. We all have an opinion about posts, and even posters. Eventually we might even get so fed up we block a person, that does not mean that posts should not be on the forum. The more information, the more opinions, the better we can form our own opinions and hopefully some will be creative enough to offer up constructive ideas as solutions.
We don't need the cursing and we could use fewer snide attack on posters but the rest should be edited by the read not management. We don't have to respond to each post on each thread but we should have the option to read and post when we have something to say or some across something new that is happening.

Why don't you suggest to Sally that she stop attacking others? I started this thread as something positive. She started the attacks. I responded POSITIVELY to her nice thread on the Syrian man feeding stray cats and she starts the attacks.

She likes to see the comments? I'd like to hear that from her because from what I"ve seen she attacks those who disagree equating them with terrorists and claiming they are unconcerned or uncaring or making comments about their employment.

I enjoy a variety of topics. And I try to treat others as they treat me. I appreciate a variety of view points and even enjoy some of Sally's threads. But regardless of what I post she attacks the person - not the submect matter. It gets old.

I suggest you do a bit of checking on your spelling ----more important---you are not what you imagine yourself to be----you are a disgusting bigoted bitch. In fact, you regularly attack sally in a very vulgar manner---consistent with the filth that you are

Sally is a proper name and should be capitalized. If you are going to be a spelling Nazi - at least try and make sure your own posts are free of error.
Prominent Muslim Sheik Issues Fatwa Against ISIS Violence NPR

Sheik Abdullah bin Bayyah is interviewed about his fatwa explaining why ISIS is wrong to claim that Islam supports violence and the establishment of a caliphate by force.

Then he singled out one organization and one man leading that charge: the new Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies and Sheik Abdullah bin Bayyah. Describing the group's purpose, the sheik said, "We must declare war on war so the outcome will be peace upon peace."

Bin Bayyah, 79, is a prominent Muslim cleric and, as a respected religious scholar, has issued edicts to explain why groups such as the so-called Islamic State, also known as ISIL or ISIS, are misguided and should reverse course.

Last week, key clerics from the Muslim world issued two fatwas, or religious edicts, against the group.

One came from senior religious leaders in Saudi Arabia, and the other came from bin Bayyah. His fatwa calls for dialogue about the true tenets of Islam and, over the course of many pages, questions just about everything for which ISIS says it stands. The fatwa says establishing a caliphate by force is a misreading of religious doctrine. Killing of innocents and violence, the fatwa declares, are wrong too.

Bin Bayyah said in an interview with NPR that he hopes the religious ruling will slow the group's momentum. "Primarily [the fatwa] is really about addressing the mistakes, and it's really warning them and advising them that what you are doing is clearly wrong," he said.

Bin Bayyah is known as a scholar's scholar. He was born in the North African country of Mauritania and studied in Islamic centers there. He served as a judge of the High Court in Mauritania and had a number of ministerial positions. Now he's a lecturer at the Aziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

ISIS is not Islamic.

And here, once again, are Muslim voices speaking out against and doing something about this extremist group.

We found one!!:clap:

More than one of you read the articles.
Yay.. a few..Should I be excited?
Don't forget Saudi Arabia is a major sponsor of the rebel-terrorist groups fighting in Syria and Iraq against the Shiites.

Now the Islamic State is so powerful and independent that Sunni Saudi Arabia and this particular Saudi sheik is frightened that IS poses a real threat to Saudi Arabia itself, hence the current criticism.

Islamic State does represent the current version of Islam at its most frightening and aggressive, make no mistake. Pious staments from sheiks and others will make little difference.

Of course the useful donkeys still don't understand what is really happening and still think that the Islamic State is not Islamic...whatever that is supposed to mean!

So you consider Islamic clerics, scholars and leaders to be "useful donkeys"? I suppose you are some sort of expert on Islam?

It's not a matter of being an expert, it's a matter of understanding the complex issues, which clearly some don't.

"Useful donkeys" are people from the West who swallow Islamic propaganda hook, line and sinker.They are merely helping the enemy.
Don't forget Saudi Arabia is a major sponsor of the rebel-terrorist groups fighting in Syria and Iraq against the Shiites.

Now the Islamic State is so powerful and independent that Sunni Saudi Arabia and this particular Saudi sheik is frightened that IS poses a real threat to Saudi Arabia itself, hence the current criticism.

Islamic State does represent the current version of Islam at its most frightening and aggressive, make no mistake. Pious staments from sheiks and others will make little difference.

Of course the useful donkeys still don't understand what is really happening and still think that the Islamic State is not Islamic...whatever that is supposed to mean!

So you consider Islamic clerics, scholars and leaders to be "useful donkeys"? I suppose you are some sort of expert on Islam?

It's not a matter of being an expert, it's a matter of understanding the complex issues, which clearly some don't.

"Useful donkeys" are people from the West who swallow Islamic propaganda hook, line and sinker.They are merely helping the enemy.

So which Muslim is telling the truth ? Which can be trusted in this instance ?

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