Prominent Muslim Sheik Issues Fatwa Against Isis Violence

According to some here, this means Westboro includes all Baptists.

And since the Oklahoma bomber was a baptist, all baptists are bombers.

It's from NPR. Do you really expect something substantive?

Shieks are tribal leaders not Islamic scholars. They can't issue fatwas. Fatwas can only be issued by an Islamic scholar or religious leader like a mufti or ayatollah.

NPR depends on people not understanding Islamic law or the difference between who is able to issue a fatwa or who isn't.

fatwa - definition of fatwa by The Free Dictionary

Actually they can and do. Sheiks, clerics, imams, muftis, anyone well versed that studied the quran...

Not the first and hopefully not the last
U.S. Muslim Religious Council Issues Fatwa Against Terrorism Islamic Circle of North America ICNA
BAGHDAD (AP) — A leading Shiite Muslim cleric widely followed by Iraqi militants has issued the first public religious edict permitting Shiites to fight in Syria's civil war alongside President Bashar Assad's forces.

The fatwa by Iran-based Grand Ayatollah Kazim al-Haeri, one of the mentors of radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, comes as thousands of Shiite fighters mostly from Iraq and Lebanon play a major role in the battles.

The call likely will increase the sectarian tones of the war, which pits overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim rebels against members of Assad's Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam. The situation has worsened with the influx of thousands of Shiite and Sunni foreign fighters.
Shiite Cleric Issues Fatwa In Support Of Fighting In Syria War Grand Ayatollah Kazim al-Haeri Supports Assad
It would be interesting to hear from the apologists who have appointed themselves arbiters as to who isn't a Muslim as to who IS a Muslim.

Is the Taliban Muslim?

How about Hamas, Hizb'Allah, and Hizb Ut Tahrir? Do they get to be called Muslim?

Do the leaders of Iran get to be included in the Muslim club, and what about tha Wahabists in Saudia Arabia? Muslim or non Muslim?

Are the Muslim Brotherhood Muslim? How about the hundreds upon hundreds of MILLIONS who believe a person who leaves Islam should be put to death? Muslim or non Muslim?

How about the untold millions upon millions who have had their genitals mutilated or who have supported the mutilation? Are they in your club?

Seems to me that once a person abandons any semblance of honesty by pursuing an agenda to limit a definition in such a way to only include something palatable, they would end up leaving more Muslims outside their definition than inside.

What hubris it takes for a westerner to decide who gets to be a Muslim and who doesn't when they actual people involved are so thoroughly convinced they are Muslim that it influences their every waking thought.
It would be interesting to hear from the apologists who have appointed themselves arbiters as to who isn't a Muslim as to who IS a Muslim.

Is the Taliban Muslim?

How about Hamas, Hizb'Allah, and Hizb Ut Tahrir? Do they get to be called Muslim?

Do the leaders of Iran get to be included in the Muslim club, and what about tha Wahabists in Saudia Arabia? Muslim or non Muslim?

Are the Muslim Brotherhood Muslim? How about the hundreds upon hundreds of MILLIONS who believe a person who leaves Islam should be put to death? Muslim or non Muslim?

How about the untold millions upon millions who have had their genitals mutilated or who have supported the mutilation? Are they in your club?

Seems to me that once a person abandons any semblance of honesty by pursuing an agenda to limit a definition in such a way to only include something palatable, they would end up leaving more Muslims outside their definition than inside.

What hubris it takes for a westerner to decide who gets to be a Muslim and who doesn't when they actual people involved are so thoroughly convinced they are Muslim that it influences their every waking thought.

I think Muslim scholars are a better source than non-Muslims in determining what is or isn't Islamic.
It would be interesting to hear from the apologists who have appointed themselves arbiters as to who isn't a Muslim as to who IS a Muslim.

Is the Taliban Muslim?

How about Hamas, Hizb'Allah, and Hizb Ut Tahrir? Do they get to be called Muslim?

Do the leaders of Iran get to be included in the Muslim club, and what about tha Wahabists in Saudia Arabia? Muslim or non Muslim?

Are the Muslim Brotherhood Muslim? How about the hundreds upon hundreds of MILLIONS who believe a person who leaves Islam should be put to death? Muslim or non Muslim?

How about the untold millions upon millions who have had their genitals mutilated or who have supported the mutilation? Are they in your club?

Seems to me that once a person abandons any semblance of honesty by pursuing an agenda to limit a definition in such a way to only include something palatable, they would end up leaving more Muslims outside their definition than inside.

What hubris it takes for a westerner to decide who gets to be a Muslim and who doesn't when they actual people involved are so thoroughly convinced they are Muslim that it influences their every waking thought.

Shahadah/statement of faith, salah/prayer, alms, fasting, hajj if able

as to what is islam.... that is by sect, school of though, personal understanding of the quran and which hadith you consider righteous
Last edited:
It would be interesting to hear from the apologists who have appointed themselves arbiters as to who isn't a Muslim as to who IS a Muslim.

Is the Taliban Muslim?

How about Hamas, Hizb'Allah, and Hizb Ut Tahrir? Do they get to be called Muslim?

Do the leaders of Iran get to be included in the Muslim club, and what about tha Wahabists in Saudia Arabia? Muslim or non Muslim?

Are the Muslim Brotherhood Muslim? How about the hundreds upon hundreds of MILLIONS who believe a person who leaves Islam should be put to death? Muslim or non Muslim?

How about the untold millions upon millions who have had their genitals mutilated or who have supported the mutilation? Are they in your club?

Seems to me that once a person abandons any semblance of honesty by pursuing an agenda to limit a definition in such a way to only include something palatable, they would end up leaving more Muslims outside their definition than inside.

What hubris it takes for a westerner to decide who gets to be a Muslim and who doesn't when they actual people involved are so thoroughly convinced they are Muslim that it influences their every waking thought.

I am sure there are many Muslims who are appalled at what ISIS is doing. However, if so many mosques in Denmark are not condemning what is happening, you can be sure that the same thing is happening in other mosques in Europe and elsewhere. I am curious about one thing. During the Gaza war, protests against Israel were held around the world. There was one right here in front of the Federal Building in West Los Angeles. If these people took the time to protest against Israel en masse, why aren't they taking the time to hold protests against ISIS and Al Qaeda?

Minority support extremism Only 2 out... - Christian Defence League - Holland Flanders Facebook
sally---you are more patient than am I in citing stuff------GOOGLE Sheik Abdullah bin Bayyah---he is actually quite a bastard himself
sally---you are more patient than am I in citing stuff------GOOGLE Sheik Abdullah bin Bayyah---he is actually quite a bastard himself

I see what you mean. However, with all the beheadings going on and women taken as slaves, what else can he really say even if he is cheering these terrorists from the sidelines?
sally---you are more patient than am I in citing stuff------GOOGLE Sheik Abdullah bin Bayyah---he is actually quite a bastard himself

I see what you mean. However, with all the beheadings going on and women taken as slaves, what else can he really say even if he is cheering these terrorists from the sidelines?

well, sally----with your talent for posting citations -----we can certainly DEBUNK the
disgusting pig as a putative peacenik----
someone did so present him------I am not naming names. The shaykh was even presented as-------a fine EXAMPLE OF THE REAL BEAUTY OF ISLAM <gag>
It would be interesting to hear from the apologists who have appointed themselves arbiters as to who isn't a Muslim as to who IS a Muslim.

Is the Taliban Muslim?

How about Hamas, Hizb'Allah, and Hizb Ut Tahrir? Do they get to be called Muslim?

Do the leaders of Iran get to be included in the Muslim club, and what about tha Wahabists in Saudia Arabia? Muslim or non Muslim?

Are the Muslim Brotherhood Muslim? How about the hundreds upon hundreds of MILLIONS who believe a person who leaves Islam should be put to death? Muslim or non Muslim?

How about the untold millions upon millions who have had their genitals mutilated or who have supported the mutilation? Are they in your club?

Seems to me that once a person abandons any semblance of honesty by pursuing an agenda to limit a definition in such a way to only include something palatable, they would end up leaving more Muslims outside their definition than inside.

What hubris it takes for a westerner to decide who gets to be a Muslim and who doesn't when they actual people involved are so thoroughly convinced they are Muslim that it influences their every waking thought.

I am sure there are many Muslims who are appalled at what ISIS is doing. However, if so many mosques in Denmark are not condemning what is happening, you can be sure that the same thing is happening in other mosques in Europe and elsewhere. I am curious about one thing. During the Gaza war, protests against Israel were held around the world. There was one right here in front of the Federal Building in West Los Angeles. If these people took the time to protest against Israel en masse, why aren't they taking the time to hold protests against ISIS and Al Qaeda?

Minority support extremism Only 2 out... - Christian Defence League - Holland Flanders Facebook

Interesting "source"...a facebook page. Did you dig a bit deeper?

Only 2 out of 14 Mosques (14%) in Denmark were willing to distance themselves from the Islamic State"

The facebook page quotes a "blog" of sorts that makes the claim "

The actual article claims: TV2 East television station contacted a number of mosques in East Jutland and asked them the simple question whether they would denounce the Islamic State.

A mosque in Horsens took clear and unambiguous distance from IS and called it a terrorist organization. Two mosques in Randers and Silkeborg did not respond. In Aarhus, only one in six mosques say that they distance themselves from the Islamic State.

Three mosques were impossible to get hold of, despite extremely strenuous efforts from the journalist to make clear what the question was, and how to contact him.

Two mosques refused to comment — including the Grimhøjvej mosque (known for recruiting jihadis)….

East Jutland only - not Denmark.

Out of 14 Mosques...2 refused to comment, 3 could not be contacted, and the author takes that to mean they "support" ISIS.

What a load of rubbish - it's a piss poor study. You've been complaining that Muslims do nothing, here is a good example that they are doing something and instead of applauding it you vomit up crap.
It would be interesting to hear from the apologists who have appointed themselves arbiters as to who isn't a Muslim as to who IS a Muslim.

Is the Taliban Muslim?

How about Hamas, Hizb'Allah, and Hizb Ut Tahrir? Do they get to be called Muslim?

Do the leaders of Iran get to be included in the Muslim club, and what about tha Wahabists in Saudia Arabia? Muslim or non Muslim?

Are the Muslim Brotherhood Muslim? How about the hundreds upon hundreds of MILLIONS who believe a person who leaves Islam should be put to death? Muslim or non Muslim?

How about the untold millions upon millions who have had their genitals mutilated or who have supported the mutilation? Are they in your club?

Seems to me that once a person abandons any semblance of honesty by pursuing an agenda to limit a definition in such a way to only include something palatable, they would end up leaving more Muslims outside their definition than inside.

What hubris it takes for a westerner to decide who gets to be a Muslim and who doesn't when they actual people involved are so thoroughly convinced they are Muslim that it influences their every waking thought.

I am sure there are many Muslims who are appalled at what ISIS is doing. However, if so many mosques in Denmark are not condemning what is happening, you can be sure that the same thing is happening in other mosques in Europe and elsewhere. I am curious about one thing. During the Gaza war, protests against Israel were held around the world. There was one right here in front of the Federal Building in West Los Angeles. If these people took the time to protest against Israel en masse, why aren't they taking the time to hold protests against ISIS and Al Qaeda?

Minority support extremism Only 2 out... - Christian Defence League - Holland Flanders Facebook

Interesting "source"...a facebook page. Did you dig a bit deeper?

Only 2 out of 14 Mosques (14%) in Denmark were willing to distance themselves from the Islamic State"

The facebook page quotes a "blog" of sorts that makes the claim "

The actual article claims: TV2 East television station contacted a number of mosques in East Jutland and asked them the simple question whether they would denounce the Islamic State.

A mosque in Horsens took clear and unambiguous distance from IS and called it a terrorist organization. Two mosques in Randers and Silkeborg did not respond. In Aarhus, only one in six mosques say that they distance themselves from the Islamic State.

Three mosques were impossible to get hold of, despite extremely strenuous efforts from the journalist to make clear what the question was, and how to contact him.

Two mosques refused to comment — including the Grimhøjvej mosque (known for recruiting jihadis)….

East Jutland only - not Denmark.

Out of 14 Mosques...2 refused to comment, 3 could not be contacted, and the author takes that to mean they "support" ISIS.

What a load of rubbish - it's a piss poor study. You've been complaining that Muslims do nothing, here is a good example that they are doing something and instead of applauding it you vomit up crap.

I vomit up "crap" filthy dog? wrong again -----you justify murder and rape in the name of the stink you worship. What a load of excrement are you. Objection to isis somwhow---in your perverted sick head---- defines ALL JIHADIST stink was sweet. Saudai Arabia objects to ISIS------so you can kiss their filth too
It would be interesting to hear from the apologists who have appointed themselves arbiters as to who isn't a Muslim as to who IS a Muslim.

Is the Taliban Muslim?

How about Hamas, Hizb'Allah, and Hizb Ut Tahrir? Do they get to be called Muslim?

Do the leaders of Iran get to be included in the Muslim club, and what about tha Wahabists in Saudia Arabia? Muslim or non Muslim?

Are the Muslim Brotherhood Muslim? How about the hundreds upon hundreds of MILLIONS who believe a person who leaves Islam should be put to death? Muslim or non Muslim?

How about the untold millions upon millions who have had their genitals mutilated or who have supported the mutilation? Are they in your club?

Seems to me that once a person abandons any semblance of honesty by pursuing an agenda to limit a definition in such a way to only include something palatable, they would end up leaving more Muslims outside their definition than inside.

What hubris it takes for a westerner to decide who gets to be a Muslim and who doesn't when they actual people involved are so thoroughly convinced they are Muslim that it influences their every waking thought.

I am sure there are many Muslims who are appalled at what ISIS is doing. However, if so many mosques in Denmark are not condemning what is happening, you can be sure that the same thing is happening in other mosques in Europe and elsewhere. I am curious about one thing. During the Gaza war, protests against Israel were held around the world. There was one right here in front of the Federal Building in West Los Angeles. If these people took the time to protest against Israel en masse, why aren't they taking the time to hold protests against ISIS and Al Qaeda?

Minority support extremism Only 2 out... - Christian Defence League - Holland Flanders Facebook

Interesting "source"...a facebook page. Did you dig a bit deeper?

Only 2 out of 14 Mosques (14%) in Denmark were willing to distance themselves from the Islamic State"

The facebook page quotes a "blog" of sorts that makes the claim "

The actual article claims: TV2 East television station contacted a number of mosques in East Jutland and asked them the simple question whether they would denounce the Islamic State.

A mosque in Horsens took clear and unambiguous distance from IS and called it a terrorist organization. Two mosques in Randers and Silkeborg did not respond. In Aarhus, only one in six mosques say that they distance themselves from the Islamic State.

Three mosques were impossible to get hold of, despite extremely strenuous efforts from the journalist to make clear what the question was, and how to contact him.

Two mosques refused to comment — including the Grimhøjvej mosque (known for recruiting jihadis)….

East Jutland only - not Denmark.

Out of 14 Mosques...2 refused to comment, 3 could not be contacted, and the author takes that to mean they "support" ISIS.

What a load of rubbish - it's a piss poor study. You've been complaining that Muslims do nothing, here is a good example that they are doing something and instead of applauding it you vomit up crap.

I vomit up "crap" filthy dog? wrong again -----you justify murder and rape in the name of the stink you worship. What a load of excrement are you. Objection to isis somwhow---in your perverted sick head---- defines ALL JIHADIST stink was sweet. Saudai Arabia objects to ISIS------so you can kiss their filth too

Is your name Sally? Was I talking to you? I prefer to ignore your spew.

You really are a nutcase with a foul mouth.

I've never justified murder or rape except in your delusional mind.

And, of course - you have nothing to say about the actual post or the validity of the study do you?
It would be interesting to hear from the apologists who have appointed themselves arbiters as to who isn't a Muslim as to who IS a Muslim.

Is the Taliban Muslim?

How about Hamas, Hizb'Allah, and Hizb Ut Tahrir? Do they get to be called Muslim?

Do the leaders of Iran get to be included in the Muslim club, and what about tha Wahabists in Saudia Arabia? Muslim or non Muslim?

Are the Muslim Brotherhood Muslim? How about the hundreds upon hundreds of MILLIONS who believe a person who leaves Islam should be put to death? Muslim or non Muslim?

How about the untold millions upon millions who have had their genitals mutilated or who have supported the mutilation? Are they in your club?

Seems to me that once a person abandons any semblance of honesty by pursuing an agenda to limit a definition in such a way to only include something palatable, they would end up leaving more Muslims outside their definition than inside.

What hubris it takes for a westerner to decide who gets to be a Muslim and who doesn't when they actual people involved are so thoroughly convinced they are Muslim that it influences their every waking thought.

I think Muslim scholars are a better source than non-Muslims in determining what is or isn't Islamic.

good point---just as jewish scholars are better sources for a discussion of Zionism than are islamo Nazi pigs-----getting back to the issue of FATWAH------I learned about that issue more than 40 years ago when Pakistani muslim scholars----those of WEST PAKISTAN----issued fatwahs regarding the
status of east Pakistani muslims whom they
declared "TAKFIR" -----which simply speaking means "not muslim" This fatwah
rendered all east Pakistanis -----liable for legal rape and murder----regardless of age or gender in the conflict between east and west Pakistan. The Red cross figures----1/4 million girls raped. At that time I was working with several young Pakistani physicians and surgeons----I was horrified
(well----I was young) An outcome of the many rapes was that the FAMILIES of the raped girls were abandoning them and they were dying in droves from either suicide or
neglect. Silly little chickee that I was----I suggested that the muslim CLERICS intervene-----and get the people to----change their ways------my muslim colleagues were HORRIFIED at my suggestion-----they said
"YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND----those girls are finished.....they have no future" since that time----not one rapist of the group was
prosecuted------rape of an "enemy girl" is legal in Islamic jurisprudence even if she is a muslim. If she is not a muslim---it is rarely considered a crime----never a serious crime--mostly legal

Abdallah bin Mahfudh ibn Bayyah<<< check him out carefully in order to understand that which coyote considered the JESUS CHRIST (in reference to morality---not divinity) in the mind of Coyote-----it ain't a
pretty picture. He is the big shot "MODERATE"-------the bestest of the best islam has to offer in MODERATENESS-----check out just what he DOES actually support----(not a pretty picture)
It would be interesting to hear from the apologists who have appointed themselves arbiters as to who isn't a Muslim as to who IS a Muslim.

Is the Taliban Muslim?

How about Hamas, Hizb'Allah, and Hizb Ut Tahrir? Do they get to be called Muslim?

Do the leaders of Iran get to be included in the Muslim club, and what about tha Wahabists in Saudia Arabia? Muslim or non Muslim?

Are the Muslim Brotherhood Muslim? How about the hundreds upon hundreds of MILLIONS who believe a person who leaves Islam should be put to death? Muslim or non Muslim?

How about the untold millions upon millions who have had their genitals mutilated or who have supported the mutilation? Are they in your club?

Seems to me that once a person abandons any semblance of honesty by pursuing an agenda to limit a definition in such a way to only include something palatable, they would end up leaving more Muslims outside their definition than inside.

What hubris it takes for a westerner to decide who gets to be a Muslim and who doesn't when they actual people involved are so thoroughly convinced they are Muslim that it influences their every waking thought.

I think Muslim scholars are a better source than non-Muslims in determining what is or isn't Islamic.

good point---just as jewish scholars are better sources for a discussion of Zionism than are islamo Nazi pigs-----getting back to the issue of FATWAH------I learned about that issue more than 40 years ago when Pakistani muslim scholars----those of WEST PAKISTAN----issued fatwahs regarding the
status of east Pakistani muslims whom they
declared "TAKFIR" -----which simply speaking means "not muslim" This fatwah
rendered all east Pakistanis -----liable for legal rape and murder----regardless of age or gender in the conflict between east and west Pakistan. The Red cross figures----1/4 million girls raped. At that time I was working with several young Pakistani physicians and surgeons----I was horrified
(well----I was young) An outcome of the many rapes was that the FAMILIES of the raped girls were abandoning them and they were dying in droves from either suicide or
neglect. Silly little chickee that I was----I suggested that the muslim CLERICS intervene-----and get the people to----change their ways------my muslim colleagues were HORRIFIED at my suggestion-----they said
"YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND----those girls are finished.....they have no future" since that time----not one rapist of the group was
prosecuted------rape of an "enemy girl" is legal in Islamic jurisprudence even if she is a muslim. If she is not a muslim---it is rarely considered a crime----never a serious crime--mostly legal

Abdallah bin Mahfudh ibn Bayyah<<< check him out carefully in order to understand that which coyote considered the JESUS CHRIST (in reference to morality---not divinity) in the mind of Coyote-----it ain't a
pretty picture. He is the big shot "MODERATE"-------the bestest of the best islam has to offer in MODERATENESS-----check out just what he DOES actually support----(not a pretty picture)

If I want to learn about Judaism, I would talk with Jews from various sects, including scholars. If I want to learn about Christianity, I would do the same with Christians. If I want to learn about Islam, same thing.

I don't no what you mean by "Jesus Christ" or what you are going on about. He's an Islamic scholar and he has the credentials to issue a fatwah and he has done so in regards to ISIS along with other respected Islamic clerics and figures. That is what I have been talking about.
It would be interesting to hear from the apologists who have appointed themselves arbiters as to who isn't a Muslim as to who IS a Muslim.

Is the Taliban Muslim?

How about Hamas, Hizb'Allah, and Hizb Ut Tahrir? Do they get to be called Muslim?

Do the leaders of Iran get to be included in the Muslim club, and what about tha Wahabists in Saudia Arabia? Muslim or non Muslim?

Are the Muslim Brotherhood Muslim? How about the hundreds upon hundreds of MILLIONS who believe a person who leaves Islam should be put to death? Muslim or non Muslim?

How about the untold millions upon millions who have had their genitals mutilated or who have supported the mutilation? Are they in your club?

Seems to me that once a person abandons any semblance of honesty by pursuing an agenda to limit a definition in such a way to only include something palatable, they would end up leaving more Muslims outside their definition than inside.

What hubris it takes for a westerner to decide who gets to be a Muslim and who doesn't when they actual people involved are so thoroughly convinced they are Muslim that it influences their every waking thought.

I am sure there are many Muslims who are appalled at what ISIS is doing. However, if so many mosques in Denmark are not condemning what is happening, you can be sure that the same thing is happening in other mosques in Europe and elsewhere. I am curious about one thing. During the Gaza war, protests against Israel were held around the world. There was one right here in front of the Federal Building in West Los Angeles. If these people took the time to protest against Israel en masse, why aren't they taking the time to hold protests against ISIS and Al Qaeda?

Minority support extremism Only 2 out... - Christian Defence League - Holland Flanders Facebook

Interesting "source"...a facebook page. Did you dig a bit deeper?

Only 2 out of 14 Mosques (14%) in Denmark were willing to distance themselves from the Islamic State"

The facebook page quotes a "blog" of sorts that makes the claim "

“Minority support extremism? Only 2 out of 14 Mosques (14%) in Denmark were willing to distance themselves from the Islamic State,” The Muslim Issue, September 24, 2014
It would be interesting to hear from the apologists who have appointed themselves arbiters as to who isn't a Muslim as to who IS a Muslim.

Is the Taliban Muslim?

How about Hamas, Hizb'Allah, and Hizb Ut Tahrir? Do they get to be called Muslim?

Do the leaders of Iran get to be included in the Muslim club, and what about tha Wahabists in Saudia Arabia? Muslim or non Muslim?

Are the Muslim Brotherhood Muslim? How about the hundreds upon hundreds of MILLIONS who believe a person who leaves Islam should be put to death? Muslim or non Muslim?

How about the untold millions upon millions who have had their genitals mutilated or who have supported the mutilation? Are they in your club?

Seems to me that once a person abandons any semblance of honesty by pursuing an agenda to limit a definition in such a way to only include something palatable, they would end up leaving more Muslims outside their definition than inside.

What hubris it takes for a westerner to decide who gets to be a Muslim and who doesn't when they actual people involved are so thoroughly convinced they are Muslim that it influences their every waking thought.

I am sure there are many Muslims who are appalled at what ISIS is doing. However, if so many mosques in Denmark are not condemning what is happening, you can be sure that the same thing is happening in other mosques in Europe and elsewhere. I am curious about one thing. During the Gaza war, protests against Israel were held around the world. There was one right here in front of the Federal Building in West Los Angeles. If these people took the time to protest against Israel en masse, why aren't they taking the time to hold protests against ISIS and Al Qaeda?

Minority support extremism Only 2 out... - Christian Defence League - Holland Flanders Facebook

Interesting "source"...a facebook page. Did you dig a bit deeper?

Only 2 out of 14 Mosques (14%) in Denmark were willing to distance themselves from the Islamic State"

The facebook page quotes a "blog" of sorts that makes the claim "

“Minority support extremism? Only 2 out of 14 Mosques (14%) in Denmark were willing to distance themselves from the Islamic State,” The Muslim Issue, September 24, 2014

Read Post 32.
It would be interesting to hear from the apologists who have appointed themselves arbiters as to who isn't a Muslim as to who IS a Muslim.

Is the Taliban Muslim?

How about Hamas, Hizb'Allah, and Hizb Ut Tahrir? Do they get to be called Muslim?

Do the leaders of Iran get to be included in the Muslim club, and what about tha Wahabists in Saudia Arabia? Muslim or non Muslim?

Are the Muslim Brotherhood Muslim? How about the hundreds upon hundreds of MILLIONS who believe a person who leaves Islam should be put to death? Muslim or non Muslim?

How about the untold millions upon millions who have had their genitals mutilated or who have supported the mutilation? Are they in your club?

Seems to me that once a person abandons any semblance of honesty by pursuing an agenda to limit a definition in such a way to only include something palatable, they would end up leaving more Muslims outside their definition than inside.

What hubris it takes for a westerner to decide who gets to be a Muslim and who doesn't when they actual people involved are so thoroughly convinced they are Muslim that it influences their every waking thought.

I am sure there are many Muslims who are appalled at what ISIS is doing. However, if so many mosques in Denmark are not condemning what is happening, you can be sure that the same thing is happening in other mosques in Europe and elsewhere. I am curious about one thing. During the Gaza war, protests against Israel were held around the world. There was one right here in front of the Federal Building in West Los Angeles. If these people took the time to protest against Israel en masse, why aren't they taking the time to hold protests against ISIS and Al Qaeda?

Minority support extremism Only 2 out... - Christian Defence League - Holland Flanders Facebook

Interesting "source"...a facebook page. Did you dig a bit deeper?

Only 2 out of 14 Mosques (14%) in Denmark were willing to distance themselves from the Islamic State"

The facebook page quotes a "blog" of sorts that makes the claim "

The actual article claims: TV2 East television station contacted a number of mosques in East Jutland and asked them the simple question whether they would denounce the Islamic State.

A mosque in Horsens took clear and unambiguous distance from IS and called it a terrorist organization. Two mosques in Randers and Silkeborg did not respond. In Aarhus, only one in six mosques say that they distance themselves from the Islamic State.

Three mosques were impossible to get hold of, despite extremely strenuous efforts from the journalist to make clear what the question was, and how to contact him.

Two mosques refused to comment — including the Grimhøjvej mosque (known for recruiting jihadis)….

East Jutland only - not Denmark.

Out of 14 Mosques...2 refused to comment, 3 could not be contacted, and the author takes that to mean they "support" ISIS.

What a load of rubbish - it's a piss poor study. You've been complaining that Muslims do nothing, here is a good example that they are doing something and instead of applauding it you vomit up crap.

My goodness, I didn't expect you to vomit up anything about what this Imam in the U.S. was preaching (as well as the other members of the clergy in the Muslim world who preach the same)..

What this Muslim Imam said while 8220 preaching 8221 in TENNESSEE about Christians and Jews should be national news 8230

Nor do I ever see you vomiting up anything about the anti-Semitic stuff dragged up by posters. Nor did I expect you to find an excuse for the Muslims not protesting all the killing being done by fellow Muslims in the Middle East. Maybe they just took enough time off from work and didn't have any more vacation time or sick leave to do this since they used it all up protesting the Israelis. As a civilized person, I would have expected you to at least have had a word for the people and their travails in Iraq and Syria, people like the Tazidis, the Christians, and the Kurds. Yetr there was not a word from you, and as per usual you were going into your public relations mode for the Muslims. Nobody said that all the Muslims (including members of the clergy) are for ISIS and there are many who are ashamed at what is happening. There are Muslims, however, who are for ISIS and try as you want to deny it, they are there.

One in six French people say they support ISIS - Vox
It would be interesting to hear from the apologists who have appointed themselves arbiters as to who isn't a Muslim as to who IS a Muslim.

Is the Taliban Muslim?

How about Hamas, Hizb'Allah, and Hizb Ut Tahrir? Do they get to be called Muslim?

Do the leaders of Iran get to be included in the Muslim club, and what about tha Wahabists in Saudia Arabia? Muslim or non Muslim?

Are the Muslim Brotherhood Muslim? How about the hundreds upon hundreds of MILLIONS who believe a person who leaves Islam should be put to death? Muslim or non Muslim?

How about the untold millions upon millions who have had their genitals mutilated or who have supported the mutilation? Are they in your club?

Seems to me that once a person abandons any semblance of honesty by pursuing an agenda to limit a definition in such a way to only include something palatable, they would end up leaving more Muslims outside their definition than inside.

What hubris it takes for a westerner to decide who gets to be a Muslim and who doesn't when they actual people involved are so thoroughly convinced they are Muslim that it influences their every waking thought.

I am sure there are many Muslims who are appalled at what ISIS is doing. However, if so many mosques in Denmark are not condemning what is happening, you can be sure that the same thing is happening in other mosques in Europe and elsewhere. I am curious about one thing. During the Gaza war, protests against Israel were held around the world. There was one right here in front of the Federal Building in West Los Angeles. If these people took the time to protest against Israel en masse, why aren't they taking the time to hold protests against ISIS and Al Qaeda?

Minority support extremism Only 2 out... - Christian Defence League - Holland Flanders Facebook

Interesting "source"...a facebook page. Did you dig a bit deeper?

Only 2 out of 14 Mosques (14%) in Denmark were willing to distance themselves from the Islamic State"

The facebook page quotes a "blog" of sorts that makes the claim "

The actual article claims: TV2 East television station contacted a number of mosques in East Jutland and asked them the simple question whether they would denounce the Islamic State.

A mosque in Horsens took clear and unambiguous distance from IS and called it a terrorist organization. Two mosques in Randers and Silkeborg did not respond. In Aarhus, only one in six mosques say that they distance themselves from the Islamic State.

Three mosques were impossible to get hold of, despite extremely strenuous efforts from the journalist to make clear what the question was, and how to contact him.

Two mosques refused to comment — including the Grimhøjvej mosque (known for recruiting jihadis)….

East Jutland only - not Denmark.

Out of 14 Mosques...2 refused to comment, 3 could not be contacted, and the author takes that to mean they "support" ISIS.

What a load of rubbish - it's a piss poor study. You've been complaining that Muslims do nothing, here is a good example that they are doing something and instead of applauding it you vomit up crap.

My goodness, I didn't expect you to vomit up anything about what this Imam in the U.S. was preaching (as well as the other members of the clergy in the Muslim world who preach the same)..

What this Muslim Imam said while 8220 preaching 8221 in TENNESSEE about Christians and Jews should be national news 8230

Nor do I ever see you vomiting up anything about the anti-Semitic stuff dragged up by posters. Nor did I expect you to find an excuse for the Muslims not protesting all the killing being done by fellow Muslims in the Middle East. Maybe they just took enough time off from work and didn't have any more vacation time or sick leave to do this since they used it all up protesting the Israelis. As a civilized person, I would have expected you to at least have had a word for the people and their travails in Iraq and Syria, people like the Tazidis, the Christians, and the Kurds. Yetr there was not a word from you, and as per usual you were going into your public relations mode for the Muslims. Nobody said that all the Muslims (including members of the clergy) are for ISIS and there are many who are ashamed at what is happening. There are Muslims, however, who are for ISIS and try as you want to deny it, they are there.

One in six French people say they support ISIS - Vox

Geez Sally, you can't even stay on topic on your own thread can you? You must hate the fact that Muslims in large numbers do not consider ISIS Islamic nor do they support ISIS and clerics, religious scholars are trying to stem the propaganda promoted by IS. I would have thought this would have made you glad.

Interesting bit from your Vox article:

This is alarming, in part because a growing number of Europeans, often from predominantly Muslim immigrant communities, are not just expressing their support for ISIS in polls: they are traveling to Syria and Iraq to join up. The ISIS fighter who killed American journalist James Foley on video last week spoke with a strong London accent. European governments are rightly worried about the implications of this for their own national security.

But there's more going on here. It's no secret that far-right politics have been on the rise in Western Europe, which includes a growing willingness to embrace extremism and greater intolerance of all kinds. It is ironic but by no means impossible that far-right Islamophobia would rise in Europe alongside a greater approval of the Islamist group ISIS. Extremism is often reactive and ideologically contradictory.

The growth of European intolerance has brought a rise in hate toward Jews in Europe, as well as Muslims. It's more complicated than extremism festering within predominantly Muslim immigrant communities. "There is no clear correlation in Europe between the level of popular anti-Semitism and the size of the Muslim population," the British writer Kenan Malik explained recently in the New York Times. He went on:

The rise of identity politics has helped create a more fragmented, tribal society, and made sectarian hatred more acceptable generally.

At the same time, the emergence of "anti-politics," the growing contempt for mainstream politics and politicians noticeable throughout Europe, has laid the groundwork for a melding of radicalism and bigotry. Many perceive a world out of control and driven by malign forces; conspiracy theories, once confined to the fringes of politics, have become mainstream.

The good news here may be the Gaza poll numbers. While 13 percent is exactly 13 more than what it should be, 85 percent of polled Gazans said they oppose ISIS. That's awfully high, especially considering that Europeans were much less likely to say they held an unfavorable view of the group...
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