Prominent Scientists Reverse Belief in Man-Made Global Warming

Deal with the senate link, please? RSR is RSR, seems he's compelled towards Newsbusters. Maybe he owns stock?

A little digging (about 60 second's worth) revealed some interesting facts about Marc Morano, the individual posting the piece.

1. Mr. Morano was formerly employed by the Cybercast News Service, which is owned by the right-wing Media Research Center. CNS and Mr. Morano were the first of the "Swift-boat Veterans for the Truth" and their allegations against John Kerry.

2. Mr. Morano took up his post as the communications director the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works under James Inhofe. You know, the same James Inhofe who compared the EPA to the Gestapo, calls gloal warming a hoax and asserts that the "Weather Channel" is behind the global warming "hoax" to boost their ratings.

It would seem that the source of the article is less than impartial, and is little more than a right-wing tool and mouth-piece.

RSR's initial post may be dismissed as another of his cut-and-paste follies which leaves him with egg on his face and crow as a staple in his diet.
A little digging (about 60 second's worth) revealed some interesting facts about Marc Morano, the individual posting the piece.

1. Mr. Morano was formerly employed by the Cybercast News Service, which is owned by the right-wing Media Research Center. CNS and Mr. Morano were the first of the "Swift-boat Veterans for the Truth" and their allegations against John Kerry.

2. Mr. Morano took up his post as the communications director the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works under James Inhofe. You know, the same James Inhofe who compared the EPA to the Gestapo, calls gloal warming a hoax and asserts that the "Weather Channel" is behind the global warming "hoax" to boost their ratings.

It would seem that the source of the article is less than impartial, and is little more than a right-wing tool and mouth-piece.

RSR's initial post may be dismissed as another of his cut-and-paste follies which leaves him with egg on his face and crow as a staple in his diet.

Usual left wing tactic... can not debate or address the issue? Why character assassinate the source.
I would be the first to admit that there is not unanimity amongst the scientist of the world about the extent of man's acceleration of global warming. There are many scientists who doubt that theory. But I would wager that for every scientist that disagrees that man is hastening global warming that there are a hundred that agree with that.

I don't think it is entirely ethical on the part of the naysayers to call human accelerated global warming a MYTH based upon the small portion of scientists who reject the overwhelming tide of scientists that call it near certainty.

So...if I had to bet on whether humanity was accelerating global warming, I would - because the preponderance of research and analysis seems to point that way.

What is the downside, exactly, of creating industries and technologies designed to reduce the impact of the shit we have dumped into our nest even if humans are not entirely at fault?

What is the downside of continuing to shit in our nest if humans ARE responsible for global warming?
I would be the first to admit that there is not unanimity amongst the scientist of the world about the extent of man's acceleration of global warming. There are many scientists who doubt that theory. But I would wager that for every scientist that disagrees that man is hastening global warming that there are a hundred that agree with that.

I don't think it is entirely ethical on the part of the naysayers to call human accelerated global warming a MYTH based upon the small portion of scientists who reject the overwhelming tide of scientists that call it near certainty.

So...if I had to bet on whether humanity was accelerating global warming, I would - because the preponderance of research and analysis seems to point that way.

What is the downside, exactly, of creating industries and technologies designed to reduce the impact of the shit we have dumped into our nest even if humans are not entirely at fault?

What is the downside of continuing to shit in our nest if humans ARE responsible for global warming?

Small portion of scientists? The list is long and growing

The cost would be our economy and living standards

We could not destroy the planet if we wanted to - all the doom and gloom predictions I have heard since the 70's have all been wrong
Usual left wing tactic... can not debate or address the issue? Why character assassinate the source.

What's to debate? With nearly 1,000, or more peer reviewed articles and studies showing that human activity is accelerating the pace of global warming, I have yet to see a single peer reviewed article or study refuting it. As for the character of the source, it did not need to be assassinated...It's been long dead.
What's to debate? With nearly 1,000, or more peer reviewed articles and studies showing that human activity is accelerating the pace of global warming, I have yet to see a single peer reviewed article or study refuting it. As for the character of the source, it did not need to be assassinated...It's been long dead.

and that many showing they are full of shit

Libs will continue to stick by the myth of global warming despite the weather and more scientsists going against them

Don't worry BP on the firt 100 degree day this summer, you can rant how you told us so
What's to debate? With nearly 1,000, or more peer reviewed articles and studies showing that human activity is accelerating the pace of global warming, I have yet to see a single peer reviewed article or study refuting it. As for the character of the source, it did not need to be assassinated...It's been long dead.

It is simple really.... Provide one shred of verifiable evidence that Man is causing the miniscule increase in heat AND that it will continue BECAUSE man is causing it.

I do not mean "well this MIGHT be causing it" Which is all science has....
I would be the first to admit that there is not unanimity amongst the scientist of the world about the extent of man's acceleration of global warming. There are many scientists who doubt that theory. But I would wager that for every scientist that disagrees that man is hastening global warming that there are a hundred that agree with that.

I don't think it is entirely ethical on the part of the naysayers to call human accelerated global warming a MYTH based upon the small portion of scientists who reject the overwhelming tide of scientists that call it near certainty.

So...if I had to bet on whether humanity was accelerating global warming, I would - because the preponderance of research and analysis seems to point that way.

What is the downside, exactly, of creating industries and technologies designed to reduce the impact of the shit we have dumped into our nest even if humans are not entirely at fault?

What is the downside of continuing to shit in our nest if humans ARE responsible for global warming?

There is NOTHING wrong with working to lower emissions that polute and MIGHT cause warming... That has been happening for YEARS and continues to happen. That however is NOT what Global Warming thugs want. The loons run the asylum.

First point would be that the BIGGEST way to bring down dependence on oil , lower polution and effect the gasses that supposedly lend themselves to Greenhouse effects and are man made cause of warming would be..... wait for it...... wait for it......

Building Nuclear power plants.

Get back to me when the loons agree. And also get back to me when we quit working on doing all the things we can to REASONABLY improve industry and lower emissions of green house gasses and pollution.
Why exactley are they biased? The scientists who came to their findings are somehow biased because newsbusters happened to find their article and print it?

Because Newsbusters prints articles the liberal media ignores
There is NOTHING wrong with working to lower emissions that polute and MIGHT cause warming... That has been happening for YEARS and continues to happen. That however is NOT what Global Warming thugs want. The loons run the asylum.

First point would be that the BIGGEST way to bring down dependence on oil , lower polution and effect the gasses that supposedly lend themselves to Greenhouse effects and are man made cause of warming would be..... wait for it...... wait for it......

Building Nuclear power plants.

Get back to me when the loons agree. And also get back to me when we quit working on doing all the things we can to REASONABLY improve industry and lower emissions of green house gasses and pollution.

I am all for the production of new technology sodium cooled nuclear power plants, but we DO need to figure out what to do with the spent fuel before we start building them.
I find it funny Pelosi holds global warming talks as late May snow falls in the US, Canada, and England

You can't make this stuff up folks!
I find it funny Pelosi holds global warming talks as late May snow falls in the US, Canada, and England

You can't make this stuff up folks!

let me ask you again: do you understand the fundamental difference between climate change on one hand and the variability of changing weather on the other? no spin...just a simple yes or no, please. do you understand the difference?
let me ask you again: do you understand the fundamental difference between climate change on one hand and the variability of changing weather on the other? no spin...just a simple yes or no, please. do you understand the difference?

I understand libs continue to provide comic relief with their global warming hysteria


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I ask you serious reply with cartoons.... and then have the gall to claim that what you do here is "debate"????? :rofl:

Cartoons are all the global warming hysteria has become

It is snowing in late May and libs are ranting about global warming
You have not been paying attention... According to the eviro whackos global warming can and does cause ANYTHING to happen. Rain, snow, cold, hot, wind, no wind, hurricanes, tornados, you name it, it is cause of a one degree change in temperature over 100 years..
sarge...would the National Geographic Society qualify as "enviro whackos" in your book?

Have you seen the latest issue?
The idea that a single degree of temperature is responsible for any and every weather condition is idiotic, not because 1 degree couldn't do it, if it were that magic point, but because NONE of the events that have happened in the last 15 years are statistically abnormal. Politics not science is causing idiotic claims to be put forth.

Again for the millionth time, science can NOT actually predict what the weather will be like past an observable event. It can estimate based on previous years, but that is nothing more than a guess. Claiming that in the future something will occur based on the minor data they have is irrational and irresponsible. As a point of fact, just 30 years ago Science was using the same data to claim we were going into an ICE AGE.

Further making the claim that man has caused it and that thus man can fix it is a feel good attempt to "save" us from a disaster that is for all intents a fabrication of loons. Get back to me in 10 to 15 years if the temperature rises at an unacceptable level. Then I will consider the body of evidence potentially dangerous. Rather then demand idiotic destructive measures on our economies, spend MORE money improving our ability to know about climate and weather. And get back to the principles that govern SCIENCE.

The loons in question have ulterior motives. But have managed to usurp with fear mongering and lies the politicians and part of the public. This includes supposed reasonable scientific institutes and scientists.

For the last 10 years anyone that noted the problems with the claims of the "doom and gloom" crowd have been systematicly character assassinated. No one addressing the issues, rather claiming that any naysayer was paid off or didn't know what they were talking about.

Science has ignored its own tenants in this matter.
You have not been paying attention... According to the eviro whackos global warming can and does cause ANYTHING to happen. Rain, snow, cold, hot, wind, no wind, hurricanes, tornados, you name it, it is cause of a one degree change in temperature over 100 years..

Don't worry. When the temps hits 100 for the first time, MM will bellow how Al was right

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