Proof BIG GOVT does NOT WORK!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Donald Berwick decries Medicare and Medicaid fraud and waste in parting interview.
In his tenure at CMS, the department has stepped up its efforts and
preventing Medicare and Medicaid fraud.
Berwick told the Times that he estimates that Medicare and Medicaid could save between $150 billion to $250 billion a year by eliminating waste. ...
Berwick decries Medicare and Medicaid fraud and waste in parting interview - McKnight's Long Term Care News

So here is the former head of Medicare SAYING up to $250 billion..BILLION is wasted in Medicare/Medicaid!

So how is it then that people still want "BIG government" if it is so blatantly wasteful?

I mean really why would anyone have ANY confidence that ANOTHER big government program will be efficient?
The Post office losing money!
Amtrak losing money!
Medicare/Medicaid WASTING $250 billion a year..
WHAT more proof is needed that local /state government has at least better record of NOT being as wasteful!
Yeah... so instead of ELIMINATING WASTE... just burn the fucker to the ground and let the people who need it fuckin' die...Brilliant.

You sure you're not a Russian? You assholes seem to love the scorched Earth thing.
The current versions of Medicare and Medicaid are EXACTLY what should be expected when the authors of the recent legislation expanding them are lawyers paid handsomely by large corporate and union health industry interests.

All we pay congress for any more is campaign promises and their lobby-loving rubber stamp.
How much waste is there in the private health care industry?

The AMAZING thing is that in spite of it all, Medicare pays over 95% of dollars collected back out in benefit claims. The best private health insurance bureaucracies can boast is 80%, most are closer to 70%.

Public bureaucracies cost something in raw efficiency / private bureaucracies cost mansions and RollsRoyce Automobiles for the executive class.

:dunno: Whatcha gonna do?
Donald Berwick decries Medicare and Medicaid fraud and waste in parting interview.
In his tenure at CMS, the department has stepped up its efforts and
preventing Medicare and Medicaid fraud.
Berwick told the Times that he estimates that Medicare and Medicaid could save between $150 billion to $250 billion a year by eliminating waste. ...
Berwick decries Medicare and Medicaid fraud and waste in parting interview - McKnight's Long Term Care News

So here is the former head of Medicare SAYING up to $250 billion..BILLION is wasted in Medicare/Medicaid!

So how is it then that people still want "BIG government" if it is so blatantly wasteful?

I mean really why would anyone have ANY confidence that ANOTHER big government program will be efficient?
The Post office losing money!
Amtrak losing money!
Medicare/Medicaid WASTING $250 billion a year..
WHAT more proof is needed that local /state government has at least better record of NOT being as wasteful!
How is it that Berwick saying something makes it true?
How much waste is there in the private health care industry?

A) I am a lot more knowledgeable about Medicare then most everyone on this forum. Every day nearly 10,000 times the company I started help Medicare providers determine if they will get paid. So I know what I'm talking about!

B) Give me the city you live in and I'll tell you what your local hospital has OVERCHARGED Medicare and MEDICARE KNOWS IT!
You don't know this but for example I know a hospital in FL that overcharges 6,000% Medicare what it costs the hospital!

C) YOU don't know this but Medicare does NOT process ONE single claim!
There are nine data centers operated under contract to manage Medicare
by nine different "for profit" companies!
It is a MYTH that Medicare over head is 2 to 3% !

D) The average health insurance company pays out 80% of the premiums
received in CLAIMS leaving 16% for overhead and 4% for profit of
which 35% of the profit is paid in TAXES!
With Obamacare single payer objective will destroy $100 billion a year
in taxes including property taxes which would mean YOUR local property
taxes MAY increase if you have a large health insurance company locally.

E)Idiots who thought eliminating "pre-existing conditions" would lower their
costs NEVER understood how premiums were calculated and therefore
NOW you are seeing health insurance companies having to cover those
people that would have higher expenses!

F) Finally YOU never heard evidently of $600 billion a year spent wastefully
because of ambulance chasing lawyers making $100 billion a year from
lawsuits ... thus causing "defensive medicine"!

SO tell me again your credentials???
OR do you solely depend on all your information that forms your uninformed
opinion based on ignorant and definitely BIASED MSM!
Donald Berwick decries Medicare and Medicaid fraud and waste in parting interview.
In his tenure at CMS, the department has stepped up its efforts and
preventing Medicare and Medicaid fraud.
Berwick told the Times that he estimates that Medicare and Medicaid could save between $150 billion to $250 billion a year by eliminating waste. ...
Berwick decries Medicare and Medicaid fraud and waste in parting interview - McKnight's Long Term Care News

So here is the former head of Medicare SAYING up to $250 billion..BILLION is wasted in Medicare/Medicaid!

So how is it then that people still want "BIG government" if it is so blatantly wasteful?

I mean really why would anyone have ANY confidence that ANOTHER big government program will be efficient?
The Post office losing money!
Amtrak losing money!
Medicare/Medicaid WASTING $250 billion a year..
WHAT more proof is needed that local /state government has at least better record of NOT being as wasteful!
How is it that Berwick saying something makes it true?

Read my credentials and prior comments along with simple test!
WHY would Berwick make that statement unless he had first hand knowledge!
Remember he RAN the place and HE said there was $250 billion in waste!
Are you aware that 6,000 hospitals bill Medicare sometimes 6,000% more then their costs??? YOU didn't know that and Berwick and I know that!
Tell me what city you live in and I"ll show you how much your local hospital OVERCHARGES Medicare!
Donald Berwick decries Medicare and Medicaid fraud and waste in parting interview.
In his tenure at CMS, the department has stepped up its efforts and
preventing Medicare and Medicaid fraud.
Berwick told the Times that he estimates that Medicare and Medicaid could save between $150 billion to $250 billion a year by eliminating waste. ...
Berwick decries Medicare and Medicaid fraud and waste in parting interview - McKnight's Long Term Care News

So here is the former head of Medicare SAYING up to $250 billion..BILLION is wasted in Medicare/Medicaid!

So how is it then that people still want "BIG government" if it is so blatantly wasteful?

I mean really why would anyone have ANY confidence that ANOTHER big government program will be efficient?
The Post office losing money!
Amtrak losing money!
Medicare/Medicaid WASTING $250 billion a year..
WHAT more proof is needed that local /state government has at least better record of NOT being as wasteful!
How is it that Berwick saying something makes it true?

Read my credentials and prior comments along with simple test!
WHY would Berwick make that statement unless he had first hand knowledge!
Remember he RAN the place and HE said there was $250 billion in waste!
Are you aware that 6,000 hospitals bill Medicare sometimes 6,000% more then their costs??? YOU didn't know that and Berwick and I know that!
Tell me what city you live in and I"ll show you how much your local hospital OVERCHARGES Medicare!

Oh, so if he says it, it must be true.
Everyone knows the Rep want Big Gov when it comes to personal liberties. This same ole same ole cramp argument is a waist of time. Ain't got nothing new stick to the status quo...boring.
Read my credentials and prior comments along with simple test!
WHY would Berwick make that statement unless he had first hand knowledge!
Remember he RAN the place and HE said there was $250 billion in waste!
Are you aware that 6,000 hospitals bill Medicare sometimes 6,000% more then their costs??? YOU didn't know that and Berwick and I know that!
Tell me what city you live in and I"ll show you how much your local hospital OVERCHARGES Medicare!

Credentials? On an anonymous message board?!?

How much waste is there in the private health care industry?

The AMAZING thing is that in spite of it all, Medicare pays over 95% of dollars collected back out in benefit claims. The best private health insurance bureaucracies can boast is 80%, most are closer to 70%.

Public bureaucracies cost something in raw efficiency / private bureaucracies cost mansions and RollsRoyce Automobiles for the executive class.

:dunno: Whatcha gonna do?

AGAIN you are Totally IGNORANT of how Medicare WORKS!
A) you said 95% of dollars collected back out in benefit claims!
2011 Annual report of the Boards of Trustees for Medicare
which you can download from:

Page 10 of the report shows in 2010:
Total income $486 billion (to you means money coming in!!!)
Total expenditures $523 billion (of which $516 billion were for claims)
Means there was $37 billion MORE going out then came in!
Which to almost everyone
MEANS Medicare spend $37 billion more then there is income..
NO health insurance company would BE allowed to exist by any state insurance regulations if they spent more then their income!

Medicare by definition is BANKRUPT.
Medicare's expenses are greater then income .. BrOKE!

Quick question.... who is at fault for overcharging? It's basically the same discussion that I had on the 1 World Trade Center thread. Can Government be better stewards of our tax dollars? Absolutely.

However, the fault for overcharging, milking out projects and the like fall directly in the laps of the people taking advantage of the government and by default Us, the taxpayer.

But greed is good, right? They are just trying to make as much profit as they can, right?
WHAT more proof is needed that local /state government has at least better record of NOT being as wasteful!

"Basic computer-assisted sleuthing can turn up shell companies involved in Medicare frauds. But U.S. government officials overseeing the program have only just begun using those techniques.

Tracking down the people behind those shells is even more difficult -- and U.S. states are resisting steps that might help crack such cases.

A spokesman for Florida Secretary of State Kurt S. Browning said his office conducts no checks on the validity of corporate information, including whether an address for a company is real or whether officers and directors have criminal records.

In Georgia, anyone can register a corporation for a $50 fee. Brian Kemp, the Georgia Secretary of State, says he has no power to spot attempts by criminals to register fraudulent companies or to weed out bogus firms. "If you fill the paperwork out and send your money in you are registered," he says.

Even after a shell scam is detected, it can be hard to identify the criminals behind the company. In the fight against shell company-enabled Medicare fraud, two bills introduced this year in Congress would help U.S. investigators pierce the veil of corporate secrecy. But the effort is bogged down amid opposition from state regulators."


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