Proof Boehner right:Obama can't be trusted to enforce immigration overhaul!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Boehner's contention that President Obama simply can't be trusted on an effort to overhaul the nation's immigration system —
Wall Street Journal Whacks Boehner For Caving To 'Talk-Radio' On Immigration

Obama has NOT enforced existing gun laws or secured the borders...

1) Enforcing Gun Laws down under Obama..
Despite his calls for greater gun control, including a new assault weapons ban that extends to handguns,
President Obama's administration has turned away from enforcing gun laws, cutting weapons prosecutions some 40 percent since a high of about 11,000 under former President Bush.
Gun prosecutions under Obama down more than 45 percent |

2) Enforcing Border patrols..
The Vice President of the National Border Patrol Council, the union that represents the nation's Border Patrol agents, Shawn Moran, has told Breitbart News that agents are being ordered to stand down and end any pursuit of drug smugglers, human smugglers, and illegal aliens. Moran said the reasons given by the administration are budgetary concerns and to ensure agents aren't working long shifts.

"It doesn't matter whether it's drugs, bodies, or how large the group is, our agents are being ordered to stand down by Border Patrol management," said Moran.
"I have received reports from our agents in every single sector from San Diego to the Rio Grande Valley in Texas that they are receiving these orders."

Moran said agents aren't being relieved of their posts, but instead, they're being told that someone else is taking their place, but no agents have seen that take place. Moran said, while Border Patrol management cite budgetary concerns, the agency has one of its largest budgets ever, but agents haven't seen any benefits from the increased budgets.

"They are placing the budgetary concerns before the security of our border," Moran said. "Groups that are outside of human trafficking, human smuggling, and drug smuggling are going to exploit these stand down orders as well, not only cartels but illegal aliens from nations that are tied to terrorism."
All the lies Obama has told, and people still need proof?

Obama cannot be trusted.

People can stop after that sentence.

Obama hasn't been aggressively pursuing gun control and you idiots are COMPLAINING!?!

You are upset he isn't actually CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ?

Positively schizophrenic, you are.

If this gets out, guns and ammo sales are going to plummet!
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Obama is a compulsive liar and is a dictator who the rules don't apply to. To say that he cannot be trusted is an understatement.
In all fairness to Fearless Leader...

It's not just Obumble...

None of our political leadership can be trusted to enforce Immigration Law...

Democrat OR Republican...

We were promised by the Reagan Administration in 1986 that the Shamnesty that year for 3,000,000 was a one-time shot, never to be repeated...

And yet here we are, 28 years later, with four times as many - 12,000,000 for which Shamnesty is being contemplated...

And, in the past 28 years, since Reagan times, we have had...

A Republican - Ronald Reagan - for 2 years (since the 1986 Shamnesty)...

A Republican - George H.W. Bush - for 4 years...

A Democrat - Bill Clinton - for 8 years...

A Republican - George W. Bush - for 8 years...

A Democrat - Barack Obama - for 6 years...

Plenty of bipartisan ignoring of US Immigration Law by both parties...

Some of it motivated by budgetary constraints...

Some of it motivated by Republican greed for low-cost brute labor...

Some of it motivated by Democratic greed for eventual post-citizenship grateful votes...

None of it done with the best interests of the American People or the American Middle Class in the forefront...

Both parties are to blame... greedy vote-whores... both of 'em... disgusting.
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Obama hasn't been aggressively pursuing gun control and you idiots are COMPLAINING!?!

You are upset he isn't actually CUMMIN FER YER GUNZ?

Positively schizophrenic, you are.

If this gets out, guns and ammo sales are going to plummet!

So why then the need for more gun laws? Idiot!
The point is there are PLENTY of federal laws governing guns. Thousands of state and local laws governing guns.
So if Obama isn't enforcing current laws WHY then is he asking for MORE gun laws??

Days after mass shootings in both of his hometowns, President Barack Obama urged his most ardent supporters Saturday "to get back up and go back at it" and help push stalled legislation out of Congress so dangerous people won't get their hands on guns.

"We can't rest until all of our children can go to school or walk down the street free from the fear that they will be struck down by a stray bullet," Obama said in a keynote speech to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's annual awards dinner.
Obama urges new gun law push at CBC Foundation dinner | Fox News

OBAMA enforce CURRENT LAWS dummy!
The aim is not to curb gun violence, it is to disarm citizens. If he enforced the gun laws already on the books, he couldn't continue to use gun violence as an excuse for more laws restricting the rights of law-abiding citizens. He won't stop until we get to confiscation.

His refusal to enforce immigration laws are simple. He wants more welfare parasites voting for Democrats (socialists). The liberal elite don't care about the increased crime, in fact, they welcome it. They don't have to live among the criminals, and it gives them more excuses to push for more gun control legislation.

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