PROOF: FBI, DHS release joint report on Russia hacking

I'm on the side of right yes. Though not "on the right."

No, I'm saying they have zero proof and they just told the world that with that cobbled together story release. I'm embarrassed if you want the truth of it. If we're going ot jump on the world stage and throw around "proof" and "evidence" then "well we think maybe" ain't fucking good enough...

They do have proof... just because they aren't providing all that proof to the general public doesn't mean it doesn't fucking exist. Do you have an ounce of a clue how the intelligence agency of a country works?
Here you go LewDog, get the password off the Darkweb (they require you to prove you're not working for the gov) and you too can join the billions of "Russian" hackers!

US Govt Data Shows Russia Used Outdated Ukrainian PHP Malware

By viewing the source code, we could find the name of the malware and the version. It is P.A.S. 3.1.0.

We googled it and found a website that makes this malware. You can find the site at this address: Download P.A.S. v.3.1.7

You don't get it do you? That isn't the only proof. Again, do you really think that a national intelligence agency is going to provide you with all the information they have? Fucking use some reasoning skills.
Ya'll on the left are absolutely clueless and when folks the world over explain it, you just stick your fingers in your ears. ~sigh~

You people on the right, like those that say they have over a 200 IQ, don't get it. You think you know more than all the intelligence agencies in the federal government and some of the top private internet security firms in the country?
You still have not answered the question, what about the incompetency of the DNC and the Hildabeast?

Do you not understand how many people per year get hacked?
Do you not understand that there are MILLIONS, perhaps even billions, of hackers in the world and almost no possible way to trace them, much less tie them to anything or anyone?
Here you go LewDog, get the password off the Darkweb (they require you to prove you're not working for the gov) and you too can join the billions of "Russian" hackers!

US Govt Data Shows Russia Used Outdated Ukrainian PHP Malware

By viewing the source code, we could find the name of the malware and the version. It is P.A.S. 3.1.0.

We googled it and found a website that makes this malware. You can find the site at this address: Download P.A.S. v.3.1.7

They even offer help to use it :)


So much for the 'PROOF' the 'RUSSAINS' did it.... outdated malware / codes anyone can use...
Yes. Whatever, let the blind and stupid remain so I guess. Trump says he'll let us know what's going on Tuesday or Wednesday (unlike our supposedly "transparent" government.)

If we find out it was Russians then the sanctions will stay. If not then Obama and the MSM just look like morons.
The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on Thursday released a joint report detailing how federal investigators linked the Russian government to hacks of Democratic Party organizations.

The document makes clear reference to the hacks of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, though it does not mention either by name.

The 13-page report provides technical details regarding tools and infrastructure used by Russian civilian and military intelligence services to “compromise and exploit networks and endpoints associated with the U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private sector entities.” (See the entire report below.)

More: FBI, DHS release report on Russia hacking

Joint Report: GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity

This gave President Obama all the proof he needed to launch retaliatory measures against Russia.

It matter not seeing President Obama tenure is ending or did you fail to realize the reality of this mere fact!?!

My point?

Simple, his sanctions are pointless but keep on believing they will matter!

Why would I give a shit whether the sanctions work or not? I'm just happy that credible proof of Putin hacking the DNC to help Trump win has been provided.
It should be against the law for you to use the word "credible".
You don't get it do you? That isn't the only proof. Again, do you really think that a national intelligence agency is going to provide you with all the information they have? Fucking use some reasoning skills.

My reasoning skills tell me that the same "intelligence" agencies that told us that Saddam's evil WMD were a "slam dunk" better show some convincing evidence before I take them serious. "Just believe us" doesn't do it I'm afraid

Ya'll on the left are absolutely clueless and when folks the world over explain it, you just stick your fingers in your ears. ~sigh~

You people on the right, like those that say they have over a 200 IQ, don't get it. You think you know more than all the intelligence agencies in the federal government and some of the top private internet security firms in the country?
You still have not answered the question, what about the incompetency of the DNC and the Hildabeast?

Do you not understand how many people per year get hacked?
She lost… Get over It bed wetter
Do you not understand that there are MILLIONS, perhaps even billions, of hackers in the world and almost no possible way to trace them, much less tie them to anything or anyone?

Do you realize how dumb you sound? Please give me a list of your formal training in cybersecurity, and no, Google is not a degree despite what some people on this forum might think.
Ya'll on the left are absolutely clueless and when folks the world over explain it, you just stick your fingers in your ears. ~sigh~

You people on the right, like those that say they have over a 200 IQ, don't get it. You think you know more than all the intelligence agencies in the federal government and some of the top private internet security firms in the country?
You still have not answered the question, what about the incompetency of the DNC and the Hildabeast?

Do you not understand how many people per year get hacked?
She lost… Get over It bed wetter

I didn't vote for her, nor did I want her as President. What I wanted however were fair elections... and more than that, two candidates qualified to be President. So get over yourself asshole.
Ya'll on the left are absolutely clueless and when folks the world over explain it, you just stick your fingers in your ears. ~sigh~

You people on the right, like those that say they have over a 200 IQ, don't get it. You think you know more than all the intelligence agencies in the federal government and some of the top private internet security firms in the country?
You still have not answered the question, what about the incompetency of the DNC and the Hildabeast?

Do you not understand how many people per year get hacked?
She lost… Get over It bed wetter

I didn't vote for her, nor did I want her as President. What I wanted however were fair elections... and more than that, two candidates qualified to be President. So get over yourself asshole.
Conservative Republican: 45.95%
Conservative Libertarian: 3.28%
Conservative Independent (McMullin): 0.53%
Conservative Constitution: 0.15%

Conservative Total: 49.91%

Liberal Democrat: 48.04%
Liberal Green: 1.06%

Liberal Total: 49.10%
You people on the right, like those that say they have over a 200 IQ, don't get it. You think you know more than all the intelligence agencies in the federal government and some of the top private internet security firms in the country?
You still have not answered the question, what about the incompetency of the DNC and the Hildabeast?

Do you not understand how many people per year get hacked?
She lost… Get over It bed wetter

I didn't vote for her, nor did I want her as President. What I wanted however were fair elections... and more than that, two candidates qualified to be President. So get over yourself asshole.
Conservative Republican: 45.95%
Conservative Libertarian: 3.28%
Conservative Independent (McMullin): 0.53%
Conservative Constitution: 0.15%

Conservative Total: 49.91%

Liberal Democrat: 48.04%
Liberal Green: 1.06%

Liberal Total: 49.10%

I don't give two rats asses what you SAY you are. As long as you keep saying I'm a bed wetter that wanted Hillary to win despite what I've said the last few months here, you are a Trump supporter.
You still have not answered the question, what about the incompetency of the DNC and the Hildabeast?

Do you not understand how many people per year get hacked?
She lost… Get over It bed wetter

I didn't vote for her, nor did I want her as President. What I wanted however were fair elections... and more than that, two candidates qualified to be President. So get over yourself asshole.
Conservative Republican: 45.95%
Conservative Libertarian: 3.28%
Conservative Independent (McMullin): 0.53%
Conservative Constitution: 0.15%

Conservative Total: 49.91%

Liberal Democrat: 48.04%
Liberal Green: 1.06%

Liberal Total: 49.10%

I don't give two rats asses what you SAY you are. As long as you keep saying I'm a bed wetter that wanted Hillary to win despite what I've said the last few months here, you are a Trump supporter.
Progressive still can't answer the question, what should be done about the incompetency of the hildabeast and the DNC?
The unsecured emails that could've been hacked by 12-year-old obviously have a damaging affect, if Hildabeast had nothing to hide? Why did the hacked emails hurts her? The progressives just have to wallow in their own shit…:lmao:
Do you not understand how many people per year get hacked?
She lost… Get over It bed wetter

I didn't vote for her, nor did I want her as President. What I wanted however were fair elections... and more than that, two candidates qualified to be President. So get over yourself asshole.
Conservative Republican: 45.95%
Conservative Libertarian: 3.28%
Conservative Independent (McMullin): 0.53%
Conservative Constitution: 0.15%

Conservative Total: 49.91%

Liberal Democrat: 48.04%
Liberal Green: 1.06%

Liberal Total: 49.10%

I don't give two rats asses what you SAY you are. As long as you keep saying I'm a bed wetter that wanted Hillary to win despite what I've said the last few months here, you are a Trump supporter.
Skimming through the report (JAR_16-20296 | Computer Security), it appears that the attacks were based primarily on phishing, which (as I understand it) requires participation by targeted users.

The U.S. Government confirms that two different RIS actors participated in the intrusion into a U.S. political party. The first actor group, known as Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) 29, entered into the party’s systems in summer 2015, while the second, known as APT28, entered in spring 2016.

Both groups have historically targeted government organizations, think tanks, universities, and corporations around the world. APT29 has been observed crafting targeted spearphishing campaigns leveraging web links to a malicious dropper; once executed, the code delivers Remote Access Tools (RATs) and evades detection using a range of techniques.

The report keeps the names/organizations of the attacks vague, so it may be that GOP representatives were targeted as well, only unsuccessfully.

I don't see anything in there that infers that actual voting systems or procedures were targeted or touched, but I'll look a little more.

Also, I'm not an IT guy, but I don't know that phishing is the same thing as hacking.
Last edited:
She lost… Get over It bed wetter

I didn't vote for her, nor did I want her as President. What I wanted however were fair elections... and more than that, two candidates qualified to be President. So get over yourself asshole.
Conservative Republican: 45.95%
Conservative Libertarian: 3.28%
Conservative Independent (McMullin): 0.53%
Conservative Constitution: 0.15%

Conservative Total: 49.91%

Liberal Democrat: 48.04%
Liberal Green: 1.06%

Liberal Total: 49.10%

I don't give two rats asses what you SAY you are. As long as you keep saying I'm a bed wetter that wanted Hillary to win despite what I've said the last few months here, you are a Trump supporter.
Skimming through the report (JAR_16-20296 | Computer Security), it appears that the attacks were based primarily on phishing, which (as I understand it) requires participation by targeted users.

The U.S. Government confirms that two different RIS actors participated in the intrusion into a U.S. political party. The first actor group, known as Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) 29, entered into the party’s systems in summer 2015, while the second, known as APT28, entered in spring 2016.

Both groups have historically targeted government organizations, think tanks, universities, and corporations around the world. APT29 has been observed crafting targeted spearphishing campaigns leveraging web links to a malicious dropper; once executed, the code delivers Remote Access Tools (RATs) and evades detection using a range of techniques.

The report keeps the names/organizations of the attacks vague, so it may be that GOP representatives were targeted as well, only unsuccessfully.

I don't see anything in there that infers that actual voting systems or procedures were targeted or touched, but I'll look a little more.

Also, I'm not an IT guy, but I don't know that phishing is the same thing as hacking.
Showing why the DNC and Hildabeast were/are so incompetent, 12-year-old could've hacked their emails. And if their emails would not have had damaging information in them it would not of mattered.
The EC worked perfectly in the case of this election… Fact

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