Proof for the pro abortion crowd

You consider it dishonest because you would have to re-evaluate your thinking...your life..everything and then realize you have been lying to yourself, because "pro-life" isn't really about life at all.

It's about you forcing your way/opinion on to's about power. If it was really about life, you wouldn't want to kill any human life, regardless for what they have done.

The worst part is that you're equating a fertilized egg & sperm (majority of abortions are done within the first 3 months) with that of a fully developed human can't even tell the difference.

Lastly, none of you have been able to address what you propose to do with the baby AFTER IT'S BORN...why is that? Because you care more about getting your way then actually caring for a actual born being. Ironically, the same baby you 'saved' from abortion, could be sentenced to death row after leading a life of crime because there was no one to love or care for him.

It's never been about the baby or the fetus for you guys, it's always about exercising power and control over others.

it is so ironic that you condem people for this and yet for you it is all about control and power to be able to kill a fetus that has no power or control
Fine, but you know nothing about me and my pursuit(lack of) for power.

Sometimes people don't realize what really drives them to be so passionate about something, is power and control...and I'm not proposing that's true for you or anyone else, it's just a general observation.
it is so ironic that you condem people for this and yet for you it is all about control and power to be able to kill a fetus that has no power or control

LOLOL...actually that's pretty sad if that's what you got from it....but then again some people need to spin things in order for it to fit their agenda or when they are unable to make their argument with some substance.
Puddles said:
Why is having any kind of life (one of misery, abuse, torture, etc) more important or valuable than having a life of quality? Why is being born or being alive so important that it should triumph over happiness or quality?

Of course a life of misery and abuse is not more valuable than a life of quality. However, without life at all there is no chance for either to happen.

Who has told us life is so precious and valuable and that is a miracle? Religion? Our parents? Media? Who?

I don't think anybody needs to tell you that your life is precious to you. Or would it be OK if someone just dropped by today and killed you?

Do you think the millions living in poverty, where every day is a struggle to find food, water and shelter is a miracle and they should be lucky to be alive? If so,why? Why should they be lucky? In the grander scheme of things, what will they have accomplished?

Who are you to judge about the lives of others and decide who is lucky or not? You self-righteous liberals think you have the right to decide about the lives of others and whether they are important or not. Are you important? Have you accomplished anything worthwhile enough to allow you to keep on living? What if others didn't think so? Think about that. Somebody could just decide you weren't important enough and kill you. In America we believe in the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness even if we don't have much. Unfortunately not so for millions and millions of unborn babies with Roe v. Wade on the books.

I know many of you arguing this point also have a strong belief in god. So tell me, if god and heaven are so wonderful, why fear death so much? Or is it a fear of meeting your creator?

So you don't fear death? How about we off you today, since you're such a brave, death-defying liberal! :lol:

Also, how an embryo be hurt by being aborted when they never felt or knew about it in the first place? How can you claim to know what a bunch of cells and DNA feels? It makes absolute no sense.

Guess you've never heard about the "silent scream".

Sometimes people don't realize what really drives them to be so passionate about something, is power and control...and I'm not proposing that's true for you or anyone else, it's just a general observation.

Does this mean you are passionate about a woman's CHOICE because she (or her demanding boyfriend) would have the power and control over the life and death of a tiny helpless human being?

LOLOL...actually that's pretty sad if that's what you got from it....but then again some people need to spin things in order for it to fit their agenda or when they are unable to make their argument with some substance.

So why don't you quit your spinning and give us some real substantial answers. Like at exactly what point do you consider an embryo to be a human being worth saving and why. And do you think a fetus is human or not?
My "little rant" was not geared to you specifically. I used 'you' in general terms and I should've specified that in my post.

You might find my comparison dishonest, that is your choice but from my POV it isn't.

That's not the point. It doesn't matter if YOU think he deserves to die because he committed a crime. The point is that on one hand you pretend you value life (hence you're against abortion) but with the other you are ready to kill a human being (that is actually OUTSIDE THE WOMB)...that's hypocrisy at its worst.

It is very much the point. Valuing life, and a person willfully committing a crime worthy or forfeiture of life, regardless value, are two different things.

Of course that's ridiculous. Especially when I never suggested that. However, guns are intended and used for kill living beings, whether they be human or animals. Again, you don't value you life if you choose to kill or harm a living being for whatever reason and that's usually what bearing arms implies...that's just my opinion and you can disagree with it until the cows come home....I also don't want to go into this any further as it will derail the topic at hand.

You don't want to go into it any further because your argument stands on a foundation of sand. You're attempting to play literalist as it suits you with the word "life."

There are justifiable reasons to take life. Abortion, except as a medical necessity, is not one of them. Arbitrarily taking life for personal convenience is not justifiable.

I'm going to answer these together since I'm going to say the same thing. I know this line of thinking is not popular or common but just try for one moment if you can open your minds and think about life from a different perspective other than what's been taught to you.

Of course. Forget what is right while I tell you something otherwise.

Why is having any kind of life (one of misery, abuse, torture, etc) more important or valuable than having a life of quality? Why is being born or being alive so important that it should triumph over happiness or quality?

Who are YOU to decide what constitutes quality of life for others?

Who has told us life is so precious and valuable and that is a miracle? Religion? Our parents? Media? Who?

Nature. It is natural to fight to the end to defend life, regardless species. You of course would override natural instinct in your effort to devalue life. I would suggest that if was YOUR life on the line you would have a sudden change in thinking.

Do you think the millions living in poverty, where every day is a struggle to find food, water and shelter is a miracle and they should be lucky to be alive? If so,why? Why should they be lucky? In the grander scheme of things, what will they have accomplished?

Nah ... let's kill them all. It's better for 'em.:rolleyes:

If each fertilized egg and sperm were meant to live, there would be no miscarriages, no deaths during birth...heck people would live for ever if life was sooooo valuable as we have been fooled into believing.


I know many of you arguing this point also have a strong belief in god. So tell me, if god and heaven are so wonderful, why fear death so much? Or is it a fear of meeting your creator?

Sorry I know this is a huge tangent but I believe it all ties into why people are so strong-headed about their stance abortion.

Also, how an embryo be hurt by being aborted when they never felt or knew about it in the first place? How can you claim to know what a bunch of cells and DNA feels? It makes absolute no sense.

How can you claim to know what an unborn humn being feels? That works TWO ways, not just yours.

I find the premise of your argument ridiculous. Life has no value. :cuckoo:

Have you ever talked to poor people? I have, I lived near some very poor people living totally on the handouts the government gave them. They weren't suffering, they were actually some of the happiest people I have known. Of course they weren't destitute but they had no real income coming in and three generations were living in the same house.

An interesting experiment for you would be to go to some orphanages and foster homes and do a poll. Ask those kids if they wish that their mother had killed them, would that make them happier. Would their lives be better?
Ok I was right...most of you could not or did not want to understand what I was getting at. For your information, I wasn't saying that a life of misery or misfortune is not a valuable life or one worth living.
Ok I was right...most of you could not or did not want to understand what I was getting at. For your information, I wasn't saying that a life of misery or misfortune is not a valuable life or one worth living.

Ok I was right...most of you could not or did not want to understand what I was getting at. For your information, I wasn't saying that a life of misery or misfortune is not a valuable life or one worth living.
Gee, it seems that the majority here constantly misunderstands you. We must be a bunch of dummies! :eusa_wall:
ever happened to the argument of personal responsibility?

Here is a dumb suggestion. If you don't want to be having to make a decision about rather to have or to kill a baby, don't have unprotected sex!

Now I know this is a complicated answer that COMPLETELY settles the ENTIRE issue of abortion, but I tend to do that at times. I realize it is expecting an awful lot for Democrats to remember to have a condom handy when having sex. Yes I said democrats because basically Republicans do not have abortions.

Eliminate3 the problem at it's source.

Oh yeah the argument that it takes away from the moment to have to stop AND PUT ON A CONDOM. I know you want to act impulsively, sort of like the way lefties do everything, imppulse! Hmmmmmmmm!
101 USES FOR A DEAD (or live) BABY by Olga Fairfax, Ph.D . When I ...101 USES FOR A DEAD (or live) BABY by Olga Fairfax, Ph.D . When I saw the first ad on TV advertising collagen-enriched cosmetics I was speechless. ...

i searched cosmetic ads after reading this and sure enough i found products that said...contains fetal collagen

Where do you think the collagen comes from in the Jello that you eat? Babies of course ;)
ever happened to the argument of personal responsibility?

Here is a dumb suggestion. If you don't want to be having to make a decision about rather to have or to kill a baby, don't have unprotected sex!

Now I know this is a complicated answer that COMPLETELY settles the ENTIRE issue of abortion, but I tend to do that at times. I realize it is expecting an awful lot for Democrats to remember to have a condom handy when having sex. Yes I said democrats because basically Republicans do not have abortions.

Eliminate3 the problem at it's source.

Oh yeah the argument that it takes away from the moment to have to stop AND PUT ON A CONDOM. I know you want to act impulsively, sort of like the way lefties do everything, imppulse! Hmmmmmmmm!

Don't be silly.. Things "just happen", you know.. One should not be held responsible for "accidents", and should not be "forced to change their entire lives because of one **mistake**".. Sheesh. Where's the sympathy and understanding?

(pulls tongue out of cheek and wanders off)
Those photos are damning evidence to the murderous pro-abortionists out there.:(

Wheres the evidence? I didn't see any in the pictures. When the umbilical chord is cut and they start breathing oxygen, then they will be babies, not before.
Wheres the evidence? I didn't see any in the pictures. When the umbilical chord is cut and they start breathing oxygen, then they will be babies, not before.

Well for one thing neither poster said what they are evidence of. I guess they're evidence of abortions. Some may argue that they are evidence of abortionss grotesqueness, but I guess that depends on your definition of grotesque.

One thing i would like cleared up though is why you and other "pro-choicers" insist on making this black and white distinction between what constitutes a baby or not a baby (fetus, sack of cells, etc.). My opinion is that it's the only way pro-choicers can reationalize the hypocrisy that is "pro-choice".

For the pro-choice argument (I should get to choose what happens to my body) to work the baby/fetus/sack of cells can not be a person because their argument is that a person should get to choose what they want to do with their body. Logically then if the baby/fetus/sack of cells is a person and an abortion is preformed they have negated their own argument because they have deprived the baby/fetus/sack of cells of the ability to make a choice.

For me it is somewhat a question as to difference over time, meaning how different was that fresh out of the womb baby a minute ago when it was in the womb? Not very. Personally I don't know exactley where that line is where a bunch of cells becomes of conscious person. I am fairly certain however that this transformation is not an instantaneous one that occurs the momnent before the baby was out of the womb.
Wheres the evidence? I didn't see any in the pictures. When the umbilical chord is cut and they start breathing oxygen, then they will be babies, not before.

So if you are on life support then I can kill you and I won't be prosecuted for murder?

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