“Proof of Citizenship” Is “Voter Suppression” Says Biden’s Left-Wing Judicial Nominee

Works for me.

I don't think Cubans make good Americans at all. First of all, they all sit there fantasizing about the day when they can go back to Cuba when the communists are gone.

I remember Cubans burning American flags when Clinton sent Elian Gonzalez home.

Let me help you out, stupid.

America in the 1920s is famous for its consumerism, jazz, flappers and prosperity. However, not everybody benefited from this economic boom. More than 60 per cent of American lived below the poverty line, with people in the South suffering the most. Yet, America’s global economic power was unrivalled.

Remember, Hoover's 1928 slogan was "A car in every garage, a chicken in every pot." Things we take for granted now, but were actually considered luxuries.

Okay, let's look at that one... this is the Republican motto, that we need to just have everyone "grow" past the need for government assistance. Except the end result of Republican policies that everyone earns LESS.

Please note that the main economic goal of the GOP in the last 40 years has been to bust up Unions... How has that worked out for the middle class?

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Then you aren't asking the right people. We benefit from the labor of immigrants, as well as the culture and ideas they bring. They add to our music and our art, they serve in our armed forces, etc.
Works for you? You have posted numerous times Trump needs to be locked up, so which has he been convicted of? Murder, or rape?
You have no idea why I went on disability, but ignorant people always talk out of their ass due to stupidity. You think you know more than a team of doctors who in consensus determined that I could no longer work because of serious medical problems. No, OCD Joe knows more than anybody. Then you wonder why we want to have two countries to get away from your worthless asses? You're so fucken stupid you can't even participate in a blog the right way.
Guy, if you can get on here for hours a day complaining about welfare people, then you aren't crippled. You found that gaming a system was easier than working. Hey, man, more power to you. I'd never do that. I didn't even like the brief periods I found myself on unemployment when Republicans fucked up the economy (like they always do).

But what I've seen of you in the last few years... you give up more than the French Army. Your employer cancels your health insurance because it won't comply with the ACA (which meant it MUST have been shitty insurance), it never occurred to you apply for better paying jobs that have insurance. the DOT says you can't drive with your Malinger's Syndrome, it never occurs to you to learn to do something else. Your neighborhood goes to shit, it never occurs to you to move somewhere else.

Nope, just sit at home, and mutter about how awful your neighbors are.

More than likely Cigna didn't cover your surgery but you didn't have the intelligence to read the contract you had with them. They gave in apparently, but it's your fault they didn't want to cover you, not theirs. How do I know that? Every time you lie and we post links to prove you're a habitual liar you refuse to read them, and then repeat the same lies over and over again. You're ignorant and want to remain that way so nobody can disrupt that make believe world in your head.

I didn't have a contract with them, my employer did... that's the whole point of employer-based health care (which unlike you, I was able to get). I as a covered employee, had NO STANDING to appeal their arbitrary rulings. This

I don't read your links because they are right wing bullshit, and life's too short.
Lots of Dem idiots here, of course she got re-elected.
How's Jussie doing?

Um, fine, I guess. We spent hundreds of thousands of dollars convicting him of something that would rack up a $10K fine.

All that demonstrates is the stupidity of people and why all people should not be allowed to vote. When you see an elected official doing criminal things and elect them again, you're not too bright. we have the same problem over here.

Your DA got elected because the last guy looked at a film of a mentally unstable cop shooting a black child, and decided that was okay.
Our DA got elected because the last gal saw a mentally unstable cop shoot a black child 16 times and didn't indict him until there was a public outcry.

Yeah, you don't do your job as a DA, they will fire your ass.
We should only convict criminals when it will be profitable?

Okay, not that you are capable of having a rational debate.

His crime was making a false report to the police. Most of the time, this isn't prosecuted, and when it is, it usually only brings a fine of $3-10K.

The police investigated, found he was lying, he forfeited a $10K bail. He also lost his job on his show, hasn't worked as an actor since, and has become a national punch line. Most sensible people would say, "Well, he's been punished enough!"

But nope. He offended MAGA supporters, because after your Dear Leader called Nazis "very fine people" when they run people over, that actually seemed plausible they might engage in a racist/homophobic attack.

Now, in 2018, the CPD, which spent so many manhours proving that Jussie was a liar, liar pants on fire, only managed to solve 17% of homicides in Chicago.

Yes, prosecutorial discretion, what a silly idea.
Your DA got elected because the last guy looked at a film of a mentally unstable cop shooting a black child, and decided that was okay.
Our DA got elected because the last gal saw a mentally unstable cop shoot a black child 16 times and didn't indict him until there was a public outcry.

Yeah, you don't do your job as a DA, they will fire your ass.

Wrong because she tried to coverup what that moron did. She didn't prosecute and had the records sealed so nobody could go back and nail her on it. If I recall correctly, it was a judge that opened it back up.

On Monday, a 60-page report by special prosecutor Dan Webb was released saying Foxx and her top assistants repeatedly made procedural and ethical missteps and tried to mislead the public when they handled the case of “Empire” star Jussie Smollett, who falsely claimed he was a victim of a hate crime.

The report included such terms as “substantial abuse of discretion,” “breached its obligations of honesty” and “major failure of the operations of the [state’s attorney’s office].”​

Okay, not that you are capable of having a rational debate.

His crime was making a false report to the police. Most of the time, this isn't prosecuted, and when it is, it usually only brings a fine of $3-10K.

The police investigated, found he was lying, he forfeited a $10K bail. He also lost his job on his show, hasn't worked as an actor since, and has become a national punch line. Most sensible people would say, "Well, he's been punished enough!"

But nope. He offended MAGA supporters, because after your Dear Leader called Nazis "very fine people" when they run people over, that actually seemed plausible they might engage in a racist/homophobic attack.

Now, in 2018, the CPD, which spent so many manhours proving that Jussie was a liar, liar pants on fire, only managed to solve 17% of homicides in Chicago.

Yes, prosecutorial discretion, what a silly idea.

His crime was making a false report to the police. Most of the time, this isn't prosecuted, and when it is, it usually only brings a fine of $3-10K.

Usually, a false report doesn't result in over $130,000 in overtime expenses.

But nope.

When you fuck up a case so badly that a Cook County judge has to appoint a special prosecutor.

Now, in 2018, the CPD, which spent so many manhours proving that Jussie was a liar, liar pants on fire, only managed to solve 17% of homicides in Chicago.

Don't forget the manhours they spent looking for Maga supporters who watch Empire and carry a noose and bleach looking for black homo actors in -20 degree weather.
Wrong because she tried to coverup what that moron did. She didn't prosecute and had the records sealed so nobody could go back and nail her on it. If I recall correctly, it was a judge that opened it back up.

On Monday, a 60-page report by special prosecutor Dan Webb was released saying Foxx and her top assistants repeatedly made procedural and ethical missteps and tried to mislead the public when they handled the case of “Empire” star Jussie Smollett, who falsely claimed he was a victim of a hate crime.

The report included such terms as “substantial abuse of discretion,” “breached its obligations of honesty” and “major failure of the operations of the [state’s attorney’s office].”​

And...um, so what? She decided a prank wasn't worth her office pissing away more resources. Prosecutors have to make these judgement calls all the time.

The report also stated that Foxx didn't do anything illegal.... it was her discretion to start with.

Usually, a false report doesn't result in over $130,000 in overtime expenses.

Which they ONLY spent because he was a celebrity. If this had been an ordinary gay black dude, they'd have filed it under "I don't give a shit".

When you fuck up a case so badly that a Cook County judge has to appoint a special prosecutor.

Who says she fucked it up. My opinion, what was fucked up was dragging a case about a PRANK out for two years.
Nobody got hurt, except for Smollett

I remember a case where Morton Downey, Jr. faked a hate crime by drawing a swastika on his forehead (and drew it on backwards). Guess what. No one charged him with a crime, no one needed a special prosecutor. We all just had a big laugh at his expense before we sent him off to well-deserved obscurity.
I remember a case where Morton Downey, Jr. faked a hate crime by drawing a swastika on his forehead (and drew it on backwards). Guess what. No one charged him with a crime, no one needed a special prosecutor. We all just had a big laugh at his expense before we sent him off to well-deserved obscurity.

That was at an airport and he ran to security there--not the police. They didn't spend hundreds of hours of investigation and manpower. They laughed at him and he walked away embarrassed.

You and your apples and oranges comparisons.
And...um, so what? She decided a prank wasn't worth her office pissing away more resources. Prosecutors have to make these judgement calls all the time.

The report also stated that Foxx didn't do anything illegal.... it was her discretion to start with.

Which they ONLY spent because he was a celebrity. If this had been an ordinary gay black dude, they'd have filed it under "I don't give a shit".

Who says she fucked it up. My opinion, what was fucked up was dragging a case about a PRANK out for two years.
Nobody got hurt, except for Smollett

I remember a case where Morton Downey, Jr. faked a hate crime by drawing a swastika on his forehead (and drew it on backwards). Guess what. No one charged him with a crime, no one needed a special prosecutor. We all just had a big laugh at his expense before we sent him off to well-deserved obscurity.

Which they ONLY spent because he was a celebrity.

Well, Kamala Harris said it was a lynching, how could they not investigate?

Who says she fucked it up.

The Cook County judge who appointed a special prosecutor.
The special prosecutor. The jury. Intelligent people.

Nobody got hurt, except for Smollett

Was it mutual combat?
That was at an airport and he ran to security there--not the police. They didn't spend hundreds of hours of investigation and manpower. They laughed at him and he walked away embarrassed.

You and your apples and oranges comparisons.

Oh, right, because Airports are such low security areas...
12 mutants who couldn't get out of jury duty? Meh. This entire thing was a farce, by a bunch of butt-hurt white people.
Your hero staged an attack, lied to police, wasted $130,000 tax dollars, then lied under oath about it.

He is a POS who got what he deserved. You want to give him a pass because he is black and lets guys bounce their nuts off his chin in Chicago bath houses.
12 mutants who couldn't get out of jury duty? Meh. This entire thing was a farce, by a bunch of butt-hurt white people.

This entire thing was a farce

It was a farce......by the unemployed, gay, black "actor".

by a bunch of butt-hurt white people.

12 mutants who couldn't get out of jury duty? Meh. This entire thing was a farce, by a bunch of butt-hurt white people.

What does security level have to do with it?

The reason it got so much attention is because the lie was launched by a black half-sissy. If you want to attach race to this so badly, if it were a straight white guy, they would have filled out a complaint form and that would have been the end of it. But hey, a queer black guy gets all this attention from your police department and now you're complaining because he made it all up and people are pissed about it. Then your BLACK prosecutor tried to cover it up as well.
The fact that Joe Biden said that requiring Voter ID is even in the same realm as "Jim Crow", much less being "Jim Crow 2.0" should clue everyone in on how much gaslighting and exaggeration these Democrats are doing on race.

Probably 75% of the nation believes you need to ID yourself to say who you are.

Joe Biden and the Democrats are out to lunch on this one, and even though they have the privilege of media coverage to support their stances as mainstream, the people aren't buying it I don't think.

Just imagine if Conservativism had the media force that Democrats have. No Democrat would ever win... ever.
Ol' Joe blaming voter ID on racism is the unspoken/unpopular Democrat platform devised for cheating. Joe gave it away that's why a lot of those lefties are distancing themselves from him today. Like Obama once said, never underestimate how Biden can fuck anything up. (Or something like that)
Your hero staged an attack, lied to police, wasted $130,000 tax dollars, then lied under oath about it.

He is a POS who got what he deserved. You want to give him a pass because he is black and lets guys bounce their nuts off his chin in Chicago bath houses.

Naw, I just think he was punished enough by the public humiliation.

Here's the thing. After three years of Trump and Pence promoting racism and homophobia, the notion of a couple of MAGAts beating up a gay actor probably did sound plausible. Probably because when you have a president who calls Nazis "very fine people", you have created a very hostile atmosphere.

What does security level have to do with it?

The reason it got so much attention is because the lie was launched by a black half-sissy. If you want to attach race to this so badly, if it were a straight white guy, they would have filled out a complaint form and that would have been the end of it. But hey, a queer black guy gets all this attention from your police department and now you're complaining because he made it all up and people are pissed about it. Then your BLACK prosecutor tried to cover it up as well.

I knew a black gay guy who got beaten up by three fag-bashers... the police never bothered to look for them, either. The only reason why the police investigated this at all was because it was a celebrity involved...

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