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Proof of that there is one God

The teachers aren't allowed to hit students, only cowards do that. Both my children did fine at school without being beaten. We live in a civilized society, you know, like with toilet paper and toothbrushes.

good luck with your children, i hope they be good people in the future.

but it seems not all americans are civilized like you:

Nineteen States Allow Teachers to Spank Children Smart News Smithsonian
So you admit that people who hit women and children aren't civilized?

Anyways, in most of Islam, the girls aren't even allowed to go to school. You one of those? Or you just beat them?

Devout muslims cares well for their children, wives, sisters, brothers and parents. Islam has a system of rights for every family member. you can admire any theory. but the Islamic regulations works very well in practice.

I don't support any wrong behaviors or excessive-violence between family members, those who do such things are blamed on behalf of themselves.

devout muslims don't drink wine, take care of their parents, grow their children up and learn them islamic ethics and educate them in the best way they can. devout muslim women are bashful, cares for their children and husbands and parents.

if you think that the bad action of excess violence with wives is in middle east only, you are wrong. just search in youtube or google to find how many western women are beaten in a wild unhuman way.

not all people in the middle east are devout muslims, in the same manner as not all americans are devout christians. if you are really interested in understanding islam you should try to have some direct experience of devout muslim families.
So the koran tells you to kill infidels, how many have you personally killed? And do you beat your wife like, every day? Once a week?
And if I hang around with devout muslims, will we all use the same bar of soap to wipe our ass? Or do you cheat and use toilet paper? Also, will I have to kiss carpets 5 times a day? And how do you get the carpets to fly? I've always wanted to do that.
None is actual proof of a deity or deities. All religion is nonsense.
As for your religion, if it were the religion of a true deity, you wouldn't have been instructed to use al taqiyya to protect the religion. A deity if one existed, is all-knowing, all-powerful and cannot lose. A being that absolutely cannot lose, doesn't need you to lie to protect it. Now, for another being, let's say satan for example, he can indeed lose and would want his followers to lie to protect his teachings. And, as I recall, Muhammad, when asked by his followers why he lied and renounced his belief to save his life, said that satan told him to lie.
The only reason Muhammad gathered so many followers is because he said you could subjugate women, have multiple wives, divorce them easily by repeating, "I divorce you," three times, womens testimony is worth half that of a mans, the wives can't say no to sex, you can have sex with infidel women, against their will when captured, if you rape a woman, she needs four male witnesses to claim she was raped, but she is punished if she doesn't have the witnesses, women inherit half what the male sibling inherits....and let's not forget that barbaric violence against non-believers if they don't convert to Islam, is not just acceptable, but told it's a Muslims duty. Men love dominating women, sex and when the testosterone gets going, also like a good fight, especially when they are told they will get hordes of virgins in an afterlife, should they die killing infidels.
All organized religions are bogus, but yours is the most violent and abhorrent in existence today.
None is actual proof of a deity or deities. All religion is nonsense.
As for your religion, if it were the religion of a true deity, you wouldn't have been instructed to use al taqiyya to protect the religion. A deity if one existed, is all-knowing, all-powerful and cannot lose. A being that absolutely cannot lose, doesn't need you to lie to protect it. Now, for another being, let's say satan for example, he can indeed lose and would want his followers to lie to protect his teachings. And, as I recall, Muhammad, when asked by his followers why he lied and renounced his belief to save his life, said that satan told him to lie.
The only reason Muhammad gathered so many followers is because he said you could subjugate women, have multiple wives, divorce them easily by repeating, "I divorce you," three times, womens testimony is worth half that of a mans, the wives can't say no to sex, you can have sex with infidel women, against their will when captured, if you rape a woman, she needs four male witnesses to claim she was raped, but she is punished if she doesn't have the witnesses, women inherit half what the male sibling inherits....and let's not forget that barbaric violence against non-believers if they don't convert to Islam, is not just acceptable, but told it's a Muslims duty. Men love dominating women, sex and when the testosterone gets going, also like a good fight, especially when they are told they will get hordes of virgins in an afterlife, should they die killing infidels.
All organized religions are bogus, but yours is the most violent and abhorrent in existence today.

although i realize that it is no-use to debate with a non-believer about Islam, i find it important to highlight some of the lies/inaccuracies in your comment.

1) we don't use taqqiya, a true muslim is a honest one. taqqiya is a bad tradition of shia with no roots in quran or sunnah.
2) this story (And, as I recall, Muhammad, when asked by his followers why he lied and renounced his belief to save his life, said that satan told him to lie) is simply not true. why you lie man?

3) I didn't lie, and I need not lie.

4) the rest simply indicates your ignorance/bias/incomplete information about islam.

if any one is really interested in knowing about Islam, here is two good sites


SULTAN ISLAMIC LINKS Discover Islam Muslim people Holy Quran and Islamic Religion

by the way, Islam is the right and the most just and merciful ideology. but those who don't believe in God won't understand this.
If you have the wrong beliefs, you will use the wrong criteria and do the wrong actions.
None is actual proof of a deity or deities. All religion is nonsense.
As for your religion, if it were the religion of a true deity, you wouldn't have been instructed to use al taqiyya to protect the religion. A deity if one existed, is all-knowing, all-powerful and cannot lose. A being that absolutely cannot lose, doesn't need you to lie to protect it. Now, for another being, let's say satan for example, he can indeed lose and would want his followers to lie to protect his teachings. And, as I recall, Muhammad, when asked by his followers why he lied and renounced his belief to save his life, said that satan told him to lie.
The only reason Muhammad gathered so many followers is because he said you could subjugate women, have multiple wives, divorce them easily by repeating, "I divorce you," three times, womens testimony is worth half that of a mans, the wives can't say no to sex, you can have sex with infidel women, against their will when captured, if you rape a woman, she needs four male witnesses to claim she was raped, but she is punished if she doesn't have the witnesses, women inherit half what the male sibling inherits....and let's not forget that barbaric violence against non-believers if they don't convert to Islam, is not just acceptable, but told it's a Muslims duty. Men love dominating women, sex and when the testosterone gets going, also like a good fight, especially when they are told they will get hordes of virgins in an afterlife, should they die killing infidels.
All organized religions are bogus, but yours is the most violent and abhorrent in existence today.

although i realize that it is no-use to debate with a non-believer about Islam, i find it important to highlight some of the lies/inaccuracies in your comment.

1) we don't use taqqiya, a true muslim is a honest one. taqqiya is a bad tradition of shia with no roots in quran or sunnah.
2) this story (And, as I recall, Muhammad, when asked by his followers why he lied and renounced his belief to save his life, said that satan told him to lie) is simply not true. why you lie man?

3) I didn't lie, and I need not lie.

4) the rest simply indicates your ignorance/bias/incomplete information about islam.

if any one is really interested in knowing about Islam, here is two good sites


SULTAN ISLAMIC LINKS Discover Islam Muslim people Holy Quran and Islamic Religion

by the way, Islam is the right and the most just and merciful ideology. but those who don't believe in God won't understand this.
If you have the wrong beliefs, you will use the wrong criteria and do the wrong actions.

Sorry, Mohamed, but you're on the wrong side of history with your false claims about Islamist ideology being just and merciful.

Islamic doctrine entails the striving in the way of muhammud and allah's religion, incorporating an armed and violent conflict against the infidel so as to establish muhammud and Allah's religion everywhere, as well as a spiritual conflict, within ones self—is a holy, central and an obligatory duty in Islamic doctrine. The core precept of Islamic dogma is to make muhammud and Allah's religion reign supreme over all men, and the fact is, that just won't happen peacefully. The manifestation of this doctrine is exhibited in the Moslem revulsion of the infidel and the apostate. It's why we see the blatant double standards that so define Islam; the demands for exclusive rights and privileges with the attendant refusal to extend the same rights and privileges to the hated infidel. It's why we see playwrights killed in the streets of their homeland, Churches burned, Dhimmi's subjected to limited rights and the other atrocities that are endured by the reviled infidel in Muslim Lands™.
Muslims pride themselves in the fact that they don't have to answer the question "why didn't you believe in the prophet Mohamed and his teachings."

My question to you. When you face God and he asks you "Why did you believe the prophet Mohamed and his teachings" What will you answer? If Mohamed is supposedly second in command to God how is it he took orders from an angel?

1) Allah is the only God. All other beings including angels and humans and jinns are slaves of allah. This includes all prophets and messengers.

2) The Messenger Mohamed (peace upon him) is a slave of allah and is a human like any other human. But allah chose him to inform humans with Allah's orders to them.

3) angels are neither male neither female. they have no such property.

4) There's evidence for that Mohamed (peace be upon him) is Allah's messenger, I may talk about this later. This discussion is about the fact that Allah is the only one God.

5) I shall ask you why you believe that there are 3? what is your evidence or proof? or just you depend on the bible?

Being a slave for eternity? What a dismal existence. But your description of Allah is rather spot on for what the "god" of this world (Satan) has to offer, and that is bondage and slavery to sin. He offers only fleeting lustful pleasures such as 72 virgins which are only an illusion at best.

For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.
(Romans 8:24-25 KJV)

The only one true God, YHWH has so much more to offer you. His promises for you are not mere earthly pleasures or treasures which can corrupt away but rather are incorruptible and life transforming. His desire for you is to be restored as a son and to receive your inheritance as his son. YHWH gave his only begotten Son to be beaten, scourged, mocked, spat on, rejected, and to take upon himself every sin, sickness and judgement so that you might be free from sin (not in bondage to it), shameless, guiltless, and be called his son once again. In the eternal house of one true living God we are joint heirs with Christ. In order to be saved you must accept that you are a sinner, that you cannot earn salvation on your own, and that through YASHUA (whose name means salvation and wholeness) and YASHUA alone you are saved.

As for Mohamed the "prophet", by your very own definition that "Mohamed ... is a slave of allah and is a human like any other human" there is no reason why he should be treated more special than any other muslim. The problem is, he is. Therefore, if he was only a messenger, why was the angel not used as a messenger instead. Why did the angel have to tell Mohamed what to say and how does this make Mohamed more special than any other muslim?

Anyone can admire any theoretical ideas that seems appealing to him, some people may think they can sleep at their homes and the money will fall from the sky.
unfortunately, although this idea seems appealing, This doesn't work in practice. so you should be concerned with finding out facts not by formulating facts in the way appealing for you.

all of us are slaves for allah, irrespective of your opinion about this.

your objection about the Messenger be a human is very old in fact. The unbelievers asked the Messenger this question from 1400 years.

(وَقَالُوا لَنْ نُؤْمِنَ لَكَ حَتَّى تَفْجُرَ لَنَا مِنَ الْأَرْضِ يَنْبُوعًا (90) أَوْ تَكُونَ لَكَ جَنَّةٌ مِنْ نَخِيلٍ وَعِنَبٍ فَتُفَجِّرَ الْأَنْهَارَ خِلَالَهَا تَفْجِيرًا (91) أَوْ تُسْقِطَ السَّمَاءَ كَمَا زَعَمْتَ عَلَيْنَا كِسَفًا أَوْ تَأْتِيَ بِاللَّهِ وَالْمَلَائِكَةِ قَبِيلًا (92) أَوْ يَكُونَ لَكَ بَيْتٌ مِنْ زُخْرُفٍ أَوْ تَرْقَى فِي السَّمَاءِ وَلَنْ نُؤْمِنَ لِرُقِيِّكَ حَتَّى تُنَزِّلَ عَلَيْنَا كِتَابًا نَقْرَؤُهُ قُلْ سُبْحَانَ رَبِّي هَلْ كُنْتُ إِلَّا بَشَرًا رَسُولًا (93) وَمَا مَنَعَ النَّاسَ أَنْ يُؤْمِنُوا إِذْ جَاءَهُمُ الْهُدَى إِلَّا أَنْ قَالُوا أَبَعَثَ اللَّهُ بَشَرًا رَسُولًا (94) قُلْ لَوْ كَانَ فِي الْأَرْضِ مَلَائِكَةٌ يَمْشُونَ مُطْمَئِنِّينَ لَنَزَّلْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ مَلَكًا رَسُولًا (95)
sura israa

(And they say, "We will not believe you until you break open for us from the ground a spring.
Or you have a garden of palm tress and grapes and make rivers gush forth within them in force
Or you make the heaven fall upon us in fragments as you have claimed or you bring Allah and the angels before [us]
Or you have a house of gold or you ascend into the sky. And [even then], we will not believe in your ascension until you bring down to us a book we may read." Say, "Exalted is my Lord! Was I ever but a human messenger?"
And what prevented the people from believing when guidance came to them except that they said, "Has Allah sent a human messenger?"
Say, "If there were upon the earth angels walking securely, We would have sent down to them from the heaven an angel [as a] messenger."

by the way can you explain to me the status of moses and other prophets? were they angles or humans?

I agree that all of us being born in Adam are born into sin and are thereby slaves unto sin and the god of this world (aka Satan/Allah). And remain so, until...... we become born again! Then we are free in Christ. Not free to sin, but free from the power of sin.:eusa_dance:

In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
(2 Corinthians 4:4 KJV)

Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. (35) And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever. (36) If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. (37) I know that ye are Abraham's seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you. (38) I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father. (39) They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham. (40) But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham. (41) Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God. (42) Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. (43) Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. (44) Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. (45) And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. (46) Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me? (47) He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God. (John 8:34-47 KJV)

Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise. But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now. Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman. So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free.
(Galatians 4:28-31 KJV)

As to your question about Moshe; he was a human just like you and I. When I talk to you about Moshe or Elisha or Jeremiah or Ezekiel or any other prophet, I don't have to say "peace be upon them" because they are not any more special that you or I. God is no respecter of persons.
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The fact that there is God and that he is only one is obvious and simply proved, it is independent of any religion.

we should first consider three points:

1) The universe is constrained by fixed laws, all beings dead or alive are constrained by these law.

2) The world is very complicated and well designed system, it should be designed by alive and capable entity.

3) The complicated systems in this world sustain to work, even with the many sources of degradation and randomness.

these three points leads directly to the conclusion that the world is created, supervised and constrained by an alive entity which shouldn't be constrained by any physical laws (otherwise it is part of the world not the creator of it).

why this entity should be unique?

assume it is not unique, and there is many entities that are unconstrained by any physical laws.

it is either one of them is more (stronger) than the others that means those others have constraints put on them by the stronger entity..... but this means they are not really unconstrained entities, they are like any other living being that are constrained.

or no one of them is more stronger than the others so every one of them is constrained by the others, but this means none of them are unconstrained.

in the two cases (or any other cases you can think of) there is a contradiction with the assumption that they are unconstrained.

so there is only one entity....... The God ..... Allah.

Allah is not constrained by any physical law, he is the creator, supervisor of all world including earth, skies, galaxies and every thing. The laws that govern this world is imposed by God.

Before the Abraham God, who first came up with the concept of god? It was like 150,000 years ago. Why isn't that religion that was started 150.000 years ago still the religion we follow today? God must have come talk to them right? Or, is it possible they made him up sitting around a camp fire after grampa died? Don't worry kids, he's in heaven and one day we will join him.

That first religion and all the others that came and went up until the Jewish one that spawned Christians and Muslims. What does the Old Testament say about those previous religions?

How come you guys can look at the Greek God stories and see with your own eyes how wild and imaginative the human mind can be and you can't understand that we made up god. Back then people really believed Zeus or Athena existed.

And it isn't like the Abraham religions are any more believable. Virgin births for example. Come on.
None is actual proof of a deity or deities. All religion is nonsense.
As for your religion, if it were the religion of a true deity, you wouldn't have been instructed to use al taqiyya to protect the religion. A deity if one existed, is all-knowing, all-powerful and cannot lose. A being that absolutely cannot lose, doesn't need you to lie to protect it. Now, for another being, let's say satan for example, he can indeed lose and would want his followers to lie to protect his teachings. And, as I recall, Muhammad, when asked by his followers why he lied and renounced his belief to save his life, said that satan told him to lie.
The only reason Muhammad gathered so many followers is because he said you could subjugate women, have multiple wives, divorce them easily by repeating, "I divorce you," three times, womens testimony is worth half that of a mans, the wives can't say no to sex, you can have sex with infidel women, against their will when captured, if you rape a woman, she needs four male witnesses to claim she was raped, but she is punished if she doesn't have the witnesses, women inherit half what the male sibling inherits....and let's not forget that barbaric violence against non-believers if they don't convert to Islam, is not just acceptable, but told it's a Muslims duty. Men love dominating women, sex and when the testosterone gets going, also like a good fight, especially when they are told they will get hordes of virgins in an afterlife, should they die killing infidels.
All organized religions are bogus, but yours is the most violent and abhorrent in existence today.

although i realize that it is no-use to debate with a non-believer about Islam, i find it important to highlight some of the lies/inaccuracies in your comment.

1) we don't use taqqiya, a true muslim is a honest one. taqqiya is a bad tradition of shia with no roots in quran or sunnah.
2) this story (And, as I recall, Muhammad, when asked by his followers why he lied and renounced his belief to save his life, said that satan told him to lie) is simply not true. why you lie man?

3) I didn't lie, and I need not lie.

4) the rest simply indicates your ignorance/bias/incomplete information about islam.

if any one is really interested in knowing about Islam, here is two good sites


SULTAN ISLAMIC LINKS Discover Islam Muslim people Holy Quran and Islamic Religion

by the way, Islam is the right and the most just and merciful ideology. but those who don't believe in God won't understand this.
If you have the wrong beliefs, you will use the wrong criteria and do the wrong actions.

Sorry, Mohamed, but you're on the wrong side of history with your false claims about Islamist ideology being just and merciful.

Islamic doctrine entails the striving in the way of muhammud and allah's religion, incorporating an armed and violent conflict against the infidel so as to establish muhammud and Allah's religion everywhere, as well as a spiritual conflict, within ones self—is a holy, central and an obligatory duty in Islamic doctrine. The core precept of Islamic dogma is to make muhammud and Allah's religion reign supreme over all men, and the fact is, that just won't happen peacefully. The manifestation of this doctrine is exhibited in the Moslem revulsion of the infidel and the apostate. It's why we see the blatant double standards that so define Islam; the demands for exclusive rights and privileges with the attendant refusal to extend the same rights and privileges to the hated infidel. It's why we see playwrights killed in the streets of their homeland, Churches burned, Dhimmi's subjected to limited rights and the other atrocities that are endured by the reviled infidel in Muslim Lands™.

Christians weren't much better not too long ago. They waged war with non believers. Hell, we just did it to Iraq. Would we have done that to another christian nation? How many died in the Iraq war?

But it is true Islam is about 200 years behind us. Just like Christians use to use the bible and quote it for why we have to go to war, and we stopped doing that, maybe the Islam will too. You can already see how Muslim Americans aren't trying to convert anyone. They just want to live in piece just like everyone else.

Just like I don't like radical southern preachers, I don't like anything about radical muslims in the middle east.

We need to stop letting them into the USA. Did you see they caught that one guy recently?

Federal prosecutors U.S. terror suspect recruited for ISIS

He was a nationalized citizen. We need to round these guys up and ship them back to where they came from and stop letting new ones in.
No one can say they agree with every word in the bible old or new testament. So I'm sure Muslim Americans don't secretly want to kill us or convert the US to islam. I'm sure they would love to just like Christians would love to convert Muslims to Christianity but they aren't plotting to kill us. They will assimilate and eventually their religion will change/modify to adapt to modern society. If it doesn't it will become extinct because people don't follow what they don't believe. Its why today Christians finally admit that the Adam & Noah stories are just allegories. But wait???

Now, if the book of Genesis is an allegory, then sin is an allegory, the Fall is an allegory and the need for a Savior is an allegory – but if we are all descendants of an allegory, where does that leave us? It destroys the foundation of all Christian doctrine—it destroys the foundation of the gospel.” - Ken Ham

although i realize that it is no-use to debate with a non-believer about Islam, i find it important to highlight some of the lies/inaccuracies in your comment.

***** debate does not exist in Islamic ideology-----the disgusting
Koran is considered the ONE AND WHOLE TRUTH by law

1) we don't use taqqiya, a true muslim is a honest one. taqqiya is a bad tradition of shia with no roots in quran or sunnah.

A "true muslim" does or says anything in order to advance the
cause of islam including tying a bomb to his own
daughter's ass. Taqqiya refers to lying "i am not a shia"
so that a sunni will not slit one's throat. It is an interesting
idea which was actually adopted by MAIMONIDES who advocated
faking a conversion to the filth of islam (which he did in his
lifetime---in Fez with a knife at his throat) in order to save ones
life. It was the writings of Maimonides on this subject that
created the custom for jews in both Christian and muslim lands
in Medieval times
Recent reports from the filthy caliphate land----include some
"taqqiya" actions by Christians in order to save their throats----
We should be saving those victims from the filth

if any one is really interested in knowing about Islam, here is two good sites


SULTAN ISLAMIC LINKS Discover Islam Muslim people Holy Quran and Islamic Religion

the above a silly propaganda

by the way, Islam is the right and the most just and merciful ideology. but those who don't believe in God won't understand this.
If you have the wrong beliefs, you will use the wrong criteria and do the wrong actions.

the above translates to-----"muslims say islam is the one
"truth" and anyone who denies their "fact" should die.
Some time ago (like 20 years) there was a televised
interview with an Iranian female politician who explained
why SALMAN RUSHDIE (india born, england citizen---
muslim parents) should be killed. The idiot chick---
'explained' ""denying the 'truth' is the worst crime----
salman denied the ABSOLUTE TRUTH OF THE KORAN"'
<<<< that crap IS ISLAM)

the reporter who interviewed the niqabi slut------did not have a chance in
that "debate" nor did people have a chance in "DEBATE"
with the GRAND INQUISITOR-----centuries ago
The fact that there is God and that he is only one is obvious and simply proved, it is independent of any religion.

we should first consider three points:

1) The universe is constrained by fixed laws, all beings dead or alive are constrained by these law.

2) The world is very complicated and well designed system, it should be designed by alive and capable entity.

3) The complicated systems in this world sustain to work, even with the many sources of degradation and randomness.

these three points leads directly to the conclusion that the world is created, supervised and constrained by an alive entity which shouldn't be constrained by any physical laws (otherwise it is part of the world not the creator of it).

why this entity should be unique?

assume it is not unique, and there is many entities that are unconstrained by any physical laws.

it is either one of them is more (stronger) than the others that means those others have constraints put on them by the stronger entity..... but this means they are not really unconstrained entities, they are like any other living being that are constrained.

or no one of them is more stronger than the others so every one of them is constrained by the others, but this means none of them are unconstrained.

in the two cases (or any other cases you can think of) there is a contradiction with the assumption that they are unconstrained.

so there is only one entity....... The God ..... Allah.

Allah is not constrained by any physical law, he is the creator, supervisor of all world including earth, skies, galaxies and every thing. The laws that govern this world is imposed by God.

Two observations:

1. The argument from infinite regression of origin is superior to the argument from design because it demonstrates that the conclusion that God must be is predicated on reason and that atheism is an inherently irrational assertion: Prufrock s Cave.

2. Your understanding of the Trinity is all wrong. There is but one God consisting of three Persons. God is a triune Being of one accord. There's no contradiction or dynamic of constraint in the unadulterated, unanimous agreement in God's being, and the mathematical expression of the Trinity is not 1 + 1 + 1 = 3. Rather it is:

Let G = God. Let F = Father. Let S = Son. Let H = Holy Spirit.

FG. SG. HG. Hence, G = {F, S, H}.

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a pituitary hormone-----which stimulates the maturation of
Ova------and is remarkably cyclic------it mediates the menstrual cycle---
PS------that cycle is ------no fun-----the pain on the first day is enough
to stimulate a "CURSE THE CREATOR" response
The fact that there is God and that he is only one is obvious and simply proved, it is independent of any religion.

we should first consider three points:

1) The universe is constrained by fixed laws, all beings dead or alive are constrained by these law.

2) The world is very complicated and well designed system, it should be designed by alive and capable entity.

3) The complicated systems in this world sustain to work, even with the many sources of degradation and randomness.

these three points leads directly to the conclusion that the world is created, supervised and constrained by an alive entity which shouldn't be constrained by any physical laws (otherwise it is part of the world not the creator of it).

why this entity should be unique?

assume it is not unique, and there is many entities that are unconstrained by any physical laws.

it is either one of them is more (stronger) than the others that means those others have constraints put on them by the stronger entity..... but this means they are not really unconstrained entities, they are like any other living being that are constrained.

or no one of them is more stronger than the others so every one of them is constrained by the others, but this means none of them are unconstrained.

in the two cases (or any other cases you can think of) there is a contradiction with the assumption that they are unconstrained.

so there is only one entity....... The God ..... Allah.

Allah is not constrained by any physical law, he is the creator, supervisor of all world including earth, skies, galaxies and every thing. The laws that govern this world is imposed by God.

All religions say their god is the only god.

Its basically nothing more than saying "my god can beat up your god".

You're welcome to believe whatever you want but there really is no proof of the existence of any god at all.

Deal with it.
It is not true that all religions claim that their god is the only god.

In fact, the main religions that do that fall under the name of either Islam or Christianity.
It is not true that all religions claim that their god is the only god.

In fact, the main religions that do that fall under the name of either Islam or Christianity.

I actually believe in all gods. I just haven't yet met one worthy of my worship.
It is not true that all religions claim that their god is the only god.

In fact, the main religions that do that fall under the name of either Islam or Christianity.

nah: there are many gods, but only one God.

Islam isn't a religion, it's a club for pedophiles and other people who like to wipe their ass with their hand.

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