Proof that Bush backers don't know the enemy from a hole in the ground

When was America viewed as the "guys wearing the white hats"? Was there a campaign at that time to portray Americans as "good guys" or were we really just plain great folks ?

the latter. There was a time, not too long ago, when we were perceived by the majority of the planet as really great folks. Vietnam started to change that perception. Iraq has flushed it down the toilet.(along with a half a trillion dolors, 30K dead and wounded Americans, and hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis)
the latter. There was a time, not too long ago, when we were perceived by the majority of the planet as really great folks. Vietnam started to change that perception. Iraq has flushed it down the toilet.(along with a half a trillion dolors, 30K dead and wounded Americans, and hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis)

Ok, since 1959 we have NOT been viewed at the White hats, funny thing, I remember the same from WWI, of course not first hand. :eusa_angel:
Ok, since 1959 we have NOT been viewed at the White hats, funny thing, I remember the same from WWI, of course not first hand. :eusa_angel:

I keep looking for that list of countries with white hats and I'll be damned if I can find one. :(
I keep looking for that list of countries with white hats and I'll be damned if I can find one. :(

Hey, if you wish to believe that America has never held the moral high ground...if you wish to believe that France sent us the statue of liberty on a whim, if you wish to believer that we did not send the meat of an entire generation to Europe and the pacific to literally save the world, why should I give a shit about disabusing you of that perception?

We certainly are not viewed that way now, so I guess the historical framework really doesn't matter all that fucking much.
Not to mention the fact that nobody besides a sovereign nation can even declare war in the first place.

(And yes, for you smartasses out there: the Confederacy did manage to set itself up as a sovereign nation for a short while.)

The real question is why do you need enemies to provide an official declaration of war to see that they are trying to kill you?

I guess as long as no soveriegn state tells us we are at war they can kill us all they want and you guys wont do a darn thing.
I reluctantly voted for Kerry because the republican option was - and remains - a total moron who has succeeded in only one thing: driving the bus over the cliff and straight towards hell.

So you voted for the man who told the nation he was going to speed the bus up?
3. when was the last time you were in Europe? While in Rome in March, my wife and I both wore "I didn't vote for Bush" buttons and received standing ovations in nearly every restaurant we dined in. I couldn't BUY a drink. My boss was on a business trip to Spain in the spring and reported similar widespread anti-American sentiment. My best friend went to Paris last fall: same thing.

Thats the problem with you liberals. You guys care more about how you look to others than doing whats right. You guys spend time focusing on appearance rather than substance.

Being liked by everyone is easy, just have no standards. Give into everything they want. But the second things get tough and you will be standing all alone.
no one had better ever insult America in my presence. I am, and have always been more patriotic than most folks. Our president, however,is not a symbol of America (nor is he my BROTHER)...he is a man reelected by a thin majority of voters after having been elected by a thin minority of voters the first time. I love my country, but that sure as hell does not mean that I have to love the moron some of you voted for. In fact, his presence in the oval office profoundly embarrasses me.

I hope you are embarassed for the next 8 years then cause following your policies will destroy this nation.
George Bush is not "my country". He's an elected representative, who I am free to criticize where ever and when ever I want.

The old Soviet Union used to prohibit their citizens from criticizing Dear Leader, when they went abroad. In fact, they had KBG agents follow them around, to make sure they didn't. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?

I hear Brit friends here criticize Tony Blair all the time. That makes me think they don't like Tony Blair and/or his policies. It doesn't make me think they hate their motherland, England

Adults understand the distinction.

sophistry at its finest "Im smarter than you! you are dumb! Therefore you're wrong!"
Didn't have the stomach for a fight.. I didn't know we pulled out of Vietnam as soon as Americans started being shipped home in bags.

At least the fallen soldiers got bags and respectable burials. The people murdered in South east asia because of the Democrat betrayal of allies werent given the same respect.

History repeats itself. and yet no one learns a damn thing.
Hey, if you wish to believe that America has never held the moral high ground...if you wish to believe that France sent us the statue of liberty on a whim, if you wish to believer that we did not send the meat of an entire generation to Europe and the pacific to literally save the world, why should I give a shit about disabusing you of that perception?

We certainly are not viewed that way now, so I guess the historical framework really doesn't matter all that fucking much.

we still hold the high ground. But we wont if you keep making us surrender it.
History repeats itself. and yet no one learns a damn thing.

Of course history repeats itself, but what lessons do you draw from it?

Should we be more mindful of the Russian or British experiences in Afghanistan? The French in Algeria and southeast Asia? The US in Vietnam and Korea? None of these seems an exact parallel.
we still hold the high ground. But we wont if you keep making us surrender it.

to claim that America's invading conquering and occupying another country who did not attack us was done from the moral high ground position is repugnant.

I have NEVER suggested we "surrender" anything. I KNOW who our real enemies are...obviously YOU do NOT. I have urged all along that we take strong aggressive action against our real enemies and let the Iraqis alone.

Pan-arabist, secular ba'athists did not fly airplanes into our buildings.

After that attack, any efforts that were aimed at anyone other than the folks who flew the airplanes into our buildings were misspent... and that has been proven by our own government's admission that the folks who attacked us are just as strong today as they were on 9/11. And in those five years, we have suffered 31K dead and wounded American soldiers, flushed a half a trillion dollars down the toilet, and are not one bit safer than we were then. Nice job, George.

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