Proof that the Catholic Church is the one true church and all others are pretenders...

Secondly, the official church position on genocide is that it is wrong, but they did not publically condemn it when the Nazis held power in Europe, nor are they really saying much about the current genocide of the unborn which in the US, to date, has been some 50 million.

Instead, we are given a Left wing Pope who gives sermons on the evils of building walls instead, something Nehemiah was told to do by God in the Bible.

As for the child molestation issues, the Catholics have either played politics by protecting their own and/or have put too much faith in the repentance of such priests making things right again. Either way, this has been a death blow to public respect for the entire organization.
Think for a moment. Catholics both now during the time of abortion and Catholics then at the time of the Nazi's (my grandparents' time) were well aware of the condemnation of both. If the news media had bothered to give any time and space to this, would things have been different? Note what the news media did give time and space to--while leaving out that that all religions and faiths, as well as all professions, had the exact same problem. It existed at higher rates in families, in schools, in sports, and other organizations but the focus remained only on the church where it has since been shown had one of the lowest rates of abuse in society at large.

Not a problem, as all Catholics agree the incidents in the Church should be zero. Also a well kept secret is that when the Church began making changes to prevent such abuse, it became a model for schools and other organizations.

No human and no human organization is ever perfect, we are just not. However that is no excuse not to aim for perfection. Personally, I believe the current cry for perfection should be directed at our news organizations. Their performances, as a whole, are pitiful.

The link fails to note that the Catholic church has saved the lives of millions of defenseless innocent humans by affirming that abortion is murder.

Nor does it mention the terrible loss of lives due to the fact that Catholics go to war rather then showing love for their enemies (Matthew 5:44). Of course, almost all of Christendom is guilty of that.
Why did Martin Luther break from the church? Was his grievance justified in your opinion?
Historically, delve deeper. There was a political faction that used Martin Luther. While researching it can also be noted that some Catholics had some of the same complaints as Martin Luther, but worked within the Church to correct them. Reading on, we find that once further splintering occurred within his own ranks, Martin Luther had second thoughts about his actions. Then, look into some of Martin Luther's personal issues which took root in childhood. I feel great compassion for Martin Luther. What needs to be remembered today is that Martin Luther was not a single-handed reformer. He simply lived in a time where citizens looked at who had the wealth and power (State and Church which were very well joined in those days) and decided (probably rightfully so) that they wanted that wealth and that power in their own hands.

Corporations and government today would be wise to learn from that time. If they dismiss what happened at the time of Martin Luther as one man upending things, we will see history repeating itself all over again.

Without the new technology offered by the Gutenberg Press, it is likely that the movement Luther created would have gone no where.

After the Gutenberg Press, and subsequent education, people began to learn for themselves what the scriptures said, which was a death blow to the worldly political power of the Catholic church, and rightly so. The nasty history generated from ignorance and control left a stain upon Christendom, including ghettos for the Jews, Inquisitions, and Crusades, etc., all in the name of Jesus Christ who never advocated such state or military action. Jesus taught that his kingdom is not of this earth nor could be, otherwise his followers would have taken up arms to free him from the cross.

But such is the case when anyone or anything joins with the tainted political aspirations of sinful man that seeks corrupting power for himself. No other institution has brought more death and slavery to mankind than the state.
Secondly, the official church position on genocide is that it is wrong, but they did not publically condemn it when the Nazis held power in Europe, nor are they really saying much about the current genocide of the unborn which in the US, to date, has been some 50 million.

Instead, we are given a Left wing Pope who gives sermons on the evils of building walls instead, something Nehemiah was told to do by God in the Bible.

As for the child molestation issues, the Catholics have either played politics by protecting their own and/or have put too much faith in the repentance of such priests making things right again. Either way, this has been a death blow to public respect for the entire organization.
Think for a moment. Catholics both now during the time of abortion and Catholics then at the time of the Nazi's (my grandparents' time) were well aware of the condemnation of both. If the news media had bothered to give any time and space to this, would things have been different? Note what the news media did give time and space to--while leaving out that that all religions and faiths, as well as all professions, had the exact same problem. It existed at higher rates in families, in schools, in sports, and other organizations but the focus remained only on the church where it has since been shown had one of the lowest rates of abuse in society at large.

Not a problem, as all Catholics agree the incidents in the Church should be zero. Also a well kept secret is that when the Church began making changes to prevent such abuse, it became a model for schools and other organizations.

No human and no human organization is ever perfect, we are just not. However that is no excuse not to aim for perfection. Personally, I believe the current cry for perfection should be directed at our news organizations. Their performances, as a whole, are pitiful.
I see, so privately Catholics tend to be more conservative while publically trying to be Left wing to protect themselves politically in such a Left wing world?
After the Gutenberg Press, and subsequent education, people began to learn for themselves what the scriptures said, which was a death blow to the worldly political power of the Catholic church, and rightly so. The nasty history generated from ignorance and control left a stain upon Christendom, including ghettos for the Jews, Inquisitions, and Crusades, etc., all in the name of Jesus Christ who never advocated such state or military action. Jesus taught that his kingdom is not of this earth nor could be, otherwise his followers would have taken up arms to free him from the cross.
The Bible was being published in other languages (approved by the Church) before the Gutenberg Press. The positives of the Gutenberg Press is that more legitimate Bibles were available. The negative is that many poor translations were also available.

The positive is that more people could read the Bible. The negative of this is that few bothered to learn the history, culture, and language of Biblical times. Without priests and scholars to teach them of this the types of things people figured out for themselves is that (late 1800s) people would be "raptured" into the sky and that the earth must be about six thousands years old (1600s).

Further, without those with knowledge to explain Old Testament themes, God came across as a bully (resulting in more atheism) and the meanings of the stories were not being learned through those who had a strong Biblical background.

As for the political power of the Church: First of all, that power was still in the hands of the State, and in many instances where the two were joined, the Church softened stances taken by the State. At that time (and utterly foreign to us today) State and Religion were not separated. The religion of the State was the religion of the people. Yet isn't it interesting that today it is the State that makes sure that the Church was the problem, not the political faction which was State. Let the Catholics and Protestants fight about it while the State gathers up that power.....
I see, so privately Catholics tend to be more conservative while publically trying to be Left wing to protect themselves politically in such a Left wing world?
Not what I said. Follow what the media covers versus what is ignored. Being both Catholic and a journalist, it was easy for me to see. At the time of exposing the child abuse in the Catholic Church, the media chose not to cover the greater shock of what was taking place in public schools--where teachers were moved from school to school in far greater numbers than priests were moved from parish to parish.

Even so, by exposing any abuse at all, it did uncover society's best kept dirty secret--most of it taking place among families--and because of it, children are in less danger today than in the 1900s. People are being deliberately blind if they think this was just a Catholic Church problem. It was a societal problem that even had lesser tendrils into the Catholic Church.
After the Gutenberg Press, and subsequent education, people began to learn for themselves what the scriptures said, which was a death blow to the worldly political power of the Catholic church, and rightly so. The nasty history generated from ignorance and control left a stain upon Christendom, including ghettos for the Jews, Inquisitions, and Crusades, etc., all in the name of Jesus Christ who never advocated such state or military action. Jesus taught that his kingdom is not of this earth nor could be, otherwise his followers would have taken up arms to free him from the cross.
The Bible was being published in other languages (approved by the Church) before the Gutenberg Press. The positives of the Gutenberg Press is that more legitimate Bibles were available. The negative is that many poor translations were also available.

The positive is that more people could read the Bible. The negative of this is that few bothered to learn the history, culture, and language of Biblical times. Without priests and scholars to teach them of this the types of things people figured out for themselves is that (late 1800s) people would be "raptured" into the sky and that the earth must be about six thousands years old (1600s).

Further, without those with knowledge to explain Old Testament themes, God came across as a bully (resulting in more atheism) and the meanings of the stories were not being learned through those who had a strong Biblical background.

As for the political power of the Church: First of all, that power was still in the hands of the State, and in many instances where the two were joined, the Church softened stances taken by the State. At that time (and utterly foreign to us today) State and Religion were not separated. The religion of the State was the religion of the people. Yet isn't it interesting that today it is the State that makes sure that the Church was the problem, not the political faction which was State. Let the Catholics and Protestants fight about it while the State gathers up that power.....

Religion has always been associated with the state.

It used to be that man made himself a god to be worshiped as a king, then when that no longer worked the king then said he alone spoke for God, but when that no longer worked man said there was not God, making himself a god once again.

Leftism today is the most successful religion in modern times. As I have shown, it has even infiltrated the church in large part.
sheesh merri, WATTA THREAT-----long long ago---when a movie (or maybe it was a play) was produced
about Martin Luther----a review I read described him
The Catholic Church is the only church that has held the line on artificial forms of birth control.

The Catholic Church is the only church that has held the line on Jesus' teaching that one should not divorce and remarry.

The Catholic Church is the only church that has held the line on women being excluded from the priesthood.

You may disagree with these positions, the whole world may disagree, but the Catholic Church's holding to unpopular positions is proof that the Catholic Church is not a creature of popular opinion but something more powerful and permanent.

The Catholic Church is the only church preserved from error by the Holy Spirit.

All other churches' holding of any doctrine can be changed by a vote of its leadership and/or membership.

Only the Pope can change a Catholic doctrine, but because the Holy Spirit guides him, doctrines that were true yesterday remain true today.
I can see you know nothing about the history of the catholic church,,,
RE: Proof that the Catholic Church is the one true church and all others are pretenders...
⁜→ Mr Clean, et al,

BLUF: Proof Yes,
a self-contradictory statement - that may nevertheless be true, when view individually appears to be valid as independent
arguments, lead to a conclusion that seems contradictory or absurd.

Still waiting for the “proof”.

The question becomes whether or not even asking for proof, is even valid?

Page 845 • American Psychological Association • Dictionary of Psychology said:
proof n. 1. the establishment of a proposition or theory as true, or the method by which it is so established. There is much debate as to whether propositions or theories can ever be truly proven. In logic and philosophy, even a valid argument can be untrue if its first premise is false.

Page 1362 of 1943s • Black's Law Dictionary • 9th Edition said:
proof, n. (l3c) 1. The establishment of refutation of an alleged fact by evidence; the persuasive effect of evidence in the mind of a fact-finder. [Cases: Evidence(;::=-584.] 2. Evidence that determines the judgment of a court. 3. An attested document that constitutes legal
Page 1362 of 1943s • Black's Law Dictionary • 9th Edition said:

And in the book: A First Course in Mathematical Logic and Set Theory, First Edition • Michael L. O’Leary • (© 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2016 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc) you will find a very sterile - a very dry - definition used in the "First-Order Logic." And in changing the language, you will find that the ideas of what is "TRUE or FALSE" can change by changes in notation, what is included, and what is undefinable - or changes to what is rooted in reality.

I suspect that the proof (those based on logic and the tangible) is NOT the same for all people (that derives the truth on a belief based system). But discussed rationally and unemotionally, come to make interesting conversation (without a Hypatia Consequence).


Most Respectfully,

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